OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Aren't you bitter?

As to Smollett, I would look at 3 main people involved in this travesty...Jesse Jackson, Barack and Moochelle Obama ,all three of whom are huge power brokers in the corrupt land that is Chicago politics.

Smollett did his "community service" at Jackson's Op Push HQ. it was a JOKE. He stuffed envelopes, reviewed MUSIC videos and generally did absolutely nothing for the "community"

Jackson was a huge factor in this and so too were the Obamas. As usual these sleaze bags had someone else do their dirty work, using some hack intermediary to lobby for this crooks release. Of course it worked, and we are left with this sham result.

Feds can still go after this racist jerk. Hope they throw the book at him.
Dems by far hate her the most. No chance she gets reelected and then we will have years of her yapping on MSNBC.

I myself might move to NYC just so I can vote for her in 2020.

I don't know which Rs hate her, but they should love her.

She puts many of the Ds (including presidential candidates) in a box or twisting in the wind: they have to support the GND for fear of offending the leftist activists in the party....

but they also know that the specifics of the GND are batsh_t crazy to any non-partisan, independent, moderate....

those who live in the real world, not obsessed with partisan politics, those who want to maintain their current job, career, and lifestyle without a socialist, environmental extremist takeover of world's largest economy....

based on some fully disproven, and scientifically talking point about the world ending in 12 years if US alone doesn't surrender its capitalist economy.

Good luck with that, Cortez. I love having her being on the stage as the Fresh Face and de facto leader of the Dem party.

I didn't think that vote could possibly be held tomorrow, but wow she got owned so hard by McConnell, it had to hurt. I think she is too dumb to realize how hard she got owned, outside of her circle of social media worshippers.
She puts many of the Ds (including presidential candidates) in a box or twisting in the wind: they have to support the GND for fear of offending the leftist activists in the party....

but they also know that the specifics of the GND are batsh_t crazy to any non-partisan, independent, moderate....

Agreed, she's doing a lot to bust up the Dem establishment, which is a great thing.

The Dems are stretching themselves too thin. They'll support ideas, no matter how outlandish, if it's seen as "progressive" in any direction. Them all signing on to the GND when it was a pie in the sky idea they could say "see look! I support the environment!", and then subsequently refusing to vote for it when they got the chance to implement this thing they all said was great, really shows the state of their party right now. The factions and fractures are already forming - them splitting apart and making it a 3 or 4 party system would be great for the American people.
Did she say that or are you getting that from somewhere else?
She said on video: "its like - the world is going to end in 12 years, and you're like - how are we going to pay for it? This is our world war 2! This is our great depression...." something to that effect I've seen on a few different videos.

I don't know of words to describe how stupid and self-unaware she appears to the average intelligence and common sense person.

I don't blame her personally, and I don't hate her. Sadly, she seems to be the product of a time and schooling system and culture change where she (and others like her) have rarely been told they were wrong, rarely been challenged, rarely been expected to deliver facts or truth - (her money quote: "I may not be factually correct, but I am morally correct").

The education institutions have ceded so much authority and real life practical providing of lessons to kids, for fear of retribution if the institution hurts someone's feelings, told them they aren't the smartest, most noble, most morally superior person, facts be damned.
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As to Smollett, I would look at 3 main people involved in this travesty...Jesse Jackson, Barack and Moochelle Obama ,all three of whom are huge power brokers in the corrupt land that is Chicago politics.

Smollett did his "community service" at Jackson's Op Push HQ. it was a JOKE. He stuffed envelopes, reviewed MUSIC videos and generally did absolutely nothing for the "community"

Jackson was a huge factor in this and so too were the Obamas. As usual these sleaze bags had someone else do their dirty work, using some hack intermediary to lobby for this crooks release. Of course it worked, and we are left with this sham result.

Feds can still go after this racist jerk. Hope they throw the book at him.

I heard Ed Buck was involved too, but that's just hearsay.
I'm surprised there is still this much outrage over Smollett. I'm wondering if there is any federal charges he could get and if there will be a push to go after him. He needs to fire his PR people though. If he had admitted he screwed up, this would have been forgotten by now.
Sending the threatening letters to himself is a federal offense. So the Feds could step in, doubt they will though.
Sending the threatening letters to himself is a federal offense. So the Feds could step in, doubt they will though.
I don't know. This is turning into a pretty big deal and people aren't letting go of it. Emmanuel is even talking about suing him. He could have avoided all of this by just apologizing once they caught him.
I don't know. This is turning into a pretty big deal and people aren't letting go of it. Emmanuel is even talking about suing him. He could have avoided all of this by just apologizing once they caught him.
I agree with you. I also heard this morning he was thinking of suing as well. I hope he never works again.
Stupid bye nole!
You have your own board!

He’s a silly goose. Not worth taking seriously. The guy doesn’t even know what neoliberalism is...

From wiki:

Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faireeconomic liberalism and free marketcapitalism.[2]:7[3]While it is most often associated with such ideas, the defining features of neoliberalism in both thought and practice has been the subject of substantial scholarly discourse.[4] These ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[5] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.[13]These market-based ideas and the policies they inspired constitute a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which lasted from 1945 to 1980.[14][15]
He’s a silly goose. Not worth taking seriously. The guy doesn’t even know what neoliberalism is...

From wiki:

Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faireeconomic liberalism and free marketcapitalism.[2]:7[3]While it is most often associated with such ideas, the defining features of neoliberalism in both thought and practice has been the subject of substantial scholarly discourse.[4] These ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[5] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.[13]These market-based ideas and the policies they inspired constitute a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which lasted from 1945 to 1980.[14][15]

Neo-liberalism has nothing to do with laissez-faire. Whoever wrote that definition is an idiot. What does free market capitalism have to do with austerity?
Neo-liberalism has nothing to do with laissez-faire. Whoever wrote that definition is an idiot. What does free market capitalism have to do with austerity?

Maybe you stop getting your definitions from Alex Jones. Then you might not be so confused.