OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Gender dyshoria is a real phenomenon. There is a real clinical studies showing it's a persistent aspect of the human existence albeit in a very small number, but not so small to go unnoticed. All you have to do is google it and it pops up everywhere.
I hate to break it to you, but having something pop up 'everywhere' on Google just means those fvcking algorithms that supposedly give you more of what you want to see have gone into overdrive.

For example, out of curiosity I recently clicked on a site that was selling carved and detailed longhorn steer skulls because the picture looked kinda cool.. Now every time I use the internet, a gawddam cow skull or ten is staring me in the face. They're even showing up on youtube videos.

I haven't taken that to indicate that fancy cow skulls are in everybody's home. And don't make me explain about studies. If one comes out today saying 'X+', there will be another one tomorrow saying '-X'. You'll latch onto the one that tickles your ziz wheel.
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People have trouble accepting you as white…..
so are you saying he would be even less acceptable as a black man? Because he said nothing about being accepted as black, he said 'considered' as black. Your Freudian racism slip is showing.
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I hate to break it to you, but having something pop up 'everywhere' on Google just means those fvcking algorithms that supposedly give you more of what you want to see have gone into overdrive.

For example, out of curiosity I recently clicked on a site that was selling carved and detailed longhorn steer skulls because the picture looked kinda cool.. Now every time I use the internet, a gawddam cow skull or ten is staring me in the face. They're even showing up on youtube videos.

I haven't taken that to indicate that fancy cow skulls are in everybody's home. And don't make me explain about studies. If one comes out today saying 'X+', there will be another one tomorrow saying '-X'. You'll latch onto the one that tickles your ziz wheel.

Wtf is this nonsense?

I’m pointing out the fact that gender dysphoria and gender variation have been documented for decades, centuries even, across hundreds of cultures including our own. It has nothing to do with google, I was just using it as an example of how you can find them.

You may stubborn, but you’re not stupid. This is just being callously dismissive.
Wtf is this nonsense?

I’m pointing out the fact that gender dysphoria and gender variation have been documented for decades, centuries even, across hundreds of cultures including our own. It has nothing to do with google, I was just using it as an example of how you can find them.

You may stubborn, but you’re not stupid. This is just being callously dismissive.
lol, callously dismissive?

Apparent misunderstanding, but as usual you take it personally for no reason. You apparently meant that it pops up everywhere in history, whereas I thought you meant it pops up everywhere in the Google results (that you referred to). Seems like just another example of you seeing an opportunity to play the victim and make it about you.

I should also express that whereas examples of gender dysphoria appear throughout history (of course they do), I'd like to see where in our history the recognition of gender dysphoria has begotten a movement to exploit and normalize it, and yes, promote it, on a scale like we are now witnessing.
Yes, mental disorders have existed in humans forever. We have record of schizophrenia, pedophilia, cyclothymia, bulimia, and yes, gender dysphoria along with dozens of other mental disorders going back centuries. So what? I’m not sure what point that’s making.

But like @bluetoe said, this may be the first time in recorded history we have attempted to normalize a mental disorder.
  • Dr. Susan Bradley, a Canadian psychiatrist who began working with gender dysphoric children in the 1970s, said she believed most of the children who sought gender transitions had high-functioning autism and were being exploited by the medical industry.
  • “When somebody happens to mention that, you know, they’re trans or they hear about trans kids and go online, even if all they do is say, ‘I wonder if I’m trans,’ a lot of these kids are automatically accepted. ‘Well, you must be trans if you’ve even thought about that.’ And for them, that is a very helpful reaction, because all of a sudden, they feel as though that explains all of the trouble all the way along,” Bradley told the DCNF."

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Wtf is this nonsense?

I’m pointing out the fact that gender dysphoria and gender variation have been documented for decades, centuries even, across hundreds of cultures including our own. It has nothing to do with google, I was just using it as an example of how you can find them.

You may stubborn, but you’re not stupid. This is just being callously dismissive.
And what is gender dysphoria? Think about it. It doesn't mean a person really is a member of the opposite sex.
please watch this. His words are the exact thoughts I have. All of these people who believe we are progressing by instituting insanity, have no clue about unchanging human nature. Human nature doesn't change, only the circumstances surrounding humans do....but liberals believe that changing the circumstances also changes humans. Humans will be humans, and this is the reason we see so much lib hypocrisy. What they are is not what they present themselves to be, and it's inevitable that on occasion they'll have to rationalize a self-contradiction...usually by blaming Trump..

We don't get better as humans, no matter how many times someone is made an outcast for not being woke. Being the end product of several billion years of evolution guarantees that to be true. So-called progress is usually nothing more than a loss of precious freedom.

As I've said over and over, the real difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives realize and accept the inherent shortcomings that have to be dealt with, while liberals operate on a fairy tale image of what they think the world should be....but never will be.

And once again I'll assert that Maher is a conservative at heart, but for some reason won't admit it. He has too much common sense to be a liberal.
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please watch this. His words are the exact thoughts I have. All of these people who believe we are progressing by instituting insanity, have no clue about unchanging human nature. Human nature doesn't change, only the circumstances surrounding humans do....but liberals believe that changing the circumstances also changes humans. Humans will be humans, and this is the reason we see so much lib hypocrisy. What they are is not what they present themselves to be, and it's inevitable that on occasion they'll have to rationalize a self-contradiction...usually by blaming Trump..

We don't get better as humans, no matter how many times someone is made an outcast for not being woke. Being the end product of several billion years of evolution guarantees that to be true. So-called progress is usually nothing more than a loss of precious freedom.

As I've said over and over, the real difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives realize and accept the inherent shortcomings that have to be dealt with, while liberals operate on a fairy tale image of what they think the world should be....but never will be.

And once again I'll assert that Maher is a conservative at heart, but for some reason won't admit it. He has too much common sense to be a liberal.
please watch this. His words are the exact thoughts I have. All of these people who believe we are progressing by instituting insanity, have no clue about unchanging human nature. Human nature doesn't change, only the circumstances surrounding humans do....but liberals believe that changing the circumstances also changes humans. Humans will be humans, and this is the reason we see so much lib hypocrisy. What they are is not what they present themselves to be, and it's inevitable that on occasion they'll have to rationalize a self-contradiction...usually by blaming Trump..

We don't get better as humans, no matter how many times someone is made an outcast for not being woke. Being the end product of several billion years of evolution guarantees that to be true. So-called progress is usually nothing more than a loss of precious freedom.

As I've said over and over, the real difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives realize and accept the inherent shortcomings that have to be dealt with, while liberals operate on a fairy tale image of what they think the world should be....but never will be.

And once again I'll assert that Maher is a conservative at heart, but for some reason won't admit it. He has too much common sense to be a liberal.
Or Too much common sense to be EITHER conservative or liberal
Or Too much common sense to be EITHER conservative or liberal
No one is always one OR the other, ALL the time. They're relative terms. Well... I guess Pat Robertson is almost always "conservative", but, who knows... maybe there are some things that he might have a "liberal" perspective.
please watch this. His words are the exact thoughts I have. All of these people who believe we are progressing by instituting insanity, have no clue about unchanging human nature. Human nature doesn't change, only the circumstances surrounding humans do....but liberals believe that changing the circumstances also changes humans. Humans will be humans, and this is the reason we see so much lib hypocrisy. What they are is not what they present themselves to be, and it's inevitable that on occasion they'll have to rationalize a self-contradiction...usually by blaming Trump..

We don't get better as humans, no matter how many times someone is made an outcast for not being woke. Being the end product of several billion years of evolution guarantees that to be true. So-called progress is usually nothing more than a loss of precious freedom.

As I've said over and over, the real difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives realize and accept the inherent shortcomings that have to be dealt with, while liberals operate on a fairy tale image of what they think the world should be....but never will be.

And once again I'll assert that Maher is a conservative at heart, but for some reason won't admit it. He has too much common sense to be a liberal.

Mahar continues to impress me. Not just because he's saying shit I like and I agree with. But mostly because he is thumbing his nose at the woke crowd that's coming after him.

On this particular subject, he's nailed it. I've been saying for some time now, some problems are unfixable. And those problems are unfixable because humans gotta human. The sooner we realize that and start adjusting accordingly, the better off we'll all be.
Check out this hot new single by the J6 Prison Choir featuring Donald J. Trump which just moved up to #1 on the iTunes music chart! After listening to this catchy little tune tell me you don't feel like going out and smashing some things.
Mahar continues to impress me. Not just because he's saying shit I like and I agree with. But mostly because he is thumbing his nose at the woke crowd that's coming after him.

On this particular subject, he's nailed it. I've been saying for some time now, some problems are unfixable. And those problems are unfixable because humans gotta human. The sooner we realize that and start adjusting accordingly, the better off we'll all be.
he nailed it but there's no fix as long as half of us is following the feelings instead of the logic. And the way it works is that as long as things are copacetic, the feels will dominate. Once things start to hit the fan...and they will...the feels react accordingly and we end up with more republican (conservative) representation. Lather, rinse, repeat. (I am NOT saying that the yo-yo toward conservativism is any solution, I'm just saying that this is how it works)

I've posted before that the greatest lesson I received at my time at UNC is that we are all humans and behave accorcing to the traits developed over several billion years of evolution, wherein survival and competition were the overriding factors. The people who have driven our history put their pants on one leg at a time like we do.

We are in different environments then when we evolved as humans, but we are still human and you can't legislate or bully those inherent qualities away, nor should we try to. If we use our heads and 1) truly understand what we are dealing with and 2) accentuate the helpful while minimzing the unhelpful tendencies, we can do the things that the feelings crowd mistakenly believe can be brought about with unthinking sympathy and vast piles of money that we don't have.

I almost choke when the feelies tell us we are progressing as humans but that the conservatives are holding us back that way. They have no clue, and Maher is trying his best to give them one; and I applaud him for that.
Or Too much common sense to be EITHER conservative or liberal
I won't argue that, but as I have pointed out before he adamantly claims to be firmly liberal and anti-conservative, while so many of the words coming out of his mouth could be spoken by any on the right. I think he's a closet conservative, relatively speaking at least. He just feels more comfortable identifying with the left, probably a habit left over from his days of getting himself into the Playboy mansion.
I won't argue that, but as I have pointed out before he adamantly claims to be firmly liberal and anti-conservative, while so many of the words coming out of his mouth could be spoken by any on the right. I think he's a closet conservative, relatively speaking at least. He just feels more comfortable identifying with the left, probably a habit left over from his days of getting himself into the Playboy mansion.

Mahar is yesterday's liberal. Or at least what liberals used to look like before they were taken over by the batshit crazy new age liberals.
No one is always one OR the other, ALL the time. They're relative terms. Well... I guess Pat Robertson is almost always "conservative", but, who knows... maybe there are some things that he might have a "liberal" perspective.
in our system, what matters is how one votes; not how relatively whatever we are. There are basically two choices, and in that respect we are definitely one or the other.
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Mahar is yesterday's liberal. Or at least what liberals used to look like before they were taken over by the batshit crazy new age liberals.
I agree, in that there is logic being appreciated if not exercized by the old liberal. The extreme craziness is causing him to spout the right side of the spectrum.
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I've posted before that the greatest lesson I received at my time at UNC is that we are all humans and behave accorcing to the traits developed over several billion years of evolution, wherein survival and competition were the overriding factors. The people who have driven our history put their pants on one leg at a time like
You need to recheck your human evolution timeline.
in our system, what matters is how one votes; not how relatively whatever we are. There are basically two choices, and in that respect we are definitely one or the other.
Which pisses me the fuk off to no end. But it is what it is. If it’s biden vs trump again I ain’t voting though. Fuk them. I’ll vote for a rock first. Not that rock. Like a mineral rock.
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hey @randman1 I’ve somehow missed your moral outrage post over protecting the kids from deviants like this. What gives? This guy get a pass for some reason?

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Which pisses me the fuk off to no end. But it is what it is. If it’s biden vs trump again I ain’t voting though. Fuk them. I’ll vote for a rock first. Not that rock. Like a mineral rock.
I haven't decided if I would do a write in vote for Homer Simpson or Crisp E Bacon.
This twitter post contains a link to her letter of apology. It's not short, but a fascinating read for those that want to see her reasoning and not just buy the J6 narrative at all costs. She is a bona fide lib by the way, at least the old school, original type.

in our system, what matters is how one votes; not how relatively whatever we are. There are basically two choices, and in that respect we are definitely one or the other.
Hope you are kidding. People should not be judged wholly on which lesser of two evils they choose.
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This twitter post contains a link to her letter of apology. It's not short, but a fascinating read for those that want to see her reasoning and not just buy the J6 narrative at all costs. She is a bona fide lib by the way, at least the old school, original type.

She's a nut. She thinks media paints all repubs as evil, but media called Pence a hero and has loved Adam Kinzinger, and Liz Cheney who is as conservative as it gets.

She gripes about the term "deadly" insurrection while forgetting about the crazy maga qanon lied who was shot to death.

She yells at Dems for being pissed at Tucker while quickly forgetting McConnell and so many other conservatives complained about the same thing - his ability to present distorted opinion rather than news.

Again if you want the full pic regarding q shaman, go read his sworn, signed testimony which explains why he's in jail. That truth is very different from the myopic portrayal by Carlson.
Hope you are kidding. People should not be judged wholly on which lesser of two evils they choose.
should they be judged for posting apropos of nothing being discussed?

First of all, who's judging the choosers? We're just distinguishing relative liberalism and conservatism from putting the rubber to the road in the voting booth. Secondly, how do you choose the lesser of two evils without judging which is more evil?
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