OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Dude... if someone is racist, they are entitled to show it, and flaunt it, if they so choose. Being offended by it is understandable, but... don't ruin the forum that has been here for years (and no casualties thus far) just because the level of racism "displayed" is more than you care for. You can leave and it goes away for you. You are never going to change anyone's mind here. If you choose to engage, then understand that we're adults and we don't need to be moderated. That means you might read something that you really don't like. Shutting it down is not solving anything.
Business owner is entitled to not tolerate it.

Im not here to change a racists mind. Im here to show he isnt welcome.

But if thats the hill you want to die on go for it. I really dont care
Lol just implying he was in office in 92.
what I SAID was that he was president...or actually I said guess who was president. And he was, the elected president, or to be precise the president-elect.



[ prez-i-duhnt-i-lekt ]
Phonetic (Standard)IPA


  1. a president after election but before induction into office.
what I SAID was that he was president...or actually I said guess who was president. And he was, the elected president, or to be precise the president-elect.



[ prez-i-duhnt-i-lekt ]
Phonetic (Standard)IPA


  1. a president after election but before induction into office.
Should i link the definition of backtrack?

President and President elect are two different things
Business owner is entitled to not tolerate it.

Im not here to change a racists mind. Im here to show he isnt welcome.

But if thats the hill you want to die on go for it. I really dont care
Are you the owner? NO!

Who are you to determine who is or isn't welcome? There's a ton of other forums that you can contribute to and leave this alone.

You're the one that is trying to kill this because you got offended. AJ hasn't had to deal with anyone crying about the discourse here for at least 6 years.
Are you the owner? NO!

Who are you to determine who is or isn't welcome? There's a ton of other forums that you can contribute too and leave this alone.

You're the one that is trying to kill this because you got offended. AJ hasn't had to deal with anyone crying about the discourse here for at least 6 years.

Yet AJ couldve told me to **** off.

Free market and all
Yet AJ couldve told me to **** off.

Free market and all
The man is running a business. You're going go out of your way to complain about something you don't particularly like.

I'll just renew my gold membership and complain that Silvers need to chill-out and let a niche forum thread have their fun... warts and all.
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But you stewing is so much better

Thanks for admitting you were lying. You’re soft as baby shit.

It doesn’t change anything. Certainly won’t change anything I say. I talked with Andrew. And he admitted to me in a message I have that “I understand people are frequently accused of racist remarks when they haven’t made them.” He just doesn’t want soft liberals bitching and he placated your soft ass. He just wants “to diffuse the situation”. In other words, “I told the soft liberal what he needed to hear to get him off my back.

But I’ll be here tomorrow.
The man is running a business. You're going go out of your way to complain about something you don't particularly like.

I'll just renew my gold membership and complain that Silvers need to chill-out and let a niche forum thread have their fun... warts and all.

Cool. Im sure he will enjoy your impassioned speech at the right to see hate speech.

Can i direct you to 4chan?
So, the government has all these problems with all the these things that fall under its control that just aren't working. And your answer is more government to "fix" them? I mean, cause the track record of the government fixing things is so legendary.

Let's just limit it to one topic to make it manageable. Wasn't Obamacare supposed to fix all those healthcare problems that existed before that takeover?
Sometimes the answer to "the patient is losing blood" is "give him more blood."

Sometimes the answer to "the tires still look low" is "put in more air."

Sometimes the answer to "I'm exercising but still not losing weight" is "exercise more."

Sometimes more isn't better, but often it is.
Thanks for admitting you were lying. You’re soft as baby shit.

It doesn’t change anything. Certainly won’t change anything I say. I talked with Andrew. And he admitted to me in a message I have that “I understand people are frequently accused of racist remarks when they haven’t made them.” He just doesn’t want soft liberals bitching and he placated your soft ass. He just wants “to diffuse the situation”. In other words, “I told the soft liberal what he needed to hear to get him off my back.

But I’ll be here tomorrow.

Thats cool. Ill keep reporting your racism. Its fun for me.
Are you the owner? NO!

Who are you to determine who is or isn't welcome? There's a ton of other forums that you can contribute to and leave this alone.

You're the one that is trying to kill this because you got offended. AJ hasn't had to deal with anyone crying about the discourse here for at least 6 years.
Or maybe if you want to spew hate and call people fags maybe YOU should find another forum.
Ok. Knock yourself out. The ending will be the board shuts down because you bothered AJ enough for him to be done with it. It won’t be that I’m gone and you’re still here.
Or you could just quit being a racist piece of shit? But thats not an option right?
Should i link the definition of backtrack?

President and President elect are two different things
read the definition, idiot. It says president. And stop lying. If you're getting your ass kicked, lying is just a dick move to keep from admitting it, and that makes you a two-time loser.

But suppose for the sake of argument you are right about that one point. You have been wrong about the rest of the entire argument, and that would be the only thing you could hang your hat on. a miniscule and irrelevant little matter of a month. Deal with it.
Cool. Im sure he will enjoy your impassioned speech at the right to see hate speech.

Can i direct you to 4chan?
I'm not trying to impress him. I'm having a discussion with YOU... and whoever else IN HERE. I don't feel the need to "call the owner" because perfectly capable people voluntarily agreed to continue to escalate discussion and it starts too get visceral. I don't want to shut anyone up just because I disagree with their style or their beliefs.
I'm not trying to impress him. I'm having a discussion with YOU... and whoever else IN HERE. I don't feel the need to "call the owner" because perfectly capable people voluntarily agreed to continue to escalate discussion and it starts too get visceral. I don't want to shut anyone up just because I disagree with their style or their beliefs.
I literally dont care about personal attacks. Shit talk ME all you want

But this man is saying shit like black populations make areas shitholes. That’s just racism
read the definition, idiot. It says president. And stop lying. If you're getting your ass kicked, lying is just a dick move to keep from admitting it, and that makes you a two-time loser.

But suppose for the sake of argument you are right about that one point. You have been wrong about the rest of the entire argument, and that would be the only thing you could hang your hat on. a miniscule and irrelevant little matter of a month. Deal with it.

Hey is the president or the president elect the commander and chief? I forget
Or you could just quit being a racist piece of shit? But thats not an option right?
That's not your call to make, man! I usually agree with you- culturally and politically- but, don't come to my occasional hang-out and try to shut it down because someone is "too racist" for you. If a person thinks being racist is cool, or wants to bring it back into favor, I don't think the solution is too gag them and close the open forum we all use. Good and bad, right and wrong, that is all subjective.

I just do NOT like it when people advocate censorship!
I literally dont care about personal attacks. Shit talk ME all you want

But this man is saying shit like black populations make areas shitholes. That’s just racism

What I said was factual. Black communities are far more crime riddled than other demos. You want to call that racist because you’re soft. But it’s not racist. It’s factual. Not an opinion. It’s reality. Get bent, loser.
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I literally dont care about personal attacks. Shit talk ME all you want

But this man is saying shit like black populations make areas shitholes. That’s just racism
YES, it IS! That's racist AF. I agree. Do you think that by shutting this down it will have any effect on the racism being shown?
can someone please point me to this egregiously racist post? I can't find anything close to being of concern. If it has been removed, how about a general description.

I really want to know so I can avoid getting the board shut down.
No one dislikes me more than @strummingram. But here he is on the right side despite that.

No, no, no... I don't dislike or hate anyone. I don't truly know you. I know a persona that comes across in written text. It's a limited form of communication. Context, sentiment, all kinds of verbal/hearing ques are impossible to convey in reading and writing words.

But, I don't think it's right for someone who is fairly new here to come in, bring the discourse to a confrontational level, and then get mad when they don't like the degree of their "opposition" and runs to tell the teacher that "he's talking mean." Newwolk has been just as contentious and... angry?... as anyone else. If you get in these discussions, be prepared for whatever comes up.
YES, it IS! That's racist AF. I agree. Do you think that by shutting this down it will have any effect on the racism being shown?
I dont want the forum shut down.

Dicks IP being banned would be enough. Im not about this tolerate any speech bullshit. Standards, however low, exisit.

Why? Because he LOVES this shit. Racists like that deserve no safe space.

You think youll change any of these guys minds? You wont.
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can someone please point me to this egregiously racist post? I can't find anything close to being of concern. If it has been removed, how about a general description.

I really want to know so I can avoid getting the board shut down.
He said black populations turn areas to shitholes.
Then theres all the anti lgbtq slurs he throws out.

Or wait, was it saying that muslims shouldnt be allowed in the country?

Thats just off top my head from TODAY
I dont want the forum shut down.

Dicks IP being banned would be enough. Im not about this tolerate any speech bullshit. Standards, however low, exisit.

Why? Because he LOVES this shit. Racists like that deserve no safe space.

You think youll change any of these guys minds? You wont.
You're doing some double-standard, back-pedaling here.

Racists are human beings. If they believe that racism is "right", no one is ever going to out-argue them and make them change. They deserve whatever space that I deserve. If we deserve any space at all.

And, don't talk about "banning" people! Sheezus, man. It's simple... just ignore them. Ignore the thread. Or... realize what you're going to encounter, and make the choice of whether or not to engage them.

This board is NOT "real life."
your well-spoken defense of free speech is gratifying. Thank you.

It's always a far worse thing to stifle words you don't agree with than it is to voice those words.
Werent you wanting to ban books from high schools just the other day?

But racism totally cool
You're doing some double-standard, back-pedaling here.

Racists are human beings. If they believe that racism is "right", no one is ever going to out-argue them and make them change. They deserve whatever space that I deserve. If we deserve any space at all.

And, don't talk about "banning" people! Sheezus, man. It's simple... just ignore them. Ignore the thread. Or... realize what you're going to encounter, and make the choice of whether or not to engage them.

This board is NOT "real life."

No, they don’t deserve it at all.

Exactly, its not real life. His existence here is a privilege.

Tolerating hate is a cute ideal. Instead it needs to be purged. Let them go be gollum in the wasteland of the internet.
Werent you wanting to ban books from high schools just the other day?

But racism totally cool
Prejudice based on the idea that the amount of melanin in your skin makes you superior is pretty ignorant. But, it's age-old in our culture. The remedy is not gagging them.

You can plead your case about how it's ignorant to believe antiquated myths. But, not when the forum is closed down.
I dont want the forum shut down.

Dicks IP being banned would be enough. Im not about this tolerate any speech bullshit. Standards, however low, exisit.

Why? Because he LOVES this shit. Racists like that deserve no safe space.

You think youll change any of these guys minds? You wont.
You're the snowflake seeking a safe space.
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