This is quite the quandary. The msm, anti-orange social media, the J6 Committee, and the government entities have controlled the various investigations, inquiries, and publication of virtually all information about that entire day of events. And because they have not produced any evidence acceptable to those that detest trump in every respect, we are supposed to simply accept that there was no funny business involved.
Yet, the very idea that our own public servants would be involved in such activity is also appalling.
So, I would revise the prior comment to say that, yes, it surely could have happened. Did it? I don't know one way or the other because the entrenched would be so against this being put out there that I don't think we'll ever know for certain. I would like to think it very unlikely, but I am simply not that naïve to think it is all on the up and up either.
I mean, when are they going to announce an arrest of the bomber?