OOTB's Political Thread . ..

uh oh, looks like ISIS is coming back. Who ya gonna call? Kamala Harris?

You realize republicans created the conditions for ISIS to exist right?

The amount of ignorance spewed from your side of this board is astounding. Trump really attracts the confident dumbass crowd.
it's sad, but a lot of people would see this and go 'oh yeah, that's right'. But a lot more wouldn't.

Lol economic data doesn’t exist. Globalized economies must not exist either. Real “thinkers” you have there.

Under this same logic- why wasnt the border fixed under Trump? Why couldnt he deal with the one crisis he had?

Also, Trump sounded like my stroked out uncle while he was talking to Musk. Sufferin’ succotash sounding bitch.
I knew that's all you'd get out of it, so I put it at the end where you could find it. You're welcome.
You realize there’s multiple videos at different angles, and it has throughly been debunked?

For the “do your own research” crowd you idiots sure suck at it. But this is also coming from the crowd that’s never heard of Jstor.

What can you expect coming from a crowd that thinks migrants strap drugs to their backs and bring it over the border?

and of course its all projection as twitter/truth has been littered with provable AI generated content of Trump hanging out with black people.

How many times have you watch Loose Change and Zeitgeist?
You’re being purposely obtuse and trying to draw me into some argument. I was referring to all the evidence that’s finally coming out calling the 2020 election into question in certain areas that liberals have said wouldn’t have mattered anyway. You know this. But I don’t give a f*ck if you believe it or not. I’m not trying to win some debate. No exchange we’re gonna have is gonna make me walk away not believing you’re some poor sap who refuses to see the blatant, flashing signs of Democratic corruption and no exchange is gonna have you walk away not thinking I’m some tin foil hat wearing right wing nut job. So what are you trying to accomplish here? You want to keep doing this just for us to throw barbs and roast each other? I usually win those and it gets boring.

Dick out here about to slap down a link to 636262626 mules like hes playing dominoes.

No one thinks you have a tin foil hat bro- we all can see its a dunce hat

Amazon out here selling “poasters” of you bro- you need to go get that bag from them.
Dick in school
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I cringe every time someone posts this - as if it's real.

Let's just start with the premise: If America is not the greatest country, then tell us what country is, please? I'd really like you to tell us the greatest country in the world and the reasons or basis for making the argument that it's the greatest.

It's bs when he lists the countries with so-called "freedom". They are not, or not nearly as "free" as us and even that's been eroded. Heck, one of his listed countries, the UK, is currently going after citizens who have posted dissent about their policies on the internet and has even threatened to come after US citizens who post such content by charging and then extraditing them.

And then, there are all the stats he reels off that supposedly demonstrate why we are not great. Stuff like our Life Expectancy ranking. The goal, at least for most of us, is not a competition to see who lives the longest - it's to live life to it's fullest. If being the oldest was the goal, we'd have government mandated workout programs, diet requirements, and genetically analyzed determinations as to with whom we could reproduce (that would leave more than one poster here SOL). No thanks.

Then, and this is the key to the entire diatribe, Daniels' character says, "It sure used to be" and lays out a whole laundry list of great things that freedom and opportunity allowed. Incredibly, he claims that "we were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men, men who were revered."

This was a movie script speech romanticizing people like Cronkite and Brinkley. I'm glad they got your vote on Rotten Tomatoes, but I'm more happy that we no longer depend on the three networks and two newspapers telling us what we should know and what to believe. Just wish a few more out there would see through this bs and veil of controlling the narrative.
Carlin has enough money to live anywhere, yet he chooses to live in the country he is so critical of. That makes no sense unless he thinks the USA is still the best place to live. Remember all the actors and musicians that promised to leave the country if Trump was elected? All hot air, just like Carlin.
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Carlin has enough money to live anywhere, yet he chooses to live in the country he is so critical of. That makes no sense unless he thinks the USA is still the best place to live. Remember all the actors and musicians that promised to leave the country if Trump was elected? All hot air, just like Carlin.

Somehow the rest of the developed world has figured it out without “government mandated diets” and whatever 1984 bullshit poopondook is talking about.

Its almost like providing education, healthcare, workers rights and a healthy social safety net leads to a good life.
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Dick out here about to slap down a link to 636262626 mules like hes playing dominoes.

No one thinks you have a tin foil hat bro- we all can see its a dunce hat

Amazon out here selling “poasters” of you bro- you need to go get that bag from them.
Dick in school

@Newoikkin out here sounding like a Gen Z hood rat.

You write like a moron. Is that on purpose?
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How can you be so continuously stupid?

Post isnt a tough word. Do you think Bacot does his work in the “poast”.

One time in a typo. 10 times is just sad

It’s on purpose f*ckstick. I do it on purpose. I told you this last time you were obsessing about it. It’s a running joke, similar to you.

You need another smack in the mouth or are we done?
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They don't like him? The RNC seemed to embrace him quite warmly, from what I saw. Who else in that party even matters? He hasn't "helped" the old GOP since Covid hit. They've had plenty of chances to cut him off since he lost in 2020. They can't because he IS the party. What's one more election? I'm not sure there is a "party" for traditional Republican conservatives.

If he loses, he will never concede. Then, another shit-show and chaos follows.
Have you read the things that have been said about him by Vance? Your opinion doesn't change like his did. He's just riding his coattails for his own future. They needed him at the time because the goal was to load up the system with conservative judges. No one saw him becoming a deity for a large chunk of the base. I agree he's been a loser up and down the ticket, but he still cast a long shadow. The question is does that shadow still exist for them if he loses?
Have you read the things that have been said about him by Vance? Your opinion doesn't change like his did. He's just riding his coattails for his own future. They needed him at the time because the goal was to load up the system with conservative judges. No one saw him becoming a deity for a large chunk of the base. I agree he's been a loser up and down the ticket, but he still cast a long shadow. The question is does that shadow still exist for them if he loses?

More importantly, how big are the changes from both parties if he wins? Again. Despite the cards stacked against him. I think even in losing, Trump garnering 75 million votes says something.
More importantly, how big are the changes from both parties if he wins? Again. Despite the cards stacked against him. I think even in losing, Trump garnering 75 million votes says something.
I would imagine that the GOP would still stay on that course without him for a little while, which would cause them to lose in 2026 if the dems move more towards a traditional dem. But I don't think the GOP will actually stay there if history holds, because the overall ballot hasn't performed well under him. I think both parties will start to move more towards rationality within the next four years. I might even have a candidate I would vote for in 2028.
I would imagine that the GOP would still stay on that course without him for a little while, which would cause them to lose in 2026 if the dems move more towards a traditional dem. But I don't think the GOP will actually stay there if history holds, because the overall ballot hasn't performed well under him. I think both parties will start to move more towards rationality within the next four years. I might even have a candidate I would vote for in 2028.

I think you’re wrong. Dead wrong. The left will continue to move more left. The right will just flounder.
I'm not sure about that. Referencing the Bean photo I shared above, note the couple (the girl in pink and her date) who appear to be standing within 10 feet of the sculpture. Their reflected image is minuscule compared to their height. The individuals on the tarmac at DTW were nowhere near that close to the aircraft engines or the fuselage.

Convex mirrors consistently produce virtual, upright, and reduced images regardless of object placement. They lack a real focal point and offer a wide field of view, making them ideal for applications requiring broad observation angles.
The issue for which you are not accounting though is the change in perspective caused by the curvature. In the Bean photo with the couple you reference, they are very close. Our perspective shows them approximately chest level, so they appear large from a perspective of showing their full height or length. Standing that close to the curve, their reflection shows them from an angle above them, say 18 feet, so you almost get a full top view, which is a much smaller dimension. The further you move away from the curve, the more the image would reflect from an angle as the original photo. In the picture of Kackula's plane, the reflection shows very, very few people reflected which is inconsistent from the amount shown in the foreground. Honestly, I think this is simply due to the tight curvature and color variations of the plane itself. This is probably similar to the people who always want to pick apart pictures from when we walked on the moon and there is literally nothing to see here. That being said, it doesn't mean they and the press are willing to play games with us. The ID thing, a reasonable explanation and reasoning for this, is still unexplained.
I worry that both parties have gone past the point of no return and will just continue to radicalize and cater to the extremists and make the moderates hold their noses and choose one or the other. It’s mind boggling that neither recognize the value of moderating their agendas and going after the independents. Or maybe they do but the people behind the scenes like us divided. (Yes my own conspiracy theory)
Have you read the things that have been said about him by Vance? Your opinion doesn't change like his did. He's just riding his coattails for his own future. They needed him at the time because the goal was to load up the system with conservative judges. No one saw him becoming a deity for a large chunk of the base. I agree he's been a loser up and down the ticket, but he still cast a long shadow. The question is does that shadow still exist for them if he loses?
Yeah, I read what he said 8 years ago. I saw Cruz and Haley openly embrace and praise him at the RNC. I guess they're all just going through the motions and doing what politicians do. I still think it's Trump's party to do with as he pleases.
I think you’re wrong. Dead wrong. The left will continue to move more left. The right will just flounder.
Well, it would be illogical for both to do that, but logic hasn't been at the forefront of politics for awhile. Maybe I'm just wrongly hoping the people who can actually make a difference (independents and moderates) will finally decide to not bend over for the fringes of the party.
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Yeah, I read what he said 8 years ago. I saw Cruz and Haley openly embrace and praise him at the RNC. I guess they're all just going through the motions and doing what politicians do. I still think it's Trump's party to do with as he pleases.
Cruz kissing the ring after Trump went after his wife was as close as I’ve ever seen to a man getting castrated live.
Yeah, I read what he said 8 years ago. I saw Cruz and Haley openly embrace and praise him at the RNC. I guess they're all just going through the motions and doing what politicians do. I still think it's Trump's party to do with as he pleases.
Right, but if his party keeps losing then there's nowhere to follow. If you have no reason to follow then politics dictate you find someone/something else. Unless you're saying everyone will have decided they don't want to move up. That's the exact opposite of what a politician wants.
Ol’ boy is such a lame that he thinks “bro” is “hoodrat talk”

Tell me that you’re scared to drive through literally any city without telling me you’re scared.

Yo, Bro. Why you hatin? I’m not a lame, you just be makin no since. On my mama, I be knowing what’s up.

Yeah, I avoid shithole cities. Would hate to get an assault charge and I don’t need some hoodrat’s death on my conscience.
Yo, Bro. Why you hatin? I’m not a lame, you just be makin no since. On my mama, I be knowing what’s up.

Yeah, I avoid shithole cities. Would hate to get an assault charge and I don’t need some hoodrat’s death on my conscience.

Phew. Had all of us city dwellers shivering in our boots.
The issue for which you are not accounting though is the change in perspective caused by the curvature. In the Bean photo with the couple you reference, they are very close. Our perspective shows them approximately chest level, so they appear large from a perspective of showing their full height or length. Standing that close to the curve, their reflection shows them from an angle above them, say 18 feet, so you almost get a full top view, which is a much smaller dimension. The further you move away from the curve, the more the image would reflect from an angle as the original photo. In the picture of Kackula's plane, the reflection shows very, very few people reflected which is inconsistent from the amount shown in the foreground. Honestly, I think this is simply due to the tight curvature and color variations of the plane itself. This is probably similar to the people who always want to pick apart pictures from when we walked on the moon and there is literally nothing to see here. That being said, it doesn't mean they and the press are willing to play games with us. The ID thing, a reasonable explanation and reasoning for this, is still unexplained.

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The ID thing, a reasonable explanation and reasoning for this, is still unexplained.
I can’t for the life of me understand why you or others think there’s no reasonable explanation for making people present id to attend a rally or that it’s hypocritical in light of their voter id stance. A candidate was nearly assassinated at a rally. There have been several credible threats to both since then. In response they don’t release the specefic venue of the rally until last minute (relatively speaking) and issue invites that must be rsvp’d to. What’s the use of issuing invites if people don’t have to show id to prove they’re the person invited? Why does this seem so unreasonable especially given the nature of hate and lunacy present today? Furthermore Attending an invite only event is NOT a constitutional right. I’m not a fan of voter ID, but I see no conflict here. Seems to me You trumpers have much bigger worries than rally procedures and reflections in planes. Kudos for your reasonable take on the latter btw.
Well, it would be illogical for both to do that, but logic hasn't been at the forefront of politics for awhile. Maybe I'm just wrongly hoping the people who can actually make a difference (independents and moderates) will finally decide to not bend over for the fringes of the party.
Doesn’t hurt to dream. I hope it happens for all our sakes
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I can’t for the life of me understand why you or others think there’s no reasonable explanation for making people present id to attend a rally or that it’s hypocritical in light of their voter id stance. A candidate was nearly assassinated at a rally. There have been several credible threats to both since then. In response they don’t release the specefic venue of the rally until last minute (relatively speaking) and issue invites that must be rsvp’d to. What’s the use of issuing invites if people don’t have to show id to prove they’re the person invited? Why does this seem so unreasonable especially given the nature of hate and lunacy present today? Furthermore Attending an invite only event is NOT a constitutional right. I’m not a fan of voter ID, but I see no conflict here. You trumpers have much bigger worries than rally procedures and reflections in planes. Kudos for your reasonable take on the latter btw.

Several credible threats to both? Where were the credible threats to Kamala? I didn’t hear of those.
Doesn’t hurt to dream. I hope it happens for all our sakes

Trump represents a change. Why you’re so against that only to turn around and complain about him is wild.

The status quo isn’t working. Unless you’re one of those liberal retards that believes Trump would become a dictator and “eNd DeMoCrAcY”, I can’t for the life of me figure out why you wouldn’t support a radical change from what’s not been working.
Have you read the things that have been said about him by Vance? Your opinion doesn't change like his did. He's just riding his coattails for his own future. They needed him at the time because the goal was to load up the system with conservative judges. No one saw him becoming a deity for a large chunk of the base. I agree he's been a loser up and down the ticket, but he still cast a long shadow. The question is does that shadow still exist for them if he loses?
People always want to say this type of thing generally. Is this a reference to things said before Trump was president or shortly thereafter? I always come back to the important phrase about kids we are recruiting to Chapel Hill: Ignore what they say and watch what they do. The reason is that it is much more reflective of their intentions and beliefs. The same applies to politics.

I've yet to see anyone lay out how Vance made devastating 180 degree comments about Trump's actions as president. Maybe he did. I just see nothing wrong with Vance making statements about who he thought Trump was or would be and later realizing they are much more aligned than orange had been portrayed. Maybe it's all politician opportunistic bullshit and Vance is another hypocrite. What I do know is that the D nominee has been consistently all in both in saying and following an agenda her entire career, including the last three plus years while serving as the LAST PERSON IN THE ROOM (her words) when Joe was making any significant decision. And I know what an empty vessel he's been now for years and she covered it. And now, all those things seem to be altered. That is, if I were to believe what she reads me off a teleprompter or what is released by her campaign.
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Let me guess…Atlanta? Have fun with your life expectancy of 41.

Says the man that would have to drive an hour to get to a hospital when the inevitable heart attack hits you?

Why pick Atlanta? Dog-whisting hard through the gaps in your teeth.

Or is it just culture and “book learnin’” that you’re scared of?

Nope- just black people huh?
Trump represents a change. Why you’re so against that only to turn around and complain about him is wild.

The status quo isn’t working. Unless you’re one of those liberal retards that believes Trump would become a dictator and “eNd DeMoCrAcY”, I can’t for the life of me figure out why you wouldn’t support a radical change from what’s not been working.

Did you forget that hes been President? Or that hes working with the same power structure within the intelligentsia that has always been around?

Man cant even win when he cheats. Stupid cake eater tricks. (Gave you a 30 year old reference so you might have a chance to pick it up)
People always want to say this type of thing generally. Is this a reference to things said before Trump was president or shortly thereafter? I always come back to the important phrase about kids we are recruiting to Chapel Hill: Ignore what they say and watch what they do. The reason is that it is much more reflective of their intentions and beliefs. The same applies to politics.

I've yet to see anyone lay out how Vance made devastating 180 degree comments about Trump's actions as president. Maybe he did. I just see nothing wrong with Vance making statements about who he thought Trump was or would be and later realizing they are much more aligned than orange had been portrayed. Maybe it's all politician opportunistic bullshit and Vance is another hypocrite. What I do know is that the D nominee has been consistently all in both in saying and following an agenda her entire career, including the last three plus years while serving as the LAST PERSON IN THE ROOM (her words) when Joe was making any significant decision. And I know what an empty vessel he's been now for years and she covered it. And now, all those things seem to be altered. That is, if I were to believe what she reads me off a teleprompter or what is released by her campaign.

Y’all make becoming a sycophant into a sport.
Trump represents a change. Why you’re so against that only to turn around and complain about him is wild.

The status quo isn’t working. Unless you’re one of those liberal retards that believes Trump would become a dictator and “eNd DeMoCrAcY”, I can’t for the life of me figure out why you wouldn’t support a radical change from what’s not been working.
I did and would again support a radical change. I voted for trump against Hillary. Then he turned into….well whatever he is. My problem with him is personal not political. I don’t care if a candidate is 100% in line with my politics, if he has the character flaws trump does then imo he’s unfit and I’m not supporting him. The radical change I want isn’t chaos and anarchy in the name of one persons lust for power. I think that’s what he brings and he proved that on Jan 6. Jmo.
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Says the man that would have to drive an hour to get to a hospital when the inevitable heart attack hits you?

Why pick Atlanta? Dog-whisting hard through the gaps in your teeth.

Or is it just culture and “book learnin’” that you’re scared of?

Nope- just black people huh?

Nah, here in Mayberry, the doctor comes to me. He makes house calls. So I'm good. Plus, I don't get sick. I don't allow it to happen.

And to use the term dog-whistle would mean I'm trying to disguise my meaning. I'm not. I'll be clear, big cities are shitholes because of the large black communities. Stats don't lie. I'm sorry that be hurtin your feels, Bro.
People always want to say this type of thing generally. Is this a reference to things said before Trump was president or shortly thereafter? I always come back to the important phrase about kids we are recruiting to Chapel Hill: Ignore what they say and watch what they do. The reason is that it is much more reflective of their intentions and beliefs. The same applies to politics.

I've yet to see anyone lay out how Vance made devastating 180 degree comments about Trump's actions as president. Maybe he did. I just see nothing wrong with Vance making statements about who he thought Trump was or would be and later realizing they are much more aligned than orange had been portrayed. Maybe it's all politician opportunistic bullshit and Vance is another hypocrite. What I do know is that the D nominee has been consistently all in both in saying and following an agenda her entire career, including the last three plus years while serving as the LAST PERSON IN THE ROOM (her words) when Joe was making any significant decision. And I know what an empty vessel he's been now for years and she covered it. And now, all those things seem to be altered. That is, if I were to believe what she reads me off a teleprompter or what is released by her campaign.
Not reading all of that, but based on what you highlighted, I'm assuming you are finding a way to explain away what he said and by extension what others have said. You're smart enough to know that politicians change their mind to advance in their career. It's not because they changed their opinion.
Nah, here in Mayberry, the doctor comes to me. He makes house calls. So I'm good. Plus, I don't get sick. I don't allow it to happen.

And to use the term dog-whistle would mean I'm trying to disguise my meaning. I'm not. I'll be clear, big cities are shitholes because of the large black communities. Stats don't lie. I'm sorry that be hurtin your feels, Bro.
Lol didnt take long today for the klan hood to come out