The only thing that is troubling, worrisome about AOC is not her per se, but it is the existence of the social media and mainstream media that blindly follow her, and are highly defensive and protective of AOC, and how they instantly destroy anyone who dares ask AOC to expain her (often crazy, delusional, unintelligent, unicorn fantasy) positions such as Green New Deal, or anything economic or international relations related.
But even her mob and her media wouldn't be a problem, if the smarter, reality-based, experienced, practical, Democrats in office didn't roll over, cower, go whimpering fetal position the instant AOC pushed back on them.
Like Pelosi, and almost all the Dem pres candidates who somehow thought they had to sign onto Green New Deal? Why would they sign on to what they know is such a pile of garbage, if they weren't afraid of her, and her threats to support / drive a primary against anyone who dares cross her or dares to not take everything she says at face value, no questions allowed?