OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You do realize that fed interest rates were lower with obama. Our economy will always have ups and downs. Absolutely a recession will happen again. It's like the tides and climate, they change.

I didn’t say anything about trump or Obama in that post.

The end of that post proves how simplistic your analysis is. Of course the climate and the economy change. And irresponsible practices exacerbate the problem. The morons who say that humans aren’t responsible for climate change because the climate always changes are literally the dumbest people participating in the discussion. That’s like saying there’s always recessions so Wall Street must have done nothing wrong to cause the 2008 crash.
Who cares? Who are we to refuse them nucular weapons? The real danger starts when you stop talking and start threatening. People think Un is just going to go off one day and start launching nukes without provocation. These people are ridiculous. Trump has had the best foreign policy in decades, but he won't be in there forever, and Un knows that.

Anyone who doesn’t want to stop a murdering dictator from getting nuclear weapons is an idiot.

Nobody thinks he’s going to go launching nukes without provocation. They thinks he’s going to use nuclear capabilities to hold the world hostage. Maybe you should listen to experts instead of reading the dumbass right wing websites whose garbage you endlessly spout off about.

The real danger comes from threats huh? You must have been talking about this...

Anyone who doesn’t want to stop a murdering dictator from getting nuclear weapons is an idiot.

Nobody thinks he’s going to go launching nukes without provocation. They thinks he’s going to use nuclear capabilities to hold the world hostage. Maybe you should listen to experts instead of reading the dumbass right wing websites whose garbage you endlessly spout off about.

The real danger comes from threats huh? You must have been talking about this...

So, what are you willing to spend in order to get rid of that dictator? You sound like GW Bush and Dick Cheney right now.
...and you got shorted on the IQ points. Bummer.

Lol that’s rich coming from someone named Cletus who has zero meaningful points to contribute. I’m surprised your trailer park even has internet access.
So, what are you willing to spend in order to get rid of that dictator? You sound like GW Bush and Dick Cheney right now.

Edit: And you really didn't even response to my biggest point.

Get back to us when you finish reading the rest of the post and stop making idiotic accusations of racism.
Lol that’s rich coming from someone named Cletus who has zero meaningful points to contribute. I’m surprised your trailer park even has internet access.

Strangely, I had actually heard/known about Bret Weinstein from a totally different reference (The Day of Absence thing). I knew of him before Eric. I was surprised to see you mention him... I was like "Hey! I think I know who he is! That's that guy Bret Weinstein's brother... I think!"). I didn't know about the stine/steen pronunciation, though. Then of course, @nctransplant tried to malign him because of something someone else did.

That’s how I discovered both of them as well. I heard about Bret first from the evergreen college debacle. Eric did a recent podcast with Joe Rogan that I thought was really good.
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How is Un going to "hold the world hostage" by having nukes? What does that actually mean? It's time to put that "doctorate" to the paper.

Do you understand how nuclear weapons work? If someone threatens to use them then that’s a pretty serious threat. They’re already using the threat of bombing SK to get foreign aid and keep us from taking out Un. What do you think will happen if they get ICBM’s and nuclear war heads?

I never said I have a PhD. I said I’m going for a PhD in economics. Good grief you are retarded.
Do you understand how nuclear weapons work? If someone threatens to use them then that’s a pretty serious threat. They’re already using the threat of bombing SK to get foreign aid and keep us from taking out Un. What do you think will happen if they get ICBM’s and nuclear war heads?

I never said I have PhD. I said I’m going for a PhD in economics. Good grief you are retarded.

You understand that you're calling Un some kind of suicidal lunatic...Some kind of suicide bomber. Is that really how you see him?

Or do you see him as a leader who wants to have a deterrent against the aggressive countries who took out Hussein and Gadaffi?
You understand that you're calling Un some kind of suicidal lunatic...Some kind of suicide bomber. Is that really how you see him?

Or do you see him as a leader who wants to have a deterrent against the aggressive countries who took out Hussein and Gadaffi?

I never said he’s suicidal or a lunatic. I said he would use the threat of nuclear war to get what he wants. People will go a long way to avoid a nuclear first strike. Including appeasing a dictator.

But yeah you’re right, he’s the good guy that just wants to defend himself...

That’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen you poast and there’s a lot of competition.
I never said he’s suicidal or a lunatic. I said he would use the threat of nuclear war to get what he wants. People will go a long way to avoid a nuclear first strike. Including appeasing a dictator.

But yeah you’re right, he’s the good guy that just wants to defend himself...

That’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen you poast and there’s a lot of competition.

Yeah, that's suicidal. What happens if someone calls his bluff? Why would he provoke a preemptive nucular war? He has everything he needs. Hot women, food, alcohol...why would he risk the life of a king over some stupid fight?

They haven't tout you much, have they?
I never said he’s suicidal or a lunatic. I said he would use the threat of nuclear war to get what he wants. People will go a long way to avoid a nuclear first strike. Including appeasing a dictator.

But yeah you’re right, he’s the good guy that just wants to defend himself...

That’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen you poast and there’s a lot of competition.
Yeah, that's suicidal. What happens if someone calls his bluff? Why would he provoke a preemptive nucular war? He has everything he needs. Hot women, food, alcohol...why would he risk the life of a king over some stupid fight?

They haven't tout you much, have they?


Edit: F***, man...I wish I could find an awesome paying job that did nothing more than destroy "Dr." candidates. Maybe I should start my own Youtube channel. :cool:
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For the racists on the bored, like @uncboy10 and @prlyles.

THAT was interesting! That's one of the best exchanges I have seen in ages! I was impressed by the way it was moderated, by the diversity of the people participating, and just the window it gave to how they think, react, etc..

I think more of those would be helpful on local levels, too. That should become a new social "thing."

And, social media helps to create a sort of "simmering contempt" as well. Everyone handles it in their own way, but we definitely have some similar experiences.
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THAT was interesting! That's one of the best exchanges I have seen in ages! I was impressed by the way it was moderated, by the diversity of the people participating, and just the window it gave to how they think, react, etc..

I think more of those would be helpful on local levels, too. That should become a new social "thing."

And, social media helps to create a sort of "simmering contempt" as well. Everyone handles it in their own way, but we definitely have some similar experiences.

That's why I still love you, brah... We still have a similar love for bringing all people to the same level.

I've said to people that, "I'll be happy when we're all mixed together and look the same," and folks will look at me like I'm the Debil. Nothing in this country gets done until we start respecting individual rights.
Lol that’s rich coming from someone named Cletus who has zero meaningful points to contribute. I’m surprised your trailer park even has internet access.
Cledus (spelled with a D) Snow... Jerry Reed's character in Smokey & The Bandit:

That's why I still love you, brah... We still have a similar love for bringing all people to the same level.

I've said to people that, "I'll be happy when we're all mixed together and look the same," and folks will look at me like I'm the Debil. Nothing in this country gets done until we start respecting individual rights.
It was interesting, and it helped me! I like that kind of forum. This kind of forum lacks speaking and hearing... that's a huge hurdle. It's enormous, actually. We toss our mutual respect out the door because we're not as accountable as we would be if we were in each other's presence.

But, listening to all of them, and paying close attention, gave me some very helpful insight. I hope they learned from each other, too. If any of them are "conservative"... now... they're sorta like converts, the way they described it. That was interesting to know. The woman from Charlotte seems to be connecting her newfound "conservatism" title because she believes it syncs-up with her newfound religion. It was funny how she proceeded to break that down. SOmething like "We're just now getting to where we can handle homosexuality..." It's like, it's inevitable. Just like it was with divorce. And, Trump is hardly some shining example of traditional, Protestant/Catholic/Christian morality. How he conned people into that is beyond me. I dunno if he even did it. It seems like he just got a pass from evangelicals, in general, because THEY'RE chained to Republicans, much like blacks are chained to Democrats. And, that 9-out-of-10 demographic is appalling. Democrats bank on blacks like Republicans bank on evangelicals. they don't even have to try... and, that's a shame.
It was interesting, and it helped me! I like that kind of forum. This kind of forum lacks speaking and hearing... that's a huge hurdle. It's enormous, actually. We toss our mutual respect out the door because we're not as accountable as we would be if we were in each other's presence.

But, listening to all of them, and paying close attention, gave me some very helpful insight. I hope they learned from each other, too. If any of them are "conservative"... now... they're sorta like converts, the way they described it. That was interesting to know. The woman from Charlotte seems to be connecting her newfound "conservatism" title because she believes it syncs-up with her newfound religion. It was funny how she proceeded to break that down. SOmething like "We're just now getting to where we can handle homosexuality..." It's like, it's inevitable. Just like it was with divorce. And, Trump is hardly some shining example of traditional, Protestant/Catholic/Christian morality. How he conned people into that is beyond me. I dunno if he even did it. It seems like he just got a pass from evangelicals, in general, because THEY'RE chained to Republicans, much like blacks are chained to Democrats. And, that 9-out-of-10 demographic is appalling. Democrats bank on blacks like Republicans bank on evangelicals. they don't even have to try... and, that's a shame.

I'll be honest, her "argument from authority" argument about abortion was a cringe-worthy moment for me. Now, I'm not on-board with anti-abortion because I believe it is comparable with prohibition or the "War on Drugs". That being said, black America needs to reach out and grab that gold ring.
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It seems like he just got a pass from evangelicals, in general, because THEY'RE chained to Republicans,
They aren't chained to republicans, they are chained to the idea of overturning Roe v. Wade. Trump promised to do that by appointing conservative judges. They ignored their other beliefs because of that.
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I'll be honest, her "argument from authority" argument about abortion was a cringe-worthy moment for me. Now, I'm not on-board with abortion because I believe it is comparable with prohibition or the "War on Drugs". That being said, black America needs to reach out and grab that gold ring.
Oh, there were a LOT of great points and perspectives in that video.

She was very pro-active and showed how being ambitious and motivated WITHIN THE LAW is actually a fulfilling experience. She had experience from the "hood" and was still in-touch with it. And, she has managed to get ahead. I'm glad to see that!

They practically all voted for Obama... once.

What I liked most about the video was that I could empathize with all of them. I wasn't "for" or "against" any of them. They all made very good points. They were intelligent and articulate and stayed on-point. The moderator was doing his job. A few never really talked much. The two men on the far ends- the gay guys- were interesting bookends and polarities. How they found two black, gay men with a contrast like that was impressive. They both made good points. They both were speaking from their own personal experience and they had conviction. I'll watch that again, for sure.
They aren't chained to republicans, they are chained to the idea of overturning Roe v. Wade. Trump promised to do that by appointing conservative judges. They ignored their other beliefs because of that.
Right... but, you wind up with everything that comes with that choice... including overturning Roe v Wade never happening. They wind up influencing the party rhetoric and policy in other ways because they ALWAYS vote republican for whatever the reason. Personally, I've never understood why devout religious people- people who claim their faith is the most important thing- would even engage in such a worldly activity as politics. It would seem like a distraction and an abomination. You cannot serve God and Mammon. My grandfather never voted for that very reason. That's probably why I struggle with people who do it because he was such a profound model for me.
Yeah, that's suicidal. What happens if someone calls his bluff? Why would he provoke a preemptive nucular war? He has everything he needs. Hot women, food, alcohol...why would he risk the life of a king over some stupid fight?

They haven't tout you much, have they?

He already is threatening South Korea with conventional weapons. That’s why nobody has invaded NK to take him out yet. Do you seriously not understand that?

You don’t know anything about Un or NK. He lives in constant fear of an assasination attempt and never stays in the same place for more than 24 hours. His entire foreign policy and military strategy is based around keeping more powerful nations out of NK so that he can play dictator. That’s why they have missiles aimed at South Korea 24/7.

You just keep taking stupid to new heights.
I don't understand people who have overturning Roe v Wade as a top 5 priority in their political concerns...especially men.
He already is threatening South Korea with conventional weapons. That’s why nobody has invaded NK to take him out yet. Do you seriously not understand that?

You don’t know anything about Un or NK. He lives in constant fear of an assasination attempt and never stays in the same place for more than 24 hours. His entire foreign policy and military strategy is based around keeping more powerful nations out of NK so that he can play dictator. That’s why they have missiles aimed at South Korea 24/7.

You just keep taking stupid to new heights.
And you keep hurling insults at new heights. You are the only poster here who cannot comment without calling someone an idiot, stupid or retarded. Says a lot about your maturity level. I think @Terror Beard was right about you. Learn to debate without insults, you know the same thing you piss and moan about Trump doing.
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I don't understand people who have overturning Roe v Wade as a top 5 priority in their political concerns...especially men.
If you believe that abortion is murder or that it must be a fundamental human right, then it's pretty easy to see how it would be a priority for either side. People who are worried about it shouldn't be worried though. It's never going to be overturned. There might be some minor restrictions/requirements put in place, but it's never going away. I'd be willing to bet that if it ever did go before the supreme court, they would rule at least 7-2 in favor of keeping Roe.

Woodrow Wilson and Andrew Johnson are horrifically offended at this comment.
This whole Trump is a racist is tiring to me. The guy thinks he's better than everyone on the planet, whites included. That doesn't make you a racist, that makes you an egomaniac. I understand that Biden has to say that to keep the left happy though. He won't win the nomination without them.
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If you believe that abortion is murder or that it must be a fundamental human right, then it's pretty easy to see how it would be a priority for either side. People who are worried about it shouldn't be worried though. It's never going to be overturned. There might be some minor restrictions/requirements put in place, but it's never going away. I'd be willing to bet that if it ever did go before the supreme court, they would rule at least 7-2 in favor of keeping Roe.

I agree and that's part of the reason why I don't get getting all worked up over it. It's like people who are scared the draft is coming back...never going to happen in the next 3 lifetimes.

I also just don't get caring about Roe v Wade over issues that actually impact your life. Economy, healthcare, etc. are involved in our lives on a daily basis. Someone getting an abortion is not.

This whole Trump is a racist is tiring to me. The guy thinks he's better than everyone on the planet, whites included. That doesn't make you a racist, that makes you an egomaniac. I understand that Biden has to say that to keep the left happy though. He won't win the nomination without them.

Yeah, I just think it's a tired argument. He does plenty of other shit that you can get on him for that is actually accurate.
If you believe that abortion is murder or that it must be a fundamental human right, then it's pretty easy to see how it would be a priority for either side. People who are worried about it shouldn't be worried though. It's never going to be overturned. There might be some minor restrictions/requirements put in place, but it's never going away. I'd be willing to bet that if it ever did go before the supreme court, they would rule at least 7-2 in favor of keeping Roe.

This whole Trump is a racist is tiring to me. The guy thinks he's better than everyone on the planet, whites included. That doesn't make you a racist, that makes you an egomaniac. I understand that Biden has to say that to keep the left happy though. He won't win the nomination without them.
I'll have to admit, Trump is doing a good job representing his base of supporters. He has a knack for saying what they want to hear.
I'll have to admit, Trump is doing a good job representing his base of supporters. He has a knack for saying what they want to hear.

I agree - but it's not like it's that hard. His base (and the base of the people super left) are simple minded in their politics.

Super right - abortion bad, illegals bad, military good, minorities are ok as long as they stay in their own lane, climate change is BS.

Super left - climate change means we're all dead in 80 years, minimum wage needs to go higher, illegals need amnesty here, minorities and LGBTQ are amazing, and abortion is a great form of birth control.

You'll get applause saying any of those things at your parties rallies. It's incredibly dumb.
Dont they all? Its required to get elected.
I actually don't think it is. The independent vote is what you need to get elected. The reason that they are called your base, is because they are going to vote for you regardless. As long as you don't stray to the complete opposite side, then they will turn out and vote for you. It would be nice if these candidates could move back more to the center where most people are. Right now independents are either staying home or voting for the lesser of two evils.
And you keep hurling insults at new heights. You are the only poster here who cannot comment without calling someone an idiot, stupid or retarded. Says a lot about your maturity level. I think @Terror Beard was right about you. Learn to debate without insults, you know the same thing you piss and moan about Trump doing.

I’m calling one person an idiot because he endlessly trolls the board poasting garbage. If someone wants to go around calling me a racist, or a “sell out” then it’s a safe bet that I’m going to fire back. I haven’t called you any of those things, and without fail you like every single poast that insults me. So clearly it’s not insults that bother you, it’s people who disagree with you.

And why would I care what he thinks? He’s a clown with Napoleon syndrome that tries to fight people over what they poast on a message board and hides behind duplicate profiles. He’s a clown. There’s not a single opinion I care about less than his.
I actually don't think it is. The independent vote is what you need to get elected. The reason that they are called your base, is because they are going to vote for you regardless. As long as you don't stray to the complete opposite side, then they will turn out and vote for you. It would be nice if these candidates could move back more to the center where most people are. Right now independents are either staying home or voting for the lesser of two evils.
Or unfortunately, not voting for POTUS at all.
This whole Trump is a racist is tiring to me. The guy thinks he's better than everyone on the planet, whites included. That doesn't make you a racist, that makes you an egomaniac.[/QUOTE]

He's both.
He's both.
Racist means you think one race is superior to another. He thinks all races are inferior to him. If you want to keep using that word when it doesn't apply, that's fine. Just understand that you are helping that word lose it's actual meaning and shutting down any legit conversation on actual race issues which prevents us from improving race relations.