what I said was completely accurate and it was exactly what I meant to say. We have only been human for a blink of the geological eye. Whether you are referring to our presnt form or the ancestral forms that are classified as human, I will only surmise a million years for the sake of argument and of course much less for Homo Sapiens. But just as I explained, our evolution did not begin with the first identifiable human primate.
Our evolution is connected all the way back to the beginning of life. Traits that developed in the chain of animals that we eventually branched away from were inherited by us. Not all the traits, I never said that; but more specifically I referred to those that pertain to survival and competition...just as I said.
"lesson I received at my time at UNC is that we are all humans and behave accorcing to the traits developed over several billion years of evolution, wherein survival and competition were the overriding factors."
oops, did you forget to include that last part, you lying ******? LOL.
Many of those traits that we have are plainly seen in not just other mammals but in other branches of animal life that branched away from common ancestors. And you ignorantly scoff at bacteria competing? If you understand anything about evolution, you know that those bacteria did not surbvive without having to compete and developing survival qualities. THEY HAD TO, or they would have died out just as untold thousands of species of
animal life did. All organisms since the beginning of life have had to compete to survive, and along the way survival traits (not all of them) developed that were passed on.
That you don't understand this basically simple part of evolution theory yet you open your piehole about it, is just another example of you trying too hard to not be the wasted fvck that you are. In doing so you have earned the latest infantile nickname you stupidly apply to me. And better yet, you have paired yourself intellectually with
@prlyles. LMAO at that distinct honor.
I will say this. At least you have the balls to stick your neck out and out yourself as an idiot (and liar). The chickenshit lyles just hits and hides without a hint of substantiation of anything.
"Yeah, I'm sure the competition for survival between tiny microscopic organisms was fierce and that is why we are what we are today.
that is exactly in many ways why we are what we are today. Ignoramus
Here is a video I posted some time back regarding the very subject at hand. Educate yourself and maybe you won't look quite the fool you have so far here.