OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Are you trying to tell me that they aren't getting banned? Are there still some out there, sure. However, they're being snuffed out at a pretty alarming rate.
Oh, definitely. The NPC's, and SJW's, and GFY's are all out to get you. Circle the wagons and make more videos using that paranoid British dude. Don't give up the ship.
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Do I think pro-Trump people are being targeted and banned on social media? No, not at all. I've never seen it happen personally.

Plus, we still let @UNC71-00 post here so there goes your theory.

1) Rogan actually had a great podcast about this with Dorsey and his top lawyer against Tim Pool. I'm about half way through it, but there is no doubt Twitter is biased against people on the right side of the spectrum. Listen for yourself and decide.

2) Given that I supply the mayor with weed, cocaine, hookers, and lacrosse tickets, I ain't really fukkin all that worried about getting run from here.
Dude due to my circle of friends, family and classmates being mainly christian my fb timeline is all pro trump 24/7. Post after meme after post. Same with twitter. Hundreds of pro trump posts every single day. I dont know or havent heard of one single person booted for pro trump posts.
Maybe you should find a new family.
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Oh, definitely. The NPC's, and SJW's, and GFY's are all out to get you. Circle the wagons and make more videos using that paranoid British dude. Don't give up the ship.

Are you talking about the guy who actually shows the Tweets and news stories instead of just making baseless claims on a message board? How often do you even cite anything to your argument? It doesn't happen very often.
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Milo wasn't targeted? Gavin McIness wasn't targetted? Interesting...

First, are you in the British section of Florida with that spelling?

Second, I honestly don’t know who either of those people are and I don’t feel like googling them.
First, are you in the British section of Florida with that spelling?

Second, I honestly don’t know who either of those people are and I don’t feel like googling them.

So, you're refuting my claim while being ignorant of the situation? Interesting...

I'm not sure what the "British" comment was about. I'm guessing it's just some sad attempt at an ad hominem argument.
Are you talking about the guy who actually shows the Tweets and news stories instead of just making baseless claims on a message board? How often do you even cite anything to your argument? It doesn't happen very often.
I don't know his name. Some dude who sounds like Robin Leach. You posted some video of him ranting and swinging at fences about how he's calm and composed, but "the left" is unhinged.
This issue of social media bias was recently discussed on JRE if anyone is interested in exploring it further.
I don't know his name. Some dude who sounds like Robin Leach. You posted some video of him ranting and swinging at fences about how he's calm and composed, but "the left" is unhinged.

Swinging for the fences must be code for showing actual tweets and articles to back up his argument. You know, could learn a lot from that guy. Your arguments would carry more punch.
So, you're refuting my claim while being ignorant of the situation? Interesting...

I'm not sure what the "British" comment was about. I'm guessing it's just some sad attempt at an ad hominem argument.

I said I’ve personally never seen someone get banned from social media for supporting trump. You mentioned two people I don’t know thus couldn’t have personally seen.

No one in America spells targeted with three t’s.
No one in America spells targeted with three t’s.

I must have gottten carried away with that. However, it's a pretty solid argument...

I'll do @uncboy10's job for him and post the video.

It's interesting that the one guy keeps talking about how Twitter is a private company, but Twitter considers themselves a free speech platform which protects them from liability. If they want to decide what is right and what is wrong, then they should be held liable for people getting killed due to posts on their platform. You can't have it both ways.
That sounds like ad hominem to me. It's just so easy to be intellectually lazy, isn't it?

He’s admittedly a provatuer. He made him name saying controversial things for shock value.

If you want to defend a guy who condones adult men having sex with teenage boys then go right ahead.
Made my paycheck go up every time. Now get your grubby little hand out of my back pocket.

Your paycheck going up doesn’t prove trickle down economics works. Inflation alone would cause it to go up. This was a silly comment
I'll do @uncboy10's job for him and post the video.

It's interesting that the one guy keeps talking about how Twitter is a private company, but Twitter considers themselves a free speech platform which protects them from liability. If they want to decide what is right and what is wrong, then they should be held liable for people getting killed due to posts on their platform. You can't have it both ways.
Yeah... see, that's messed-up. no one should be censored.
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