OOTB's Political Thread . ..

”Stars, and I’m not saying that I’m a star, have been approaching women that way for more than a million years, at least.”
Trump's Paleolithic dream:
^ l was contemplating how many hominids were real “stars“ 40,000 generations ago but you
were able to find real evidence that Homo Erectus was the first. Well done, dude!
l guess the E Jean jury just didn’t believe that the Donald‘s sexual assault and battery did not qualify for
Homo Erectus status in this case.
^ l was contemplating how many hominids were real “stars“ 40,000 generations ago but you
were able to find real evidence that Homo Erectus was the first. Well done, dude!
l guess the E Jean jury just didn’t believe that the Donald‘s sexual assault and battery did not qualify for
Homo Erectus status in this case.
I love how Trump readily admits he's no smarter than a caveman without even realizing it.

It's so easy a caveman can do it.
- GEICO spokesperson
you can't just all of a sudden yank troops out of...oh, wait a minute....
Biden said, he'd bring troops home and he did. Thirteen died during withdraw, but how many died during Trump's 4 yrs of weakness? (and Obama's 8 yrs?)
of course it's massive, recklessly so in inception to the tune of like 6 TRILLION dollars, and as I indicated, infrastructure attention is what we should have gotten when obama took an obscene amount of money and threw it up in the air. Biden 'pushed through' what there was little resistance to from either side in the infrastructure bill. Few opposed it because we should have gotten it way back when. What you're avoiding acknowledging is the massive glut that was the companion Build Back Better part of the legislation, which became the laughable Inflation Reduction Act after some serious trimming.

spending hog

"After the Democrats delayed the August recess, the U.S. Senate passed the slimmed-down version of the huge “Build Back Better” tax-and-spend blow-out bill this past weekend. The vote was 51 to 50, with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the deciding vote. No Republican voted for the monstrosity. Tragically, this is exactly what happened when the Democrats passed Obamacare on Christmas Eve 2009 with no Republican votes.

This BBB-light legislation is now euphemistically called the Inflation Reduction Act. You can call a pig a dog, but the fact remains that the animal is still a pig. The Penn Wharton Budget Model predicts the impact of the law on inflation will be essentially zero. And any potential effect on inflation would be years away, providing no relief for Americans now experiencing the worst inflation in decades."
Again, Repubs are lauding, and touting things in these bills as great things for their constituents. Explain that.

I support legislation that fights climate change. But this is just another throw-money-at-it scheme. If Biden and the dems had the balls to really affect climate change, they would come down hard on the causes instead of investing in 'research' and charging stations, etc. They just want to throw money at a problem to say they did, and add to the debt instead of actually accomplishing something.
They are coming down hard, new EPA power plant rules on carbon capture go into effect today.
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The problem for people like you - and I say "like you" to indicate people that feel Trump can't win a general election and would prefer a different GOP candidate - is that these fabricated attempts to bring Trump down are only strengthening his position. Everyone sees these for what they are - phony and made up. And so, his base and even those that were fence sitters, have had enough of the corrupt establishment trying to screw over figures they believe represent the American people best. The people are pissed and ready to rally around the guy that evil, corrupt, establishment politicians are trying to bring down. With every passing day of America in the shitter and every made up lie and attempt to hurt Trump, his base grows stronger.

The more prudent play for the Democrats would be to ignore Trump and watch him self destruct. But the more they try to hurt him, the more power he gains. If they're not careful, it might just springboard him back into office in 2024. Frankly, I could think of few things better than a second Trump term.
i agree with you that the Dems / anti-Trumpers should have just let him wither post election (2020) .. but they're too egotistical and stupid to do that. he would be a non-factor by now if they had ignored him.

but here's my point - yes, the people who love him no-matter-what are ALWAYS going to love him, regardless of what he's charged with. i just dont believe the fence-sitters and people who didnt vote at all in 2020 are now MORE likely to vote for him bc of what he's been accused of. i personally know at least a dozen people who voted for him in 2016 .. didnt vote for him in 2020 ... and absolutely will not vote for him in 2024. call them stupid, stubborn, whatever ... the dude has just burned way too many bridges. ultimately i think the midterms and his (negative) influence are exactly what will happen in 2024. he fractures the party.
i agree with you that the Dems / anti-Trumpers should have just let him wither post election (2020) .. but they're too egotistical and stupid to do that. he would be a non-factor by now if they had ignored him.
There are dems who don't want him to be a non-factor, rather they want him to be the GOP nominee knowing anti-trumpers and indies will choose ABT.
but here's my point - yes, the people who love him no-matter-what are ALWAYS going to love him, regardless of what he's charged with. i just dont believe the fence-sitters and people who didnt vote at all in 2020 are now MORE likely to vote for him bc of what he's been accused of. i personally know at least a dozen people who voted for him in 2016 .. didnt vote for him in 2020 ... and absolutely will not vote for him in 2024. call them stupid, stubborn, whatever ... the dude has just burned way too many bridges. ultimately i think the midterms and his (negative) influence are exactly what will happen in 2024. he fractures the party.
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Biden said, he'd bring troops home and he did. Thirteen died during withdraw, but how many died during Trump's 4 yrs of weakness? (and Obama's 8 yrs?)
Trump didn't start the conflict but he had it handed to him. There were things that needed to be worked out with the Taliban and the Afghan leadership for a reasonable chance at not simply handing things over to the Taliban; and those things would have had no teeth without our troops being present. Trump worked out a timeline for getting us out, and all Biden did was to be late to act and then botch it terribly.. VERY terribly. For starters, his decision to pull out abruptly made no sense, unless there were political considerations. It got worse from there.

For example, I doubt Trump would have gifted the Taliban with all that hardware. I bet you won't admit that.

Again, Repubs are lauding, and touting things in these bills as great things for their constituents. Explain that.
I already have and I gave you a link that showed that the really bloated original social part was NOT supported by Republicans...the actual infrastructure was and it should have I clearly indicated. Biden deserves little credit for pushing legislation through that there was very little resistance to.

Again the original package was ridiculously expensive and it wasn't all about infrastructure, to keep pounding the point home for you. Even Manchin, the democrat, couldn't stomach it and held it up until a reluctantly accepted trimmed down bill was formed. There are SOME things in the bill that Republicans agreed with but the entire bill that became laughably known as the Inflation Reduction Act was not at all popular with republicans. The House vote was 220-207 and it took Kamal Harris' tie-breaking vote to get it by in the Senate.

They are coming down hard, new EPA power plant rules on carbon capture go into effect today.
they are coming down in that respect, but I would hardly call that hard...but at any rate, nice deflection from the items I mentioned.
The uproarious applause whenever Biden made his mostly untruthful proclamations was amusing to watch, but the knee-slapping guffaws he elicited from the crowd every time he slung insults at Trump, DeSantis, or Republicans in Congress, were reminders of just how ignorant his followers are.

It's all perspective.

I might be mistaken, but I swear I could hear champaign bottles being uncorked last night at the White House. This was definitely a gift for Joe Biden.
Don't get too excited. First, Biden and his advisers want Trump to do well, at least well enough to win the nomination, so screwing up as you perceive it isn't necessarily a good thing for them. Second, this was CNN. Who even watches? Or better phrased, who even watches that would be a possible Trump voter?
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There are dems who don't want him to be a non-factor, rather they want him to be the GOP nominee knowing anti-trumpers and indies will choose ABT.
Agreed. This would be anyone associated with Joe and the WH. It's the only shot he really has for a second term.
  • 1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to Black tenants and lied to Black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to previous discrimination.
  • 1980s: Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Brown said. “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.”
  • 1989: In a controversial case that’s been characterized as a modern-day lynching, four Black teenagers and one Latino teenager — the “Central Park Five” — were accused of attacking and raping a jogger in New York City. Trump immediately took charge in the case, running an ad in local papers demanding, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” The teens’ convictions were later vacated after they spent seven to 13 years in prison, and the city paid $41 million in a settlement to the teens. But Trump in October 2016 said he still believes they’re guilty, despite the DNA evidence to the contrary.
  • 1991: A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a Black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”
  • 1992: The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino had to pay a $200,000 fine because it transferred Black and women dealers off tables to accommodate a big-time gambler’s prejudices.
  • 1993: In congressional testimony, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”
  • 2000: In opposition to a casino proposed by the St. Regis Mohawk tribe, which he saw as a financial threat to his casinos in Atlantic City, Trump secretly ran a series of ads suggesting the tribe had a “record of criminal activity [that] is well documented.”
  • 2004: In season two of The Apprentice, Trump fired Kevin Allen, a Black contestant, for being overeducated. “You’re an unbelievably talented guy in terms of education, and you haven’t done anything,” Trump said on the show. “At some point you have to say, ‘That’s enough.’”
  • 2005: Trump publicly pitched what was essentially The Apprentice: White People vs. Black People. He said he “wasn’t particularly happy” with the most recent season of his show, so he was considering “an idea that is fairly controversial — creating a team of successful African Americans versus a team of successful whites. Whether people like that idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world.”
  • 2010: In 2010, there was a huge national controversy over the “Ground Zero Mosque” — a proposal to build a Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan, near the site of the 9/11 attacks. Trump opposed the project, calling it “insensitive,” and offered to buy out one of the investors in the project. On The Late Show With David Letterman, Trump argued, referring to Muslims, “Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.”
  • 2011: Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first Black president — was not born in the US. He claimed to send investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s birth certificate. Obama later released his birth certificate, calling Trump a “carnival barker.” The research has found a strong correlation between birtherism, as the conspiracy theory is called, and racism. But Trump has reportedly continued pushing this conspiracy theory in private.
  • 2011: While Trump suggested that Obama wasn’t born in the US, he also argued that maybe Obama wasn’t a good enough student to have gotten into Columbia or Harvard Law School, and demanded Obama release his university transcripts. Trump claimed, “I heard he was a terrible student. Terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?”
I especially like where you noted all of his alleged bigotry as President, where it really mattered....oh, wait..

But other than that, I enjoyed reading your list of his alleged bigotry. Several of the earlier items are even about actual bigotry and not merely insinuated bigotry like the rest. And one of them is almost believable, if you're so inclined to want to believe Donald Trump is a bigot.
exactly. Obviously, in the latter case there were enough party line slimeballs. Thanks for the unintended assist.
Not only is your man crush Donald Trump the first U.S. President to be impeached TWICE, a few weeks ago he became the first former president to be charged with a crime after he was indicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records, and more recently he became the first former president to be found guilty of sexually abusing and defaming a woman.

Wow! That is some résumé he is building!

And if that weren't enough, he is still whining about the 2020 election and how it was "rigged."

🤣 🤣 🤣
Instead of focusing on what the businesses of our former president did three, four, five decades ago to cater to their customers, perhaps one could comment on the activities of our current president. And, I'm not even talking about the border tsunami happening after the clock struck midnight. Of course, you probably aren't even aware since your news sources refuse to tell you.

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Not only is your man crush Donald Trump the first U.S. President to be impeached TWICE, a few weeks ago he became the first former president to be charged with a crime after he was indicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records, and more recently he became the first former president to be found guilty of sexually abusing and defaming a woman.

Wow! That is some résumé he is building!

And if that weren't enough, he is still whining about the 2020 election and how it was "rigged."

🤣 🤣 🤣
the joke is that you idiotically think I care. Actually, the joke is that you so desperately need to believe that I care. The REALLY funny thing is that you constantly out yourself as the sad, pathetic TDS victim that you are. I almost wish I could feel sorry for you but your weakness is too off-putting. You're like the scrawny second hatchling that wants to succeed but sadly gets pushed out of the nest...over and over

In reality, if you ever met Trump you'd probably fall to your knees in reverence to him, since he's owned you for so long.
the joke is that you idiotically think I care. Actually, the joke is that you so desperately need to believe that I care. The REALLY funny thing is that you constantly out yourself as the sad, pathetic TDS victim that you are. I almost wish I could feel sorry for you but your weakness is too off-putting. You're like the scrawny second hatchling that wants to succeed but sadly gets pushed out of the nest...over and over

In reality, if you ever met Trump you'd probably fall to your knees in reverence to him, since he's owned you for so long.
For someone that doesn't care you sure do defend him a lot. But
the truth is, I don't care if you care or not. I don't really care who does or doesn't care. All I know is that I care, and the reason I care is because it gives me great pleasure in life knowing we don't have to worry about your man crush ever being elected president again.

So, it turns out the joke is on you.
I don't care if you care or not. I don't care who does or doesn't care. All I know is that I care, and the reason I care is because it gives me great pleasure in life knowing we don't have to worry about your man crush ever being elected president again.

So, it turns out the joke is on you.
actually, the joke is on the poster who insists on displaying his case of TDS. That would be you. For my part, and as I've said a hundred times, I don't care who the conservative candidate is, I just want to not be subjected to the idiocy of Biden's presidency anymore.

And I have to admit, I hope that at some point before Biden croaks, the rottenness that you and your ilk ascribe to Trump ends up being revealed to exist much more so in the Biden clan that you would die for. It's there, it just has to be put together and made public.
For someone that doesn't care you sure do defend him a lot. But
the truth is, I don't care if you care or not. I don't really care who does or doesn't care. All I know is that I care, and the reason I care is because it gives me great pleasure in life knowing we don't have to worry about your man crush ever being elected president again.

So, it turns out the joke is on you.
that's because you and others lie about him and his Presidency a lot. I'm not defending him as much as I'm combatting the lies. You know how much I despise a liar.
I don't care who the conservative candidate is, I just want to not be subjected to the idiocy of Biden's presidency anymore.

I hope that at some point before Biden croaks, the rottenness that you and your ilk ascribe to Trump ends up being revealed to exist much more so in the Biden clan
In the comic world, those two statements are known as tags, which are defined as additional punchlines immediately following a punchline that does not require a new setup.

Please, keep the laughs coming!

In the comic world, those two statements are known as tags, which are defined as additional punchlines immediately following a punchline that does not require a new setup.

Please, keep the laughs coming!

spewing nonsense isn't making you look any smarter. Keep spewing nonsense.
Instead of focusing on what the businesses of our former president did three, four, five decades ago to cater to their customers, perhaps one could comment on the activities of our current president. And, I'm not even talking about the border tsunami happening after the clock struck midnight. Of course, you probably aren't even aware since your news sources refuse to tell you.

I'll comment:
The House Oversight Committee report found ZERO EVIDENCE of any wrongdoing by President Biden. No proof of misconduct at all despite a ton of information and 4 MONTHS of combing thru docs.

Is it easy to make $ when your parent or relative is high up the chain in government? Yes, "astonishingly" easy.

Is it illegal for family members to earn income from foreign sources while the person is in office? Nope. Or else we'd see charges by now for the Trump Clinton Bush Biden family.
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I said combatting the lies, which is the opposite of defending them.
Who said anything about defending these so-called lies besides you just now? I believe your actual words were "defending him" with him meaning Donald Trump.

So to reiterate, defending Trump = combatting so-called lies. And you're calling me a moron? Hilarious!!

And, I'm not even talking about the border tsunami happening after the clock struck midnight.
Apparently laws are going into effect which prohibit applying for amnesty at the border. I'd think R's would like this.

Also, what happened during Trump pre-covid? What happened during Obama?

My point is that immigration is hard. This country needs workers AND people are desperate to come this wonderful country.

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The House Oversight Committee report found ZERO EVIDENCE of any wrongdoing by President Biden. No proof of misconduct at all despite a ton of information and 4 MONTHS of combing thru docs.
How funny is it that the pubbies try and try to find something on the candidate who won the last election in a landslide only to come up empty again and again? But meanwhile, the libs have found so much guilt pointed at the candidate who lost the last election in a landslide by merely turning over a few small pebbles.

My sides hurt from laughing so hard.
Who said anything about defending these so-called lies besides you just now? I believe your actual words were "defending him" with him meaning Donald Trump.

So to reiterate, defending Trump = combatting so-called lies. And you're calling me a moron? Hilarious!!


yes because you are. You plainly said combatting = defending and they are clearly opposites. Furthermore, what I said was that "I'm not defending him as much as I'm combatting the lies". So I already indicated the (implied) element of defense, but I emphasized that, to the non-ignorant, the lies were the focus, not Trump.
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Holy cow! May of 2019 was a red-letter month for a man whose best known campaign promise was to build a wall.
Yeah it's nuts. 2018 was the peak of all the family-separation crap too, and "Remain in Mexico" (a good idea) was instituted early 2019 but that still didn't stop floods in 2019.

2019 economics were doing really well in the US (macro-economic and bus cycles = booming), while stinking south of the border.
Yeah it's nuts. 2018 was the peak of all the family-separation crap too, and "Remain in Mexico" (a good idea) was instituted early 2019 but that still didn't stop floods in 2019.

2019 economics were doing really well in the US (macro-economic and bus cycles = booming), while stinking south of the border.
God, it hurts my head just thinking about 2018 and 2019 when you-know-who was in the midst of making a mockery of this country on the world stage.

As far as I'm concerned, time as we know it began January 20, 2021, with a slight prelude exactly two weeks prior so as to always remind us of the day our democracy was threatened from within.
You plainly said combatting = defending and they are clearly opposites.
You still can't admit when you've been outmaneuvered, eh, blue?

Perhaps this visual aid will help you understand:

What you see here are soldiers defending their position while combatting the enemy.
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You still can't admit when you've been outmaneuvered, eh, blue?

Perhaps this visual aid will help you understand:

What you see here are soldiers defending their position while combatting the enemy.
And once again, you fvcking retard, I already indicated an element of defense. But those combatants in your example are not analogous. They are defending themselves. Suppose a second unrelated group was defending themselves against the same enemy. They would also be combatting that enemy and in the process they would be defending the first group although that wouldn't be their intention. Their only intent and focus is on their own defense, and the defense of the first group is coincidental.

Let me put it another way;

Say I hate knives and those who attack and threaten with them.. A man I don't know and don't care about is wielding a big club and being confronted by such a knife-wielder. I happen to be carrying, so I shoot the knife-wielder. I was acting only out of animosity toward the knife-wielder, but in the process of shooting him, I coincidentally defended the other man. Defending the other man wasn't my intent, and I would have shot the knife-wielder even if the other man wasn't there; but only because the other man was there did the man wield the knife.

Try to grasp that, you ridiculous try-too-hard jackass. Never mind, it's probably too much for you to process so go ahead and give it a laughing emoji as you always do when you have no answer.
And once again, you fvcking retard, I already indicated an element of defense. But those combatants in your example are not analogous. They are defending themselves. Suppose a second unrelated group was defending themselves against the same enemy. They would also be combatting that enemy and in the process they would be defending the first group although that wouldn't be their intention. Their only intent and focus is on their own defense, and the defense of the first group is coincidental.

Let me put it another way;

Say I hate knives and those who attack and threaten with them.. A man I don't know and don't care about is wielding a big club and being confronted by such a knife-wielder. I happen to be carrying, so I shoot the knife-wielder. I was acting only out of animosity toward the knife-wielder, but in the process of shooting him, I coincidentally defended the other man. Defending the other man wasn't my intent, and I would have shot the knife-wielder even if the other man wasn't there; but only because the other man was there did the man wield the knife.

Try to grasp that, you ridiculous try-too-hard jackass. Never mind, it's probably too much for you to process so go ahead and give it a laughing emoji as you always do when you have no answer.
Oh, okay. It all makes sense now. :rolleyes:

Brevity is the soul of wit.
- Shakespeare
Oh, okay. It all makes sense now. :rolleyes:

Brevity is the soul of wit.
- Shakespeare
I knew my simple explanation would go over your head. I also knew you'd go into simp mode to keep from admitting that you failed.

Guess I was wrong about the laughing emoji. You used an eye-roll emoji instead. My bad.

Putting aside the fact that even President Biden recently acknowledged that the border has been in chaos for ‘a number of years,’ Defendants’ doomsday rhetoric rings hollow because, as explained in detail in Florida, this problem is largely one of Defendants’ own making through the adoption an implementation of policies that have encouraged the so-called ‘irregular migration’ that has become fairly regular over the past 2 years," he said
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