OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I know that. I'm just telling you DC doesn't want this thing to be released.

Some people in DC seem to want it to be released.

I’m just saying it’s kinda weird that McConnel would block the release if it fully exhonerates trump and the GOP. Definitely seems like an attempt to control the narrative since we’re all just having to take the word of trump’s AG.
Some people in DC seem to want it to be released.

I’m just saying it’s kinda weird that McConnel would block the release if it fully exhonerates trump and the GOP. Definitely seems like an attempt to control the narrative since we’re all just having to take the word of trump’s AG.
I doubt Muller would allow the AG to misquote him. Most of this stuff isn't normally released because of long standing policy. They don't release info about people who were investigated, but weren't charged. That's all the dems want to know. Who was investigated. It's a political play. Most of the country doesn't give a shit. The dems have their own investigations going on. They should just concentrate on finishing those.
I doubt Muller would allow the AG to misquote him. Most of this stuff isn't normally released because of long standing policy. They don't release info about people who were investigated, but weren't charged. That's all the dems want to know. Who was investigated. It's a political play. Most of the country doesn't give a shit. The dems have their own investigations going on. They should just concentrate on finishing those.
I agree.
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Imagine that. First they decided who our “heroes” are, now they’re deciding how everyone on the left feels. It’s almost like a subscription to Breitbart comes with mind reading abilities. And yet most of them can’t even remember that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. Weird stuff...

We already know how the left feels...angry. It's not like you people hide it very well.
Not a trump supporter but the report should not be released. Imagine you were investigated for a crime and found innocent. We all have things that a thorough investigation would reveal that would embarrass us despite it not being evidence of a crime. I dont doubt theres embarrassing stuff in the report. Dems know that. Theres a right to privacy here seems to me.
Not a trump supporter but the report should not be released. Imagine you were investigated for a crime and found innocent. We all have things that a thorough investigation would reveal that would embarrass us despite it not being evidence of a crime. I dont doubt theres embarrassing stuff in the report. Dems know that. Theres a right to privacy here seems to me.
That's exactly why the justice department has a policy not to release that type of information. I think the dems know it won't be released because of that, but they are using it as a talking point for the election. As I said in the other thread, I think that's a big mistake on their part.
They are supposed to be voting on the Green New Deal in the senate today. Apparently all of the dems plan to vote present instead of backing the deal on the record. I wonder who hates AOC the most, the GOP or the dems?

Dems by far hate her the most. No chance she gets reelected and then we will have years of her yapping on MSNBC.

I myself might move to NYC just so I can vote for her in 2020.
Interesting he wants the case sealed. If he's innocent, then I would think he would want everyone to see the evidence so everyone would see that he's innocent.
Exactly how I felt about the mueller report.


But I wouldn't mind seeing the full Mueller report either. I think they're very different situations, because one involves a single (already known) person and the other involves (presumably) several currently unknown people investigated but not charged for anything. On the flip side, Smollett staging an event to worsen race relations doesn't have the same connection to the general public that the Mueller report does - which would favor it being released.
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But I wouldn't mind seeing the full Mueller report either. I think they're very different situations, because one involves a single (already known) person and the other involves (presumably) several currently unknown people investigated but not charged for anything. On the flip side, Smollett staging an event to worsen race relations doesn't have the same connection to the general public that the Mueller report does - which would favor it being released.

I'm still convinced that you don't know what the term "whataboutism" means.

The names/details of unknown suspects could be redacted.
Jussie Smollett Charges Dropped; ‘His Record Has Been Wiped Clean’

Of course it was. Dems gonna Dem.

“After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case,” the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office stated in an email.

Hmm, seems like $10K and community service was a sufficient settlement. Interesting that the Chicago PD is pissed about it. But, if he didn't fabricate it - they should open the investigation back up and track these people down who assaulted him, and charge them and prosecute them, right?
“After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case,” the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office stated in an email.

Hmm, seems like $10K and community service was a sufficient settlement. Interesting that the Chicago PD is pissed about it. But, if he didn't fabricate it - they should open the investigation back up and track these people down who assaulted him, and charge them and prosecute them, right?
Yeah... this is bullshit! 16 felony charges just dropped? Something ain't right.
I don't know the details of what he did to be charged with 16 felonies. But,I find it very hard to believe that they just get dropped. Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, 2 poor people are serving life sentences for a murder they never committed.

Rich people are (almost always) above the law... (almost)always have been, (almost)always will be.

I know part of it was filing more than one false police report. The "attack" was just one part of it. He was sending himself letters that said stuff like "die n***** f** and had powder to make it look like some sort of ricin/anthrax scare. The guy is a real scumbag and I hope these antics, and him not being prosecuted, don't further drive a wedge between blacks and whites.
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I know part of it was filing more than one false police report. The "attack" was just one part of it. He was sending himself letters that said stuff like "die n***** f** and had powder to make it look like some sort of ricin/anthrax scare. The guy is a real scumbag and I hope these antics, and him not being prosecuted, don't further drive a wedge between blacks and whites.
And, again, somehow the charges are just mysteriously dropped. That's... bullshit.