OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I kinda like Jordan Peterson... kinda. Here is a very good discussion with Russell Brand about "inequality." It's helpful because 1) they are not debating and 2) there's no need for one or the other to be "right" or "wrong." They actually manage to learn from one another instead of trying to win or lose.

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I kinda like Jordan Peterson... kinda. Here is a very good discussion with Russell Brand about "inequality." It's helpful because 1) they are not debating and 2) there's no need for one or the other to be "right" or "wrong." They actually manage to learn from one another instead of trying to win or lose.

Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and Pat Condell...the triumverate of modern day sages.
OK - I know this emergency declaration is all about the wall, but to me the bigger issue that should be addressed is the sanctuary city/state issue.

Just last week there was a case with an illegal immigrant caught like 6 times for some major drug and violent assault crimes, and instead of ICE being able to detain him, he got released on the Mexico side.

The guy tracked down a California woman and brutally killed her in her home.

How do the sanctuary city proponents look the family members of these victims in the eye? I'd be so angry as a family member, I'd want to take vengeance into my own hands.
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OK - I know this emergency declaration is all about the wall, but to me the bigger issue that should be addressed is the sanctuary city/state issue.

Just last week there was a case with an illegal immigrant caught like 6 times for some major drug and violent assault crimes, and instead of ICE being able to detain him, he got released on the Mexico side.

The guy tracked down a California woman and brutally killed her in her home.

How do the sanctuary city proponents look the family members of these victims in the eye? I'd be so angry as a family member, I'd want to take vengeance into my own hands.

There are a lot of issues with immigration right now.
Ben Shapiro is a partisan clown that’s a solid 20 IQ points below Peterson.

JP is very intelligent in his domain but he also makes some outrageous claims. Recently he claimed that being too open towards sex led to aids which “nearly killed us all.” That is a preposterous claim.

His claims about leftist “marxists” dominating college campuses and indoctrinating students is insanely overstated, but that’s become his calling card so I don’t really blame him. I’m extremely familiar with his work, and listen to most of his interviews. His points are useful, especially regarding the “equality of outcome” type SJWs. But like Shapiro, he has a bad habit of strawmanning anyone who disagrees with him.

His views on religion are also ridiculous. His debates with Sam Harris revealed that. He waffled pretty badly on the definition of god and tried to invent a definition for a word that has a widely accepted meaning. Which irritates me.
I just appreciated the way they spoke and discussed the topics. Neither had to be right or wrong, necessarily. Neither had some caveman need to "win."

I've heard Peterson when he was merely a slightly-less-annoying and slightly-less-insecure version of Ben Shapiro.
I just appreciated the way they spoke and discussed the topics. Neither had to be right or wrong, necessarily. Neither had some caveman need to "win."

I've heard Peterson when he was merely a slightly-less-annoying and slightly-less-insecure version of Ben Shapiro.

I wasn’t disagreeing with you about that conversation. It’s been awhile since I listened to it, but I remember it being pretty good.
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Ben Shapiro is a partisan clown that’s a solid 20 IQ points below Peterson.

JP is very intelligent in his domain but he also makes some outrageous claims. Recently he claimed that being too open towards sex led to aids which “nearly killed us all.” That is a preposterous claim.

His claims about leftist “marxists” dominating college campuses and indoctrinating students is insanely overstated, but that’s become his calling card so I don’t really blame him. I’m extremely familiar with his work, and listen to most of his interviews. His points are useful, especially regarding the “equality of outcome” type SJWs. But like Shapiro, he has a bad habit of strawmanning anyone who disagrees with him.

His views on religion are also ridiculous. His debates with Sam Harris revealed that. He waffled pretty badly on the definition of god and tried to invent a definition for a word that has a widely accepted meaning. Which irritates me.

Nobody cares about your religion hang-ups.
The only cancerous religion, at this point, is the religion your side most vehemently defends.

My side? I’m more critical of Islam than anyone on this board...

Christianity is absolutely still a cancer. It only takes one look at the Catholic Church to figure that out.
There have been plenty of opportunities to make your beliefs known. You seem to be sitting on the fence when it comes to this subject.

I just told you I think Islam is a cancer. It’s a backwards, oppressive, moronic Stone Age ideology.

There hasn’t been a discussion on this board about Islam in a long time. You not knowing my views has no impact on those views. You sure say some stupid shit sometimes...
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I just told you I think Islam is a cancer. It’s a backwards, oppressive, moronic Stone Age ideology.

There hasn’t been a discussion on this board about Islam in a long time. You not knowing my views has no impact on those views. You sure say some stupid shit sometimes...

Your insults belie your position.
I've never once heard you speak ill of Islam.
Once again you are sticking your nose into a subject you know nothing about. He has made his position on religious matters know for years and he is just as down on Islam as any other religion. He pretty much holds them all in contempt.
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Once again you are sticking your nose into a subject you know nothing about. He has made his position on religious matters know for years and he is just as down on Islam as any other religion. He pretty much holds them all in contempt.

Again, I've never witnesses it, so you'll understand if I don't buy what you're selling.
Again, I've never witnesses it, so you'll understand if I don't buy what you're selling.
So a person can state a view for years and just b cause you have not saw it in the few months you have posted here you don’t believe him? You really are a very stupid person...
I'm stupid because I don't just take your word for it? That's a pretty telling statement, buddy.

Lol you didn’t take my word for it, and it’s my opinion you’re questioning.

So yeah, you sound like a complete idiot right now.
Didn't you just post some garbage about doing well with not insulting people? That's obviously a lie, so why would I just believe you on anything else?

I said I’ve changed my posting style. But if you try to pretend you know what I think better than I do then I’m absolutely going to point how stupid you sound.