OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Your opinion of significance doesn't really matter. The facts are that she lied... a lot. She admitted that she was lying.
It's interesting to see what's happening to all these Trump people who helped push the stolen election narrative. Her and Rudy have admitted that it was BS. Then you have all this info coming out about everyone at Fox not believing it and Carlson even saying he hates Trump. Going to be interesting to see how much longer My Pillow sticks around.
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Your opinion of significance doesn't really matter. The facts are that she lied... a lot. She admitted that she was lying.

I’m not saying I care either way. I don’t know this woman. I couldn’t care less what happens to her. I’m betting she won’t be “permanently disbarred”. You think that she will?
It's interesting to see what's happening to all these Trump people who helped push the stolen election narrative. Her and Rudy have admitted that it was BS. Then you have all this info coming out about everyone at Fox not believing it and Carlson even saying he hates Trump. Going to be interesting to see how much longer My Pillow sticks around.

What’s going to happen to Mike? He can lie about whatever he wants to lie about.

Also, it’s not a lie if you believe it.
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What’s going to happen to Mike? He can lie about whatever he wants to lie about.

Also, it’s not a lie if you believe it.
I don't know what's going to happen, but you're assuming he actually believes it. It's starting to look like Trump and the people who voted for him are the only ones who fell for it.
I don't know what's going to happen, but you're assuming he actually believes it. It's starting to look like Trump and the people who voted for him are the only ones who fell for it.

I’ve already said I don’t care. I don’t care if Trump made it up (he didn’t), I don’t care that Fox News pushed a lie and I certainly don’t care what Mike Lindell has to say about it. None of that impacts how I feel about it.

But you said Lindell may not be around because he supposedly “bought the election fraud scam”. What do you think will happen to Mike Lindell?
I’ve already said I don’t care. I don’t care if Trump made it up (he didn’t), I don’t care that Fox News pushed a lie and I certainly don’t care what Mike Lindell has to say about it. None of that impacts how I feel about it.

But you said Lindell may not be around because he supposedly “bought the election fraud scam”. What do you think will happen to Mike Lindell?
When I said may not be around, I meant at Trump's side. I didn't mean something would happen to him.
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Not ALL of them. But, when they lie, and persist in the lie, and those lies help crush the confidence in the US election system, which lead to an insurrection on the US Capitol, and an attempt at a coup? Yeah, they should be disbarred.
Frivolous election lawsuits costing the dumb-dumbs $$$$$.
Not ALL of them. But, when they lie, and persist in the lie, and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... Yeah, they should be disbarred.

Your opinion of significance doesn't really matter. The facts are that she lied... a lot. She admitted that she was lying.

LMAO. Hypocrite much?

@carolinablue34 's refusal to respond to my poast from 2 pages ago is telling. Just to recap, he stated that "humanity doesn't work in absolutes". So I asked if him if that means I could be considered black if that's how I feel and identify myself. He has avoided tackling that question at least twice now.
@carolinablue34 's refusal to respond to my poast from 2 pages ago is telling. Just to recap, he stated that "humanity doesn't work in absolutes". So I asked if him if that means I could be considered black if that's how I feel and identify myself. He has avoided tackling that question at least twice now.

@carolinablue34 's refusal to respond to my poast from 2 pages ago is telling. Just to recap, he stated that "humanity doesn't work in absolutes". So I asked if him if that means I could be considered black if that's how I feel and identify myself. He has avoided tackling that question at least twice now.
i would have no prob considering you black if that’s what you wanted. Now if you wanted to “cash in” on being black so to speak I would be opposed to it. Otherwise,

Big Brother Podcast GIF by SHOWTIME Sports
i would have no prob considering you black if that’s what you wanted. Now if you wanted to “cash in” on being black so to speak I would be opposed to it. Otherwise,

Big Brother Podcast GIF by SHOWTIME Sports

By cashing in, do you mean taking scholarship money for college? Or potentially taking jobs because of diversity hirings?

Furthermore, how do you think my claiming black identity would go over with the masses? I mean, a guy can put on a skirt and he’s courageous but if I put on Blackface, I’m a racist, right?
@carolinablue34 's refusal to respond to my poast from 2 pages ago is telling. Just to recap, he stated that "humanity doesn't work in absolutes". So I asked if him if that means I could be considered black if that's how I feel and identify myself. He has avoided tackling that question at least twice now.
People have trouble accepting you as white…..
@carolinablue34 's refusal to respond to my poast from 2 pages ago is telling. Just to recap, he stated that "humanity doesn't work in absolutes". So I asked if him if that means I could be considered black if that's how I feel and identify myself. He has avoided tackling that question at least twice now.
Not sure if you're a chess player, but these bumps by you are you putting your hand out to shake CB34's hand because your parallel comparison / logic just put him in check mate. But he refuses to shake your hand even though check mate is obvious, final.

That's the metaphor I sense anyway....
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By cashing in, do you mean taking scholarship money for college? Or potentially taking jobs because of diversity hirings?

Furthermore, how do you think my claiming black identity would go over with the masses? I mean, a guy can put on a skirt and he’s courageous but if I put on Blackface, I’m a racist, right?
Prob not too well. Just don’t be uppity or talk to white girls
Not sure if you're a chess player, but these bumps by you are you putting your hand out to shake CB34's hand because your parallel comparison / logic just put him in check mate. But he refuses to shake your hand even though check mate is obvious, final.

That's the metaphor I sense anyway....

Did it ever occur to any of you that I have other things to do than post on OOTB all day?

I find it interesting GSD is so obsessed with bumping this but the real reason of course is that he wants to back me into a corner for the purpose of mocking me.

Gender dyshoria is a real phenomenon. There is a real clinical studies showing it's a persistent aspect of the human existence albeit in a very small number, but not so small to go unnoticed. All you have to do is google it and it pops up everywhere. As far as we know, there is no equivalent in the racial sense. No one really 'thinks' about their ethnicity in the same way they do about gender. There is also no evidence to support millions of people feeling uncomfortable or seeking to adopt a new racial identity except for social reasons like light skinned black women passing as white 100 years ago so they didn't get discriminated against.

History bears out that people who were born physically one way but adopted the social and physical characteristics of the opposite sex or simply were gender non conforming is very real. It's central to a person's sense of self. Do I know the precise reason why? Nope. But it happens and isn't a big deal.