OOTB's Political Thread . ..

My ma in law is visiting. Shes an avid trump supporter as well as a racist bigot. I asked her what she would think if trump tried to pull something so as to not give up his office when he loses the election. She lit up like a christmas tree and slapped her knee “BY GAWWD I HOPE HE DOES, THE ONLY WAY HE LOSES IS IF CNN AND THE DEMOCRATS STEAL THE ELECTION!!” Fun times at my house.

I'll never get this "the president will never leave if voted out" nonsense. I had buddies worried about Obama refusing to leave the presidency, and now the corporate media and Dems are screaming about the issue. It was stupid then and it's stupid now. As funny as the meltdown would be at CNN, it's never going to happen.

Edit: BTW, this thread has taken a humorous turn.
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Ben Shapiro is convinced Andrew Neil is a "leftist." I guess the subjectivity of Left vs. Right is a cross that society will always choose to bear.

All he had to do was answer whether or not he thought the sentences in these new abortion bills were Draconian or not.

Ben Shapiro is convinced Andrew Neil is a "leftist." I guess the subjectivity of Left vs. Right is a cross that society will always choose to bear.

All he had to do was answer whether or not he thought the sentences in these new abortion bills were Draconian or not.

The guy tried to admonish Shapiro for something in which he had already apologized.
Oh, I agree. Your refusal to debate facts is on par with all the other TDS posters on this board. You have a choice, brah. You can become a "Ciggy" or you can join the big boy club. It's up to you!
Thanks... I appreciate the offer.
It can happen anywhere, if the circumstances are just right. It's a really good book, however. Excellent cautionary tale.

I don't think Trump is insidious like Adolf Hitler. He loves himself a lot. But, I don't think Trump has lived the life of a proletariat-type to ever be motivated enough to put together something that goes anywhere near as intense as the Lewis novel. Trump never "had it rough", so to speak. I don't know of many fascist/tyrannical leaders who were born with silver spoons. Trump has no idea what working-class is like. There's no need for revenge. The people that he bitches about, that he claims are opposed to him, are the same people whom he desperately wants their approval. His publicity stunt went way too far. But, while he's stuck in it, he may as well show his true colors and allow others who agree with him to show theirs as well. He's certainly not above stoking-up fear to pander and gain support and adulation. That's a tragedy by itself. He's not methodically against any one group except... everyone besides himself.
In all fairness the two are not alike in many ways. Now, how they came into power is a different story. Both men are a result of a problem, not the problem.
In all fairness the two are not alike in many ways. Now, how they came into power is a different story. Both men are a result of a problem, not the problem.
The reasons either of them have power are based on different situations. I know what you're trying to say, but racism has little to do with why Trump is in power and to say that Hitler rose to power based on hatred towards Jews is a huge oversimplification.
The reasons either of them have power are based on different situations. I know because what you're trying to say, but racism has little to do with why Trump is in power and to say that Hitler rose to power based on hatred towards Jews is a huge oversimplification.
Both got elected because voters thought they could fix problems. What are the problems Trump was elected to fix?
Both got elected because voters thought they could fix problems. What are the problems Trump was elected to fix?
I'm not sure I follow you. Every politician is voted in with the thought that they could fix, or at least limit, problems. Immigration, foreign policy and the economy were a few problems that he was elected to fix. Now, you might not think they were a problem and/or that he can fix them, but someone else does. Same thing goes for Obama, Bush, Clinton, Regan, etc.
I'm not sure I follow you. Every politician is voted in with the thought that they could fix, or at least limit, problems. Immigration, foreign policy and the economy were a few problems that he was elected to fix. Now, you might not think they were a problem and/or that he can fix them, but someone else does. Same thing goes for Obama, Bush, Clinton, Regan, etc.
Can't argue with this except the economy. The economy was doing fine when he was elected Hard to tell yet what the tariffs will do to it but we are overdue for a slowdown anyway.
Can't argue with this except the economy. The economy was doing fine when he was elected Hard to tell yet what the tariffs will do to it but we are overdue for a slowdown anyway.
The economy wasn't bad, but it wasn't exactly a great recovery and there were/are still issues. It should be obvious by now that it could have been doing better in some ways since it's doing better now. I'm not crediting/blaming Obama or Trump for that, but saying Obama could have done better is a legitimate argument.
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I don't know of many fascist/tyrannical leaders who were born with silver spoons.

1. Lenin's mom was wealthy and his dad had status as a hereditary nobleman.
2. Baby Doc in Haiti was extremely wealthy when he took over for his father
3. Mussolini never went hungry, his family was upper middle class (for as much as there was one in Italy pre WW1 20th century)
4. Kim il-Sung's kids and grandkids certainly had silver spoons
5. Spain's Franco was upper middle class to rich during his childhood

That's just 5 off the top of my head. Sure all these guys paint themselves as fighters for the poor but it doesn't necessarily mean they can relate to them.

The stupidity of this initiative is alarming. There's a lot that I like about AOC (mostly how she's essentially an equal but opposite Trump, upsetting the establishment, not afraid to speak her mind and bash people, etc.) but her complete lack of understanding for how things work could eventually be problematic. The fact that Bernie goes along with it either shows that he's just as dumb, or that he's willing to sell out for exposure and notoriety.

They think "oh, people will love the thought of lower interest, no brainer". Unfortunately, they're probably right in that the average American is too damn dumb to be able to think beyond that to what repercussions that would cause.

The stupidity of this initiative is alarming. There's a lot that I like about AOC (mostly how she's essentially an equal but opposite Trump, upsetting the establishment, not afraid to speak her mind and bash people, etc.) but her complete lack of understanding for how things work could eventually be problematic. The fact that Bernie goes along with it either shows that he's just as dumb, or that he's willing to sell out for exposure and notoriety.

They think "oh, people will love the thought of lower interest, no brainer". Unfortunately, they're probably right in that the average American is too damn dumb to be able to think beyond that to what repercussions that would cause.[/QUOTE

I agree with you on most of it another example would be some people believing China is paying the tariff tax....

The stupidity of this initiative is alarming. There's a lot that I like about AOC (mostly how she's essentially an equal but opposite Trump, upsetting the establishment, not afraid to speak her mind and bash people, etc.) but her complete lack of understanding for how things work could eventually be problematic. The fact that Bernie goes along with it either shows that he's just as dumb, or that he's willing to sell out for exposure and notoriety.

They think "oh, people will love the thought of lower interest, no brainer". Unfortunately, they're probably right in that the average American is too damn dumb to be able to think beyond that to what repercussions that would cause.

This is the same faulty thinking that led to the minimum wage and priced a lot of people out of the work force.

The stupidity of this initiative is alarming. There's a lot that I like about AOC (mostly how she's essentially an equal but opposite Trump, upsetting the establishment, not afraid to speak her mind and bash people, etc.) but her complete lack of understanding for how things work could eventually be problematic. The fact that Bernie goes along with it either shows that he's just as dumb, or that he's willing to sell out for exposure and notoriety.

They think "oh, people will love the thought of lower interest, no brainer". Unfortunately, they're probably right in that the average American is too damn dumb to be able to think beyond that to what repercussions that would cause.
Yeah, I read this earlier. It's amazing how bad politicians are at understanding the economy.
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1. Lenin's mom was wealthy and his dad had status as a hereditary nobleman.
2. Baby Doc in Haiti was extremely wealthy when he took over for his father
3. Mussolini never went hungry, his family was upper middle class (for as much as there was one in Italy pre WW1 20th century)
4. Kim il-Sung's kids and grandkids certainly had silver spoons
5. Spain's Franco was upper middle class to rich during his childhood

That's just 5 off the top of my head. Sure all these guys paint themselves as fighters for the poor but it doesn't necessarily mean they can relate to them.
I still don't think Trump is out to turn the country into a fascist regime. But, thanks. I didn't know all of their individual histories.
Looks like the war-hawk-and-draft-dodger John Bolton will finally get to go to war with Iran. Trump administration drawing-up a plan for sending at least 120,000 troops over there!

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