OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I'm not sure if you understand. What i'm saying is that by supporting Trump you are enhancing the odds that Biden is the pres in 2024. If you have an ounce of political savvy you are pushing for a centrist repub that will pull the never-trumper Repubs and many indy's into your camp.

Trump = Grover Cleveland 2.0.
Ha! Fat chance of that happening. Go, Trump!!
The election season will be much more entertaining if Trump is running. I'd be happy for him to match his orange prison suit to his orange face, but i'd prefer that happen after Nov '24.
I understood perfectly. That's why I added the last line. Many might throw weight behind Trump now, but when the rubber meets the road, we'll put a nominee in with the best chance of winning. Or that's my belief, at least, and I'm not saying Trump won't be that nominee. But if he is, it won't be because of Trump-worship..
You are just trying to be argumentative for the sake of hearing your own voice. Have fun with that.
Trump = Grover Cleveland 2.0.
Grover banged Stormy Daniels?

Grover’s wife after he lost: “I want you to take good care of all the furniture and ornaments in the White House, and not let any of them get lost or broken, for I want to find everything just as it is now, when we come back again four years from today,"

Melania after Trump lost: “If I ever see this place again I’ll burn it to the ground”
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I'm not sure if you understand. What i'm saying is that by supporting Trump you are enhancing the odds that Biden is the pres in 2024. If you have an ounce of political savvy you are pushing for a centrist repub that will pull the never-trumper Repubs and many indy's into your camp.
It makes it interesting that the Democrats are going to have to reveal the answer to their "will he or won't he run" charade before it's determined who the Republican nominee will be.

They could run Biden again, get lucky and have Trump nominated, and we have a repeat of 2020. Or... they could run Biden again, get unlucky and have DeSantis or someone similar get nominated - and we watch how an octogenarian with early onset dementia performs on the debate stage against someone half his age, and without all the skeletons in his closet that Trump has.

So the DNC has gotta ask themselves a question: "Are we feeling lucky?"
You are just trying to be argumentative for the sake of hearing your own voice. Have fun with that.
I'm being argumentative because I have a different opinion of what you posted. Difference of opinion. Argument. Get it? Duh.

This entire board is argumentative, but when someone presents a logical counter to what you have to say, instead of countering back you try to act like argument is some self-indulgent exercise. Don't you realize how telling is to bail out of a discussion that way?
It makes it interesting that the Democrats are going to have to reveal the answer to their "will he or won't he run" charade before it's determined who the Republican nominee will be.

They could run Biden again, get lucky and have Trump nominated, and we have a repeat of 2020. Or... they could run Biden again, get unlucky and have DeSantis or someone similar get nominated - and we watch how an octogenarian with early onset dementia performs on the debate stage against someone half his age, and without all the skeletons in his closet that Trump has.

So the DNC has gotta ask themselves a question: "Are we feeling lucky?"
you and bluetoe both love your bullshit so much you print it out and read it out loud at dinner.
well, if you're implying that we don't revisit your bullshit after leaving the board, you're probably on to something.
I'm not sure if you understand. What i'm saying is that by supporting Trump you are enhancing the odds that Biden is the pres in 2024. If you have an ounce of political savvy you are pushing for a centrist repub that will pull the never-trumper Repubs and many indy's into your camp.
you know, you can say the same thing about Biden. His warts are just as famous as Trump's are, and the social wokeness idiocy is starting to lose its edge. Ruh roh. He might not be the nominee after all...except who else you got? Kamala Harris? If people see that Biden is the nominee just because the only practical alternative is Gigglepuss, a few independents might take the bitter Trump pill after all.

Do you hear what I'm saying? LOL.
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Fairly recently actually. It's become trendy to define yourself by which causes you protest. High school kids are so wrapped up in "social justice" yet most of them couldn't even define the term. Go back just 20 years ago, and high school kids didn't give a rip about faux causes. Better times.
I think you are a little off on your dates. Add a few hundred years and you'll be closer. The early 2000s were cool though, so we can agree on that. I preferred the 90s if we're talking best of.
I long for the days when people didn't feel the need to protest. Or when they did, nobody cared.

That's exactly what is wrong with people today. People's lives are so empty and unfulfilling that they feel the need to wrap themselves in these social causes as a way to ignore their own failures. There was once a time when people worried about themselves and their families and frankly, we were better off because of it.
Back when people knew their place, and knew to keep their mouth shut, and just go along with the status quo. The good old days. Probably before you were born, they were protesting quite a bit... Although not likely in Lynchburg Virginia. That might have gotten them lynched.
you know, you can say the same thing about Biden.
The big diff is that Biden won last time and will be favored to win this time head2head. If that hadn't happened he'd be in the rear-viewer mirror as of Nov 2 yrs ago. To my larger point he isn't anywhere near as disruptive to the his party as Trump has been to the "conservative" party.
If people see that Biden is the nominee just because the only practical alternative is Gigglepuss, a few independents might take the bitter Trump pill after all.
I'm looking forward to a wager.
Do you hear what I'm saying? LOL.
smell ya later
Says the stunted chimpanzee who thinks we inherited our blue eyes from jellyfish.
says the dumbass who doesn't believe we share a common ancestor and common traits with chimps, in spite of his own beta chimp-like attempts at defeating an alpha male.
Back when people knew their place, and knew to keep their mouth shut, and just go along with the status quo. The good old days. Probably before you were born, they were protesting quite a bit... Although not likely in Lynchburg Virginia. That might have gotten them lynched.

Your words, not mine.
I think you are a little off on your dates. Add a few hundred years and you'll be closer. The early 2000s were cool though, so we can agree on that. I preferred the 90s if we're talking best of.

Ummm, in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s, the only people that protested were a minuscule number of ongoing trouble-makers and no one paid them any attention. And even then, the protestors usually got bored after a short while because no one paid them any attention. Those were the days. You should have been alive. Was awesome.
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Ummm, in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s, the only people that protested were a minuscule number of ongoing trouble-makers and no one paid them any attention. And even then, the protestors usually got bored after a short while because no one paid them any attention. Those were the days. You should have been alive. Was awesome.
You forgetting about the LA riots after Rodney King?
The big diff is that Biden won last time and will be favored to win this time head2head. If that hadn't happened he'd be in the rear-viewer mirror as of Nov 2 yrs ago. To my larger point he isn't anywhere near as disruptive to the his party as Trump has been to the "conservative" party.

I'm looking forward to a wager.

smell ya later
You must somehow be forgetting that two years ago, Biden had yet to demonstrate his near complete incompetence and dementia; and anyway in this case we're talking about swing voters as I mentioned, not the hard-core sheep. To your 'larger point', before you drift too far away, I repeat my original point that I believe the GOP will present the candidate they believe will have the best chance at winning.

Wagering on this kind of crap is stupid though, and proves nothing beyond the words that appear here. I don't do it. For example, I'm sure that many here expressed doubt that even the dems would refuse to put a brain-damaged candidate back in office who opened a speech with 'goodbye'....yet there he is. If I was inclined to wager, I might have bet large against that happening.

Feel free to revisit these words at the appropriate time, and make of them what you will...
Oh yeah. The LA riots. Out in LA. And no where else. That were over in a 3 days. Fun times.
It was national news for a while...both after the beating and after the verdict. So you saying "no one paid them attention" isn't exactly true.
you and bluetoe both love your bullshit so much you print it out and read it out loud at dinner.

Why would I print it out? Couldn’t I just read it aloud from the computer screen? Printing it out is just a waste of paper and hurtful to the environment. Not gonna lie though, that does sound like something I’d do.
It was national news for a while...both after the beating and after the verdict. So you saying "no one paid them attention" isn't exactly true.

Seems like you know the point I’m making is accurate and you’re trying your best to find a hole in my message. Good luck.
Seems like you know the point I’m making is accurate and you’re trying your best to find a hole in my message. Good luck.
No, I just read what you wrote and then thought if I knew any protests/riots that stuck out from that time...since it was so long ago and I was so young that if I remember it then it had to be pretty big. Thought of Rodney King. So what you're saying isn't true. The world wasn't perfect in the 80s and 90s and now it's gone to shit. Nostalgia is a funny thing.
No, I just read what you wrote and then thought if I knew any protests/riots that stuck out from that time...since it was so long ago and I was so young that if I remember it then it had to be pretty big. Thought of Rodney King. So what you're saying isn't true. The world wasn't perfect in the 80s and 90s and now it's gone to shit. Nostalgia is a funny thing.

No one said it was perfect, lamebrain. But my point is that it wasn’t widespread. People who protested were fringe people. It was a very tiny counter culture, not the mainstream way of life it is now. You know this. And you’re just trying to be argumentative. I don’t give a shit. You can think whatever you want about it. I lived it. I know I’m right. And I have no desire to change your uninformed opinion.
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Back when people knew their place, and knew to keep their mouth shut, and just go along with the status quo. The good old days. Probably before you were born, they were protesting quite a bit... Although not likely in Lynchburg Virginia. That might have gotten them lynched.
how was the virtue-signalling back then I wonder. I bet there wasn't any, since there were real things to protest and politically correct people weren't digging up the past in order to conjure up faux problems to align themselves against. The absence of virtue-signalling wokeness must have been awesome.

I'd almost risk getting lynched in Lynchburg to see that.
No one said it was perfect, lamebrain. But my point is that it wasn’t widespread. People who protested were fringe people. It was a very tiny counter culture, not the mainstream way of life it is now. You know this. And you’re just trying to be argumentative. I don’t give a shit. You can think whatever you want about it. I lived it. I know I’m right. And I have no desire to change your uninformed opinion.
You "lived it." That's sweet. I'm sure everything has always been perfect in rural VA for old, white guys.

Fringe people are always the protesters. The vast majority of people never do anything... even now.
how was the virtue-signalling back then I wonder. I bet there wasn't any, since there were real things to protest and politically correct people weren't digging up the past in order to conjure up faux problems to align themselves against. The absence of virtue-signalling wokeness must have been awesome.

I'd almost risk getting lynched in Lynchburg to see that.
If you could just find a time machine.

White people were eager and willing to accept black people. Everyone knows that.

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