OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Everyone who Mueller let down needs a new hope to pull for.
Yes. It's Road Runner - Wile E. Coyote stuff.
DJT is Road Runner.
mainstream media, Mueller, Avenatti, Comey, Schumer, Pelosi, HRC, the Hollywood / sports " celebrity elites" , Stormy Daniels, and on and on... take their turns playing the part of Wile. E. Coyote
Death penalty is not enough for guys like Epstein, Sandusky, etc.
I completely agree with this.
Also though - if you look beyond Epstein, to his "friends" in politics, corporations, etc. who used the favors or services Epstein provided and procured - these people are also horrid - abusing young defenseless victim girls.

I know it won't happen - but whoever is factually proven to be part of this scandal - should have their personal and professional life dismantled. Prison, resignations, whatever it takes. Not just some half-hearted BS non-apology apology coupled with some fake promise to "attend counseling, soul-search, do better" that you so often hear, that is utterly worthless.

Example: I'm willing to bet in a couple years, all will be forgotten / forgiven for guys like Harvey Weinstein on #metoo, Ralph Northam on race issues, etc. They will be held up as some sort of persevering heroes, and "let's just forget about" their physical or psychological victims.
It's going to be interesting to see what happens with this guy. He's probably got a lot of dirt he could give up about high profile people. I think he's in his late 60s, so he might be willing to deal so he doesn't die in prison.

I'm guessing that Slick Willy is shittin bricks...sorry, shittin rocks right about now.
It's a fact Trump kicked him out of Mar-a-lago and informed the aurthorities. Google is your friend. He assaulted an employee. I know it doesn't fit your view of him, just google it.
Can’t find where authorities were called, help out an old man.
It's a fact Trump kicked him out of Mar-a-lago and informed the aurthorities. Google is your friend. He assaulted an employee. I know it doesn't fit your view of him, just google it.

Why would doing something to protect his business not fit anyone’s view of him?

This is the same guy who sexualizes his own daughter and deliberately walked in on underage miss teen USA contestants while they were changing. And bragged about sexual assault on a radio show. He’s a scumbag too.
I’m skeptical trump had anything to do with day to day operations at one of his resorts. But assuming he did or he signed off on kicking him out why is there no police report? Why no charges? This is 5 yrs after they supposedly had a “falling out” so why No charges against someone you “didnt respect” at the time? Did They make a deal? You leave and we dont report you sexually assaulted a minor? Was there a payoff? Not reporting sexual assault of a minor is a felony whether the victim wants to press charges or not. If the da didnt pursue charges thats one thing. But If he was kicked out for sexually assaulting a minor there should be a police report. If there is then kudos to trump for doing the right thing and i applaud him. But Until thats produced we’re left with either the story is bull shit or trump let a rapist walk free (so long as he left his resort).
Regarding the Epstein saga - it is interesting to me how he is such a flight risk that no honest judge is willing to grant him release with bail. I think Epstein and his lawyers offered up $77 mil as bail (about the value of his Central Park Manhattan 7 story condo) and the judge rejected it. If he ever gets out on bail, he'll never be seen in US again. At least not under his current name and identity.

Lots of girls (now women) are recently coming forward and singing, spilling the beans on Epstein (and presumably other names - many that people would know - celebs, pols, corporate big wigs). I think they are coming out and speaking now because they feel safe enough with Epstein on lockdown now, that there is lower (though not zero) personal danger risk to them.

Alternatively - there are some recent credible stories (in Miami Herald I think) of in the past Epstein trial one - 12 years ago? where Acosta let Epstein off easy...very shady) how if people spoke out about Epstein, Epstein certainly would ruthlessly hire hit men, mercenaries to take them or their family members out, or at least intimidate them - scare them nearly to death.

I am naïve I admit - (the sexual stuff Epstein did was obviously the worst, but) - it is almost unbelievable - like stuff for a fiction movie or novel - what lengths Epstein and his cronies he paid - would do to keep his wicked "operation" going - without getting caught or having victims come forward. A very evil, sick man.

Like people have said - life in prison or even death penalty is too nice of an outcome for him. But a lot of other people getting paid, working for / with him, protecting him deserve to have some hard justice administered to them, too.
Slick Willy claims to have flown on the Lolita express four or five times, yet flight logs verify that he rode on it 20 to 25 times. Of course he’s a Democrat, so he gets a pass.
Who’s giving anybody a pass?
. But a lot of other people getting paid, working for / with him, protecting him deserve to have some hard justice administered to them, too.
Agreed. One of the victims stated that when she was about 14, a woman "handler" for that creep introduced her to him. Anybody affiliated with assisitng what he was doing should get what they deserve as well.
After initially trying to bury the story, the Star Tribune finally tells the truth after independent journalists outed Ilhan Omar.

Ilhan Omar's credibility takes another hit

Of course, nobody wants to talk about tax issues when it's one of the mainstream pets like Omar or Charlie Rangel. They just want to go after Trump with zero evidence.
Why does she scare you so much?
Why does it not bother you that when we take people(refugees) in they want to change us instead of assimilating to our way of life? Why does it not bother you when immigrants and citizens blatantly disregard the rule of law?
I find it funny that a "progressive" like @uncboy10 has constantly touted Bernie as his choice, while Bernie bowed to the swamp, and has said good things about Tulsi...because of her physical appearance, but doesn't publicly support her. He won't endorse Tulsi, but will still endorse a man who sold his soul to the political devil.
I find it funny that a "progressive" like @uncboy10 has constantly touted Bernie as his choice, while Bernie bowed to the swamp, and has said good things about Tulsi...because of her physical appearance, but doesn't publicly support her. He won't endorse Tulsi, but will still endorse a man who sold his soul to the political devil.

He’s running against tulsi right now you imbecile, he’s not “endorsing” anyone that he is running against in the primary. Tulsi would be the most likely VP candidate if he gets the nomination. He’s also built his platform around ending the billionaire funded corruption in Washington. Once again, you poast something completely idiotic.
He’s running against tulsi right now you imbecile, he’s not “endorsing” anyone that he is running against in the primary. Tulsi would be the most likely VP candidate if he gets the nomination. He’s also built his platform around ending the billionaire funded corruption in Washington. Once again, you poast something completely idiotic.

Why would you support a man that has already sold you out instead of fighting for a new candidate who imitates his "views"?
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Why would you support a man that has already sold you out instead of fighting for a new candidate who imitates his "views"?

Lol he never sold anyone out. He made the mature and humble decision of opposing the imbalanced moron that is an existential risk to humanity. You clearly are failing to grasp the seriousness of someone as stupid as Donald trump having access to the nuclear codes.

Bernie completely changed the democratic platform. He’s singlehandedly revolutionized campaign financing. Nobody gives a shit about your idiotic opinion of him that you read on the “daily signal” or whatever far right rag you’re reading nowadays.
Lol he never sold anyone out. He made the mature and humble decision of opposing the imbalanced moron that is an existential risk to humanity. You clearly are failing to grasp the seriousness of someone as stupid as Donald trump having access to the nuclear codes.

Bernie completely changed the democratic platform. He’s singlehandedly revolutionized campaign financing. Nobody gives a shit about your idiotic opinion of him that you read on the “daily signal” or whatever far right rag you’re reading nowadays.

Hey, man. Whatever makes you feel better about shilling for the corporate global empire that is forming. Bernie could have been like Ron Paul and kept his pride, but he didn't. He sold out and that's one reason why he's not fairing nearly as well this time around.
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2020 predicted by a pen and paper role playing game (Cyberpunk 2020) back in 1994. This excerpt is right out of one of the rule books.


And before you get all woke on me, Cyperpunk 2020 was created by Mike Pondsmith. Now CD Projekt Red (makers of The Witcher series) is working with Pondsmith on Cyperpunk 2077, due out next year. Of course, the SJWs are already screaming about the game and trying to force their way into game development in order to input their "wokeness". BTW, here is a picture of Pondsmith.


Good luck with your crusade, NPCs...

Edit: It also predicted the UK's immigration problem and all the violence that has followed it. Historically, Sci-Fi has been the best predictor of humanity's future. A Brave New World, 1984, and now Cyberpunk 2020.
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Hey, man. Whatever makes you feel better about shilling for the corporate global empire that is forming. Bernie could have been like Ron Paul and kept his pride, but he didn't. He sold out and that's one reason why he's not fairing nearly as well this time around.

Yep Bernie is shilling for the corporate global empire. You just went full retard. Again.
Yep Bernie is shilling for the corporate global empire. You just went full retard. Again.

He shilled for Hillary Clinton. At that point he loses all credibility. When RP was defeated he refused to compromise his ideals. Of course Ron doesn't have three houses in the NE area either.

The bottom line is that he sold out his ideals as soon as he shilled for Hillary Clinton, and you sold out your ideals as soon as you voted for her.
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