OOTB's Political Thread . ..

There's video that supports the claim that things were not as they have been portrayed. To me at least. Maybe you interpret what you see differently. But to directly answer your question, there is video of people changing from black outfits into different clothing and red MAGA hats. There's video of Capitol Police ushering people into the building. Are these coincidental? Maybe. Doubtful.
I’m not denying I’d be an idiot to accept the left’s claims. I’ve formed my opinion based on what I saw posted in the months prior by these groups, live as it unfolded on tv, and the resulting arrests and convictions. Imo certain far right groups violently entered the capitol and assaulted police with the intent of disrupting the constitutional transfer of power. No doubt some people were caught up in the mob mentality and some were just along for the shits and giggles.
In the months leading up to January 6, I was bombarded by friends and family with texts and emails linking far right wing websites and their promise that on January 6 pence was going to reject the electors and they were taking the country back. I’m talking oathkeepers,Qanon, proud boys and so on then the events of January 6 unfold and you see the flags of those groups being waved in the courtyard and you see videos of people wearing T-shirts with their emblems and logos in the capitol building, then you see where those people have been arrested and convicted. so I make the conclusion that those are the ones responsible….that’s where I’m at with it.
no offense, but I think you're missing the part where Antifa approached protesters and asked them to riot and destroy stuff. Because, it isn't plausible that they (Antifa) would simply start destroying shit and rioting without asking protesters to get involved on their behalf. If they didn't make their intentions known, it didn't happen. Because that would have been sneaky and sneakiness wouldn't have been allowed.

BTW, most of what you describe is not lawbreaking, and arrests of innocent people are made every day. You seem to be opining defensively in rather knee-jerk fashion, but maybe it's just me.

Obviously there was wrongdoing that day. But the question is, did outside agents incite (sneakily) protesters to cross the line and riot. That is still very much within the realm of possibility to me.
I haven't paid much attention to this latest episode, but on NPR yesterday they were talking about what the DA was trying to accomplish with this horse crap; and if I caught the gist of it, it's just more of exactly what we are talking about. Picking up on some legal minutia to use to put more negativity on Trump...and it sounded like he made no bones about it.

The charge is a misdemeanor, about something that NO ONE gets charged with. It's like there's a contest to see who can be the guy to pierce the armor, no matter how bogus or picayune the offense. This is actually about some tricky business bookkeeping where no money is misapplied or questioned, but one thing is called another thing.

OMG, who does that? Oh that's right, pretty much everybody.
Edwards nor Clinton was charged/convicted in this same scenario. Edwards was charged and found innocent. This DA claimed he would get Trump as a campaign platform. This will not turn out well for the Dems.
I haven't paid much attention to this latest episode, but on NPR yesterday they were talking about what the DA was trying to accomplish with this horse crap; and if I caught the gist of it, it's just more of exactly what we are talking about. Picking up on some legal minutia to use to put more negativity on Trump...and it sounded like he made no bones about it.

The charge is a misdemeanor, about something that NO ONE gets charged with. It's like there's a contest to see who can be the guy to pierce the armor, no matter how bogus or picayune the offense. This is actually about some tricky business bookkeeping where no money is misapplied or questioned, but one thing is called another thing.

OMG, who does that? Oh that's right, pretty much everybody.
The point of my post had to do with the timing of the indictment, assuming there actually is one. As I predicted, nothing would happen today and it was just being used for fundraising. Unfortunately, I get nothing for being right.
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Could it have happened? Yes anything is possible. Did it? No. There is zero evidence it did. If it had happened there would have been some proof come to light by now. If you have anything I’ll gladly take a look but At this point even trump himself has never made the claim. I find it utterly ridiculous.
There is proof and it's been discussed, shown and publicly available for some time, even right after Jan 6.
Not that anyone should care, but it seems some have responded to my poast on J6 and I haven’t replied. Ignore feature on this site is a beautiful thing - to apply to those who’ve earned a spot on Mount RushMoron on this board (prlyles, heelmamwil, blazers, noir, cb34…).

There are plenty of others I sometimes disagree strongly with on this board issue to issue but I still respect their reasoning and argument ability. The Ignores are batshit crazy, devoid of anything resembling debate grounded in logic, reality, natural law, facts. IDGAF what they say or think and vice versa I’m sure. It’s all good.
Here’s my guess on how everything unfolded. At first a small trickle of people leave the rally and arrive at capitol. They’re welcomed politely by capitol poloce. More start arriving and police put up some barricades at side walk to try and control number of people entering cause after all there is important shit going on inside. The crowd gets bigger and bigger and more restless and forces past that barricade. The police fall back to capitol entrance and makes a stand. Just my guess.
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Here’s my guess on how everything unfolded. At first a small trickle of people leave the rally and arrive at capitol. They’re welcomed politely by capitol poloce. More start arriving and police put up some barricades at side walk to try and control number of people entering cause after all there is important shit going on inside. The crowd gets bigger and bigger and more restless and forces past that barricade. The police fall back to capitol entrance and makes a stand. Just my guess.
And the police escorting some of the people through the capital?
The point of my post had to do with the timing of the indictment, assuming there actually is one. As I predicted, nothing would happen today and it was just being used for fundraising. Unfortunately, I get nothing for being right.
I know. But it served me well as a tee for my mini-tirade. Just so you don't go home empty-handed, I award you 300 bluetoe points that you can redeem at any Lums.
Here’s my guess on how everything unfolded. At first a small trickle of people leave the rally and arrive at capitol. They’re welcomed politely by capitol poloce. More start arriving and police put up some barricades at side walk to try and control number of people entering cause after all there is important shit going on inside. The crowd gets bigger and bigger and more restless and forces past that barricade. The police fall back to capitol entrance and makes a stand. Just my guess.
" Just my guess. "

attaboy. Good guess.
Just so you don't go home empty-handed, I award you 300 bluetoe points that you can redeem at any Lums.
Here’s my guess on how everything unfolded. At first a small trickle of people leave the rally and arrive at capitol. They’re welcomed politely by capitol poloce. More start arriving and police put up some barricades at side walk to try and control number of people entering cause after all there is important shit going on inside. The crowd gets bigger and bigger and more restless and forces past that barricade. The police fall back to capitol entrance and makes a stand. Just my guess.
You don't have to guess. It's all on video.

1. There were people at the Capitol during the rally and while Trump was still talking. Specific individuals not charged, like Ray Epps, organized, directed and personally removed the signage, barriers and so forth. The first "breach" of a police line happened with Ray Epp's team, for example.

2. There are 2 entrances to the Capitol that people came to. One where you can see on video a Capitol police officer remove the barriers and waive people forward to the Capitol and presumably restricted areas yelling "go, go, go." At that entrance, the police not only opened the doors to let people in and escort them but also went out and recruited people to come into the Capitol.

3. At the other entrance, the police engaged in heavy-handed tactics and abuse that riled up the crowd while federal assets and agents encouraged people to move forward and overcome the police lines and also did so themselves.
All of this is available and verifiable for anyone that wants to know what happened.
I don’t know. Were they doing it for the early arrivals? Is that what they typically do? Seems to me there’s several possibilities more likely than a conspiracy.
have you seen the video(s) that @randman1 referenced above? if so, what is your response to those actions seen in the video? you cannot ignore them ... what is your opinion of it?
no offense, but I think you're missing the part where Antifa approached protesters and asked them to riot and destroy stuff. Because, it isn't plausible that they (Antifa) would simply start destroying shit and rioting without asking protesters to get involved on their behalf. If they didn't make their intentions known, it didn't happen. Because that would have been sneaky and sneakiness wouldn't have been allowed.

BTW, most of what you describe is not lawbreaking, and arrests of innocent people are made every day. You seem to be opining defensively in rather knee-jerk fashion, but maybe it's just me.

Obviously there was wrongdoing that day. But the question is, did outside agents incite (sneakily) protesters to cross the line and riot. That is still very much within the realm of possibility to me.
Think what you want. I just explained how I arrived at my opinion is all. It’s not defensive nor knee jerk but the result of months if not years of admittedly half assed following the events. Just stating why I feel how I do. My opinion on things is always subject to change as evidence presents itself and no difference here. You have some proof that antifa or the fbi instigated violence I’ll listen.
have you seen the video(s) that @randman1 referenced above? if so, what is your response to those actions seen in the video? you cannot ignore them ... what is your opinion of it?
My opinion is that anything presented by @randman1 is a lie. Period. And yes I sure as fuk can ignore it and I will. If you wanna make a point with me about anything the worst possible thing you can do is link that flaming dumbfuk
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Not that anyone should care, but it seems some have responded to my poast on J6 and I haven’t replied. Ignore feature on this site is a beautiful thing - to apply to those who’ve earned a spot on Mount RushMoron on this board (prlyles, heelmamwil, blazers, noir, cb34…).

There are plenty of others I sometimes disagree strongly with on this board issue to issue but I still respect their reasoning and argument ability. The Ignores are batshit crazy, devoid of anything resembling debate grounded in logic, reality, natural law, facts. IDGAF what they say or think and vice versa I’m sure. It’s all good.
So uh…..the fbi being behind the Jan 6 violence is logical to you? Well if not believing such mind numbingly stupid partisan maga delusional bull shit without any credible supporting evidence puts me on your mtn then please do it. I’ll stand there proudly.
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" Just my guess. "

attaboy. Good guess.
Well yes it’s just a guess. I have to guess since I don’t trust either side to be anywhere near truthful about it. I draw my own conclusions based on what I know to be true. I don’t suck at the teat of either party or base opinions on hate of either. If I’m wrong so be it. But i’ll never be wrong out of loyalty to a political agenda or hero worship of a politician.
So uh…..the fbi being behind the Jan 6 violence is logical to you? Well if not believing such mind numbingly stupid partisan maga delusional bull shit without any credible supporting evidence puts me on your mtn then please do it. I’ll stand there proudly.

In fairness, we know they leaned on media outlets to stifle the Hunter Biden story. We know that. We also know from past experiences about Antifa. They are violent and destructive. Again, we know that. Let's not act like it's not a logical conclusion to jump to. I'm not asking you to believe it. I'm asking you to be truthful and admit the theory has credibility based on past actions of both groups.
In fairness, we know they leaned on media outlets to stifle the Hunter Biden story. We know that. We also know from past experiences about Antifa. They are violent and destructive. Again, we know that. Let's not act like it's not a logical conclusion to jump to. I'm not asking you to believe it. I'm asking you to be truthful and admit the theory has credibility based on past actions of both groups.
To be clear I despise antifa, their message, their methods…all of it. If they had anything to do with Jan 6 I would lead the chorus in calling for their heads. But To me without any evidence I’m aware of blaming them just seems like an out for trump supporters to deflect blame. That seems more logical of a conclusion to me.
To be clear I despise antifa, their message, their methods…all of it. If they had anything to do with Jan 6 I would lead the chorus in calling for their heads. But To me without any evidence I’m aware of blaming them just seems like an out for trump supporters to deflect blame. That seems more logical of a conclusion to me.

That's fair. And for the record, I believe much of what you poasted above - a bunch of people were at the rally. When Trump said go to the Capitol, they did just to be a part of the "revolution". Then a very tiny number of people took it too far and became aggressive with Capitol Police. The good majority of people that entered the Capitol were along for the ride and were in no way threatening or violent.

Where you and I diverge is that key piece where a very small number of people became aggressive. Were they hyped up by Antifa? Maybe. I can certainly believe that. It is not a leap at all to make that conclusion based on previous actions from that group. But I understand preferring to blame it on the tiny number of radical right wing people that showed up.

We also diverge on another key part - the knowledge beforehand and the preparation, or lack thereof, for an event to occur. I believe many knew about it and purposely chose to not to beef up security in hopes that something like this would happen. I believe those that knew and decided not to act on the info in hopes something like this would happen got more than they bargained for and for that, I'm glad. I hope Nancy literally shit herself when someone was banging down her door. And if I believe the above, which I do, then it seems logical to me that someone with the knowledge that Congress purposely neglected to beef up security, also incentivized Antifa in some way to get involved to spark the fire.

There, I said it as concisely as I can.
In fairness, we know they leaned on media outlets to stifle the Hunter Biden story. We know that. We also know from past experiences about Antifa. They are violent and destructive. Again, we know that. Let's not act like it's not a logical conclusion to jump to. I'm not asking you to believe it. I'm asking you to be truthful and admit the theory has credibility based on past actions of both groups.
Plus, there are hours of tape of antifa in their black riot gear, or of them changing into DJT gear (with their trademark MAGA cap on backwards to identify each other), and of the radio communication and precise coordination, sophisticated Capitol breaching and wall climbing gear, actual people like Ray Epps (FBI) and other well known past antifa protest agitators - who led the groups to and into the Capitol on that day, but for some reason these agitators and instigators go free, while doing way more illegal, harmful stuff than most that are still rotting in jail for a possible trespass.

It's all on tape if people want to look it up. Or read about it by people who have done extensive investigative reporting of facts over the last two years. Are people too lazy to look this stuff up? Or they should just admit that it blows up their preferred preset narrative that J6 was only a bunch of Trumpers out of control, who somehow for the first time ever, learned in a few minutes before DJT was even done speaking, to access equipment and communication and a plan and tools to breach the Capitol.

Yep - that seems totally logical and believable - best explanation of what really happened.
That's fair. And for the record, I believe much of what you poasted above - a bunch of people were at the rally. When Trump said go to the Capitol, they did just to be a part of the "revolution". Then a very tiny number of people took it too far and became aggressive with Capitol Police. The good majority of people that entered the Capitol were along for the ride and were in no way threatening or violent.

Where you and I diverge is that key piece where a very small number of people became aggressive. Were they hyped up by Antifa? Maybe. I can certainly believe that. It is not a leap at all to make that conclusion based on previous actions from that group. But I understand preferring to blame it on the tiny number of radical right wing people that showed up.

We also diverge on another key part - the knowledge beforehand and the preparation, or lack thereof, for an event to occur. I believe many knew about it and purposely chose to not to beef up security in hopes that something like this would happen. I believe those that knew and decided not to act on the info in hopes something like this would happen got more than they bargained for and for that, I'm glad. I hope Nancy literally shit herself when someone was banging down her door. And if I believe the above, which I do, then it seems logical to me that someone with the knowledge that Congress purposely neglected to beef up security, also incentivized Antifa in some way to get involved to spark the fire.

There, I said it as concisely as I can.
Yep - DJT and others warned Pelosi (who is largely in charge of Cap Police) several times in the days before J6, and she and the Cap PD did/said nothing. Why?

It'd be nice to get to the bottom of that but we never will.

Even Speaker McCarthy releasing tapes and trying to hold all accountable was half-hearted, a ransom concession he had to make to get his speaker votes. He wants no part of getting to the truth of J6 any more than your average Dem / media member. .
My opinion is that anything presented by @randman1 is a lie. Period. And yes I sure as fuk can ignore it and I will. If you wanna make a point with me about anything the worst possible thing you can do is link that flaming dumbfuk
understood .. but the video evidence is there. have you viewed it, and if so, what is your take?
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Plus, there are hours of tape of antifa in their black riot gear, or of them changing into DJT gear (with their trademark MAGA cap on backwards to identify each other), and of the radio communication and precise coordination, sophisticated Capitol breaching and wall climbing gear, actual people like Ray Epps (FBI) and other well known past antifa protest agitators - who led the groups to and into the Capitol on that day, but for some reason these agitators and instigators go free, while doing way more illegal, harmful stuff than most that are still rotting in jail for a possible trespass.

It's all on tape if people want to look it up. Or read about it by people who have done extensive investigative reporting of facts over the last two years. Are people too lazy to look this stuff up? Or they should just admit that it blows up their preferred preset narrative that J6 was only a bunch of Trumpers out of control, who somehow for the first time ever, learned in a few minutes before DJT was even done speaking, to access equipment and communication and a plan and tools to breach the Capitol.

Yep - that seems totally logical and believable - best explanation of what really happened.
I think part of the problem is that these things that you think are true, aren't true. You posted several of them, but let's just talk about Epps. There's no evidence that Epps is an FBI plant. He has testified saying he wasn't. The problem with a conspiracy theory is that it's a self perpetuating myth. He's an undercover FBI guy, so if he tells us he isn't, it proves he is. It's one of those things you can't disprove if you want it to be true.
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I think part of the problem is that these things that you think are true, aren't true. You posted several of them, but let's just talk about Epps. There's no evidence that Epps is an FBI plant. He has testified saying he wasn't. The problem with a conspiracy theory is that it's a self perpetuating myth. He's an undercover FBI guy, so if he tells us he isn't, it proves he is. It's one of those things you can't disprove if you want it to be true.
It’s not “what I think is true” - it’s what I and everyone can visually see on tape. What you’re saying is like “I think the sun rises in the east because I heard it from some tabloid rag”. No - I and everyone can visually observe these things. What you can visually observe doesn’t require some blind faith or preconceived belief.

Re: Epps - for all the outrageous things that he did to lead a charge on the Capitol, despite many people refusing and outing him - WHY IS IT that Epps was never held in jail, never legitimately questioned like the dozens of others who did far less, but have been put in jail on J6?

This seems fishy / corrupt af to me or to anyone who believes in some sense of equal Justice

I say “it’s true” based on facts I’ve viewed and read - direct objective reports of that day

You say “it’s not true” based on (I assume) no viewing or reading of core factual evidence, instead relying on some mainstream media soundbite that nicely aligns with your preset belief of what you want to be true. That J6 was all end to end am infection by DJT loons ONLY.
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You say “it’s not true” based on (I assume) no viewing or reading of core factual evidence, instead relying on some mainstream media soundbite that nicely aligns with your preset belief of what you want to be true. That J6 was all end to end am infection by DJT loons ONLY.
No, I say it's not true because of evidence and interviews. You're interpreting things in a way that you want it to be. Listen, I think you are a good poster (other than your tl;dr posts ;)) and you tend to be open minded, but for whatever reason you, and others here, just want to ignore certain things or interpret them based on your feelings when it comes to politics. Things have become so politicized that things that we should all agree on have become an us vs them.
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That's fair. And for the record, I believe much of what you poasted above - a bunch of people were at the rally. When Trump said go to the Capitol, they did just to be a part of the "revolution". Then a very tiny number of people took it too far and became aggressive with Capitol Police. The good majority of people that entered the Capitol were along for the ride and were in no way threatening or violent.

Where you and I diverge is that key piece where a very small number of people became aggressive. Were they hyped up by Antifa? Maybe. I can certainly believe that. It is not a leap at all to make that conclusion based on previous actions from that group. But I understand preferring to blame it on the tiny number of radical right wing people that showed up.

We also diverge on another key part - the knowledge beforehand and the preparation, or lack thereof, for an event to occur. I believe many knew about it and purposely chose to not to beef up security in hopes that something like this would happen. I believe those that knew and decided not to act on the info in hopes something like this would happen got more than they bargained for and for that, I'm glad. I hope Nancy literally shit herself when someone was banging down her door. And if I believe the above, which I do, then it seems logical to me that someone with the knowledge that Congress purposely neglected to beef up security, also incentivized Antifa in some way to get involved to spark the fire.

There, I said it as concisely as I can.
I agree with your criticism of the lack of preparedness. We actually agree on more than we disagree on here. In fact I don’t know why it makes a difference really. The idiots doing the stupid shit either did it on their own, as part of a some sort of group, or they were duped/instigated into doing it. All the same they did stupid shit.
I think part of the problem is that these things that you think are true, aren't true. You posted several of them, but let's just talk about Epps. There's no evidence that Epps is an FBI plant. He has testified saying he wasn't. The problem with a conspiracy theory is that it's a self perpetuating myth. He's an undercover FBI guy, so if he tells us he isn't, it proves he is. It's one of those things you can't disprove if you want it to be true.
Epps is an interesting focal point. "There's no evidence that Epps is an FBI plant." Well, there is certainly no evidence that you believe and that includes that he testified he wasn't. Considering who's been doing the investigating, I wouldn't expect there to be evidence released to us minions if he was involved. So, maybe you're right. The thing that's so odd is the behavior of Epps that is known and how that type of thing has gotten so many others charged and prosecuted. Maybe Epps is just really lucky. Maybe he knew just how far to push it. Maybe.

I'm not saying he was or he wasn't. I just feel like there is smoke around him that hasn't been explained and if he was an informant, they sure as heck aren't gonna tell us. So, his behavior goes unexplained which lets the conspiracy claims run wild.
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Epps is an interesting focal point. "There's no evidence that Epps is an FBI plant." Well, there is certainly no evidence that you believe and that includes that he testified he wasn't. Considering who's been doing the investigating, I wouldn't expect there to be evidence released to us minions if he was involved. So, maybe you're right. The thing that's so odd is the behavior of Epps that is known and how that type of thing has gotten so many others charged and prosecuted. Maybe Epps is just really lucky. Maybe he knew just how far to push it. Maybe.

I'm not saying he was or he wasn't. I just feel like there is smoke around him that hasn't been explained and if he was an informant, they sure as heck aren't gonna tell us. So, his behavior goes unexplained which lets the conspiracy claims run wild.
Except his behavior isn't unexplained. It's been explained by him and there is evidence to back up what he is saying. This stuff isn't hidden. A quick Google search will tell you all of this. You're seeing black hats where there are no black hats because you want to see them. Like I said earlier, it's self perpetuating.
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