Thanks again. I don't disagree with your comment about an unforced error (with a caveat). And I could address all of it including the "rational person" part as I think most could care less what some "guy who works there" thinks should happen. He has no idea what they've been instructed and he's the equivalent of the guy with the flashlight at the movie theater when I'm being given an exclusive showing by the owner of the theater because he's a personal friend.
The bottom line is that there are three sets of rules here. There is the normal version for the R's. Then there's a hyper set of R rules for He Who Must Not Be Re-elected. Then, there is the version for the D's. If this is Kackles (which is silly, because she probably can't even find Arlington on a map) this is not a story. Indeed, they'd run articles about what a patriot she is and how dignified a standard she set for everyone who ever sets foot in ANC (if anyone has never been there, go if you have the chance, but expect your "allergies" to act up).
I'd argue you are both right and wrong. Not only is it not a "huge deal", it's not even a "deal". But despite the rhetoric, Trump isn't stupid and neither are the people around him. They've got to know that this kind of thing is something the other side with their obliging media will exploit. So, why even give them the opportunity? Perhaps they think that the gain is worth the pain and that the people who matter in terms of the swing voters see the stupidity of whining about some rule when Trump is speaking to the bigger issue of our heroes dying for no real reason besides power and money.