OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Not sure what the point of appealing will be. He'll get 30 hours of community service and he'll be able to do that at a campaign stop. Use his conviction to raise money and save his campaign legal expenses.
The point of appealing is obvious. He doesn't possess the ability to admit he was beaten, lost, found guilty, failed, whatever. The appeal is guaranteed unless it's more profitable to not appeal, and he can always find a euphemism for being found guilty.

P.S. They went to all of that trouble for a sentence of community service?
Of all days, I can't believe today is the day I was at work on set and the only screens we were watching were playback monitors. Then someone received the news in a text message, shared the news with us, and the whole place erupted in celebration. God, I love my job and all the smart, sensible people I work with.
you got a job working security at Walmart? You must know somebody.
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I think his lawyers screwed the pooch in two places.

Putting that Costello clown on the stand. He was as big a lying pos as cohen. On top of that he was a jack ass. Jurors are human and unlikable witnesses hurts your case.

Devoting hours to denying totally irrelevant testimony in summation. Should have just spent all the time hammering on cohen being a liar. Instead, prob at trumps demand, they wasted time and jurors attention in trying to convince everyone that trump didn’t have any affairs.

And if you thought trump used his first term to serve his self interest you ain’t seen nothing yet. His second will be nothing but a rage filled vengeance seeking self gratification shyt show tour as he ignores the duties of the office and instead uses it to go after his enemies and stroke his massive ego.
yeah except we've all been saying it will be overturned on appeal. But never let the facts get in the way of a good narrative, right?
Yes you have been saying that. But you’ll change your tune as it gets closer. You will say it’s rigged. That’s the fact. You can’t risk anything bad happening to him without the fall back claim there’s a conspiracy behind it. In fact I’ll make a wager with you that you will in some form or fashion claim the appeal is rigged or stacked against him or in some way unfair and biased against him either by outright saying it or agreeing with someone saying it or liking a post saying it or making favorable allusions to the claim. The winner gets to pick an avatar for the loser to use for a month assuming you don’t make the claim for that month as well. What do you say?
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His second will be nothing but a rage filled vengeance seeking self gratification shyt show tour as he ignores the duties of the office and instead uses it to go after his enemies and stroke his massive ego.
I doubt that he does much of that, but if he does, who could blame know, other than the usual knuckleheads. And I hope he does, just as soon as he stops the global meltdown, controls inflation, revs the economy, regains respect for us around the world, and ...what am I missing...OH YEAH, PLUGS THE GOTDANG BORDER back up.
I doubt that he does much of that, but if he does, who could blame know, other than the usual knuckleheads. And I hope he does, just as soon as he stops the global meltdown, controls inflation, revs the economy, regains respect for us around the world, and ...what am I missing...OH YEAH, PLUGS THE GOTDANG BORDER back up.
i hope he does those things too but the gas has been thrown on the fire that is trumps rage and it’s gonna burn.
I doubt that he does much of that, but if he does, who could blame know, other than the usual knuckleheads. And I hope he does, just as soon as he stops the global meltdown, controls inflation, revs the economy, regains respect for us around the world, and ...what am I missing...OH YEAH, PLUGS THE GOTDANG BORDER back up.
dude, seriously…he’s a fukking clown…you should blame him as the former potus seeking retribution, as you claim, and others claim biden is doing now.

you support this, fine…but he’s not what makes this country great…he’s gone from full outsider to straight on far right torpedo…and by all accounts, it’s not even his innate persona…he’s literally playing the political game by going far right…he played the system, then he played the people, now he’s being played by his sheep.

go get that nut!!
It will get overturned on appeal. But frankly, I don’t give a fu*k if it’s overturned or not. He’s going to win the election in November. This just makes it better.
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Yes you have been saying that. But you’ll change your tune as it gets closer. You will say it’s rigged. That’s the fact. You can’t risk anything bad happening to him without the fall back claim there’s a conspiracy behind it. In fact I’ll make a wager with you that you will in some form or fashion claim the appeal is rigged or stacked against him or in some way unfair and biased against him either by outright saying it or agreeing with someone saying it or liking a post saying it or making favorable allusions to the claim. The winner gets to pick an avatar for the loser to use for a month. What do you say?
Oh OK, sure why not. I mean, if we're gonna fudge, fudge big or go home, right? So if you ever bring this up again, I win. Or if you know someone who brings it up, or if you 'like' a post where somebody brings it up or it sounds like someone wants to bring it up, or if I can imagine you knowing of someone dreaming about bringing it up...

If we are going to seriously bet, we will bet serious money and an agreed-to third party will hold the money. I assure you I won't lose.

Your mind is completely fvcked due to your irrational hatred and the TDS.. You are imagining people saying or even thinking things they haven't said or thought. I said the election was flawed in setup and questionable in result, but I never said Trump won or that the election was rigged because I don't think it was. I never said and won't say this latest dog and pony show was rigged because I don't think it was. I do still say that overwhelming prejudice against Trump resulted in his being charged and his being convicted. Only the truly numbnutted would disagree with that take, and that take is not saying that anything was rigged.
dude, seriously…he’s a fukking clown…you should blame him as the former potus seeking retribution, as you claim, and others claim biden is doing now.

you support this, fine…but he’s not what makes this country great…he’s gone from full outsider to straight on far right torpedo…and by all accounts, it’s not even his innate persona…he’s literally playing the political game by going far right…he played the system, then he played the people, now he’s being played by his sheep.

go get that nut!!
oh, OK. Why didn't you say so before? I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but crazy me I thought our country was WAAAAAAYYYYY better off when he was president than it is now. I didn't know he was just playing around or whatever. Thanks for letting me know.

ETA...that far right torpedo thing is puzzling. Hard to understand why he hasn't embraced the left so much.
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And if you thought trump used his first term to serve his self interest you ain’t seen nothing yet. His second will be nothing but a rage filled vengeance seeking self gratification shyt show tour as he ignores the duties of the office and instead uses it to go after his enemies and stroke his massive ego.

not like I would burn it.
well that’s how maga rolls innit? Democracy in action!
Oh OK, sure why not. I mean, if we're gonna fudge, fudge big or go home, right? So if you ever bring this up again, I win. Or if you know someone who brings it up, or if you 'like' a post where somebody brings it up or it sounds like someone wants to bring it up, or if I can imagine you knowing of someone dreaming about bringing it up...

If we are going to seriously bet, we will bet serious money and an agreed-to third party will hold the money. I assure you I won't lose.

Your mind is completely fvcked due to your irrational hatred and the TDS.. You are imagining people saying or even thinking things they haven't said or thought. I said the election was flawed in setup and questionable in result, but I never said Trump won or that the election was rigged because I don't think it was. I never said and won't say this latest dog and pony show was rigged because I don't think it was. I do still say that overwhelming prejudice against Trump resulted in his being charged and his being convicted. Only the truly numbnutted would disagree with that take, and that take is not saying that anything was rigged.
so is that a yes on the bet or not?
dude, seriously…he’s a fukking clown…you should blame him as the former potus seeking retribution, as you claim, and others claim biden is doing now.

you support this, fine…but he’s not what makes this country great…he’s gone from full outsider to straight on far right torpedo…and by all accounts, it’s not even his innate persona…he’s literally playing the political game by going far right…he played the system, then he played the people, now he’s being played by his sheep.

go get that nut!!
He had it made... Then he was unhappy with his renewal contract for The Apprentice. And... They made fun of him at the White House press dinner. The smallest stone can start a huge avalanche.
one grand. I will not say the appeal is or was or is going to be rigged. Deal?
Sorry I asked first. That’s how it works. I don’t make the rules. Idgaf I’d tell you trump was Jesus Christ himself for a thousand dollars. I’ve no interest in motivating you to withhold your opinion. Talk about tds and someone’s mind being fukked…. All things being equal you’re incapable of holding trump accountable for anything he does or has happen to him (in this case potentially losing an appeal) without claiming he’s a victim of some sort of unfair flawed questionable nefarious mysterious evil scheme, conspiracy, plan, (aka rigged) or whatever the fuk word salad you want to use. That’s my wager rather than that you can hold your tongue over an issue for a couple months for a thousand dollars. I’d lose that to everyone here.
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Sorry I asked first. That’s how it works. I don’t make the rules. Idgaf I’d tell you trump was Jesus Christ himself for a thousand dollars. I’ve no interest in motivating you to withhold your opinion. Talk about tds and someone’s mind being fukked…. All things being equal you’re incapable of holding trump accountable for anything he does or has happen to him (in this case potentially losing an appeal) without claiming he’s a victim of some sort of unfair nefarious mysterious evil scheme, conspiracy, plan, (aka rigged) or whatever the fuk word salad you want to use. That’s my wager rather than that you can hold your tongue over an issue for a couple months for a thousand dollars. I’d lose that to everyone here.
That's the most chickenshit way of backing out of a bet that I've ever heard/seen. The bet I proposed IS what YOU first proposed, so don't hand me your bullshit about how it works. How it works is put your money where your mouth is or just STFU about a bet.

You changed the original into a stupid, sucker's bet. I declined and took you at your original. YOU THEN PUSHED again for a bet, not me. Now balls up or shut up.

But you may continue talking out of your ass about what I hold Trump accountable for, because you're too deranged at this point to stop yourself anyway. I honestly can't wrap my mind around someone not being able to grasp the simple fact that there is ONE conservative candidate for president, and that is Donald Trump. I have pointed out to you and your fellow dolts over and over that I support that candidate because he IS the candidate. What I or you or anyone else thinks or says about him is completely immaterial. I would support the corpse of Adolph Hitler against Joe Biden, and moron that you insist on being, you would probably babble about me not being capable of holding him accountable for the holocaust.

There's that, and then there's the depth of your delusion being such that you can't see that the dems are persecuting Trump for political reasons. It's obvious to anyone that doesn't refuse to see. You can live with it? Fine. You want to keep saying that I'm slavishly devoted to him personally? I'm fine with that too because I can honestly chalk that up to your growing instability.

So let's get back to your original bit of idiocy that you based your challenge on. LMAO at the notion that you won't bet because you don't want a grand to keep me from voicing my opinion. I have not at any time said anything was rigged or any of that other retarded shit. I have not BELIEVED that anything was rigged. And unless someone is caught red-handed doing so, I will not at any time say something is rigged. That idea exists only inside your thick, wacked-out skull. I can and will continue saying what I have said all along....that the election was set up such that the result is questionable and that ballots were improperly harvested. I have never contended that it was rigged or that Trump actually won. I have said exactly the opposite. And I have not even hinted at the trial being rigged. I have said and still maintain that personal and political prejudice against Trump is why he was charged and why he was tried and why he lost. The original DA openly said he was going to find a way to get Trump. And you think I'm imagining some conspiracy? Who needs a conspiracy when singling out an individual like that can fly. I PREDICTED that he would lose because of that. But not because something was rigged. Rotten, but not rigged. Oh wait, I forgot, the new definition of rigged includes 'rotten'.

So if you decide to grow a pair, I can collect my thou and in the meantime keep voicing exactly the same opinions I've been voicing all along. And you can keep deluding yourself about it, you crazy, lovable retard. So don't worry about what the thousand dollars does to my ability to voice my opinion. Maybe I'll voice it through a new computer.

That's how it will work, if it works..
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That's the most chickenshit way of backing out of a bet that I've ever heard/seen. The bet I proposed IS what YOU first proposed, so don't hand me your bullshit about how it works. How it works is put your money where your mouth is or just STFU about a bet.

You changed the original into a stupid, sucker's bet. I declined and took you at your original. YOU THEN PUSHED again for a bet, not me. Now balls up or shut up.

But you may continue talking out of your ass about what I hold Trump accountable for, because you're too deranged at this point to stop yourself anyway. I honestly can't wrap my mind around someone not being able to grasp the simple fact that there is ONE conservative candidate for president, and that is Donald Trump. I have pointed out to you and your fellow dolts over and over that I support that candidate because he IS the candidate. What I or you or anyone else thinks or says about him is completely immaterial. I would support the corpse of Adolph Hitler against Joe Biden, and moron that you insist on being, you would probably babble about me not being capable of holding him accountable for the holocaust.

There's that, and then there's the depth of your delusion being such that you can't see that the dems are persecuting Trump for political reasons. It's obvious to anyone that doesn't refuse to see. You can live with it? Fine. You want to keep saying that I'm slavishly devoted to him personally? I'm fine with that too because I can honestly chalk that up to your growing instability.

So let's get back to your original bit of idiocy that you based your challenge on. LMAO at the notion that you won't bet because you don't want a grand to keep me from voicing my opinion. I have not at any time said anything was rigged or any of that other retarded shit. I have not BELIEVED that anything was rigged. And unless someone is caught red-handed doing so, I will not at any time say something is rigged. That idea exists only inside your thick, wacked-out skull. I can and will continue saying what I have said all along....that the election was set up such that the result is questionable and that ballots were improperly harvested. I have never contended that it was rigged or that Trump actually won. I have said exactly the opposite. And I have not even hinted at the trial being rigged. I have said and still maintain that personal and political prejudice against Trump is why he was charged and why he was tried and why he lost. I PREDICTED that he would lose because of that. But not because something was rigged.

So if you decide to grow a pair, I can collect my thou and in the meantime keep voicing exactly the same opinions I've been voicing all along. And you can keep deluding yourself about it, you crazy, lovable retard. So don't worry about what the thousand dollars does to my ability to voice my opinion. Maybe I'll voice it through a new computer.

That's how it will work, if it works..
I’ll take that as a “no”. Thanks for proving my point. I look forward to your first post crying about the appeal being unfair to trump. I’m sure you won’t use the word “rigged” now but it’ll be the same.
I’ll take that as a “no”. Thanks for proving my point. I look forward to your first post crying about the appeal being unfair to trump. I’m sure you won’t use the word “rigged” now but it’ll be the same.
the only no is you refusing to back up all the insanity you spewed with the bet YOU proposed. All I did was set an amount. My offer stands. If you think your lunacy is right, what are you afraid of?
the only no is you refusing to back up all the insanity you spewed with the bet YOU proposed. All I did was set an amount. My offer stands. If you think your lunacy is right, what are you afraid of?
No you didn’t set the amount you tried to change the amount and ther by change the whole context of the bet. A thousand dollars is behavior changing money. Only fool would wager someone can’t post the words “the appeal is rigged” for two months for a thousand dollars. When the bet is as I propose which is basically for shitz and giggles you’re far more likely to show your true orange colors and not be able to resist the voices and then prob welsh on the bet based on moving the goal posts or splitting hairs on word definitions.
Wait... so, now that they found him guilty... you're suggesting that Trump wanted to be found guilty--- of the crime(s) of 34 counts of falsifying records--- all along so as to improve his chances of winning an election and help him raise money for the campaign? This is going the way he planned?
Just stop. I made no such suggestion either explicitly or implicitly. Of course Trump would have preferred a finding of Not Guilty. It is only YOU who introduced such a concept to my post. (For the record, I have said here in these pages that he would be found guilty and the best he could hope for was a hung jury).

On the other hand, while Blaze was understandably enjoying his moment of celebration by posting his funny, I was simply pointing out the reality that this will undoubtedly create a huuuuuge amount of fund raising for Orange Hitler. Pay attention and watch as the reports will show it in the coming days and weeks.

Two classic sayings come to mind: It's the law of unintended consequences, and; Be Careful What You Wish For.
odds on who’s the first to claim the appeal will be rigged

@Archer2 2:1
@bluetoe 5:1
@gunslingerdick 3:1
@pooponduke 3:1
@orangemaninorangesuit 1:1,000,000
Appeals are hard. Rigged? No such claim. But, I will say that it may take a couple of levels or the involvement of Federal courts who are not part of the NY system controlled by the governor (as in Dems). This is only part of the reason that it will take an amount of time to overturn that will take us far past November.

Why would it take “a couple of levels or the involvement of fed courts”?
Appeals are hard. Rigged? No such claim. But, I will say that it may take a couple of levels or the involvement of Federal courts who are not part of the NY system controlled by the governor (as in Dems). This is only part of the reason that it will take an amount of time to overturn that will take us far past November.

Not sure what the point of appealing will be. He'll get 30 hours of community service and he'll be able to do that at a campaign stop. Use his conviction to raise money and save his campaign legal expenses.
um, he needs to appeal.
The second post is perfect. He absolutely should appeal. When it is all said and done, he will not be a convicted felon, at least on these charges. The ones in Florida are much more concerning if they proceed.
The point of appealing is obvious. He doesn't possess the ability to admit he was beaten, lost, found guilty, failed, whatever. The appeal is guaranteed unless it's more profitable to not appeal, and he can always find a euphemism for being found guilty.

P.S. They went to all of that trouble for a sentence of community service?
"The point of appealing is obvious." This is true, especially to anyone who doesn't pretend to be Switzerland and isn't deeply infected with TDS.

"P.S. They went to all of that trouble for a sentence of community service?" This is a very astute observation. We all know this had nothing to do with his ultimate sentence. This is NY, where they let illegal cop beaters out of jail an hour after they are arrested. This always has been about winning the next election.
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Why would it take “a couple of levels or the involvement of fed courts”?
Seriously? Do you only watch Morning Joe or TicTac videos?

If you have to ask such a question, you either haven't been paying attention or wouldn't pay attention to the answer if it were provided.
I think his lawyers screwed the pooch in two places.

Putting that Costello clown on the stand. He was as big a lying pos as cohen. On top of that he was a jack ass. Jurors are human and unlikable witnesses hurts your case.

Devoting hours to denying totally irrelevant testimony in summation. Should have just spent all the time hammering on cohen being a liar. Instead, prob at trumps demand, they wasted time and jurors attention in trying to convince everyone that trump didn’t have any affairs.

And if you thought trump used his first term to serve his self interest you ain’t seen nothing yet. His second will be nothing but a rage filled vengeance seeking self gratification shyt show tour as he ignores the duties of the office and instead uses it to go after his enemies and stroke his massive ego.
Wait, Trump has had bad lawyers? All his hires suck.
The second post is perfect. He absolutely should appeal. When it is all said and done, he will not be a convicted felon, at least on these charges. The ones in Florida are much more concerning if they proceed.
He's literally raising a large sum of money using the fact that he's a felon. He's playing the angle of a corrupt justice system and claiming he's the perfect example. If he appeals and wins, all of that goes away. Unless he is ordered to go to jail, it works more in his favor to not appeal.
Yaay, Trump has more money to pay fine attorneys like Michael Cohen, Sydney Powell, Habba, Rudy G.

I don’t give a shit what he does with the money. I didn’t donate. I simply poasted it to show the growing support he is getting. Have you come to grips with the fact he’s going to be President again?

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