OOTB's Political Thread . ..

None of those guys are big fish though. Those are just the small fish who always take the heat. If those guys are the only ones that get charged, the investigation is a huge waste of money.
Who would be "big fish" besides Trump in this thing?
I don't see that happening.
I don't either. All that came out of this was two lower level sleaze balls are serving time for white collar financial crimes. That's not a good return on investment, especially when you consider the uncertainty it has caused in foreign relationships. Trump does enough damage without needing a two year investigation.
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I don't either. All that came out of this was two lower level sleaze balls are serving time for white collar financial crimes. That's not a good return on investment, especially when you consider the uncertainty it has caused in foreign relationships. Trump does enough damage without needing a two year investigation.
Correct. Mueller has really messed up foreign relationships.....
Correct. Mueller has really messed up foreign relationships.....
I didn't say he did, I said the investigation has caused uncertainty. That should be pretty obvious. Don't you think at least one foreign leader has been unsure about what would happen as a result of the investigation? I also said Trump was doing enough damage on his own, but you seem to have overlooked me being critical of him.
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Seriously? The guy who represented stormy, lied to Congress, lied to the media and beat his wife.
also accused Justice Brett Kavanaugh of organizing and participating in gang rape parties in high school / college. Represented nutjob clients saying the same. So all in all, a real ethical, balanced, trustworthy guy.
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Sounds like Don Jr. is having some fun with this.

Hey @MichaelAvenatti – It looks like you’ll be the one spending time behind bars after all. #basta

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 25, 2019

Good news for my friend @MichaelAvenatti, if you plead fast enough, you might just get to share a cell with Michael Cohen! #basta

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 25, 2019

#MAGA – Michael Avenatti Getting Arrested!!!

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 25, 2019
also accused Justice Brett Kavanaugh of organizing and participating in gang rape parties in high school / college. Represented nutjob clients saying the same. So all in all, a real ethical, balanced, trustworthy guy.
Yeah, that's what I was talking about when I said he lied to Congress.

BTW, Avenatti also worked for Rahm Emmanuel and on many Democrat campaigns, so anyone who ever thought he wasn't partisan wasn't paying attention.
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Did you get dumped or something?
You personify everything he supposedly opposes on this kind of forum. The only lifelong Democrat on the board was permanently banned. So, you're the closest thing to whatever it is he's decided is on the losing end of whatever happens. It doesn't matter if you don't actually qualify. If you're not sucking Trump's dick, you're suicidal today.
You personify everything he supposedly opposes on this kind of forum. The only lifelong Democrat on the board was permanently banned. So, you're the closest thing to whatever it is he's decided is on the losing end of whatever happens. It doesn't matter if you don't actually qualify. If you're not sucking Trump's dick, you're suicidal today.

Boy, I can feel the bitterness on this board today.
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You personify everything he supposedly opposes on this kind of forum. The only lifelong Democrat on the board was permanently banned. So, you're the closest thing to whatever it is he's decided is on the losing end of whatever happens. It doesn't matter if you don't actually qualify. If you're not sucking Trump's dick, you're suicidal today.

Imagine that. First they decided who our “heroes” are, now they’re deciding how everyone on the left feels. It’s almost like a subscription to Breitbart comes with mind reading abilities. And yet most of them can’t even remember that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. Weird stuff...

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