OOTB's Political Thread . ..

It's possible it was in their airspace, but I don't see what our motivation would be to do that. Wars don't always win elections. Bush almost lost because of a war. If you want to win an election, make sure everyone has money in the bank. People tend to vote with their wallet.

Oh definitely agree that their wallet is #1 (and numbers like 2,3,4,5).

Bush was extremely popular post-9/11. He was extremely popular in the immediate aftermath of Iraq. He caught bad timing because by late 2004 that war had quickly become extremely unpopular.

I think Trump could really rally his base with a war against an islamic nation that is "threatening our national security".
Oh definitely agree that their wallet is #1 (and numbers like 2,3,4,5).

Bush was extremely popular post-9/11. He was extremely popular in the immediate aftermath of Iraq. He caught bad timing because by late 2004 that war had quickly become extremely unpopular.

I think Trump could really rally his base with a war against an islamic nation that is "threatening our national security".
His base isn't a problem. It's not a problem for any politician. That's why it's called their base. The issue is independents and I don't think they want a war. Plus, Trump seems to be anti war so far, so it would surprise me for him to go to war over this.
His base isn't a problem. It's not a problem for any politician. That's why it's called their base. The issue is independents and I don't think they want a war. Plus, Trump seems to be anti war so far, so it would surprise me for him to go to war over this.
The rally around the flag effect is absolutely a real thing. But it can backfire if people dont think a wartime president is managing the conflict well.

People can play the “TDS” card all they want, but we currently have the worst possible person in the oval office for this type of situation.

Pakistan still scares me more than Iran though. There’s major terrorist factions in Pakistan that actually want to use nukes to bring down the west, and they don’t mind if they die trying.
I'd bet that the drone was in fact in their airspace and they felt justified in shooting it down without the ramifications being war.

My concern is wars win elections. Convenient time for Trump right now to have Iran start shooting down drones.

It would definitely hurt his standing with me. I'll probably vote for the guy this time around, unless the Dems run someone I really like, mainly because I think he's done a good job policy wise. That being said, if he starts a war I'll probably vote 3rd party again, unless the Dems run someone decent. I read an article the other day where an anonymous source inside the White House said that Trump is telling his administration to chill the f*** out over Iran. I seriously hope he keeps the clamps on warhawks like Bolton.
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The rally around the flag effect is absolutely a real thing. But it can backfire if people dont think a wartime president is managing the conflict well.

People can play the “TDS” card all they want, but we currently have the worst possible person in the oval office for this type of situation.

Pakistan still scares me more than Iran though. There’s major terrorist factions in Pakistan that actually want to use nukes to bring down the west, and they don’t mind if they die trying.

His actions say otherwise.
Pakistan still scares me more than Iran though. There’s major terrorist factions in Pakistan that actually want to use nukes to bring down the west, and they don’t mind if they die trying.

200 nuclear warheads all thanks to, you guessed it, the United States. We sold our future security to stop a dying Soviet state in the 70s and 80s.
Going to war with Iran will be more like Vietnam, only possibly worse. They will fight until there are none left. The losses will be much higher than the Iraq/Afghanistan scraps. Iran has a formidable Army.
Pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal was moronic. Countless nuclear physicists tried to explain how it would be impossible for Iran to develop weapons without us knowing, but of course republicans don’t believe in science...
Pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal was moronic. Countless nuclear physicists tried to explain how it would be impossible for Iran to develop weapons without us knowing, but of course republicans don’t believe in science...
You should see if someone could hook you up with AOC. You and her are made for each other.
What force are you referring to?

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This guy is a moron.

“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,“ wrote Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the FEC. “This is not a novel concept.“

-Federal Election Commission chief Ellen Weintraub
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Smart people know that Rubin is a clown. He's funded by a right wing think tank, and has zero original ideas of his own. He's riding the coat tails of the actual academics and intellectuals that he can convince to come on his show. He's turned himself into a meme.

Dennis Prager pretty much called him a useful idiot right to his face and he wasn't even smart enough to catch the dig.

The right wing think tank that backs his show gets funded by the Koch brothers. Saying he isn't funded by them is a straight up lie.
Smart people know that Rubin is a clown. He's funded by a right wing think tank, and has zero original ideas of his own. He's riding the coat tails of the actual academics and intellectuals that he can convince to come on his show. He's turned himself into a meme.

Dennis Prager pretty much called him a useful idiot right to his face and he wasn't even smart enough to catch the dig.

The right wing think tank that backs his show gets funded by the Koch brothers. Saying he isn't funded by them is a straight up lie.

Okay, I tried to link to that sauce, but I can't. Do you have a sauce that I can link to?

Get a better computer. I’m not tracking down links for you because you want to live in denial. It’s common knowledge who Rubin gets his funding from.

Rational wiki is a perfectly accessible link.

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