OOTB's Political Thread . ..

His physical appearance was bafflingly good seeing as how he has to be like pushing 80 yrs old. Maybe it was multiple layers of make up. Those black males age well.
He was born 1950. But it's not just males. There is a reason for the saying "Black don't crack." Don't know if that's considered racist, but black people age amazingly well.
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His physical appearance was bafflingly good seeing as how he has to be like pushing 80 yrs old. Maybe it was multiple layers of make up. Those black males age well.
awesome, now we can add the missing puzzle piece of black male aging to our knowledge base.
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Did everyone see this video? It's the bodycam from the cop who actually climbed up on the roof and saw Crooks. Sound doesn't come in until about halfway through. But, it's interesting and the reaction of immediately notifying those around him is evident.

Did everyone see this video? It's the bodycam from the cop who actually climbed up on the roof and saw Crooks. Sound doesn't come in until about halfway through. But, it's interesting and the reaction of immediately notifying those around him is evident.

You’d think all he would have to do is get on his radio and report a man with a gun and everyone would have sprung into action ushering trump to safety. I know this fuels the conspiracy theories but evidently they weren’t all on the same radio frequency or whatever since this was local PD.
Obviously “joy” was the keyword of the night. They are def going after the undecided voters by marketing a moderate positive image. I’ve been around too long to buy it but never underestimate the gullibility of the electorate. It is quite a contrast to the RNC’s keyword which seemed to be “goddammit”
Economy and all ya know. I apologize for my inept posting

This was a big fat nothingburger. Thank goodness I had to watch less than two minutes to get to the punchline.

She lost any credibility about her assertions regarding the Donald when she chose to end by saying "Kamala Harris tells the truth. She respects the American people. And, she has my vote." This comic gold plus Kenan Thompson with music by Little Stevie??? It's like I missed watching an SNL episode from 15 years ago.
Obama's white half must be what is aging so badly. Moochele, on the other hand, I'm betting doesn't even need the occasional blue or yellow pill.
Trumps ex press secretary spoke two nights ago. Let’s just say she painted a less than pleasant picture of life behind the scenes with trump.

Btw why aren’t you watching? As invested as you and others in here seem to be with politics it seems you would want to see and hear for yourselves what’s actually being said.
I commented the other day that I wouldn't watch it unless I hadn't eaten because I wouldn't want to lose my dinner. So I get home and turn on the TV which is defaulted to the PBS station, and the first thing I see is Hillary Clinton being flaunted like some dem rock star. Luckily, I hadn't had dinner yet, and I turned the channel so I could.. No way I will watch any of that crap.
This was a big fat nothingburger. Thank goodness I had to watch less than two minutes to get to the punchline.

She lost any credibility about her assertions regarding the Donald when she chose to end by saying "Kamala Harris tells the truth. She respects the American people. And, she has my vote." This comic gold plus Kenan Thompson with music by Little Stevie??? It's like I missed watching an SNL episode from 15 years ago.
You asked. But I’m certain it flew the orange man into one of his 17 daily rages seeing it. That’s good enough for me. Lol.
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Obviously “joy” was the keyword of the night. They are def going after the undecided voters by marketing a moderate positive image. I’ve been around too long to buy it but never underestimate the gullibility of the electorate. It is quite a contrast to the RNC’s keyword which seemed to be “goddammit”

Is this serious. Republicans have speakers that talk about the American dream and how if not for that, they wouldn't be where they are today. Dems have victims talk about incestuous rape. Positive indeed!
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Is this serious. Republicans have speakers that talk about the American dream and how if not for that, they wouldn't be where they are today. Dems have victims talk about incestuous rape. Positive indeed!
yes it’s serious. That’s what they’re selling. At least my impression of it overall. Did you watch last night?
17? The therapy must be helping.

Saw this and thought you’d want to watch. The end is particularly on point for one of your prior claims.

The guy is a comedian on Fox News. You really think you’re gonna make a point with me posting a clip from a Fox News comedian? Lol. Good luck although it is funny. Y’all can stomp your feet and shake your fists and post rw memes and opinion pieces and declare Harris was “in charge of the border” all you want. It’s still not true.
You asked. But I’m certain it flew the orange man into one of his 17 daily rages seeing it. That’s good enough for me. Lol.
Also, I should point out that he probably didn’t bat an eyelash about her. I had to look her up because I didn’t remember her as her tenure as press secretary was so short and she didn’t hold a single press conference the entire time only doing interviews with conservative media. Most of her time was spent on Melania’s staff. She lost any impact on him after she testified to the J6 committee and wrote a book. The fact that they gave her less then two minutes speaks volumes.
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The guy is a comedian on Fox News. You really think you’re gonna make a point with me posting a clip from a Fox News comedian? Lol. Good luck. Y’all can stomp your feet and shake your fists and post rw memes and opinion pieces and declare Harris was “in charge of the border” all you want. It’s still not true.
I get what you’re saying and would typically agree (he’s very funny and I’ve even joked above about last night’s comedy lineup at the DNC). But he posts the actual presidential words used to describe her in the actual proclamation as well as the quote from the NYT. It doesn’t matter who reads them to you, the truth is there to be read. And it doesn’t matter how many media outlets or how many times you try to say otherwise, now, when the goal is to rewrite actual events.
The guy is a comedian on Fox News. You really think you’re gonna make a point with me posting a clip from a Fox News comedian? Lol. Good luck although it is funny. Y’all can stomp your feet and shake your fists and post rw memes and opinion pieces and declare Harris was “in charge of the border” all you want. It’s still not true.

Liberal outlets were calling her the Border Czar. WTF?
Also, I should point out that he probably didn’t bat an eyelash about her. I had to look her up because I didn’t remember her as her tenure as press secretary was so short and she didn’t hold a single press conference the entire time only doing interviews with conservative media. Most of her time was spent on Melania’s staff. She lost any impact on him after she testified to the J6 committee and wrote a book. The fact that they gave her less then two minutes speaks volumes.
dude I guarantee you with as much certainty as I can muster that trump did a lot more than bat an eyelash. His ego has him obsessed with loyalty. He was bigly pissed. Count on it.
You can call her the grand poobah for all I care. She still was never put “in charge of the border”.

Revisionist history is fun. Why are you so intent on covering for the Dems? Is your hate for Trump so strong that you refuse to acknowledge reality?

Are you going to play the semantics game? "Biden never said verbatim "Kamala is in charge of the border!" But reality tells us a different story. She was charged with tending to the border. Of course she wasn't the President and only the VP. But Biden tasked her with border issues. I was there. You were too.
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I get what you’re saying and would typically agree (he’s very funny and I’ve even joked above about last night’s comedy lineup at the DNC). But he posts the actual presidential words used to describe her in the actual proclamation as well as the quote from the NYT. It doesn’t matter who reads them to you, the truth is there to be read. And it doesn’t matter how many media outlets or how many times you try to say otherwise, now, when the goal is to rewrite actual events.
The words used by biden do not put her “in charge of the border” nor does labeling her a “czar” by whomever. but MORE IMPORTANTLY the actual work she did (in a failed attempt) in no way reflected someone “in charge of the border”. I know y’all are obsessed with this claim and Jesus Christ himself couldn’t convince you otherwise but you might as well claim the earth is flat.
Revisionist history is fun. Why are you so intent on covering for the Dems? Is your hate for Trump so strong that you refuse to acknowledge reality?

Are you going to play the semantics game? "Biden never said verbatim "Kamala is in charge of the border!" But reality tells us a different story. She was charged with tending to the border. Of course she wasn't the President and only the VP. But Biden tasked her with border issues. I was there. You were too.
Yes she was certainly tasked with border issues and she failed miserably in that respect.
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I appreciate you acknowledging that. Then I guess I don't know what you're arguing here.
The dept of homeland security is in charge of the border. That authority was never transferred to Harris as claiming she was “in charge of the border” would entail. She was tasked with some specefic responsibilities to “get at the root” of the problem and she failed. But she was never “in charge of the border in its entirety” as was claimed earlier. That’s all I’m saying.