OOTB's Political Thread . ..

What cover-up? Apparently Bannon and co have copies of the whole drive. Rupert Murdoch could easily put the entire thing twitter.
You didn't hear all the liars in the media and the democrats insist it was Russian disinformation?

Yeah, there is a cover-up and everyone knows who want to know that the laptop proves the Bidens are a crime family but if the DOJ and FBI protect them, what can anyone do?

So now we see the DOJ and FBI are criminal enterprises as well.
Maybe you don't, but there are a TON of posters on here who LOVE to talk about how weak this country looks with Biden at the helm.
He's a doddering old fool. Of course we look weak.
So coercing female employees to have sex with you or engage in sexual activities is not a concern for the MeToo movement?

You are correct. It's just political.
Yeah, I mean why would they be concerned about that?
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You didn't hear all the liars in the media and the democrats insist it was Russian disinformation?
They all admitted they were wrong. Initially they were simply quiet and hands-off, we learned eventually that we because it looked extremely likely that it was misinfo/disinfo largely because Bannon and Guo contorted and distorted information they cited as as part of the laptop.
Yeah, there is a cover-up and everyone knows who want to know that the laptop proves the Bidens are a crime family but if the DOJ and FBI protect them, what can anyone do?

So now we see the DOJ and FBI are criminal enterprises as well.
Whoops, forgot to stop ignoring you cuz you're a nutjob. Have a great day!
They all admitted they were wrong. Initially they were simply quiet and hands-off, we learned eventually that we because it looked extremely likely that it was misinfo/disinfo largely because Bannon and Guo contorted and distorted information they cited as as part of the laptop.

Whoops, forgot to stop ignoring you cuz you're a nutjob. Have a great day!
Why do you soil your integrity?

No, it never looked like it was likely disinformation. In fact, only someone brainwashed, or extremely ignorant and naive, or just stupid would have thought that.

And no one distorted anything as you claim. Hunter's partner showed up with emails, financial records, receipts, etc, cooroborate the part he was aware of publicly including identifying Joe Biden as the Big Guy. Hunter was the bag and point man but Joe ran the operations.
yep, that's what trying to get you to accept the truth is like.
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They all admitted they were wrong. Initially they were simply quiet and hands-off, we learned eventually that we because it looked extremely likely that it was misinfo/disinfo largely because Bannon and Guo contorted and distorted information they cited as as part of the laptop.

Whoops, forgot to stop ignoring you cuz you're a nutjob. Have a great day!
Bullsh!t. The FBI knew isn't wasn't Russian crap, they had the laptop but they conspired with twitter to say otherwise. I guess you're unaware of the twitter files that have been released.
They all admitted they were wrong. Initially they were simply quiet and hands-off, we learned eventually that we because it looked extremely likely that it was misinfo/disinfo largely because Bannon and Guo contorted and distorted information they cited as as part of the laptop.
wait, are you actually contending that what was on the laptop was mischaracterized as Russian disinformation because of anything that Bannon or Gua might have said or done? Exactly how does our FBI operate? Now I really am concerned.
I never said Trump won the election.
How many people claim the other guy cheated and lost? Go back and review these comments you've previously made -- in their proper context -- and it is obvious you have been an election denier since day one.
One can fully support the right of any individual to vote while fairly challenging the rules that govern how that vote is cast; particularly if those rules lend themselves to wholesale cheating.
trying to wreck a flawed process is not a bad thing unless you're on the side that benefits. Know what I mean?
Trump and at least half the country don't trust the results.
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How many people claim the other guy cheated and lost? Go back and review these comments you've previously made -- in their proper context -- and it is obvious you have been an election denier since day one.

twist and take out of context all you want, shameless this point it's like your trademark.

I don't need to go back just to counter your lying ass. You can not produce a quote of mine saying that Trump won the election. In fact, I have stated that he did NOT win the election. As it was conducted, Biden clearly had more popular and electoral votes and I've never said otherwise.

What I have said, and what I stand by, is that the election which Biden won was bogus as conducted. Your inherent inability to posit anything without prevarication makes me sick on my stomach.
wait, are you actually contending that what was on the laptop was mischaracterized as Russian disinformation because of anything that Bannon or Gua might have said or done? Exactly how does our FBI operate? Now I really am concerned.
The FBI is totally corrupt, it seems. They actually informed the DNI that they confirmed the laptop was NOT Russian disinformation and yet at the same time demanded Twitter and the media all say it was.

Incredibly, the lemmings still think the mainstream media isn't fake news, and that we're the crazies for pointing out the corruption.
I don't need to go back just to counter your lying ass.
You don't need to or you don't want to for fear of what you might find? Your battle cry is always declaring the other guy a liar. You call me a liar, you call strum a liar, you've called blazers and who else a liar. Yeah, we're all liars, but only when we're telling you things you don't want to hear.

And that is in part what makes YOU a liar. As recently as ten days ago, you were claiming Trump held back being honest with the American people over COVID-19 because he didn't want panic in the streets. No one believes that crap. We all know he did it for selfish, political reasons.

You simply can't stand being wrong and having someone here getting the best of you. You cannot admit when you're wrong. But hey, that's what makes you -- along with @randman1 -- the two biggest clowns in this circus. And what's a circus without a couple of clowns?
You don't need to or you don't want to for fear of what you might find? Your battle cry is always declaring the other guy a liar. You call me a liar, you call strum a liar, you've called blazers and who else a liar. Yeah, we're all liars, but only when we're telling you things you don't want to hear.

And that is in part what makes YOU a liar. As recently as ten days ago, you were claiming Trump held back being honest with the American people over COVID-19 because he didn't want panic in the streets. No one believes that crap. We all know he did it for selfish, political reasons.

You simply can't stand being wrong and having someone here getting the best of you. You cannot admit when you're wrong. But hey, that's what makes you -- along with @randman1 -- the two biggest clowns in this circus. And what's a circus without a couple of clowns?
"We all know", eh? Sorry but that's just more bull-crap from you. You want to believe Trump is just evil because that's what your thought masters told you.

Now of course, we all knew Hunter's laptop was real and not Russian disinformation; that there were no Russian bots dominating twitter and on and on, and I think you guys know that as well but just prefer to lie openly, proudly and all the time.
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You don't need to or you don't want to for fear of what you might find? Your battle cry is always declaring the other guy a liar. You call me a liar, you call strum a liar, you've called blazers and who else a liar. Yeah, we're all liars, but only when we're telling you things you don't want to hear.

And that is in part what makes YOU a liar. As recently as ten days ago, you were claiming Trump held back being honest with the American people over COVID-19 because he didn't want panic in the streets. No one believes that crap. We all know he did it for selfish, political reasons.

You simply can't stand being wrong and having someone here getting the best of you. You cannot admit when you're wrong. But hey, that's what makes you -- along with @randman1 -- the two biggest clowns in this circus. And what's a circus without a couple of clowns?
if I'm so afraid of what I might find, why don't you find it and produce it? Produce what you maintain that I said, liar. You can't, so you just continue to lie. You're just a lying POS.

I can admit when I'm wrong, and since I have a sense of humor I can joke about it. And all you can do is rant over something that your humorless ass can't comprehend because that's all you have to offer. Being monumentally butthurt and not having a sense of humor about it combined with a propensity to lie makes you the detestable butthole that you are.

FOAD. liar.
You guys and this laptop. Hunter's a sleaze. But we already knew that.

Guys, powerful people don't face the same consequences the rest of us do. Nothing happened to Trump. Nothing will happen to Biden. It's the way it goes.
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You guys and this laptop. Hunter's a sleaze. But we already knew that.

Guys, powerful people don't face the same consequences the rest of us do. Nothing happened to Trump. Nothing will happen to Biden. It's the way it goes.
It reminds me of my stepdad. Old man just turned 88! We thought he was going to die from Covid between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But, he's back finally home watching his MSNBC propaganda. I called him yesterday on his birthday and he says "I think they gone fine-ly get Trump on this deposition thing and pleading the 5th!" I told him, as always, "Charlie, they are not going to 'get Trump' on anything." Being POTUS makes you above the law... period. All these allegations succeed in is making one side hate the other side even more." He's convinced that DJT will be indicted for SOMETHING. I say keep dreaming.
I can admit when I'm wrong, and since I have a sense of humor I can joke about it.
Now THAT'S funny. The angriest person on this message board, even angrier than @gunslingerdick , suddenly claims he has a sense of humor? 🤣 I don't know, it's pretty hard to see it through your dark cloud of complaining and despair.

If we played a hand of poker and I won and yet you insisted I cheated, that's just another way of advocating yourself as the actual winner.
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I called him yesterday on his birthday and he says "I think they gone fine-ly get Trump on this deposition thing and pleading the 5th!" I told him, as always, "Charlie, they are not going to 'get Trump' on anything." Being POTUS makes you above the law... period. All these allegations succeed in is making one side hate the other side even more." He's convinced that DJT will be indicted for SOMETHING.
High five for Charlie!
And no one distorted anything as you claim.
Bannon and Guo admitted they distorted and made up narratives based on the image, including manipulating images. So instead of a legit copy of the files going to legit media (Rupert Murdoch's WSJ even rejected it) a bunch of material tangential to the laptop but grossly distorted by Bannon and Guo was dumped onto the web -- hence the initial distrust.
You guys and this laptop. Hunter's a sleaze. But we already knew that.

Guys, powerful people don't face the same consequences the rest of us do. Nothing happened to Trump. Nothing will happen to Biden. It's the way it goes.
but isn't it imperative that along the way, Biden's character is insinuated into unfathomably deep disrepute the way that Trump's was? I mean, if we're going apples to apples here, let's bake just one pie. Got ice cream?
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but isn't it imperative that along the way, Biden's character is insinuated into unfathomably deep disrepute the way that Trump's was? I mean, if we're going apples to apples here, let's bake just one pie. Got ice cream?

Trump's just way easier to villainize. Not my fault he's a narcissistic prick.
wait, are you actually contending that what was on the laptop was mischaracterized as Russian disinformation because of anything that Bannon or Gua might have said or done? Exactly how does our FBI operate? Now I really am concerned.
I haven't said "Russian disinformation", just disinformation. And there continue to be many questions about the access of that laptop prior to it landing in the hands of the FBI. The copy eventually being given to NBC or one of those had a bunch of folders and files ADDED AFTER the repairman claims he received it. So of course the FBI was skeptical about the contents and anything that might be put into the world.

Remember the FBI didn't give copies of anything to media. Rather it suspected some shady copies or shady distorted snippets were going to be given to media or hit the interwebs (and they were correct given the stuff from Bannon Guo)
You guys and this laptop. Hunter's a sleaze. But we already knew that.

Guys, powerful people don't face the same consequences the rest of us do. Nothing happened to Trump. Nothing will happen to Biden. It's the way it goes.
Is Biden guilty of anything yet other than having a son that likes hookers and blow? Is there even a legit source of smoke pointing to accusations of fire?
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well now, that would depend on one's POV coupled with reality, wouldn't it.

He's abrasive, combative, mean spirited, crude, and almost entirely without any sort of grace. He chose to run as a populist capitalizing on resentment and anger. I have no sympathy for him in that regard.

Now what he actually did policy wise, that's a whole other debate. But in terms of the way he's perceived, that's on him. There's never been a polarizing figure. Not even Nixon.
Bannon/Guo created lies, including images, depicting child sex and made-up lies that "Chinese government had created or obtained the compromising videos and images and used them to blackmail the Bidens."

There is legit info on the laptop involving Chinese business deals involving Hunter (which isn't illegal btw), but Bannon/Guo also fabricated stuff hoping to push undecided voters away from Biden. If their goals were to paint Joe Biden as corrupt, they blew it by trying to paint Joe Biden as bad by association with "vile" son.

There is audio of Bannon admitting to this "editorial creativity" stuff and tons of info detailing instructions from Guo and him about creation of lies.
Now THAT'S funny. The angriest person on this message board, even angrier than @gunslingerdick , suddenly claims he has a sense of humor? 🤣 I don't know, it's pretty hard to see it through your dark cloud of complaining and despair.

If we played a hand of poker and I won and yet you insisted I cheated, that's just another way of advocating yourself as the actual winner.

I can see someone’s obsession is flaring up again. Must be like herpes. It comes and goes but make no mistake, it’s forever.
He's abrasive, combative, mean spirited, crude, and almost entirely without any sort of grace. He chose to run as a populist capitalizing on resentment and anger. I have no sympathy for him in that regard.

Now what he actually did policy wise, that's a whole other debate. But in terms of the way he's perceived, that's on him. There's never been a polarizing figure. Not even Nixon.

This kind of tripe always humors me. As if someone is taking Trump home to meet his mom. I don’t want to date the f*cking guy (although you do you). I want him to make good decisions and make decisions in the best interest of the majority of Americans. If that means he smacks idiot liberals upside the head with his crude, mean-spirited demeanor, then God bless him.

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