OOTB's Political Thread . ..

He shilled for Hillary Clinton. At that point he loses all credibility. When RP was defeated he refused to compromise his ideals. Of course Ron doesn't have three houses in the NE area either.

The bottom line is that he sold out his ideals as soon as he shilled for Hillary Clinton, and you sold out your ideals as soon as you voted for her.

Who said I voted for Hillary?

You’re legitimately an idiot. He viewed Hillary as less of a threat than trump so he backed his opposition. That’s what any sensible candidate would do. Ron Paul’s beliefs were laughably naive, nobody gives a shit about some clown that wanted to disband essential federal agencies. Ron Paul was so irrelavant that it didn’t matter who he endorsed.

Bernie’s platform has gone mainstream. The notion that he sold out his ideals is laughably stupid.
Who said I voted for Hillary?

You’re legitimately an idiot. He viewed Hillary as less of a threat than trump so he backed his opposition. That’s what any sensible candidate would do. Ron Paul’s beliefs were laughably naive, nobody gives a shit about some clown that wanted to disband essential federal agencies. Ron Paul was so irrelavant that it didn’t matter who he endorsed.

Bernie’s platform has gone mainstream. The notion that he sold out his ideals is laughably stupid.
So it will be Bernie in 2020 for sure or will Trump end all humanity before then?
Who said I voted for Hillary?

You’re legitimately an idiot. He viewed Hillary as less of a threat than trump so he backed his opposition. That’s what any sensible candidate would do. Ron Paul’s beliefs were laughably naive, nobody gives a shit about some clown that wanted to disband essential federal agencies. Ron Paul was so irrelavant that it didn’t matter who he endorsed.

Bernie’s platform has gone mainstream. The notion that he sold out his ideals is laughably stupid.

There are so many delightful contradictions in this post. Would you like me to expound? :cool:
So it will be Bernie in 2020 for sure or will Trump end all humanity before then?

We get it. A complete moron with narcissistic personality disorder having the nuclear codes doesn’t bother you. No need to poast like a broken record. People far smarter than anyone here are deeply concerned about this, so you’ll have to forgive me for not even remotely caring about your opinion on the subject.
We get it. A complete moron with narcissistic personality disorder having the nuclear codes doesn’t bother you. No need to poast like a broken record. People far smarter than anyone here are deeply concerned about this, so you’ll have to forgive me for not even remotely caring about your opinion on the subject.
Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon don't count. Should I start digging a bomb shelter now?
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We get it. A complete moron with narcissistic personality disorder having the nuclear codes doesn’t bother you. No need to poast like a broken record. People far smarter than anyone here are deeply concerned about this, so you’ll have to forgive me for not even remotely caring about your opinion on the subject.

You lunatics have been spouting this nonsense since he won, yet he's made more progress with North Korea than any president before him. He's told his warhawks to stand down and shut up. You try to paint a picture about the man, but reality paints a completely different picture.

Looks like someone needs their little bottom paddled again and put back in their place. You might remember we had to have you neutered a year or so ago. It worked for a while. You tucked your tail and minded your Ps and Qs around here. But you've gotten a little too comfy recently. It would be a shame if "multiple people" complained about your poasts here again.

Hahaha. That's rich coming from you.

He needs to go back where he come from!
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wait wait, so i'm supposed to be more scared of Donald Trump having the nuclear codes than BERNIE SANDERS?? based on what? i would be much more concerned that Papaw Sanders would accidentally set off the nukes while cleaning his dentures or trying to mute Matlock so he can hear the pretty birds outside his bedroom window.

Trump is a narcissist - news flash: you do not reach the highest position in American politics without a healthy dose of self-love.

The 2020 Trump landslide that is coming will be yet another thing of beauty.
by the way, how is the Trump impeachment going? you Libtards still discussing whether he will "quit in the first year" ...or was it "quit before the end of his first term" ? man y'all had some hilarious denial methods.
by the way, how is the Trump impeachment going? you Libtards still discussing whether he will "quit in the first year" ...or was it "quit before the end of his first term" ? man y'all had some hilarious denial methods.
Be patient. Trump will end the human race soon enough. It's a fact all the Dems have said so.
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by the way, how is the Trump impeachment going? you Libtards still discussing whether he will "quit in the first year" ...or was it "quit before the end of his first term" ? man y'all had some hilarious denial methods.

Bout as much progress as getting mexico to pay for the wall. The repubs still claiming thats gonna happen? Still shake my head at the notion people bought that.

There is no grounds to impeach trump. Even pelosi admits that. I do admit i didnt think he would last this long. Just wishful thinking i guess. Its painfully obvious There is no limit to the denial certain groups on both “sides” will stoop to in support of their partisan beliefs.
Bout as much progress as getting mexico to pay for the wall. The repubs still claiming thats gonna happen? Still shake my head at the notion people bought that.

There is no grounds to impeach trump. Even pelosi admits that. I do admit i didnt think he would last this long. Just wishful thinking i guess. Its painfully obvious There is no limit to the denial certain groups on both “sides” will stoop to in support of their partisan beliefs.

I never cared about the wall or who would pay for it, that was simply a political football.

We're making more money, saving more money and paying less taxes since he took over. That alone will carry him to 4 more years. It's all about the economy, always has been.
Is your life better, worse or no change since Trump was elected?

Overall better. But i cant credit trump for improved health and fam situations. Nor would i blame him for the opposite. Is the country better? I would say its a wash which is admittedly much better than i anticipated. I continue to say he would do so much better implementing policies and improve the chances of the repubs in 2020 if he would stfu and stay off twitter.
Have any of you watched “designated survivor” on netflix? Its the story of an independent thrust into the presidency by a terror attack. He tries to be objective and avoid special interests but it soon becomes impossible and pretty much becomes that which he despises. Pretty fascinating
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Have any of you watched “designated survivor” on netflix? Its the story of an independent thrust into the presidency by a terror attack. He tries to be objective and avoid special interests but it soon becomes impossible and pretty much becomes that which he despises. Pretty fascinating

we loved it. and we still love 'House of Cards'
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Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon don't count. Should I start digging a bomb shelter now?

Try people like Eric Weinstein. PhD in mathematics, made breakthroughs in differential geometry, and runs one of the largest hedge funds in the world.
You lunatics have been spouting this nonsense since he won, yet he's made more progress with North Korea than any president before him. He's told his warhawks to stand down and shut up. You try to paint a picture about the man, but reality paints a completely different picture.

Lmao that’s absurd. NK is still testing weapons and developing their nuclear capabilities. He’s threatening other countries with war on Twitter. And appointed the biggest war hawk in Washington to be his national security advisor.

There’s no nonsense there. I didn’t say he’s going to end humanity. I said he’s an existential risk. That’s a mathematical statement. The odds of him launching a nuclear first strike is clearly higher than someone who is mentally balanced and halfway intelligent. Trump is a moron. Only other morons fail to see that. He’s an idiot’s idea of what a rich person is, and that’s why so many of them voted for him.
I bet he's really happy about the economy right now. Ask him how his brother Harvey is doing too.

People who actually understand economics are a lot less happy than people who just base their assessments on their 401k. Artificially low interest rates have the economy running way too hot, and a massive correction is inevitable. Real estate is overvalued, the stock market is overvalued, and that can’t last forever. Not to mention the massive negative environmental externalities that will eventually have to be paid back.

And spoiler alert: Hedge fund managers generally don’t like volatility.
Artificially low interest rates have the economy running way too hot, and a massive correction is inevitable. Real estate is overvalued, the stock market is overvalued, and that can’t last forever.

Corrections are always inevitable if you're looking at a long enough time frame.

And Real Estate and the stock market are more expensive than their historical averages, but what basis do you have in saying they're overvalued? What do you think their value should be?
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Corrections are always inevitable if you're looking at a long enough time frame.

And Real Estate and the stock market are more expensive than their historical averages, but what basis do you have in saying they're overvalued? What do you think their value should be?

I’m talking about a major correction sometime in the next decade, and that’s probably being generous.

The primary basis for that concern is interest rates. Money is practically free right now. That leads to a massive increase in demand which spikes prices, particularly in real estate because the average joe can now afford to go out an buy a fourplex with an FHA loan with only 3.5% down because of how cheap the loan is. It’s easy to make a property cash flow with artificially low interest rates, especially when rents are constantly rising year after year.

The stock market is no different. Companies are getting loans for practically nothing which makes the acquisition of capital extremely cheap. Obviously this inflates the value of their stocks, but this is unsustainable economic practice.

The question of where they should be valued at is impossible to answer. It people could accurately forecast corrections then they would be immeasuarably rich. There’s just too many econometric variables and it’s impossible to come up with an accurate coefficient for each one. But you don’t need an exact value to make the argument that the market is overvalued.

Coastal cities are already losing billions of dollars in real estate as a result of climate change. Storms and wildfires have gotten worse due to increases in atmospheric temperatures. Those costs will have to be paid and they are completely externalized. If those costs aren’t forcibly internalized then we will either see ballooning debt, or massive tax increases to pay for the damage. Our entire economy is distorted by the carbon externality problem.
Wrong Weinstein's. His brother is Bret- a biologist and evolutionary theorist.

Also not even pronounced the same. Bret and Eric’s last name is pronounced like Einstein but with a w at the front. That family definitely got dealt a disproportionate number of IQ points.
Also not even pronounced the same. Bret and Eric’s last name is pronounced like Einstein but with a w at the front. That family definitely got dealt a disproportionate number of IQ points.
Strangely, I had actually heard/known about Bret Weinstein from a totally different reference (The Day of Absence thing). I knew of him before Eric. I was surprised to see you mention him... I was like "Hey! I think I know who he is! That's that guy Bret Weinstein's brother... I think!"). I didn't know about the stine/steen pronunciation, though. Then of course, @nctransplant tried to malign him because of something someone else did.
Lmao that’s absurd. NK is still testing weapons and developing their nuclear capabilities. He’s threatening other countries with war on Twitter. And appointed the biggest war hawk in Washington to be his national security advisor.

There’s no nonsense there. I didn’t say he’s going to end humanity. I said he’s an existential risk. That’s a mathematical statement. The odds of him launching a nuclear first strike is clearly higher than someone who is mentally balanced and halfway intelligent. Trump is a moron. Only other morons fail to see that. He’s an idiot’s idea of what a rich person is, and that’s why so many of them voted for him.

Who cares? Who are we to refuse them nucular weapons? The real danger starts when you stop talking and start threatening. People think Un is just going to go off one day and start launching nukes without provocation. These people are ridiculous. Trump has had the best foreign policy in decades, but he won't be in there forever, and Un knows that.
I’m talking about a major correction sometime in the next decade, and that’s probably being generous.

The primary basis for that concern is interest rates. Money is practically free right now. That leads to a massive increase in demand which spikes prices, particularly in real estate because the average joe can now afford to go out an buy a fourplex with an FHA loan with only 3.5% down because of how cheap the loan is. It’s easy to make a property cash flow with artificially low interest rates, especially when rents are constantly rising year after year.

The stock market is no different. Companies are getting loans for practically nothing which makes the acquisition of capital extremely cheap. Obviously this inflates the value of their stocks, but this is unsustainable economic practice.

The question of where they should be valued at is impossible to answer. It people could accurately forecast corrections then they would be immeasuarably rich. There’s just too many econometric variables and it’s impossible to come up with an accurate coefficient for each one. But you don’t need an exact value to make the argument that the market is overvalued.

Coastal cities are already losing billions of dollars in real estate as a result of climate change. Storms and wildfires have gotten worse due to increases in atmospheric temperatures. Those costs will have to be paid and they are completely externalized. If those costs aren’t forcibly internalized then we will either see ballooning debt, or massive tax increases to pay for the damage. Our entire economy is distorted by the carbon externality problem.

That's inevitable. The love of fractional reserve banking, and it's handler the FED, will always see to that. It has nothing to do with Trump.
...and you got shorted on the IQ points. Bummer.

Some Iranian women take off hijabs as hard-liners push back

This is real feminism, not the garbage that 3rd wave feminists try to spout.
3rd-wave feminists? I had to look that one up.


They look pretty relaxed, don't they? The "morality police" might get'em.

I saw a Rick Steves presentation of a trip to Iran several years ago. It was really interesting. There was quite a lot of face-showing, especially in the cities. Rhinoplasty is very fashionable over there, because the nose/face is what is most seen.
Strangely, I had actually heard/known about Bret Weinstein from a totally different reference (The Day of Absence thing). I knew of him before Eric. I was surprised to see you mention him... I was like "Hey! I think I know who he is! That's that guy Bret Weinstein's brother... I think!"). I didn't know about the stine/steen pronunciation, though. Then of course, @nctransplant tried to malign him because of something someone else did.
Ever heard of sarcasm? Didn't mean to hurt your feelings
I’m talking about a major correction sometime in the next decade, and that’s probably being generous.

The primary basis for that concern is interest rates. Money is practically free right now. That leads to a massive increase in demand which spikes prices, particularly in real estate because the average joe can now afford to go out an buy a fourplex with an FHA loan with only 3.5% down because of how cheap the loan is. It’s easy to make a property cash flow with artificially low interest rates, especially when rents are constantly rising year after year.

The stock market is no different. Companies are getting loans for practically nothing which makes the acquisition of capital extremely cheap. Obviously this inflates the value of their stocks, but this is unsustainable economic practice.

The question of where they should be valued at is impossible to answer. It people could accurately forecast corrections then they would be immeasuarably rich. There’s just too many econometric variables and it’s impossible to come up with an accurate coefficient for each one. But you don’t need an exact value to make the argument that the market is overvalued.

Coastal cities are already losing billions of dollars in real estate as a result of climate change. Storms and wildfires have gotten worse due to increases in atmospheric temperatures. Those costs will have to be paid and they are completely externalized. If those costs aren’t forcibly internalized then we will either see ballooning debt, or massive tax increases to pay for the damage. Our entire economy is distorted by the carbon externality problem.
You do realize that fed interest rates were lower with obama. Our economy will always have ups and downs. Absolutely a recession will happen again. It's like the tides and climate, they change.
wait wait, so i'm supposed to be more scared of Donald Trump having the nuclear codes than BERNIE SANDERS?? based on what? i would be much more concerned that Papaw Sanders would accidentally set off the nukes while cleaning his dentures or trying to mute Matlock so he can hear the pretty birds outside his bedroom window.

Trump is a narcissist - news flash: you do not reach the highest position in American politics without a healthy dose of self-love.

The 2020 Trump landslide that is coming will be yet another thing of beauty.
Aren’t you a guy who welches on bets and has ED issues?