OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I'm just relaying the "plan that's been drawn up." I guess it depends on what's most profitable.
I think that plan is filed with Obama's red line or the numerous nuclear threats from the cold war or any of the hundreds of threats a president has made about military action in the form of "no options are off the table."
I don't feel like we should be provoking other countries.
How are we doing that? This was apparently something that was drawn up in case Iran attacked us first, which is smart. I would hope there is at least some basic plan in place for every country that could attack us. I'm willing to bet there is and I'm willing to bet they were there long before Trump. Should we not plan for that or is it the leaking of the plan that you take issue with?
How are we doing that? This was apparently something that was drawn up in case Iran attacked us first, which is smart. Should we not plan for that or is it the leaking of the plan that you take issue with?

We've been threatening them as well. They're probably empty threats, but I just don't see why we try to involve ourselves over there so much.
How are we doing that? This was apparently something that was drawn up in case Iran attacked us first, which is smart. I would hope there is at least some basic plan in place for every country that could attack us. I'm willing to bet there is and I'm willing to bet they were there long before Trump. Should we not plan for that or is it the leaking of the plan that you take issue with?

There is and I'm glad there is.
We've been threatening them as well. They're probably empty threats, but I just don't see why we try to involve ourselves over there so much.
What is your take on foreign policy in general? Based on your posting history you seem to be more of an isolationist.
So you want us to be more like the Swiss and just be a neutral third party to everyone?
I can't speak for NS4U, but, there can be some "in-between" don't you think? It doesn't have to be all one or all the other, all the time.

Do you really think the USA's foreign policy in the Middle East has been successful? Over the last 50-70 years, for that matter? The US sells and arms a group, or regime, one decade and tries to blow them up in the next. They go in and remove democratically-elected people that they don't like, and then are surprised when hostages are taken 20 years later! Actions have consequences. When your record for making bad choices is pretty frequent, then, I'd say it might be a good idea to sit-out a few. Not to mention, the cost of human life and money that we don't have.

Would you like another full-scale land war? Don't you see some culpability on behalf of the US in this situation? It's a clusterfvck over there. And, it's not to "bring them freedom", either.
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I can't speak for NS4U, but, there can be some "in-between" don't you think? It doesn't have to be all one or all the other, all the time.
Not really. You are either involved or not. Just because you are less involved doesn't mean you aren't involved.

Do you really think the USA's foreign policy in the Middle East has been successful? Over the last 50-70 years, for that matter? The US sells and arms a group, or regime, one decade and tries to blow them up in the next. They go in and remove democratically-elected people that they don't like, and then are surprised when hostages are taken 20 years later! Actions have consequences. When your record for making bad choices is pretty frequent, then, I'd say it might be a good idea to sit-out a few. Not to mention, the cost of human life and money that we don't have.
I guess it depends on how you define success. As a whole, it usually hasn't worked out great in the long run for us.

Would you like another full-scale land war? Don't you see some culpability on behalf of the US in this situation? It's a clusterfvck over there. And, it's not to "bring them freedom", either.
No, I would prefer to stay away from war. I was mainly asking the question to find out what @NoleSoup4U's views were since he hasn't been here long enough for me to know. I wasn't trying to imply that we should or shouldn't get involved in Iran.
Not really. You are either involved or not. Just because you are less involved doesn't mean you aren't involved.
Switzerland is always neutral.

The US, and its allies have helped to create that monster in the Middle East. Those are the LAST people that you wanna fvck with when it comes to their homes and their whole religious culture. Look at the resolve of the North Vietnamese and Vietcong in the 50's and 60's, and then multiply that by a thousand. These people have all the same high-tech conventional weaponry and the resolve to all die together resisting. Americans aren't built that way. Especially when it's not our homes being threatened.

That entire situation is FUBAR. Between the US meddling in the worst ways, and Israel's handle on American balls, and these people's general disposition toward foreigners in their homeland, it's a recipe for disaster. I still believe that Iranians, the people, just want to live-and-let-live. America acts-out war-like behavior with sanctions and other methods in try and strong-arm their preferred results. Sending in troops and having a war is the very last thing we need. The Wounded Warrior program is going to be a full-time operation from now on, apparently.
Switzerland is always neutral.

The US, and its allies have helped to create that monster in the Middle East. Those are the LAST people that you wanna fvck with when it comes to their homes and their whole religious culture. Look at the resolve of the North Vietnamese and Vietcong in the 50's and 60's, and then multiply that by a thousand. These people have all the same high-tech conventional weaponry and the resolve to all die together resisting. Americans aren't built that way. Especially when it's not our homes being threatened.

That entire situation is FUBAR. Between the US meddling in the worst ways, and Israel's handle on American balls, and these people's general disposition toward foreigners in their homeland, it's a recipe for disaster. I still believe that Iranians, the people, just want to live-and-let-live. America acts-out war-like behavior with sanctions and other methods in try and strong-arm their preferred results. Sending in troops and having a war is the very last thing we need. The Wounded Warrior program is going to be a full-time operation from now on, apparently.
We aren't going to war with them unless they attack first, which they won't do.
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I prefer the Swiss keep sending us some more of these ...

Middle class is dependent upon where you live. Middle class in NYC isn't going to be in the same income range as middle class in rural Alabama.
True, but you can get a general number range. $10k is lower class everywhere, $500k is upper class everywhere. Obviously those are extremes, but it gets the point across. Here's a pretty good calculator by Pew that takes into account location and household size. It's obviously somewhat subjective, but it's pretty good generally speaking.
True, but you can get a general number range. $10k is lower class everywhere, $500k is upper class everywhere. Obviously those are extremes, but it gets the point across. Here's a pretty good calculator by Pew that takes into account location and household size. It's obviously somewhat subjective, but it's pretty good generally speaking.

I would call $500k in some place like San Fran upper middle class, but it would definitely be upper class in a lot of areas. I'm also guessing that this would be take home for someone who owned their own business as well. I tend to think of truly rich people as old money.
I would call $500k in some place like San Fran upper middle class, but it would definitely be upper class in a lot of areas. I'm also guessing that this would be take home for someone who owned their own business as well. I tend to think of truly rich people as old money.

That calc says $500k in San Fran for a 4 household family is upper class. I tend to agree with it.

To me, $350k in major cities (NYC, San Fran, Chicago, LA) is the tier between upper middle and upper.
That calc says $500k in San Fran for a 4 household family is upper class. I tend to agree with it.

To me, $350k in major cities (NYC, San Fran, Chicago, LA) is the tier between upper middle and upper.

I can understand where you're coming from. It's just that when I think "rich" I think of wealth more than income, although that's just one man's opinion. It just depends on how you look at the situation.

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