OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I can understand where you're coming from. It's just that when I think "rich" I think of wealth more than income, although that's just one man's opinion. It just depends on how you look at the situation.

Yeah I almost think there needs to be another tier. A family making $500k per year with like $2 million in assets is VERY different than someone who has $50 million in assets.
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It really is kind of true though. The mainstream culture can't be the counter-culture. So, now that you all have gotten your way for so long, and a new culture has popped up to challenge you, that means...


I have known a lot of conservatives and you sir are not one.
Yeah I almost think there needs to be another tier. A family making $500k per year with like $2 million in assets is VERY different than someone who has $50 million in assets.
I wouldn't call that a different tier. At that point you would be changing the definition of class to include net worth, which is probably more accurate than just income.
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I have known a lot of conservatives and you sir are not one.

I couldn't even tell you what a conservative is anymore, since people group populists, neocons, the alt-right, and the white supremacists all into the same group.

If I had to identify myself it would be as a classic liberal, but I don't think I fit into any single political identity.
Blurred lines: A pregnant man’s tragedy tests gender notions

Biological woman goes to the hospital and tells them she's a man. They think she's a man so they don't give her a pregnancy test. She ends up birthing a stillborn baby. Now the trans community is mad at the doctors and are accusing them of not being trained well enough. I just don't understand the stupidity of some people.
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Biological woman goes to the hospital and tells them she's a man. They think she's a man so they don't give her a pregnancy test.
From the article you linked:

"The 32-year-old patient told the nurse he was transgender... A home pregnancy test was positive and he said he had “peed himself” — a possible sign of ruptured membranes and labor. A nurse ordered a pregnancy test but considered him stable and his problems non-urgent."

Seems like you should have read the article before linking it.

Now the trans community is mad at the doctors and are accusing them of not being trained well enough.
The "trans community" doesn't seem mad from what I could tell in the article you linked. Not sure what's wrong with asking for more training though. Is it really that big of an inconvenience to put a sentence in the manual that says if a transgendered man is pregnant, then treat him as if he's pregnant?
I agree that more training is needed. But the training I'm talking about is probably different than what the trans community is clamoring for. Transgenderism is a mental disorder. So medical staff need to be trained to look at a trans person as someone suffering from a mental disorder. I doubt that's the same kind of training the trans community is asking for. Theirs would involve a vocabulary test of appropriate pronouns and other absurd shit.
Mental disorder? I guess that's one way to look at it.
From the article you linked:

"The 32-year-old patient told the nurse he was transgender... A home pregnancy test was positive and he said he had “peed himself” — a possible sign of ruptured membranes and labor. A nurse ordered a pregnancy test but considered him stable and his problems non-urgent."

Seems like you should have read the article before linking it.

The "trans community" doesn't seem mad from what I could tell in the article you linked. Not sure what's wrong with asking for more training though. Is it really that big of an inconvenience to put a sentence in the manual that says if a transgendered man is pregnant, then treat him as if he's pregnant?

You're right on the first part. I did read the article, but the article states that this still led to a delay in treatment, which caused an issue.

As for the trans communities reaction, it seems pretty obvious to me that they were upset over this...and yeah, I'm not sure what more training is needed either.
Think of it this way. If someone cuts themselves because they hate their body, that's a mental disorder, right? So, how is it different if they want someone else to mutilate their body because they don't like it?
Not a good comparison, because a transgendered person isn't mutilating their body just because they don't like it.
Think of it this way. If someone cuts themselves because they hate their body, that's a mental disorder, right? So, how is it different if they want someone else to mutilate their body because they don't like it?
Hey, look! You're speaking from your lack of knowledge... again!

Go on...
Not a good comparison, because a transgendered person isn't mutilating their body just because they don't like it.

Of course they are. They were born a biological man, and they hate that. They want to be a woman so they mutilate their body to better look like a woman's. The only difference is that one is now more acceptable by society.
Look, I'm not against people deciding to mutilate their bodies. It just seems like a rash decision that has been shown to not be very helpful. Post-surgery trans people still have an insanely high suicide rate. In other words, we aren't really helping these people by praising or pushing their decision to go through these surgeries. There has to be a better way.
Better than pushing for a process that leads to very high suicide rates. I guess it's just the humanitarian in me.
Okay... your "logic" is that people who augment their own bodies to achieve a look that they prefer are "mutilating" themselves. I agree that when a person is cutting themselves, there's very often a mental disorder taking place. I've known two women personally who have dealt with that and it was very unpleasant. One of them described it as "pain inside me that can only be released by opening my skin and keeping the wound open."

But, that is a completely different activity than elective surgery to change one's appearance to reflect how a person eagerly wants to look. Breast implants, hair replacement, rhinoplasty, face-lifts, penis enlargements, etc., are all examples of having someone else "mutilate you" so you can look more like how you WANT to look.

Your humanitarian efforts appear to be just a veneer for how you believe people should act and conduct themselves.
Look, I'm not against people deciding to mutilate their bodies. It just seems like a rash decision that has been shown to not be very helpful. Post-surgery trans people still have an insanely high suicide rate. In other words, we aren't really helping these people by praising or pushing their decision to go through these surgeries. There has to be a better way.
One way would be for people like yourself to stay the fvck away from them... as far away as possible.
Okay... your "logic" is that people who augment their own bodies to achieve a look that they prefer are "mutilating" themselves. I agree that when a person is cutting themselves, there's very often a mental disorder taking place. I've known two women personally who have dealt with that and it was very unpleasant. One of them described it as "pain inside me that can only be released by opening my skin and keeping the wound open."

But, that is a completely different activity than elective surgery to change one's appearance to reflect how a person eagerly wants to look. Breast implants, hair replacement, rhinoplasty, face-lifts, penis enlargements, etc., are all examples of having someone else "mutilate you" so you can look more like how you WANT to look.

Your humanitarian efforts appear to be just a veneer for how you believe people should act and conduct themselves.

You're just parsing words now. You can change the word "mutilating" to any other synonym and it still proves the point. Elective surgery is the same thing. People change themselves because they hate the way they look. Now, those people don't seem to be as suicidal as trans people, but that's probably because they can actually achieve success. Chopping off your penis and growing your hair long doesn't make you a woman. You can never become a woman and that's why I think you see more suicides among trans people. They are trying to achieve something that isn't achievable.
One way would be for people like yourself to stay the fvck away from them... as far away as possible.

Why? I support them. I wish them godspeed in life. Just because I don't agree that these surgeries, which are obviously not working, are a good idea doesn't mean that I'm not sympathetic to their cause. I would think you would want supportive people closer to you, not further away.
So, surgery is a synonym for mutilation? You are proving a point, no doubt about that.

Look, you can parse words all day long, because in the end that's all you have. We aren't helping these people. They are committing suicide at an alarmingly high rate and people like you just want to keep pushing the status quo because it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Have you ever heard the phrase "tough love"? Well, it's time to be frank about the situation.
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Look, you can parse words all day long, because in the end that's all you have. We aren't helping these people. They are committing suicide at an alarmingly high rate and people like you just want to keep pushing the status quo because it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Have you ever heard the phrase "tough love"? Well, it's time to be frank about the situation.

You seem to spend an awful lot of your time thinking about other people’s sex organs.
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Look, you can parse words all day long, because in the end that's all you have. We aren't helping these people. They are committing suicide at an alarmingly high rate and people like you just want to keep pushing the status quo because it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Have you ever heard the phrase "tough love"? Well, it's time to be frank about the situation.
I'm not parsing words at all. I'm quoting your lack of understanding back to you, using the terminology you've chosen.

A person who carve themselves up with a razor is NOT the same thing as someone having elective surgery by a medical doctor to augment their appearance.

Them committing suicide, or a rate of suicide that is "alarmingly high" has more to do with your inability to understand them as individuals than any surgery that is being performed on them with their own consent, after consulting with several physicians that will be involved. Doctors don't just take orders like a "You want fries with that?"
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I'm not parsing words at all. I'm quoting your lack of understanding back to you, using the terminology you've chosen.

A person who carve themselves up with a razor is NOT the same thing as someone having elective surgery by a medical doctor to augment their appearance.

Them committing suicide, or a rate of suicide that is "alarmingly high" has more to do with your inability to understand them as individuals than any surgery that is being performed on them with their own consent, after consulting with several physicians that will be involved. Doctors don't just take orders like a "You want fries with that?"

I have no issues with them, nor do I not understand them. I'm not supporting this facade that has them killing are.
I have no issues with them, nor do I not understand them. I'm not supporting this facade that has them killing are.
If you understood them, your perspective would be the exact opposite of what you are saying.

You should start a YouTube channel like Robin Leach Farage where you piss and moan about things you think you understand, but really don't... which is why you constantly piss and moan about it.