OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You think you'd see internal memos that say:
"the blind repairman with Hunter's laptop seems legit"
I think you'd see texts that say things like:

Hunter is going to kill Joe's election chances if this gets out.

Keep pushing the lab leak theory as disinformation.

Limit your live shots to actual protestors not doing physical destruction and rioting.
Instead of being so quick to dismiss you should note that these people are far more likely to support the democrat party. People like to paint the repubs as the domineering law keeper (and they can be in certain areas) when in fact the democrats are much more authoritarian in their policies imo.

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Instead of being so quick to dismiss you should note that these people are far more likely to support the democrat party. People like to paint the repubs as the domineering law keeper (and they can be in certain areas) when in fact the democrats are much more authoritarian in their policies imo.

Depends on the circumstances, in my opinion.

People supporting authoritarianism depends on culture, economic stability, and the political climate.
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Instead of being so quick to dismiss you should note that these people are far more likely to support the democrat party. People like to paint the repubs as the domineering law keeper (and they can be in certain areas) when in fact the democrats are much more authoritarian in their policies imo.
before you jump to conclusions, you should note that nowhere was I making this political and I will posit that I had no such intention.

My comment was just what it says and only what it says. I have disdain for this kind of speculative psychological crap. I can't rule out that the theory was subjectively derived, and I believe that most similar psych theories are.

Additionally, I have long ago realized that the dems are the controllers and the dominators and the authoritarians. Most of us on the right have. WTF do you think we're complaining about?

And I wasn't intending to diss @blazers for putting it up. He only said it was interesting and I don't dispute that.
What's the matter, blue, did the article hit too close to home for you? Did the author hit a nerve with all the references to poverty, shame, and submission to authority?
it's impossible to express how ignorant and butthurt you actually are. Were you exhibiting these traits before you contracted TDS and BDS?
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Are you so deep in the agenda, the TDS, and the defend your peeps at all costs that you can't even see a simple point?

Give me the examples and show me where we have had the benefit of seeing the personal, behind the scene texts and communications of those listed. Defend "CNN or NBC, etc" all you want, because that's what you do, but even you would likely see an entirely different story if we got to see the rest of the story versus what they put out on the airwaves and internet. Indeed, I think we'd not only see the existence of differing personal opinions from what's pumped out, but we'd actually find a mass effort to jointly communicate certain "messages" because it can't just be simple coincidence that every story and issue seem to always have the same phrases and language used to describe them.
it's hilarious that 'they' take some scant sampling of Fox behiond-the-scenes communications and try to exploit them, while failing to consider that the only difference between Fox and the liberal outlets is exposure. And if the lib outlets did have their innards similarly exposed, you'd be lucky to hear a peep about it....because the reporting of it wouldn't be tied to an anti-Trump agenda.
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before you jump to conclusions, you should note that nowhere was I making this political and I will posit that I had no such intention.

My comment was just what it says and only what it says. I have disdain for this kind of speculative psychological crap. I can't rule out that the theory was subjectively derived, and I believe that most similar psych theories are.

Additionally, I have long ago realized that the dems are the controllers and the dominators and the authoritarians. Most of us on the right have. WTF do you think we're complaining about?

And I wasn't intending to diss @blazers for putting it up. He only said it was interesting and I don't dispute that.
LOL... I love how you have such an in-depth perspective after admitting you only read the first paragraph! You don't know WTF you're talking about because you don't even know WTF the theory even is, exactly. But, make no mistake, everything is "the left" coming after all that you hold sacred... which isn't much because you've barely allowed yourself to understand anything beyond your own opinion which is based on... emotion.
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it's impossible to express how ignorant and butthurt you actually are. Were you exhibiting these traits before you contracted TDS and BDS?
I just find it hilarious that the angriest man on this message board gets so indignant over a completely innocuous article someone shared.
LOL... I love how you have such an in-depth perspective after admitting you only read the first paragraph! You don't know WTF you're talking about because you don't even know WTF the theory even is, exactly. But, make no mistake, everything is "the left" coming after all that you hold sacred... which isn't much because you've barely allowed yourself to understand anything beyond your own opinion which is based on... emotion.

I find it funny that the far right constantly tries to constantly paint themselves as 'victims' when it's all just a ruse. The strongest, most vocal anti-democratic factions in this country are almost universally far right and going on moral crusades in red areas under the guise of 'freedom', which is this country's achilles heel as well as its greatest strength.

It's easy to detect authoritarianism in another country but far more difficult to spot in your own. If this country were to have a fascist government, it would be a theocratic, Christian one (not unlike the fundamentalist Islamist cleric regime in Iran) waving the banner of freedom while really using it as a hammer against the nail of undesirables.
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I find it funny that the far right constantly tries to constantly paint themselves as 'victims' when it's all just a ruse. The strongest, most vocal anti-democratic factions in this country are almost universally far right and going on moral crusades in red areas under the guise of 'freedom', which is this country's achilles heel as well as its greatest strength.

It's easy to detect authoritarianism in another country but far more difficult to spot in your own. If this country were to have a fascist government, it would be a theocratic, Christian one (not unlike the fundamentalist Islamist cleric regime in Iran) waving the banner of freedom while really using it as a hammer against the nail of undesirables.
The extreme left and extreme right are always ruining it for the vast majority. The entertainment, posing as "news", profit from it all- seeing how much fear they can sell.

Woke is nuts and MAGA is nuts. What's really dangerous is how far the politicians will go in selling themselves to cater to their radical factions of their respective "sides." Tribalism will be the species epitaph.
The extreme left and extreme right are always ruining it for the vast majority. The entertainment, posing as "news", profit from it all- seeing how much fear they can sell.

Woke is nuts and MAGA is nuts. What's really dangerous is how far the politicians will go in selling themselves to cater to their radical factions of their respective "sides." Tribalism will be the species epitaph.

Agreed, they're both nuts. And both uniquely counter productive in their own way. It's not just ideology but the mentality driving the ideology.
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I find it funny that the far right constantly tries to constantly paint themselves as 'victims' when it's all just a ruse.
But they are victims, at least according to Marjorie Taylor Greene who now wants "safe spaces" for her and her fellow tormented conservatives.

You can read about it here, and the the first eight minutes of the video at the bottom of the page is well worth watching:
Jimmy Kimmel Monologue
But they are victims, at least according to Marjorie Taylor Greene who now wants "safe spaces" for her and her fellow tormented conservatives.

You can read about it here, and the the first eight minutes of the video at the bottom of the page is well worth watching:
Jimmy Kimmel Monologue
The people who decided it was a good idea to harass her and her companions in the restaurant are what I was referring to about the extremes making things worse. MTG is a prime example of extreme. But, trying to "out-extreme" her, in public, is just going to make her MORE extreme. It just makes things worse.
The extreme left and extreme right are always ruining it for the vast majority.

One of those groups is growing exponentially. The other is a small faction that's largely remained the same for the past 100 years. I'll let you guess. You don't have to reply and let me know which is which. I already know. And you do too.
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The strongest, most vocal anti-democratic factions in this country are almost universally far right and going on moral crusades in red areas under the guise of 'freedom', which is this country's achilles heel as well as its greatest strength.
This particular detail is not what I see. I see extreme left people become just as dangerous, or potentially dangerous. They engage in a lot of censorship, or trying to dictate what people should say/think or be seen as a monster if they don't. It could be argued that it is a well-intentioned desire, but you could say the same for any extreme. They always believe that what they're doing is the "right thing to do."

They will often claim that their goal is to encourage a more inclusive and diverse society and culture. That's great! But, be careful how far you think you need to, or have to, go. Not all members of so-called minorities are incapable of defending themselves, or improving their lives, or any other daily aspiration. When a society starts lumping everyone into some "group" that has been defined based on a perception, and then assuming that all of those that might be in that group are having an identical experience, it might have some serious negative consequences.
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But they are victims, at least according to Marjorie Taylor Greene who now wants "safe spaces" for her and her fellow tormented conservatives.

You can read about it here, and the the first eight minutes of the video at the bottom of the page is well worth watching:
Jimmy Kimmel Monologue

Wait...are safe spaces only for blacks to discuss their faux victimhood based on the myth of systemic racism?

Or are safe spaces only for individuals that have mental disorders and want to sit around and cry victim because many people don't want to have a part in their fantasy?

I think if we can allow those, then why not for MTG? Or any loon that wants to have a safe space? In fact, the more I think about it, I think we all should divide ourselves up and all go the safe space of our choosing.
LOL... I love how you have such an in-depth perspective after admitting you only read the first paragraph! You don't know WTF you're talking about because you don't even know WTF the theory even is, exactly. But, make no mistake, everything is "the left" coming after all that you hold sacred... which isn't much because you've barely allowed yourself to understand anything beyond your own opinion which is based on... emotion.
I so deeply respect the opinion of the board knucklehead. Thank you.

I never tried to convey that my perspective here was in-depth. Try paying attention before spouting off with your murky mentality. You have no clue what I base my opinions on, and you have no clue on what basis I dismiss the unhelpful and downright worthless...with the exception of your drivel, which you have thoroughly demonstrated to all concerned to be wacked-out Alice in Wonderland dreck. That's why you're so quick to find fault with my posts. You are butthurt because I have very often dismissed yours for the useless shit that they are.
I just find it hilarious that the angriest man on this message board gets so indignant over a completely innocuous article someone shared.
lol, I find it hilarious that your butthurt ass has to imagine me to be angry just to give you something to flap your gums about.
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This particular detail is not what I see. I see extreme left people become just as dangerous, or potentially dangerous. They engage in a lot of censorship, or trying to dictate what people should say/think or be seen as a monster if they don't. It could be argued that it is a well-intentioned desire, but you could say the same for any extreme. They always believe that what they're doing is the "right thing to do."

They will often claim that their goal is to encourage a more inclusive and diverse society and culture. That's great! But, be careful how far you think you need to, or have to, go. Not all members of so-called minorities are incapable of defending themselves, or improving their lives, or any other daily aspiration. When a society starts lumping everyone into some "group" that has been defined based on a perception, and then assuming that all of those that might be in that group are having an identical experience, it might have some serious negative consequences.

I should clarify to say the most political anti-democratic elements are mostly on the far right. Some of the most extreme cultural authoritarian mindsets are on the far left. I think one of the worst things to emerge from the progressive school of thought in the past 10 years is the idea of deplatforming or forcing artificial apologies for minor ‘slights’ by people in Hollywood, politics, and business. And I don’t mean rape, sexual assault, or genuinely racist things. Just off color remarks or jokes. There is such a preoccupation with diversity and inclusion, that the value of diversity becomes lost. It becomes part of an ideological purity test instead of what I refer to as healthy pluralism. Hell, it becomes dare I say, religious in its zealotry.
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I so deeply respect the opinion of the board knucklehead. Thank you.

I never tried to convey that my perspective here was in-depth. Try paying attention before spouting off with your murky mentality. You have no clue what I base my opinions on, and you have no clue on what basis I dismiss the unhelpful and downright worthless...with the exception of your drivel, which you have thoroughly demonstrated to all concerned to be wacked-out Alice in Wonderland dreck. That's why you're so quick to find fault with my posts. You are butthurt because I have very often dismissed yours for the useless shit that they are.
blah blah blah, stfu
I should clarify to say the most political anti-democratic elements are mostly on the far right. Some of the most extreme cultural authoritarian mindsets are on the far left. I think one of the worst things to emerge from the progressive school of thought in the past 10 years is the idea of deplatforming or forcing artificial apologies for minor ‘slights’ by people in Hollywood, politics, and business. And I don’t mean rape, sexual assault, or genuinely racist things. Just off color remarks or jokes. There is such a preoccupation with diversity and inclusion, that the value of diversity becomes lost. It becomes part of an ideological purity test instead of what I refer to as healthy pluralism. Hell, it becomes dare I say, religious in its zealotry.
"Canceling" has sort of a fascist vibe to it, to me. And, when these extreme behaviors become accepted and EXPECTED, that's when the tribalism thing shows up again because these geniuses who have chosen to declare themselves as being Liberal or Conservative are now forced to defend the stupid shit that the extremes choose to do. Then, the "What about your side???" makes an appearance. And, the whole situation gets worse.
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I find it funny that the far right constantly tries to constantly paint themselves as 'victims' when it's all just a ruse. The strongest, most vocal anti-democratic factions in this country are almost universally far right and going on moral crusades in red areas under the guise of 'freedom', which is this country's achilles heel as well as its greatest strength.

It's easy to detect authoritarianism in another country but far more difficult to spot in your own. If this country were to have a fascist government, it would be a theocratic, Christian one (not unlike the fundamentalist Islamist cleric regime in Iran) waving the banner of freedom while really using it as a hammer against the nail of undesirables.
your problem is you equate 'democratic' with 'free'. You don't understand that democracy tends toward the tyrannical, that is, the tyranny of the majority. That's why the form of democracy we employ is a republic, and it's a republic in order to preserve and enhance individual freedom. So when you say the right is anti-democratic, you don't understand that that is a good thing.

If you've kept up this far, think 'republican' vs. 'democrat'. You take the intentions of a relatively few people and wrongly attribute those intentions to the entire republican party or rightist faction of the country. The majority of rightists reject those exremes. On the other hand, the extremists of the left are supported by the dem party.

If the left had its way, we'd BY LAW have to address the gender-confused by whatever idiot term du jour they made up on the spot, and we'd have to allow the crushing of a baby's skull at the point of birth. We would have to allow children to attend sexually disorienting entertainment and study. We'd have to share our country with millions of illegal immigrants. Etc., etc.

In other words, the freedom to control one's own environment within limits would have to give way to an unlimited control of everyone's environment. Commies.

You in particular harp on those who don't accept your whatever-it-is-you-call-it. You're too wrapped up in you that you can't see that freeedom is not having to accept it, but at a minimum tolerating your legal protections and freedoms.

So much for your democracy not being the controlling, authoritarian, tyrannical kind. In other words it's, you know...the FASCIST kind.
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If the left had its way, we'd BY LAW have to address the gender-confused by whatever idiot term du jour they made up on the spot, and we'd have to allow the crushing of a baby's skull at the point of birth. We would have to allow children to attend sexually disorienting entertainment and study. We'd have to share our country with millions of illegal immigrants. Etc., etc.

This sounds like a Tucker Carlson rant. Because it's pure gnashing about things that are either not true or not actual threats to the country and serve no purpose than to stir hatred and ignorance.
your problem is you equate 'democratic' with 'free'. You don't understand that democracy tends toward the tyrannical, that is, the tyranny of the majority. That's why the form of democracy we employ is a republic, and it's a republic in order to preserve and enhance individual freedom. So when you say the right is anti-democratic, you don't understand that that is a good thing.

No, it's not. Plain and simple. Tryanny of the majority is a complete horseshit conservative political concept used as a way to promote the idea that we must save the country from the bogeyman of the 'majority' when in fact it is to protect the true tyranny of the minority- a motley crew of the cynical, vicious, uber religious, or a combination thereof to protect their 'right' to continue discriminatory practices. 'States rights', 'small government', etc. it's all a bunch of hooey.

Now, I'm not disputing that the Founders set up the system to limit the power of the masses, I simply think it needs to change. Any system can be abused. Just like ours is right now.

You in particular harp on those who don't accept your whatever-it-is-you-call-it. You're too wrapped up in you that you can't see that freeedom is not having to accept it, but at a minimum tolerating your legal protections and freedoms.

It's called being transgender, you idiot. I harp on people seeking to legally end my existence, prevent me from medically transitioning by punishing doctors and deincentivizing insurance companies from covering said transition, make it illegal to change my driver's license or birth certificate, and potentially arrest me for wearing feminine clothing in public.

Those are the kinds of things going being suggested and proposed (and passed in one state) from far right commentators and even state politicians, including one Terry Schilling from the American Principles Project who wants to make it 'impossible' in his own words for any adult to transition.

So spare me about this being about freedom. I don't have any control over what you accept or don't accept. But don't pretend to care about my legal protections or that of any other LGBT person.
It’s actually called having a mental disorder. I hope those suffering from such can eventually get the therapy they need. But most won’t because we have loons validating it; even incentivizing it, which is pretty fu*kin demented.

What have we become?
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It’s actually called having a mental disorder. I hope those suffering from such can eventually get the therapy they need. But most won’t because we have loons validating it; even incentivizing it, which is pretty fu*kin demented.

What have we become?

F**k you, asshole.

Your attitude and your willful ignorance is the true disorder here.
I wonder if Dahm comes back... I love watching two people wrestle with something that so many people believe is an objective truth/fact/reality. I will say that I didn't realize that guns are the highest cause of death in children in the USA. It's called "accidents/unintentional injuries." I thought it was having drag queens read them stories!

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This sounds like a Tucker Carlson rant. Because it's pure gnashing about things that are either not true or not actual threats to the country and serve no purpose than to stir hatred and ignorance.
so you dismiss TC out of hand just because you're on the other side of the left/right divide. The things you say are not true, and not threats, ARE very possible. You simply choose to pretend otherwise. You are as one-sided as one-sided gets. Every thing I alluded to in my post is on display in yours...but you are blind to that because that's how your mind works.

For example you conveniently avoid that thing you say I harp on, the massive invasion of our border by illegal immigrants. You also choose to ignore the fact that a bill was presented and almost passed that would have allowed abortion at the point of birth...unrestricted abortion. Etc., etc.

And as I pointed out, you take isolated people and things and represent them as typifying the right. And you exaggerate a threat to your choice of and practice of gender, and it isn't even remotely true that such a threat exists. What IS true is that many like me don't want sexual incongruity to become the norm through constant promotion. You'll of course be in denial over that as well, saying you are afraid that gangs of right wing hooligans are waiting just outside your door with a rope with a noose.

You are in danger danger of becoming the joke that some think you are.

But don't pretend to care about my legal protections or that of any other LGBT person.
you are one stupid, delusional SOB. You will not find an individual more in favor of protecting your individual rights as a citizen than me, regardless of what you are. And you know that. Maybe stop being an asshole making dickhead assertions just because we don't agree.

It's called being transgender, you idiot.
I'm not going to type out 'being transgender, you idiot' when I address you or refer to your condition. How about just 'you idiot'? Seems to suit you more and more.
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I'm not going to type out 'being transgender, you idiot'

You type more than 3 or 4 others combined. When have you ever held back when it came to drawn-out, bloated. boring af contributions? What's two more words for you? And, unless I misread... you definitely did type that out.
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so you dismiss TC out of hand just because you're on the other side of the left/right divide. The things you say are not true, and not threats, ARE very possible. You simply choose to pretend otherwise. You are as one-sided as one-sided gets. Every thing I alluded to in my post is on display in yours...but you are blind to that because that's how your mind works.

I dismiss TC because I recognize him for what he is: a shameless, craven, two bit liar who goes on national TV to deliberately sow discord by twisting facts and spreading misinformation. In no way am I anti-conservative when it comes to who I read or listen to. But he's a grifter. And he doesn't make any viewpoint in good faith or in the name of rational discourse.

And as I pointed out, you take isolated people and things and represent them as typifying the right.

I could just as easily say the exact same thing about you when it comes to the left. This is nothing more than the usual back and forth, which is tiring.

What IS true is that many like me don't want sexual incongruity to become the norm through constant promotion. You'll of course be in denial over that as well, saying you are afraid that gangs of right wing hooligans are waiting just outside your door with a rope with a noose.

I have no idea how one 'promotes' being gay or transgender. It's not a common cold. It's not lifestyle a choice. You don't catch it from someone else. You don't just decide to be LGBT. This is your own projection at play. Which leads me to my next point.

you are one stupid, delusional SOB. You will not find an individual more in favor of protecting your individual rights as a citizen than me, regardless of what you are. And you know that. Maybe stop being an asshole making dickhead assertions just because we don't agree.

We disagree on many things and I don't hold that against you. This is not about disagreement in politics. This is about you fundamentally misunderstanding a topic you don't know anything about and as a result you don't recognize when the individual rights of people like me are being attacked. Don't preach to me about denial.

I'm not going to type out 'being transgender, you idiot' when I address you or refer to your condition. How about just 'you idiot'? Seems to suit you more and more.

You caught me in a rather bad mood given what's going on in certain legislatures at the moment. That's all I have to say.
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You type more than 3 or 4 others combined. When have you ever held back when it came to drawn-out, bloated. boring af contributions? What's two more words for you? And, unless I misread... you definitely did type that out.
lol, no wonder you spend so much time with Tweedledee and Tweedledumber. You're on the same level with them.

Learn to read and then get a sense of humor. I was joking, you idiot. Could you possibly be more of a clueless tool?

In case you still don't get it, try to grasp that him saying 'being transgender, you idiot' is not what CB34 is saying that she is and it makes no sense that he would say that in reference to herself. She was only saying he was transgender. So I pulled his leg by including the 'you idiot' part which was actually directed at me. Get it? Didn't think so.

And I'm ribbing her again a little. Bet you missed that too.

The best part of this is that you have no clue of the irony of your little rant. LMAO.
I dismiss TC because I recognize him for what he is: a shameless, craven, two bit liar who goes on national TV to deliberately sow discord by twisting facts and spreading misinformation. In no way am I anti-conservative when it comes to who I read or listen to. But he's a grifter. And he doesn't make any viewpoint in good faith or in the name of rational discourse.
you're off your rocker here with hate. Too bad you can't see that, as plain as it is to see.

I have no idea how one 'promotes' being gay or transgender. It's not a common cold. It's not lifestyle a choice. You don't catch it from someone else. You don't just decide to be LGBT. This is your own projection at play. Which leads me to my next point.
I don't care how you came to be what you are, and I haven't said anything about you choosing to be that. But you do want to promote transgenderosity, I assume because that makes you feel less alone. We've talked about this and it's just one of those things you're in deep denial of. You are an individual, not part of some group that deserves special recognition. As an individual, I respect your rights. As part of some group, I don't even recognize you.

We disagree on many things and I don't hold that against you. This is not about disagreement in politics. This is about you fundamentally misunderstanding a topic you don't know anything about and as a result you don't recognize when the individual rights of people like me are being attacked. Don't preach to me about denial.

Your rights are not being attacked. You have no rights as a transgender, no matter how much you insist that you do. You have the same rights as any other citizen of any stripe has.

I don't need to understand a damn thing about you in order to treat you the way I want you to treat me. But that isn't good enough for you, and I suspect you're a tad narcissistic.

The problem is you make everything about you and your desire to be accepted as no different from anyone else. But you are different and I (we) have no obligation to pretend otherwise, any more than we should pretend to not notice that some people have red hair or twelve toes. We have an obligation to TREAT you like everyone else acccording to the laws that apply to everyone; and you can create all the imaginary boogeymen you want too, but you can't reasonably expect us to include them in our reality.

But you do.
Learn to read and then get a sense of humor. I was joking, you idiot. Could you possibly be more of a clueless tool?
Yeah, strum, and while you're at it get your GED, man. Geez!
In case you still don't get it, try to grasp that him saying 'being transgender, you idiot' is not what CB34 is saying that she is and it makes no sense that he would say that in reference to herself. She was only saying he was transgender. So I pulled his leg by including the 'you idiot' part which was actually directed at me. Get it? Didn't think so.
Uh-oh, Boy Blunder is having to explain himself again in long-winded format. You know when he does that you have hit a nerve and put his spineless back up against the wall.
Nice work, everybody. 🤣
lol, no wonder you spend so much time with Tweedledee and Tweedledumber. You're on the same level with them.

Learn to read and then get a sense of humor. I was joking, you idiot. Could you possibly be more of a clueless tool?

In case you still don't get it, try to grasp that him saying 'being transgender, you idiot' is not what CB34 is saying that she is and it makes no sense that he would say that in reference to herself. She was only saying he was transgender. So I pulled his leg by including the 'you idiot' part which was actually directed at me. Get it? Didn't think so.

And I'm ribbing her again a little. Bet you missed that too.

The best part of this is that you have no clue of the irony of your little rant. LMAO.
Learn to read AND get a sense of humor? I gotta do all that just to engage in conversation with you? That's a lotta work with very little reward.

Oh, and you wrote it out AGAIN. I knew you could.
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Learn to read AND get a sense of humor? I gotta do all that just to engage in conversation with you? That's a lotta work with very little reward.

Oh, and you wrote it out AGAIN. I knew you could.
writing it out was the joke, you hopeless retard.
Yeah, strum, and while you're at it get your GED, man. Geez!

Uh-oh, Boy Blunder is having to explain himself again in long-winded format. You know when he does that you have hit a nerve and put his spineless back up against the wall.
Nice work, everybody. 🤣

lol, looks like somebody has been stung hard with the GED suggestion. I was only trying to help your dumb ass.

I like how you're such a pussy you have to hide behind another poster so I won't spank you so hard. LMAO.
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