OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Well, look, I realize we probably agree on most issues and so before you are done at least understand my point here.

I referenced the monkey thing when mentioning they are doing it a little better than creating a chimera.

However, my point is a lab is in a controlled environment and so the conditions are not the same as nature and the virus therefore will not be subject to the same evolutionary pressures and so will not evolve the same way as it would in a controlled environment. It would be economically useless to create a vaccination for such a variant that would never appear in nature UNLESS there is a way to leak it.
now I understand, and you are probably completely correct. Still, the wording of the article to my mind suggests that they say otherwise. Hopefully there's more material out there to shed some further clarification on it.

If they are scheming to create and release variants of a deadly virus, somebody needs to be locked away for good.
Just look at the facts for yourself. Have no idea what Upenn's establishment seeking buttloads of money from Fauci and the NIH are going to say, well actually know exactly what they'll say but listen to all of the elite scientists whom by their position can speak honestly, and from what I can tell, they all say the same sorts of things I've been saying but much more diplomatically.
Just know that every time I see your posts, this is what I think of:


Another conspiracy theory, right @randman1?
I think it's you guys whitewashing Nazi atrocities, not me. For example, there is a national holiday in Ukraine for this guy, and Zelensky is very big on promoting it.

The commemoration of Ukraine’s top Nazi didn’t go over well in Poland. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki angrily denounced Ukraine’s “continued glorification of (the) Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera . . .”

Banderite mobs roamed like rabid dogs. Poland’s The First News recounts the barbarism:

In the blood frenzy, the Ukrainians tortured their victims with unimaginable bestiality. Victims were scalped. They had their noses, lips and ears cut off. They had their eyes gouged out and hands cut off and they had their heads squashed in clamps. Women had their breasts cut off and pregnant women were stabbed in the belly. Men had their genitals sliced off with sickles.
The 2016 Polish film, “Hatred,” (also titled “Wolyn” or “Volhynia”) is an historically accurate account of the Banderites’ crimes. The movie is shockingly graphic—many scenes are almost impossible to watch. Because of the truth it tells, Ukrainian authorities have banned its showing.

Bandera and the Holocaust in Ukraine

One in every four Jewish victims of the Holocaust—1.5 million people—was murdered in Ukraine. The Germans didn’t build gas chambers to murder Jews in Ukraine—they didn’t need them. The extent of Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis was colossal. More than 250,000 Ukrainians volunteered for Waffen SS and other German military formations. Thousands more served as willing executioners both as auxiliary police in Ukraine and as death camp guards in Poland.

This was the “Holocaust of Bullets.” One and a half million Jews were rounded up and shot to death in fields, forests, and ravines. Banderites played a major role. OUN forces operated overtly on their own, integrated into police units, and served as highly motivated auxiliaries in the Einsatzgruppen, the German mobile extermination units."

I think it's you guys whitewashing Nazi atrocities, not me. For example, there is a national holiday in Ukraine for this guy, and Zelensky is very big on promoting it.

The commemoration of Ukraine’s top Nazi didn’t go over well in Poland. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki angrily denounced Ukraine’s “continued glorification of (the) Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera . . .”

Banderite mobs roamed like rabid dogs. Poland’s The First News recounts the barbarism:

The 2016 Polish film, “Hatred,” (also titled “Wolyn” or “Volhynia”) is an historically accurate account of the Banderites’ crimes. The movie is shockingly graphic—many scenes are almost impossible to watch. Because of the truth it tells, Ukrainian authorities have banned its showing.

Bandera and the Holocaust in Ukraine

One in every four Jewish victims of the Holocaust—1.5 million people—was murdered in Ukraine. The Germans didn’t build gas chambers to murder Jews in Ukraine—they didn’t need them. The extent of Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis was colossal. More than 250,000 Ukrainians volunteered for Waffen SS and other German military formations. Thousands more served as willing executioners both as auxiliary police in Ukraine and as death camp guards in Poland.

This was the “Holocaust of Bullets.” One and a half million Jews were rounded up and shot to death in fields, forests, and ravines. Banderites played a major role. OUN forces operated overtly on their own, integrated into police units, and served as highly motivated auxiliaries in the Einsatzgruppen, the German mobile extermination units."

That was a weird tangent Kent. Also, who is "you guys". Also also, I'm whitewashing Nazi atrocities because Ukrainians celebrate Bandera? How did your odd brain come to that conclusion?
Do I believe all the sources that @randman1 poasts? No. But it would be willing ignorance to dismiss them all. Guaranteed some of what he poasts here is indeed happening/true. But the masters count on people disregarding it. Give it time. Before long, WaPo will reluctantly verify some of it.
That was a weird tangent Kent. Also, who is "you guys". Also also, I'm whitewashing Nazi atrocities because Ukrainians celebrate Bandera? How did your odd brain come to that conclusion?
Not really a tangent for him. He's a big fan of Russia and actually blames Ukraine/US for the "special military operation." You gave him a chance to make Ukraine look bad, so he took it. Personally, if I were him I would have just highlighted Russia's role in defeating the Nazis during WW2. It would have made more sense.
Not really a tangent for him. He's a big fan of Russia and actually blames Ukraine/US for the "special military operation." You gave him a chance to make Ukraine look bad, so he took it. Personally, if I were him I would have just highlighted Russia's role in defeating the Nazis during WW2. It would have made more sense.
Yeah I guess I just underestimated his ability to get from one place to a completely different place...Going from Auschwitz to "Zelensky loves Nazis" in one breath is impressive, even for his expected level of lunacy.
Most black Americans favor photo ID and other voter "restrictions" actually and by a wide margin.
“Democrats and much of the media are pushing to make permanent the extraordinary, pandemic-driven measures to relax voting rules during the 2020 elections – warning anew of racist voter “suppression” otherwise. Yet democracies in Europe and elsewhere tell a different story – of the benefits of stricter voter ID requirements after hard lessons learned. A database on voting rules worldwide compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center, which I run, shows that election integrity measures are widely accepted globally, and have often been adopted by countries after they've experienced fraud under looser voting regimes...Of 47 nations surveyed in Europe -- a place where, on other matters, American progressives often look to with envy -- all but one country requires a government-issued photo voter ID to vote. ”

In addition, mail in ballots are accepted only in extreme cases such as someone being physically unable to get to the polls. Are all these countries racist too?

“A majority of Democrats and non-white voters support requiring voters to present photo identification in order to cast a ballot, according to a Monmouth University Polling Institute survey released on Monday.

The survey asked respondents whether “in general” they “support or oppose requiring voters to show a photo ID in order to vote.” Among respondents, 62 percent of Democrats said they support requiring photo ID, while the number rose to 87 percent among Independents and 91 percent among Republicans.

Additionally, 84 percent of non-white respondents said they supported requiring photo ID, along with 77 percent of white respondents. People with college degrees were less likely to support ID requirements, with 69 percent of respondents with four years of college supporting compared with 85 percent of respondents with no degree.”

So why can’t we get this done? It’s only common sense.

Just know that every time I see your posts, this is what I think of:

I’ve no doubt that you disregard any source that isn’t the NYT, WSJ, CNN, or MSNBC. Heaven forbid you actually read anything that may contradict your preconceived notions.

Another conspiracy theory, right @randman1?
Can you site a post(s) where someone here said the holocaust was a conspiracy theory?
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That was a weird tangent Kent. Also, who is "you guys". Also also, I'm whitewashing Nazi atrocities because Ukrainians celebrate Bandera? How did your odd brain come to that conclusion?

You guys are those on the Left hurling baseless accusations, claims and insinuations. such as the absurd and disgusting suggestion I deny the Holocaust, and yet no doubt you fully support known Nazis and supporters of Nazis because you likely support Ukraine. "You guys" also refers to all the lemmings flying the Ukrainian flag, for example.

And in general, maybe supporting Ukraine is the right thing to do or maybe not, but whitewashing their Nazi-side and Zelensky's anti-democratic rule is nonetheless what is happening.

So if you want to bring up the Holocaust, you yourself are far more likely than someone like me to be a Holocaust supporter since you likely support those that venerate people who actually carried out the Holocaust.
You guys are those on the Left hurling baseless accusations, claims and insinuations. such as the absurd and disgusting suggestion I deny the Holocaust, and yet no doubt you fully support known Nazis and supporters of Nazis because you likely support Ukraine. "You guys" also refers to all the lemmings flying the Ukrainian flag, for example.

And in general, maybe supporting Ukraine is the right thing to do or maybe not, but whitewashing their Nazi-side and Zelensky's anti-democratic rule is nonetheless what is happening.

So if you want to bring up the Holocaust, you yourself are far more likely than someone like me to be a Holocaust supporter since you likely support those that venerate people who actually carried out the Holocaust.
Why do you assume I’m on the left? Because I think you’re a far right nut job?

Surely you don’t have to be a liberal to think that.
Not really a tangent for him. He's a big fan of Russia and actually blames Ukraine/US for the "special military operation." You gave him a chance to make Ukraine look bad, so he took it. Personally, if I were him I would have just highlighted Russia's role in defeating the Nazis during WW2. It would have made more sense.
Except I am not a big fan of Russia. I am a fan of our nation, which is why I detest the Deep State who have turned against the American people.

On the current war, it's worth recognizing propaganda and in reality, we are the ones who pushed for this war and are pushing for it.

I hear Russia is buying up some of the 80 billion in hardware we left for the Taliban, which begs the question as to why we typically fund both sides of wars these days.

We did that with ISIS vs Iran/Syria.

We did that with the Taliban whom we funded and armed the whole time via Pakistan, and now we're helping Russia by hammering our own domestic energy production and conveniently left 80 billion of armaments on their back-door.

Exactly what are we trying to achieve here? Or better said, what does the Deep State want?
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Why do you assume I’m on the left? Because I think you’re a far right nut job?

Surely you don’t have to be a liberal to think that.
Why else would you out of nowhere imply I deny the Holocaust? Generally, only low-life leftists display that kind of grossly immoral intellectual disingenuity.
You guys are those on the Left hurling baseless accusations, claims and insinuations. such as the absurd and disgusting suggestion I deny the Holocaust, and yet no doubt you fully support known Nazis and supporters of Nazis because you likely support Ukraine. "You guys" also refers to all the lemmings flying the Ukrainian flag, for example.

And in general, maybe supporting Ukraine is the right thing to do or maybe not, but whitewashing their Nazi-side and Zelensky's anti-democratic rule is nonetheless what is happening.

So if you want to bring up the Holocaust, you yourself are far more likely than someone like me to be a Holocaust supporter since you likely support those that venerate people who actually carried out the Holocaust.

I actually agree, tangentially, with mashed potato-brain about the Ukraine flag crap. I see that stupid tribal shit everywhere online. People use it like it's a Breast Cancer Ribbon! Ukrainians are just as FOS as everyone else.
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I actually agree, tangentially, with mashed potato-brain about the Ukraine flag crap. I see that stupid tribal shit everywhere online. People use it like it's a Breast Cancer Ribbon! Ukrainians are just as FOS as everyone else.
You'd do better to treat people more informed than you with a modicum of respect.
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Why else would you out of nowhere imply I deny the Holocaust? Generally, only low-life leftists display that kind of grossly immoral intellectual disingenuity.
I'm seriously regretting having tacitly agreed with you above about the Ukrainian flag. Sheezus, you are a full-blown, in-the-high-weeds, first-class-on-the-crazy-train loony.
You'd do better to treat people more informed than you with a modicum of respect.
Hey! How about you suck a fart outta my ass, huh? When you start following your own advice, you can offer some of it to me. Whattya say? Deal?
Do I believe all the sources that @randman1 poasts? No. But it would be willing ignorance to dismiss them all. Guaranteed some of what he poasts here is indeed happening/true. But the masters count on people disregarding it. Give it time. Before long, WaPo will reluctantly verify some of it.
Well as said before his claims are the same as someone blindfolded throwing darts. Eventually he’ll prob hit something then you can jump and down and wet your pants saying “told you so!” But for now he’s 0-for-eternity with his idiotic Qanon drivel.
Except I am not a big fan of Russia. I am a fan of our nation, which is why I detest the Deep State who have turned against the American people.

On the current war, it's worth recognizing propaganda and in reality, we are the ones who pushed for this war and are pushing for it.

I hear Russia is buying up some of the 80 billion in hardware we left for the Taliban, which begs the question as to why we typically fund both sides of wars these days.

We did that with ISIS vs Iran/Syria.

We did that with the Taliban whom we funded and armed the whole time via Pakistan, and now we're helping Russia by hammering our own domestic energy production and conveniently left 80 billion of armaments on their back-door.

Exactly what are we trying to achieve here? Or better said, what does the Deep State want?
Life hack: once “deep state” is mentioned there’s no need to read further. The author is a deranged lunatic
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Well as said before his claims are the same as someone blindfolded throwing darts. Eventually he’ll prob hit something then you can jump and down and wet your pants saying “told you so!” But for now he’s 0-for-eternity with his idiotic Qanon drivel.
There isn't one single claim I have made you can factually refute. Not one.
All you can do is mock as if you know something when in reality, you do not because you cannot answer factually to a single claim I have made, can you?
There isn't one single claim I have made you can factually refute. Not one.
All you can do is mock as if you know something when in reality, you do not because you cannot answer factually to a single claim I have made, can you?
there's a lot of that here. Empty snark and mockery based on nothing substantial and factual, just spitball-throwing from the position opposite yours. Chimps throwing poop.

Just wait, one of them will pipe up and say sarcastically 'well what about you?'.
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Well as said before his claims are the same as someone blindfolded throwing darts. Eventually he’ll prob hit something then you can jump and down and wet your pants saying “told you so!” But for now he’s 0-for-eternity with his idiotic Qanon drivel.

I love @randman1 "s poasts mostly because of how much it bothers some of y'all. Honestly, I don't even read most of them.
There isn't one single claim I have made you can factually refute. Not one.
All you can do is mock as if you know something when in reality, you do not because you cannot answer factually to a single claim I have made, can you?
Your contributions amount to "I saw a cow jump over the moon! I saw it! Prove me wrong!"

You never prove anything. You throw-out baseless conspiracy shit that you believe is "facts" or "data." You believe it. Nothing has been proven, so nothing can disprove it. It's just crap that you believe. But, it's not enough for you to just believe it. You need others to believe it with you to confirm the illusion of "proof." So, you spam the boards with one hoax source after another.
there's a lot of that here. Empty snark and mockery based on nothing substantial and factual, just spitball-throwing from the position opposite yours. Chimps throwing poop.

Just wait, one of them will pipe up and say sarcastically 'well what about you?'.
Well what about you?

Just wanted to help you get one right. You're welcome.

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