OOTB's Political Thread . ..

who needs a time machine when we have you to take us back?
And, we have you to deny that there was every any discontent. The blacks never knew how good they had it until those white people came along and told them they could be equal... carpet-baggin' jew sunsabitches.
No one said it was perfect, lamebrain. But my point is that it wasn’t widespread. People who protested were fringe people. It was a very tiny counter culture, not the mainstream way of life it is now. You know this. And you’re just trying to be argumentative. I don’t give a shit. You can think whatever you want about it. I lived it. I know I’m right. And I have no desire to change your uninformed opinion.
You on your period? Very touchy today.
And, we have you to deny that there was every any discontent. The blacks never knew how good they had it until those white people came along and told them they could be equal... carpet-baggin' jew sunsabitches.
as I've pointed out about you before, you aren't above creating a stupid lie to put in someone's mouth, just so you'll appear to have a point. As a matter of fact, just a few posts back I said people had real things to protest, and you responded to it. Remember? Maybe you have dementia like Joe Biden.

Or maybe lying is just a necessary part of virtue-signalling.
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Ummm, in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s, the only people that protested were a minuscule number of ongoing trouble-makers and no one paid them any attention. And even then, the protestors usually got bored after a short while because no one paid them any attention. Those were the days. You should have been alive. Was awesome.
The problem is you think this is more widespread than the last few hundred years. It's not. The difference is that you have Twitter and a 24 hour news cycle. In the real world these protests don't have much of an impact and most people don't actually care enough to do something.
I'm going to stick my neck out and say there were elements of both. It was a protest that devolved in part to rioting. And while the rioting was occurring, so were the protests continuing.
Hey! We agree!

Same goes for a lot of the protests/riots in 2020. There were protesters and there were dumbasses that went way too far and tore shit up and vandalized property and stole things. The destruction helped diminish the protest.
says the dumbass who doesn't believe we share a common ancestor and common traits with chimps, in spite of his own beta chimp-like attempts at defeating an alpha male.
Look, Charlie D, I've never said anything here to suggest such follishness. Which means you're making crap up, or as you like to say, you're LYING.

We all evolved from apes, and some of us are still deep within the process, you hairy baboon. Alpha male? Ha!
Hey! We agree!

Same goes for a lot of the protests/riots in 2020. There were protesters and there were dumbasses that went way too far and tore shit up and vandalized property and stole things. The destruction helped diminish the protest.
^^^^ not many people disagree with this. What is disagreed on is the comparison between the J6 deal and other, far more extensive and damaging riots. The former is played up while the latter are played down by people who can't discern...or don't want to acknowledge...the obvious similarities and differences.

In my way of thinking, while I could never condone the mayhem of J6, I see it as an expression of justified dissatisfaction with the way this country is turning away from its ideals. In our history, when we do this it's usually considered fairly patriotic, an attempt to bring us back in line. People need to get out some real history books and throw out their worthless old HS textbooks, and understand how rocky things have been between government and civilian. In other words, it just wasn't the big deal it's made out to be.

On the other hand, the BLM/Antifa riots were not directed at the way our country is being run, but were more just an excuse to raise hell out of sheer hatefulness. 'Something happened that we don't like so we're going to F some shit up', kind of thing. If you don't agree, you might think erecting a statue of the POS George Floyd is a patriotic act. I don't.
Look, Charlie D, I've never said anything here to suggest such follishness. Which means you're making crap up, or as you like to say, you're LYING.

We all evolved from apes, and some of us are still deep within the process, you hairy baboon. Alpha male? Ha!
you have dismissed the fact that we are not just connected to ape ancestors, but also to what those ape ancestors were connected to, and what those ancestors were connected to, etc., etc., right on back to the simplest life forms. You have demonstrated a third grade understanding of evolution. That's no lie.

You mocked the idea that traits that evolved in those ancestors are still with us. You obviously don't understand shit about evolution.

If you watch the video I provided, you'll even learn that the reason we are symetrical from side to side and with two eyes is because an ancestral flatworm developed that way. A flatworm from way way WAY back that happens to be in our lineage. Mock that, retard. Show your ignorance again.

More to the point I was making and that you are incapable of understanding is that evolution has been a matter of competion for survival as long as life has existed, and that many of the traits we exhibit are thusly ingrained in us and need to be understood for what they are.

But all you do is make fun of bacteria duking it out with each other, and jellyfish having blue eyes. LMAO. What a simp.
the BLM/Antifa riots were not directed at the way our country is being run, but were more just an excuse to raise hell out of sheer hatefulness.
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I'm going to stick my neck out and say there were elements of both. It was a protest that devolved in part to rioting. And while the rioting was occurring, so were the protests continuing.
This. I’d say MOST of the trumpers were protesting - a few rioting. I also believe many of the riots were led / instigated by fbi plants and antifa.

I know this makes the leftists here lose their shit, but don’t be angry at me about it, be angry at these known instigators caught on tape. Dressed in Black militia hard core gear and totally coordinated attack on the Capitol with radios and an organized plan - NFW was this some garden variety trump supporting grandma and grandpa from Nebraska.
This. I’d say MOST of the trumpers were protesting - a few rioting. I also believe many of the riots were led / instigated by fbi plants and antifa.

I know this makes the leftists here lose their shit, but don’t be angry at me about it, be angry at these known instigators caught on tape. Dressed in Black militia hard core gear and totally coordinated attack on the Capitol with radios and an organized plan - NFW was this some garden variety trump supporting grandma and grandpa from Nebraska.
The fbi and antifa planted people in the crowd to instigate a riot? Is that what you’re saying?
Frustrated Clint Eastwood GIF
c'mon man, you're not naive. Act like you don't think it happened, but don't act like you think it couldn't have happened. At this point, it not happening is the less believable, given the lengths the lefties have gone to in order to bushwack Trump..
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Just so everyone knows, my like is not an endorsement of the post. It's an endorsement of the Simpsons.
well yeah, since the mostly clueless Homer was the one saying it. Homer Simpson that is, not the mostly clueless Homer who posted it..
No, I just read what you wrote and then thought if I knew any protests/riots that stuck out from that time...since it was so long ago and I was so young that if I remember it then it had to be pretty big. Thought of Rodney King. So what you're saying isn't true. The world wasn't perfect in the 80s and 90s and now it's gone to shit. Nostalgia is a funny thing.
ah, but the exception proves the rule, right? Otherwise, if the rule wasn't valid the exception wouldn't BE an exception.
c'mon man, you're not naive. Act like you don't think it happened, but don't act like you think it couldn't have happened. At this point, it not happening is the less believable, given the lengths the lefties have gone to in order to bushwack Trump..
Could it have happened? Yes anything is possible. Did it? No. There is zero evidence it did. If it had happened there would have been some proof come to light by now. If you have anything I’ll gladly take a look but At this point even trump himself has never made the claim. I find it utterly ridiculous.
Could it have happened? Yes anything is possible. Did it? No. There is zero evidence it did. If it had happened there would have been some proof come to light by now. If you have anything I’ll gladly take a look but At this point even trump himself has never made the claim. I find it utterly ridiculous.

The video tells the story. I guess people see and don't see what they want.
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Could it have happened? Yes anything is possible. Did it? No. There is zero evidence it did. If it had happened there would have been some proof come to light by now. If you have anything I’ll gladly take a look but At this point even trump himself has never made the claim. I find it utterly ridiculous.
Oh I guess you're right, the leftists running the dog and pony show would have surely trotted such evidence right on out into the light, like when they dug deep into Trump's 'inflammatory' speech and revealed that he had actually called for a peaceful protest. I almost got sick of them shining the light on that one. 'Enough!' I cried, 'I'm almost blinded by all the light you keep shining on that'.

So since they haven't revealed any such self-incriminating evidence of third party agitators, we can just ignore any indication to the contrary. What was I thinking?
Oh I guess you're right, the leftists running the dog and pony show would have surely trotted such evidence right on out into the light, like when they dug deep into Trump's 'inflammatory' speech and revealed that he had actually called for a peaceful protest. I almost got sick of them shining the light on that one. 'Enough!' I cried, 'I'm almost blinded by all the light you keep shining on that'.

So since they haven't revealed any such self-incriminating evidence of third party agitators, we can just ignore any indication to the contrary. What was I thinking?
This is quite the quandary. The msm, anti-orange social media, the J6 Committee, and the government entities have controlled the various investigations, inquiries, and publication of virtually all information about that entire day of events. And because they have not produced any evidence acceptable to those that detest trump in every respect, we are supposed to simply accept that there was no funny business involved.

Yet, the very idea that our own public servants would be involved in such activity is also appalling.

So, I would revise the prior comment to say that, yes, it surely could have happened. Did it? I don't know one way or the other because the entrenched would be so against this being put out there that I don't think we'll ever know for certain. I would like to think it very unlikely, but I am simply not that naïve to think it is all on the up and up either.

I mean, when are they going to announce an arrest of the bomber?
Oh I guess you're right, the leftists running the dog and pony show would have surely trotted such evidence right on out into the light, like when they dug deep into Trump's 'inflammatory' speech and revealed that he had actually called for a peaceful protest. I almost got sick of them shining the light on that one. 'Enough!' I cried, 'I'm almost blinded by all the light you keep shining on that'.

So since they haven't revealed any such self-incriminating evidence of third party agitators, we can just ignore any indication to the contrary. What was I thinking?
I guess you’re talking about the hearings which I’m not. I’m talking about the arrests, trials, testimonies of those involved. Now I admit I’m not following it closely but to the best of my knowledge no one has made the claim they were put up to it by fbi or antifa. If I’m a lawyer for one of these people accused I would sure as hell use that in defense. Wouldn’t you?
This is quite the quandary. The msm, anti-orange social media, the J6 Committee, and the government entities have controlled the various investigations, inquiries, and publication of virtually all information about that entire day of events. And because they have not produced any evidence acceptable to those that detest trump in every respect, we are supposed to simply accept that there was no funny business involved.

Yet, the very idea that our own public servants would be involved in such activity is also appalling.

So, I would revise the prior comment to say that, yes, it surely could have happened. Did it? I don't know one way or the other because the entrenched would be so against this being put out there that I don't think we'll ever know for certain. I would like to think it very unlikely, but I am simply not that naïve to think it is all on the up and up either.

I mean, when are they going to announce an arrest of the bomber?
Ffs y’all seem to think the left controls allllll law enforcement and allllll the media. You don’t think Fox News, OAN, newsmax….wouldn’t be on such a story like a dog with a bone? Come on. I despise conspiracy theories apart from having something to laugh at so when you use a conspiracy theory to support a conspiracy theory…..well all credibility goes out the window in your claim. I put this on the same level as moon landing deniers and flat earthers.
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I guess you’re talking about the hearings which I’m not. I’m talking about the arrests, trials, testimonies of those involved. Now I admit I’m not following it closely but to the best of my knowledge no one has made the claim they were put up to it by fbi or antifa. If I’m a lawyer for one of these people accused I would sure as hell use that in defense. Wouldn’t you?
The left owns and runs all of the litigation in this country. Everyone knows that.
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This is quite the quandary. The msm, anti-orange social media, the J6 Committee, and the government entities have controlled the various investigations, inquiries, and publication of virtually all information about that entire day of events. And because they have not produced any evidence acceptable to those that detest trump in every respect, we are supposed to simply accept that there was no funny business involved.

Yet, the very idea that our own public servants would be involved in such activity is also appalling.

So, I would revise the prior comment to say that, yes, it surely could have happened. Did it? I don't know one way or the other because the entrenched would be so against this being put out there that I don't think we'll ever know for certain. I would like to think it very unlikely, but I am simply not that naïve to think it is all on the up and up either.

I mean, when are they going to announce an arrest of the bomber?
and they keep painting J6 as an insurrection. My belief is that the great majority of those motivated to join the protest were there not to violently force their will on the vote confirmation process, but to protest exactly what you outline...the unfair and un-American and one-sided media-aided hammering of the political opposition, and one opponent in particular. I'm not so naive as to think that dirty tricks aren't played on both sides, but the level of dirty dealing using the government itself as a weapon is at least borderline treasonous in my mind.

The wrong people were arrested.

I'm not the physically protesting type, but my sentiments and the sentiments of many millions put us firmly behind the demonstartion.
I guess you’re talking about the hearings which I’m not. I’m talking about the arrests, trials, testimonies of those involved. Now I admit I’m not following it closely but to the best of my knowledge no one has made the claim they were put up to it by fbi or antifa. If I’m a lawyer for one of these people accused I would sure as hell use that in defense. Wouldn’t you?
FBI under sworn testimony would not say no informants were embedded in the crowd. Why wouldn't they deny it if none were there. Also, if there were indeed FBI embedded, how did they know something was going to happen?
I guess you’re talking about the hearings which I’m not. I’m talking about the arrests, trials, testimonies of those involved. Now I admit I’m not following it closely but to the best of my knowledge no one has made the claim they were put up to it by fbi or antifa. If I’m a lawyer for one of these people accused I would sure as hell use that in defense. Wouldn’t you?
so do you know what claims have been made, or if anyone walked up to a protester on J6 and said 'hey, I'm Antifa, and if you don't mind I need to get you to destroy some shit and just in general act all riotous' ? Of course, I don't know of any evidence of this either.
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What video? Is there a video that supports the claim fbi and antifa were instigators?

There's video that supports the claim that things were not as they have been portrayed. To me at least. Maybe you interpret what you see differently. But to directly answer your question, there is video of people changing from black outfits into different clothing and red MAGA hats. There's video of Capitol Police ushering people into the building. Are these coincidental? Maybe. Doubtful.
so do you know what claims have been made, or if anyone walked up to a protester on J6 and said 'hey, I'm Antifa, and if you don't mind I need to get you to destroy some shit and just in general act all riotous' ? Of course, I don't know of any evidence of this either.
In the months leading up to January 6, I was bombarded by friends and family with texts and emails linking far right wing websites and their promise that on January 6 pence was going to reject the electors and they were taking the country back. I’m talking oathkeepers,Qanon, proud boys and so on then the events of January 6 unfold and you see the flags of those groups being waved in the courtyard and you see videos of people wearing T-shirts with their emblems and logos in the capitol building, then you see where those people have been arrested and convicted. so I make the conclusion that those are the ones responsible….that’s where I’m at with it.
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Well this is surprising

"As of Monday night, they did not have any guidance on the timing of a potential indictment beyond that they had been told by Manhattan district attorney's office that nothing was expected Tuesday."

I haven't paid much attention to this latest episode, but on NPR yesterday they were talking about what the DA was trying to accomplish with this horse crap; and if I caught the gist of it, it's just more of exactly what we are talking about. Picking up on some legal minutia to use to put more negativity on Trump...and it sounded like he made no bones about it.

The charge is a misdemeanor, about something that NO ONE gets charged with. It's like there's a contest to see who can be the guy to pierce the armor, no matter how bogus or picayune the offense. This is actually about some tricky business bookkeeping where no money is misapplied or questioned, but one thing is called another thing.

OMG, who does that? Oh that's right, pretty much everybody.

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