lol you're such a knucklehead. YOU care about ignoring what I said I care about so you can tell me what you say I care about, and those things you supply just happen to be those unfounded figments of your imagination that you love to virtue-signal over. Don't you ever get tired of that worn out old loser routine? Apparently not.
Illegals ARE bad, homosexuality and transgenderism are conditions that I wish didn't exist, and women are women, to be considered in a variety of ways, depending as much on their wants and desires as mine. And of course, contrary to what you're trying to suggest, I don't hate transexuals or homosexuals. If they are perfectly happy to be that way, I'm happy for them. If they are NOT happy to be that way, I'm sorry for them. Either way I don't dislike them as individuals based on what their sexuality happens to be. But the bitter asswipe in you can't stand that my opinion disagrees with yours, so you conveniently make shit up to make up for your arguments being otherwise weak.
I would hate to be such a petty bitch.
The country doing well IS subjective but so what? Tell me all about those things that are not subjective. I'm not supposed to say I hope something is doing well because you might have a different idea of doing well? You can be such an idiot when you're trying to get out of the corner you've put yourself in.. My subjective notion of the country doing well is what I care about and you can have your own subective notion. Duh.