OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I don't put a whole lot of stock into fact checking sites. Everything is so partisan nowadays, and if you look at who started them, they're almost always liberals/democrats/progressives/whatever you want to call them
Then you can check the facts out for yourself. It's pretty obvious that site is affiliated with people and groups with a far right viewpoint.

I'm not saying the source I posted is correct, but they made a pretty solid argument that it happened.
A solid argument?

"Federal and state law prevents St. Paul Public Schools from releasing further details about Ahmed N. Elmi, including parents/legal guardians or address. However, Steinberg contacted several members of the Class of 2003 who identified Elmi’s father as Nur Said Elmi Mohamed–the same man Omar identifies as her father."

If you consider that a solid argument, you should read that Snopes article I posted with actual verifiable facts. You'll think that is iron clad and will be convinced the marriage didn't happen.

Marrying someone to stay in the country isn't exactly a crazy accusation.
You're right it's not, normally. But considering he didn't have to marry her to come here, this specific accusation is kind of crazy. The law allows him to stay as her brother. The marriage wasn't needed if he was indeed her brother.
It's 100% predictable how the Star Tribune initially tried to cover a lot of this up.

FIFY. - the Star Tribune is in the same office tower area as where I work. No lie - they have this idol-worship-like larger-than-life headshot of Omar hanging in their HQ office.....

....but I'm pretty sure they are totally objective about reporting on her. /sarc
Then you can check the facts out for yourself. It's pretty obvious that site is affiliated with people and groups with a far right viewpoint.

A solid argument?

"Federal and state law prevents St. Paul Public Schools from releasing further details about Ahmed N. Elmi, including parents/legal guardians or address. However, Steinberg contacted several members of the Class of 2003 who identified Elmi’s father as Nur Said Elmi Mohamed–the same man Omar identifies as her father."

If you consider that a solid argument, you should read that Snopes article I posted with actual verifiable facts. You'll think that is iron clad and will be convinced the marriage didn't happen.

You're right it's not, normally. But considering he didn't have to marry her to come here, this specific accusation is kind of crazy. The law allows him to stay as her brother. The marriage wasn't needed if he was indeed her brother.

You missed a lot of that article. Let's just assume that this news outlet isn't the most trustworthy. Does that mean the article is automatically wrong?

Even if this story were true, do you think most of the media would report on it? You hardly heard a peep about ANTIFA trying to firebomb that ICE facility, and that was a YUGE deal.
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You said it was "factually proven" in your earlier poast.
You're right. Maybe a better way to word it would be: substantiated with significant amount of publicly available evidence.

Nothing has been proven in a court of law or under an investigation - but its not like the people who have been investigating, gathering evidence, and reporting on this for three years, cooked up a bunch of stuff to fill in any inconvenient discredits to the theory she married her brother.

BTW - Ilhan and many of her family members completely deleted their past social media presences when this accusation first arose. That in itself doesn't incriminate her, but why would she do this if she has nothing to hide?

Also FWIW - I could not care less whether she stays or goes. I predict she will get primaried and go away, and will be replaced with another garden variety leftist from Minneapolis. Same as it ever was. Before her the seat holder was Keith Ellison. Another piece of work. The corruption is just pretty interesting to me.
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Check your sources. There are multiple other credible sources and information out there that says this most likely isn't true.
Sources that confirm my beliefs: trustworthy
Sources that contradict my beliefs: untrustworthy

It's all so predictable. Also, yikes:
  • Overall, we rate Alpha News Questionable based on extreme right bias, poor sourcing of information, promotion of conspiracy theories and anti-Islamic propaganda, as well as a lack of transparency regarding ownership.
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Sources that confirm my beliefs: trustworthy
Sources that contradict my beliefs: untrustworthy

It's all so predictable. Also, yikes:
  • Overall, we rate Alpha News Questionable based on extreme right bias, poor sourcing of information, promotion of conspiracy theories and anti-Islamic propaganda, as well as a lack of transparency regarding ownership.

Ad hominem isn't a valid form of debate.
1) marrying her own brother to commit immigration fraud (a felony) (her real name is Ilhan Nursaid Elmi - changed to Omar to help conceal her marrying her own brother)

Since a brother has the same preference as a spouse, why would they need to get married?

It may turn out to be true of have some portions of truth but from what I can tell, no evidence that he is her brother has been presented.

The tax issue I've seen before and appears true.

Have not seen anything on the campaign issues.
You missed a lot of that article. Let's just assume that this news outlet isn't the most trustworthy. Does that mean the article is automatically wrong?
That was the only "evidence" they had. Nothing was missed. There wasn't really anything in that article that you could say was right or wrong. It's just a bunch of innuendo and something that can't be fact checked.

Even if this story were true, do you think most of the media would report on it?
At the very least Fox News would spend a lot of time on it.

You're right. Maybe a better way to word it would be: substantiated with significant amount of publicly available evidence.
Check your sources. Power Line isn't credible and there are several leaps of logic in that "evidence" they laid out.

I'm going to stop going back and forth on this because I hate the fact that you guys are making me defend a person that I don't like.
Since a brother has the same preference as a spouse, why would they need to get married?

It may turn out to be true of have some portions of truth but from what I can tell, no evidence that he is her brother has been presented.

The tax issue I've seen before and appears true.

Have not seen anything on the campaign issues.

Well, the corporate media could do the same background checks that this journalist did, but they won't, because they don't want to report on it either way. However, if you don't want to discuss the issue anymore then so be it. I don't think it's worth getting upset over. I'd be surprised if she doesn't get primaried in 2020 regardless of if this is true or not.
Since a brother has the same preference as a spouse, why would they need to get married?

It may turn out to be true of have some portions of truth but from what I can tell, no evidence that he is her brother has been presented.

The tax issue I've seen before and appears true.

Have not seen anything on the campaign issues.

Well, maybe they were banging. There's a real problem with incest in Muslim communities, especially among first cousins.
Whether or not she really married her brother is fairly insignificant to me. I’m gonna run with it for no other reason than to piss off her liberal defenders and Muslim apologists. I’m even considering making up some shit.

Yeah, that isn't high on my list of crap I worry about. She's one house member out of 435 and she's dragging her whole party down with her lunacy.
Sources that confirm my beliefs: trustworthy
Sources that contradict my beliefs: untrustworthy

It's all so predictable. Also, yikes:
  • Overall, we rate Alpha News Questionable based on extreme right bias, poor sourcing of information, promotion of conspiracy theories and anti-Islamic propaganda, as well as a lack of transparency regarding ownership.
Even if you don't trust a fact check site, it's pretty easy to do it yourself. Especially if it's a small online site.
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... its not like the people who have been investigating, gathering evidence, and reporting on this for three years, cooked up a bunch of stuff to fill in any inconvenient discredits to the theory she married her brother.
LOL, okay.

I know next to nothing about her and hadn't heard any of this before today. I'm sure as hell not going to waste my time reading detailed conspiracy theories that sound like birtherism 2.0. You're so desperate to discredit her that you're not even willing to consider the authors' methods and conclusions might be unreliable? **shrug**
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LOL, okay.

I know next to nothing about her and hadn't heard any of this before today. I'm sure as hell not going to waste my time reading detailed conspiracy theories that sound like birtherism 2.0. You're so desperate to discredit her that you're not even willing to consider the authors' methods and conclusions might be unreliable? **shrug**

Uhh, you're the one coming to a conclusion without considering the points being made.
You're right. Maybe a better way to word it would be: substantiated with significant amount of publicly available evidence.

Nothing has been proven in a court of law or under an investigation - but its not like the people who have been investigating, gathering evidence, and reporting on this for three years, cooked up a bunch of stuff to fill in any inconvenient discredits to the theory she married her brother.

BTW - Ilhan and many of her family members completely deleted their past social media presences when this accusation first arose. That in itself doesn't incriminate her, but why would she do this if she has nothing to hide?

Also FWIW - I could not care less whether she stays or goes. I predict she will get primaried and go away, and will be replaced with another garden variety leftist from Minneapolis. Same as it ever was. Before her the seat holder was Keith Ellison. Another piece of work. The corruption is just pretty interesting to me.

Well yeah, I am now. But I grew up a vikings fan and I still have some foolish belief that they will win a SB before I kick it. I'm pretty sure that's never gonna happen though.
oh... duh. That's right... pre-1995

I had an older cousin who loved them. He's about 10 years older than me. I remember the 70's and he and my other cousin (his brother)- who loved the Raiders- were always at it. 4 losses in the Super Bowl... ouch.
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I don't put a whole lot of stock into fact checking sites. Everything is so partisan nowadays, and if you look at who started them, they're almost always liberals/democrats/progressives/whatever you want to call them. I'm not saying the source I posted is correct, but they made a pretty solid argument that it happened. Marrying someone to stay in the country isn't exactly a crazy accusation.

I see the “snopes is liberal and unreliable” claim a lot. Do u have any examples?
I see the “snopes is liberal and unreliable” claim a lot. Do u have any examples?

I've made the claim about some of them, but not all of them. I can try to trace back who started Snopes, but I probably won't do that today. I've probably checked out Snopes in the past (mainly because they're more popular), but I wouldn't want to speak to them specifically without double checking.

The biggest issue I have is that nowadays ad hominem is used so often in arguments or debates, and that isn't a good practice. Fact checking sites seem to come across much like peer-reviewed sites, where if they say something is false it just is. There's no allowance for rebuttal or examination of the accusations. It's just wrong....period. That's lazy debate, IMO.
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I’m gonna go out on a limb and call bullshit without even checking.

And that's your prerogative. I wouldn't do it, but there's nothing in the laws that say you can't.

Edit: BTW, incest usually happens in small collectives who don't like to associate with others outside their specific collective, which is why Muslims have an issue with it. That's no different than small communities of rednecks/hillbillies, or extremely conservative sects of Judaism. In other words, it doesn't just happen in Muslim communities.
I've made the claim about some of them, but not all of them. I can try to trace back who started Snopes, but I probably won't do that today. I've probably checked out Snopes in the past (mainly because they're more popular), but I wouldn't want to speak to them specifically without double checking.

The biggest issue I have is that nowadays ad hominem is used so often in arguments or debates, and that isn't a good practice. Fact checking sites seem to come across much like peer-reviewed sites, where if they say something is false it just is. There's no allowance for rebuttal or examination of the accusations. It's just wrong....period. That's lazy debate, IMO.
Damn, have you guys lost the meaning of truth or fact? Something is either true or it’s not, something is either a fact or it’s not. The truth is not a left/right thing......
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Please, let's just drop the whole Omar marrying her Brother thing, regardless of whether it's true or BS.

Omar and the rest of the "Squad" are the best thing that's happened for the anti-progressive movement in over a decade. The Squad has single-handedly turned Trump from being a Vegas underdog in 2020 to now the odds on favorite. Don't fvck this up now guys.
Please, let's just drop the whole Omar marrying her Brother thing, regardless of whether it's true or BS.

Omar and the rest of the "Squad" are the best thing that's happened for the anti-progressive movement in over a decade. The Squad has single-handedly turned Trump from being a Vegas underdog in 2020 to now the odds on favorite. Don't fvck this up now guys.

They make Trump's politics actually look moderate.
Minnesota has maybe the shadiest, most lax, loose election laws in the nation. Basically you show up and prove you live somewhere in the state or city, you can vote.

Massachusetts: "Hold my beer".

In MA you don't even need to prove you live somewhere in the state. You just give an address, the person looks at the list and says the name of the person registered to vote there, you say "yes", and they hand you a ballot. No ID required, they don't even make you correctly guess the person's name living there, they give it to you.

I used to think you at least had to pick an address with someone the same gender as yourself registered there (if a guy walked up and gave an address with only a Sarah and a Rachel registered, he'd be shit outta luck) - but with the sensitivities surrounding that issue - I doubt they'd even question a bald, bearded, "Rebecca" from getting a ballot.
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"The Squad" must be looking for a multi-head cabinet position in 2020. They're making great strides for Trump in the independent voter realm :D
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I wish Trump could have had his rally in another state, doesn't show my beloved state in a very good light.
I disagree. It shows North Carolinians support AMERICANS FIRST. Trump will win NC
AGAIN. And he will be POTUS for 4 more years. Just learn to live with it. Check out your 401K while you are at it........ Trump calls it like he sees it, and most Americans love that kind of honesty. I hate his use of twitter and social media. But that's the ONLY way he can communicate with the masses. The MSM is in the tank for the deep state so he will never get a fair shake from them. He isn't a politician he is a businessman who is trying to give America the upper hand again. After so many years of being used by so many other politicians and countries without yours and my best interests at heart. He is what America needs, and more importantly what America wants at this time in our history. Does anyone realise exactly what he has done to bring this country back from the brink? I don't think so because we have become so sensitive to an idea contrary to our own. I say grow up and support this country, over all others. Hence the chants of Send Her Home or Send Her Back. She is someone who doesn't appreciate the freedom she has and obviously prefers to be a servant to her former masters. So let her go back if she hates it here so much. I'm rambling so I gotta jet. So much to do and so little time......
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I disagree. It shows North Carolinians support AMERICANS FIRST. Trump will win NC
AGAIN. And he will be POTUS for 4 more years. Just learn to live with it. Check out your 401K while you are at it........ Trump calls it like he sees it, and most Americans love that kind of honesty. I hate his use of twitter and social media. But that's the ONLY way he can communicate with the masses. The MSM is in the tank for the deep state so he will never get a fair shake from them. He isn't a politician he is a businessman who is trying to give America the upper hand again. After so many years of being used by so many other politicians and countries without yours and my best interests at heart. He is what America needs, and more importantly what America wants at this time in our history. Does anyone realise exactly what he has done to bring this country back from the brink? I don't think so because we have become so sensitive to an idea contrary to our own. I say grow up and support this country, over all others. Hence the chants of Send Her Home or Send Her Back. She is someone who doesn't appreciate the freedom she has and obviously prefers to be a servant to her former masters. So let her go back if she hates it here so much. I'm rambling so I gotta jet. So much to do and so little time......

Hey look, someone wrote gullible on the ceiling.
I disagree. It shows North Carolinians support AMERICANS FIRST. Trump will win NC
AGAIN. And he will be POTUS for 4 more years. Just learn to live with it. Check out your 401K while you are at it........ Trump calls it like he sees it, and most Americans love that kind of honesty. I hate his use of twitter and social media. But that's the ONLY way he can communicate with the masses. The MSM is in the tank for the deep state so he will never get a fair shake from them. He isn't a politician he is a businessman who is trying to give America the upper hand again. After so many years of being used by so many other politicians and countries without yours and my best interests at heart. He is what America needs, and more importantly what America wants at this time in our history. Does anyone realise exactly what he has done to bring this country back from the brink? I don't think so because we have become so sensitive to an idea contrary to our own. I say grow up and support this country, over all others. Hence the chants of Send Her Home or Send Her Back. She is someone who doesn't appreciate the freedom she has and obviously prefers to be a servant to her former masters. So let her go back if she hates it here so much. I'm rambling so I gotta jet. So much to do and so little time......
Sir, this is an Arby’s.
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I disagree. It shows North Carolinians support AMERICANS FIRST. Trump will win NC
AGAIN. And he will be POTUS for 4 more years. Just learn to live with it. Check out your 401K while you are at it........ Trump calls it like he sees it, and most Americans love that kind of honesty. I hate his use of twitter and social media. But that's the ONLY way he can communicate with the masses. The MSM is in the tank for the deep state so he will never get a fair shake from them. He isn't a politician he is a businessman who is trying to give America the upper hand again. After so many years of being used by so many other politicians and countries without yours and my best interests at heart. He is what America needs, and more importantly what America wants at this time in our history. Does anyone realise exactly what he has done to bring this country back from the brink? I don't think so because we have become so sensitive to an idea contrary to our own. I say grow up and support this country, over all others. Hence the chants of Send Her Home or Send Her Back. She is someone who doesn't appreciate the freedom she has and obviously prefers to be a servant to her former masters. So let her go back if she hates it here so much. I'm rambling so I gotta jet. So much to do and so little time......
That was a wise decision to not post about anything political anymore. You were smart to not... umm... do tha-... oh, well.

"we have become so sensitive to an idea contrary to our own." Ain't that the truth. I had to go to rehab to stop being so sensitive to ideas contrary to my own.
After so many years of being used by so many other politicians and countries without yours and my best interests at heart. He is what America needs, and more importantly what America wants at this time in our history. Does anyone realise exactly what he has done to bring this country back from the brink?

1. Trump has his own interests at heart, no one else. If your interests happen to coincide with his, then sure, yours are being catered to.

2. From the brink of what exactly? We were the only superpower before Trump and we'll be the only superpower after him. People put too much stock in the presidency meaning much.