OOTB's Political Thread . ..

It doesn't count if the spy material is stored in the bathroom.

Shame on Max Boot's wife. But let's ignore the Trump appointees and staff who all also did the same thing - failed to register as foreign agents.
Remember that Democracy Dies in Darkness, so it's the height of hypocrisy to be out there attacking Trump as the bad guy and be the one who is actually doing it. I'm sure ole Max had no idea about the woman he slept with (kinda like Swallowswell). But, I'll go ahead and play your justification game of whataboutism.

There was Paul Manafort and Richard Gates who were convicted in a FARA scheme together involving Ukraine. I'm sure you have your handy list available, who else?
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hey wait a minute...Biden knows how to do this job. And he knows how to spout pure bullshit with a straight face. And he's really good at it. He should be, he's been doing it his entire life. He's pure glad-handing politician and nothing more...but a whole lot less.

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It doesn't count if the spy material is stored in the bathroom.

Shame on Max Boot's wife. But let's ignore the Trump appointees and staff who all also did the same thing - failed to register as foreign agents.
while we're same-thinging, let's forget that the agent currently in question didn't just fail to register but actually spied.
Remember that Democracy Dies in Darkness, so it's the height of hypocrisy to be out there attacking Trump as the bad guy and be the one who is actually doing it. I'm sure ole Max had no idea about the woman he slept with (kinda like Swallowswell). But, I'll go ahead and play your justification game of whataboutism.

There was Paul Manafort and Richard Gates who were convicted in a FARA scheme together involving Ukraine. I'm sure you have your handy list available, who else?
Broidy. Flynn? Barry Bennett and Doug Watts.
Maga = American Taliban but an interesting part is the people at the top aren't even religious. Maga base is being lead around by 'elites' who are distracting them with forever problems like immigration and talking up Christianity-isdues while writing themselves huge checks via corp profits, favorable policy and tax cuts. Think Musk, Sacks, Peter Thiel and the JP Morgan CEO, and Trump give a crap about US being a christ-first nation?
According to what he said today
Trump STILL doesn’t know anything about project 2025 or who’s behind it. Evidently it’s a great mystery to him that even the intricacies of the inter webs can’t reveal. Or asking anyone in the room. Or opening any social media ap. Or watching the news.
I don't know much about it, but the little I do know makes me think he's giving the right answer from a political POV. That shit is crazy and just admitting you're familiar with it could become an issue.
According to what he said today
Trump STILL doesn’t know anything about project 2025 or who’s behind it. Evidently it’s a great mystery to him that even the intricacies of the inter webs can’t reveal. Or asking anyone in the room. Or opening any social media ap. Or watching the news.
This means Trump is either lying or has know idea who he is appointing, likely a combo of both. From a report:

Six of his former Cabinet secretaries helped write or collaborated on the 900-page playbook for a second Trump term published by the Heritage Foundation. Four individuals Trump nominated as ambassadors were also involved, along with several enforcers of his controversial immigration crackdown. And about 20 pages are credited to his first deputy chief of staff.

In fact, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025, a CNN review found, including more than half of the people listed as authors, editors and contributors to “Mandate for Leadership,” the project’s extensive manifesto for overhauling the executive branch.

Dozens more who staffed Trump’s government hold positions with conservative groups advising Project 2025, including his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and longtime adviser Stephen Miller. These groups also include several lawyers deeply involved in Trump’s attempts to remain in power, such as his impeachment attorney Jay Sekulow and two of the legal architects of his failed bid to overturn the 2020 presidential election, Cleta Mitchell and John Eastman.
Trump's seal of approval is all over this thing and he's not fooling anyone with his denial, except maybe his cult followers.

But he's transactional, one-way. You scratch my back, MAYBE I'll scratch yours, maybe I'll stab yours.

So nobody really knows what he'll actually desire or try to do as Pres. It'll be poorly executed whatever his whims and sycophants drive him to, but the people in his admin will obviously be American Taliban and/or grifters.
“AAARRRrrrrggghhhh! Donald Trump is coming. And he’s bringing Project 2025 with him!”

I’m assuming everyone fake fretting over 2025 has read it? All 900 pages? Or at least you’ve gotten the Cliff’s notes version from your trusty sources? You’ll have to excuse me because I haven’t read it. It’s on my list with Lord of The Rings and all those Harry Potter books. I just don’t have a lot of time for fiction. Sounds decent though - promotion of Christian, family values. I can see why it’s all the rage.
Broidy. Flynn? Barry Bennett and Doug Watts.
This is what you do (and it's why no one should take any of your other accusations seriously, like the claims regarding Project 2025). Facts and actual support for what you've claimed never seem to matter. It's all about what is potentially gray enough that you can use it to smear He Who Must Not Be Re-Elected.

Michael Flynn was a direct result of the Mueller probe (the one you loved, then hated). He was looked at for FARA accusations, but actually entered a guilty plea of LYING to the FBI about his conversations with a Russian ambassador during the presidential transition. So, you are wrong from the get go for even listing him. Ultimately, it emerged that the FBI had essentially set him up during his interviews (shockers that this FBI might engage in shady behavior) and he asserted all along that he only plead guilty to protect his son that the FBI informed him was going to become their focus, Flynn withdrew his guilty plea before sentencing, the DOJ moved to dismiss the charges against Flynn, the Fed DC judge sat on it (appointed to the fed bench by Clinton), the judge sitting on it got ordered by the US Court of Appeals to dismiss the case, the judge still sat on it, and just before leaving office was pardoned by Trump. Thus, the ct never acted on the dismissal because it was moot. But, as to your list, no FARA conviction and, in fact, no conviction at all.

Elliott Broidy was convicted of one count of conspiracy in violation of FARA. However, he was not a Trump guy other than the very general association of being a big RNC fundraiser which was parlayed into the only connection of being on the '16 inaugural committee which is the only tie CNN even lists for him. In fact, the DOJ's own website doesn't reference any association with Trump, . So, I guess you're now counting anyone with an R as a Trump person now? That expands your potentials to almost 39 mil I guess, but you're now O for 2.

Barry Bennett, a lobbyist, and political consultant Douglas Watts have each entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement to end the investigation of alleged FARA violations by Bennett's lobbying firm. They've admitted in court filings to lying to the Justice Department about lobbying efforts on behalf of Qatar. After leaving Ben Carson's failed campaign, Bennett was an unpaid adviser in Trump's 2016 campaign on delegate issues and Watts was executive director for a pro-Trump super PAC. The allegations are apparently from 2017 and 2018, well after the campaign. Thus, they were not Trump people to begin with (yes, they were loosely tied in and R's, apparently, but that's a far cry from what you are implying that he was appointing them, getting advice from them, sharing secrets with them, etc.) and they've not been convicted of anything, nor will they. Also, something you need to understand about the feds, they go after someone only after they've got them and can prove their case or it doesn't see the light of day. They typically don't just throw out charges and sees what sticks to the wall. Thus, to do a DPA is unusual and indicative that they really didn't have the 100% case against them you would assume. That's 0 for 4.

Bottom line is that any administration is going to have self-interested aholes in it who try to enrich themselves because the motivation for public service just isn't as strong as many like to claim. IF the DOJ looks at them hard enough and puts the resources to it, they'll find these douchebags in any setting. Don't play the fool though and act like it's somehow limited to Trump and that he only had/has such people. BTW, the real one you should have listed was the dipshit Paul J. Manafort, Jr. Talk about a money grubber. But don't kid yourself thinking that Trump is the only one who is or who has these types associated with him. The D administrations don't have people walking around with halos either. That's why it's called the swamp.
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So you're presumptuously criticizing others, perhaps wrongly, while admitting you don't know what you're talking about. Nice going, poopslinger.

Then please, tell me what scares you so much about this work of fiction. I’m truly interested to know why this has caused the left’s meltdown like it has. I’ll wait.
Then please, tell me what scares you so much about this work of fiction. I’m truly interested to know why this has caused the left’s meltdown like it has. I’ll wait.
Basic rule of debating. When you are incapable of debating the issues, you attack the debater. It's all they've done is attack orange hitler because they can't legitimately argue Biden's policies and results. Project 2025 could say that Russia is bad and it was originally written by Obama. It wouldn't matter as long as it serves as a way to attack The Don.
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We didn't have this last time around. The narrative was always and fully being shaped and massaged. This will be looked back on by historians as a critical event when Musk took over Twitter/X.

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Then please, tell me what scares you so much about this work of fiction. I’m truly interested to know why this has caused the left’s meltdown like it has. I’ll wait.
First, I'm not sure why you're calling Project 2025 a "work of fiction." Is that why you haven't read it? Also, I'm not scared or melting down. Why should I be when I'm confident Donald Trump will not win in November?

To answer your question without churning out a bluetoesque-length novella, I'll limit my response to the concentration of power in the executive branch that Project 2025 proposes. You have yourself expressed a longstanding desire for balanced power in government, and yet now you seem open to Trump's return to the White House with unprecedented power and influence. Is that what bitterness has turned you into?

And consider this entry:
"Today, America and the conservative movement are enduring an era of division and danger akin to the late 1970s. Now, as then, our political class (read: liberal movement) has been discredited by wholesale dishonesty and corruption."

Has there been another recent politician as dishonest or corrupt as Donald Trump and his administration from 2017-2021?
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Basic rule of debating. When you are incapable of debating the issues, you attack the debater.
At first I thought you were chastising @gunslingerdick for speaking out of turn, but then I read the rest of your post and realized it's the just the same ol' callowness and blabber I've come to expect from you.

How disappointing.
First, I'm not sure why you're calling Project 2025 a "work of fiction." Is that why you haven't read it? Also, I'm not scared or melting down. Why should I be when I'm confident Donald Trump will not win in November?

To answer your question without churning out a bluetoesque-length novella, I'll limit my response to the concentration of power in the executive branch that Project 2025 proposes. You have yourself expressed a longstanding desire for balanced power in government, and yet now you seem open to Trump's return to the White House with unprecedented power and influence. Is that what bitterness has turned you into?

And consider this entry:
"Today, America and the conservative movement are enduring an era of division and danger akin to the late 1970s. Now, as then, our political class (read: liberal movement) has been discredited by wholesale dishonesty and corruption."

Has there been another recent politician as dishonest or corrupt as Donald Trump and his administration from 2017-2021?

Soooooo, are you gonna tell me what scares you so much about P2025 or not?

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