The media? RiiiightYou can thank the media for creating MAGA's skepticism. Many of us don't know when it's the Dems crying wolf again or if Trump really did shit on some tradition. I mean, they've told so many lies about him at this point and that's only the ones we know about. Why would I believe anything?
And as far as his "asshole-ness", you're damn right that's what I prefer. The people he's dealing with deserve that and much more. In fact, he's just barely enough the asshole for me. I advise him to crank up the asshole-ishness a bit. The people on the receiving end are getting off easy if you ask me.
If you actually watch Fox News as often as you cite them as a source on here... I'm not surprised. They make obscene money on the propaganda they peddle. This "left/right" bullshit is a cash cow.
I wasn't really stuck on who to thank or blame. And, I'm sure you'll get more asshole from him, if that's what you're looking for.
I wish he would dry hump the American flag more.