I live for the pissing matches. An honest pissing match is actually an admirable and enjoyable thing. But the annoyance comes when it's all piss and all mudslinging with no factual substance or logic presented at all. Spitballs and bitchbites. You should have noticed that I at least attempt to supply some facts or a link to back my contentions up. Other times it's more personal just because any valid argument between myself and another poster has devolved due to my always being right. A lot of people can't handle that sort of superiority.Well there’s plenty of panties getting in a wad to go around for errrrrrbody. You share my disdain for people ignoring or denying the science of the climate. I can attribute an issue to most everyone in here that triggers them. For me it’s lying about Covid. I’ve seen you in your share of pissing matches. No judgement, just an observation
You and I were going that way some time ago, but happily, I found a lot to respect about your approach and I would love to keep it that way. That's why I repeat that the post that bristled you wasn't specifically about you....and TBH, I purposely worded it so you wouldn't think that it was.