I spoke on here of a friend of mine recently who has 7 kids. He's a professor at Charleston Southern. Our last conversation included him trying to imply that dinosaurs were mentioned somewhere in the book of Job, I think. Something about a beast with a long tail, I forgot. I said "Are you trying to put Dinosaurs on earth with human beings?" He said "The word of God is infallible. If one part is wrong, it's all wrong." I've known the man since 1988. I love him like a brother (we're like brothers). But, I couldn't hold back. "Dude... everything we know doesn't always have to also fit into that book that was actually written by human beings long before most human beings had the ability to read and write, and also had no knowledge of the world outside of the Mediterranean Sea."
Of all the ways to communicate with us, written words has got to be one of the least effective and least reliable! I even offered "God is a FEELING I get! We have the capacity to recognize feelings, to be introspective. I don't need an ancient book to make me aware of the greatest gifts God has given me." And, yes, he is a republican, and always votes republican.