OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Bro, I'm not talking about teenagers. I'm talking about groping little girls. I don't support what Trump allegedly did, but watching The Groper in action is enough to turn my stomach.

15 year old girls are little girls
I don’t know. Pelosi is at least a known thing. She’s as crazy as a shithouse rat, but we at least know what to expect from her. The unpredictability of the AOCs are what really concern me. Especially with our youth getting dumber and dumber and people giving more and more credibility to these radical lunatics.

The more dysfunction, the better.
It will certainly be interesting to see if those that have railed on Trump for his pageant escapades are fine backing Biden against him.

I’ll be honest, I’m not really all that familiar with the allegations against Biden. But assuming they are true, then it will be very interesting. If there’s actually video of him doing it then there’s no way he gets the nomination IMO.
I’ll be honest, I’m not really all that familiar with the allegations against Biden. But assuming they are true, then it will be very interesting. If there’s actually video of him doing it then there’s no way he gets the nomination IMO.

I agree with that assessment, but don't think that's how it should be. If he's the best guy for the job, he should get the nomination. We need the best President, not the best beacon of morality, to win the Presidency.
Not a picture of Biden with little girls, though I know there are plenty to creep anyone out.

This is a favorite pic of Biden for me: the look on these two biker dudes faces, classic: "Catch me out back, Joe"

Are you saying that a candidate should get the nomination regardless of whether they are a known sex offender against children or not? Please tell me that's not what you're saying.

No, if I was saying that, my poast would have read "a candidate should get the nomination regardless of whether they are a known sex offender against children or not"
I agree with that assessment, but don't think that's how it should be. If he's the best guy for the job, he should get the nomination. We need the best President, not the best beacon of morality, to win the Presidency.

How far do you take that though? What if he or trump had violently raped someone? Does it still matter if they’re the best man for the job? Obviously this is different than groping but it raises the question of where to draw the line.

Much of the president’s job is serving as a kind of figure head type leader of the country. In many ways the POTUS is a beacon of morality to the public and the world. It’s not the whole gig, but it’s part of it.
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The unpredictability of the AOCs are what really concern me. Especially with our youth getting dumber and dumber and people giving more and more credibility to these radical lunatics.
Nobody is giving credibility to AOC. Her own party openly mocks her. She's an outlier and the only reason to pay attention to her is for laughs. The dumb youth that you talk about doesn't vote, so they aren't an issue.
How far do you take that though? What if he or trump had violently raped someone? Does it still matter if they’re the best man for the job? Obviously this is different than groping but it raises the question of where to draw the line.

Much of the president’s job is serving as a kind of figure head type leader of the country. In many ways the POTUS is a beacon of morality to the public and the world. It’s not the whole gig, but it’s part of it.

Ya, if a crime was committed, especially rape, then that would take them out of the running in my mind.

Actions such as that would remove the person from being "the best person for the job" in my mind. Commentary and/or perceived morals don't do that though, IMO.
The dumb youth will start voting if there is a candidate that is "lit" or "cool AF". I can promise you that. AOC is just the candidate to mobilize that voting population.
Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul were considered that. All it did was get them reelected to congress and I would guess the youth weren't the ones who voted for them
Ok, I think I'm piecing this together by reading your responses to @uncboy10 . So basically what you're saying is that if a particular candidate just has a general feel of a scumbag, short of proof, you're fine with that person. Is that right? If so, I think I agree. Proof or it didn't happen.

Ya, that's in the direction I was thinking. But there can proof someone is a scumbag, in the sense of they were caught on video saying something uncouth, but that wouldn't necessarily indicate to me they weren't the best person for the job. Now, if an action had been committed, that would indicate that to me.
Ya, that's in the direction I was thinking. But there can proof someone is a scumbag, in the sense of they were caught on video saying something uncouth, but that wouldn't necessarily indicate to me they weren't the best person for the job. Now, if an action had been committed, that would indicate that to me.
Are you basically referring to the tape of Trump and Billy Bush?
I just don't care enough to continue to argue with you about it. And I've noticed that people like you need these small, insignificant victories. You can thank me later for throwing you a bone.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. The difference is yours is an opinion. I can back mine up with stats. I've noticed that people like you don't care about facts, so I didn't actually include links to save you from embarrassment. You can thank me later for that.
So you're patting yourself on the back for winning an argument with facts yet you admit you provided no facts?

Seems reasonable. I guess you always win with a tactic like that.
If I thought showing you the links would cause you to admit you were wrong, I would do it. You're not the type to believe actual evidence that shows you're wrong, so it would be a waste of my time. I don't feel like wasting my time.
15 year old girls are little girls

They're teenagers. I'm talking about girls who are about 8 or 9, and I'm talking about actual groping them, not some alleged instance where he walked into a teenage dressing room. Neither are good, but those actual groping instances are on a whole other level.
They're teenagers. I'm talking about girls who are about 8 or 9, and I'm talking about actual groping them, not some alleged instance where he walked into a teenage dressing room. Neither are good, but those actual groping instances are on a whole other level.
Why don't you post a link to all this and let people make up their own mind?
Clinton was accused of rape and people loved him. Especially the left. That should answer the morality question between groping and rape.
I just read those three articles you linked. Thank you. But the problem is that none of them say that Bernie appeals to young voters better than AOC. It doesn't say that about Ron Paul either. And then what I gleaned most from the last one you poasted was this:

"Preliminary results from ABC exit polls suggest that voters ages 18 to 29 will make up 13 percent of the overall electorate in this year’s midterms, up from 11 percent in 2014."

So the number of young voters is rising? Hmmm, that is exactly my concern. I appreciate the help you have provided me in making my case.
I've noticed that people like you don't care about facts

Big shock that you're giving The Groper a pass. That is some creepy stuff. I would never let a grown man put his hands on my daughter like that.

Edit: I think this is the video where some of the girls are actually recoiling at his touch and are trying to get away from him. If that's funny to you, then you're a sick puppy, bruh.
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Clinton was accused of rape and people loved him. Especially the left. That should answer the morality question between groping and rape.

Was he? I obviously remember all the women but I don’t remember one of them saying it wasn’t consensual. Those ugly women loved them some slick Willy.