OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So i watched the rally last night. Pence is a very polished and charismatic speaker. He used a lot of hyperbole but i was ready to pounce on any lies and honestly i heard none. Trump however needs a speech writer. He rambles, repeats himself, and basically blabs bumper sticker sayings. But the crowd loved him so i guess it works. It was all just a harmless feel good trump circle jerk til the “send her home chant” started. I mean whats the end game here? Deport us citizens critical of the president to their ancestral homes? Establish a theocracy? Didnt watch any more after that.
I think it's just a situation where they want to give a big GFY to the media since pretty much all of them said it was racist and a sizable majority said he is racist. I don't think many of them want a theocracy.
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I discredit him cause he believes the earth is 5000 yrs old, humans were created from god spit and dirt, and all land life on earth descended from animals marooned on a boat in turkey 4000yrs ago. Brain surgeon, rocket scientist, idgaf, if you believe that science denying bullshit (as he has said he does) you’re a cult dwelling deluded nutjob and you have zero credibility with me about anything.

Well said.

The fact that someone can be a brain surgeon and believe something that stupid shows that religion can easily poison an otherwise gifted mind.
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Ben Carson came out in defense of Trump today ... dude knows that Trump has been VERY GOOD for black America. If Trump is a racist, his actions do a good job of hiding it.

LOL - you think Ben Carson gives a sh#t about black America. That's funny.

Political views aside, what is up with Ben anyway? I honestly wonder if he's on the spectrum. He's a world renown surgeon that comes off as the black Chauncey Gardner.
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LOL - you think Ben Carson gives a sh#t about black America. That's funny.

Political views aside, what is up with Ben anyway? I honestly wonder if he's on the spectrum. He's a world renown surgeon that comes off as the black Chauncey Gardner.
What makes you think he doesn't care about black American? That's typically a go to line for conservative black people, so I'm curious why you think he is.
I think it's just a situation where they want to give a big GFY to the media since pretty much all of them said it was racist and a sizable majority said he is racist. I don't think many of them want a theocracy.
How did the media report that it was racist, and if so do you not agree?
How did the media report that it was racist, and if so do you not agree?
They said his tweets were racist. The hard news and opinion people said that in basically every article I read. I've already stated my feelings on the whole Trump is a racist issue multiple times.
They said his tweets were racist. The hard news and opinion people said that in basically every article I read. I've already stated my feelings on the whole Trump is a racist issue multiple times.
Fair enough. What did you think of his rally last night?
That one chick is pretty anti semitic too. It's amusing to me how some people will claim Trump is racist and discriminates, but then turn around and support her.

100%. It's the most hypocritical stance in an arena filled with hypocritical stances. It's really amazing.

In today's world, if you are mean to a person in a protected minority group, you're not just mean, you're an "ist" of some sort.

Well, unless you're a member of a more protected minority group, then you get a pass (see above).

I need a rank 'em from the DNC on which protected minorities trump which protected minorities. I get the impression Jews are at the bottom of the food chain. Like sure, if I rip on them, they'll crucify me - but they don't stand a chance against the rest of the traditional minorities, who in turn don't stand a chance against the non-binary folks out there.
...Jews are at the bottom of the food chain. Like sure, if I rip on them, they'll crucify me....
I'd rather have this thread instead of 500 political threads. I think it's actually been good for the board to consolidate all the politics into this thread. It makes the board easier to navigate and has kept other threads free of politics for the most part.
It was tongue-in-cheek. I agree it's better to have everything in one place, but that doesn't mean this thread doesn't suck.
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I discredit him cause he believes the earth is 5000 yrs old, humans were created from god spit and dirt, and all land life on earth descended from animals marooned on a boat in turkey 4000yrs ago. Brain surgeon, rocket scientist, idgaf, if you believe that science denying bullshit (as he has said he does) you’re a cult dwelling deluded nutjob and you have zero credibility with me about anything.
I spoke on here of a friend of mine recently who has 7 kids. He's a professor at Charleston Southern. Our last conversation included him trying to imply that dinosaurs were mentioned somewhere in the book of Job, I think. Something about a beast with a long tail, I forgot. I said "Are you trying to put Dinosaurs on earth with human beings?" He said "The word of God is infallible. If one part is wrong, it's all wrong." I've known the man since 1988. I love him like a brother (we're like brothers). But, I couldn't hold back. "Dude... everything we know doesn't always have to also fit into that book that was actually written by human beings long before most human beings had the ability to read and write, and also had no knowledge of the world outside of the Mediterranean Sea."

Of all the ways to communicate with us, written words has got to be one of the least effective and least reliable! I even offered "God is a FEELING I get! We have the capacity to recognize feelings, to be introspective. I don't need an ancient book to make me aware of the greatest gifts God has given me." And, yes, he is a republican, and always votes republican.
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I spoke on here of a friend of mine recently who has 7 kids. He's a professor at Charleston Southern. Our last conversation included him trying to imply that dinosaurs were mentioned somewhere in the book of Job, I think. Something about a beast with a long tail, I forgot. I said "Are you trying to put Dinosaurs on earth with human beings?" He said "The word of God is infallible. If one part is wrong, it's all wrong." I've known the man since 1988. I love him like a brother (we're like brothers). But, I couldn't hold back. "Dude... everything we know doesn't always have to also fit into that book that was actually written by human beings long before most human beings had the ability to read and write, and also had no knowledge of the world outside of the Mediterranean Sea."

Of all the ways to communicate with us, written words has got to be one of the least effective and least reliable! I even offered "God is a FEELING I get! We have the capacity to recognize feelings, to be introspective. I don't need an ancient book to make me aware of the greatest gifts God has given me." And, yes, he is a republican, and always votes republican.

K....but how does have anything to do with the fact that it is impossible that the Earth is only 5,000 (or 500,000 even) years old?
K....but how does have anything to do with the fact that it is impossible that the Earth is only 5,000 (or 500,000 even) years old?
Don't look at me. I'm not the one who needs it to be. I was just offering a persona example of someone I know, and have known most of my life, who is a professor at a university, and also believes similar to someone like Ben Carson. Now, granted, CSU is a bible college (like the other colleges my friend has attended and been a professor or assistant professor). I've never hung-out with groups of his peers and fellow administrators, so I cannot testify to their views and opinions on scientific subjects.

It's interesting to me that some other friends of mine here in the upstate, who are "cradle Catholics", from PA originally and 2nd generation French immigrants, are extremely diverse in their religious attitudes and perspectives. I always thought Catholics were rigid and course with their beliefs and rituals. Not so, with these folks. Their mom turned me on to Lao-Tzu!

Alan Watts said "Christianity turned Guilt into a virtue to be treasured." Amen!
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I spoke on here of a friend of mine recently who has 7 kids. He's a professor at Charleston Southern. Our last conversation included him trying to imply that dinosaurs were mentioned somewhere in the book of Job, I think. Something about a beast with a long tail, I forgot. I said "Are you trying to put Dinosaurs on earth with human beings?" He said "The word of God is infallible. If one part is wrong, it's all wrong." I've known the man since 1988. I love him like a brother (we're like brothers). But, I couldn't hold back. "Dude... everything we know doesn't always have to also fit into that book that was actually written by human beings long before most human beings had the ability to read and write, and also had no knowledge of the world outside of the Mediterranean Sea."

Of all the ways to communicate with us, written words has got to be one of the least effective and least reliable! I even offered "God is a FEELING I get! We have the capacity to recognize feelings, to be introspective. I don't need an ancient book to make me aware of the greatest gifts God has given me." And, yes, he is a republican, and always votes republican.

I asked my sister “how can you claim its the word of god?” She said “cause it says it is”

Oy veh
I asked my sister “how can you claim its the word of god?” She said “cause it says it is”

Oy veh

There's a part of me that is so envious of that simplicity. But, it's like a memory of childhood.

I'll tell my buddy that "I absolutely believe in God" and his response will be "Well, that's easy. Demons BELIEVE in God!" So, there ya go. Demons are part of God's creation, too! We all get to play.
That one chick is pretty anti semitic too. It's amusing to me how some people will claim Trump is racist and discriminates, but then turn around and support her.

She grew up in Somalia where Islamic anti-semtism is extremely prevalent. Tbh I haven’t followed her at all. All I’ve heard is that she criticized Israel and then suddenly people started calling her an anti-semite, which to be fair to her is an extremely common tactic. Hard liners love to claim that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic. Are there anti-Semitic quotes or something?

Ayan Hirsi Ali should be the ultimate source on these matters. She grew up in the same culture at the same time before fleeing Somalia and eventually becoming a vocal critic of Islam and at one point held elected office in the Netherlands. Her book infidel paints a startling picture of what that culture is like.
She grew up in Somalia where Islamic anti-semtism is extremely prevalent. Tbh I haven’t followed her at all. All I’ve heard is that she criticized Israel and then suddenly people started calling her an anti-semite, which to be fair to her is an extremely common tactic. Hard liners love to claim that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic. Are there anti-Semitic quotes or something?

Ayan Hirsi Ali should be the ultimate source on these matters. She grew up in the same culture at the same time before fleeing Somalia and eventually becoming a vocal critic of Islam and at one point held elected office in the Netherlands. Her book infidel paints a startling picture of what that culture is like.

Saying she grew up where anti semitism is cool so it’s fine that she’s an antisemite is really shitty.

She’s quick to say “I’m an American” but apparently that stops short of having to be ok with Jews?

This is the problem with political parties. You’re a dem so you feel the need to defend an antisemite cuz she’s also a dem? F that.
She grew up in Somalia where Islamic anti-semtism is extremely prevalent. Tbh I haven’t followed her at all. All I’ve heard is that she criticized Israel and then suddenly people started calling her an anti-semite, which to be fair to her is an extremely common tactic. Hard liners love to claim that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic. Are there anti-Semitic quotes or something?

Ayan Hirsi Ali should be the ultimate source on these matters. She grew up in the same culture at the same time before fleeing Somalia and eventually becoming a vocal critic of Islam and at one point held elected office in the Netherlands. Her book infidel paints a startling picture of what that culture is like.

Broad strokes are a common tactic? Well, you would know.
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Saying she grew up where anti semitism is cool so it’s fine that she’s an antisemite is really shitty.

She’s quick to say “I’m an American” but apparently that stops short of having to be ok with Jews?

This is the problem with political parties. You’re a dem so you feel the need to defend an antisemite cuz she’s also a dem? F that.

Wtf are you talking about? I never said it was okay. I was explaining context that would explain her anti-semitism...

And I’ve been a registered independent since I registered to vote. This is the problem with political parties. People assume anyone that disagrees with them is a “dem” and must be defending things that they actually condemn.
Wtf are you talking about? I never said it was okay. I was explaining context that would explain her anti-semitism...

And I’ve been a registered independent since I registered to vote. This is the problem with political parties. People assume anyone that disagrees with them is a “dem” and must be defending things that they actually condemn.

You can say you’re independent all you want but you seem to support solely dems.

And reread your post above. It’s you trying to defend her. Shitty stuff.
Wtf are you talking about? I never said it was okay. I was explaining context that would explain her anti-semitism...

And I’ve been a registered independent since I registered to vote. This is the problem with political parties. People assume anyone that disagrees with them is a “dem” and must be defending things that they actually condemn.
Good job registering to vote last year. Glad you are finally old enough.
You can say you’re independent all you want but you seem to support solely dems.

And reread your post above. It’s you trying to defend her. Shitty stuff.

I didn’t defend her at all. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m more critical of religion (including Islam) than anyone here. The cultural point was about how pervasive the problem is in that region. Maybe you should reread the post yourself instead of making ridiculous assumptions.

You’re right I support zero republicans. That doesn’t make me a Democrat. But by all means keep trying to tell me what my views are.

I asked for evidence of her anti semitism because I don’t know anything about her besides the fact that she wears religious garb in the house.
She grew up in Somalia where Islamic anti-semtism is extremely prevalent. Tbh I haven’t followed her at all. All I’ve heard is that she criticized Israel and then suddenly people started calling her an anti-semite, which to be fair to her is an extremely common tactic. Hard liners love to claim that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic. Are there anti-Semitic quotes or something?

Ayan Hirsi Ali should be the ultimate source on these matters. She grew up in the same culture at the same time before fleeing Somalia and eventually becoming a vocal critic of Islam and at one point held elected office in the Netherlands. Her book infidel paints a startling picture of what that culture is like.
She just introduced a resolution in committee today supporting a group that doesn't think Israel should exist and also compared Israel to Nazi Germany.
She just introduced a resolution in committee today supporting a group that doesn't think Israel should exist and also compared Israel to Nazi Germany.

That’s a ridiculous comparison obviously and it sounds like something an anti-Semite would say. That being said, criticism of Israel is not necessarily anti-Semitic. Both Israel and Palestine do some pretty horrible shit. I’ll read up on the resolution. All I’ve seen reported was that it’s a resolution to support the right to criticize Israel.

Given her background and religious views, I wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised if she holds anti-Semitic views. But everyone should have the right to criticize Israel if that criticism is not based on bigotry against Jewish people. Maybe hers is. Like I said I don’t know anything about her and haven’t read the resolution.
She just introduced a resolution in committee today supporting a group that doesn't think Israel should exist and also compared Israel to Nazi Germany.

Fox News says the resolution is about giving Americans the right to boycott Israeli products. Why shouldn’t they have that right? And why is that anti-Semitic?

Like I said I wouldn’t be surprised if she was anti-Semitic given her background and religion. But I don’t see how that resolution is anti-Semitic.
Fox News says the resolution is about giving Americans the right to boycott Israeli products. Why shouldn’t they have that right? And why is that anti-Semitic?

Like I said I wouldn’t be surprised if she was anti-Semitic given her background and religion. But I don’t see how that resolution is anti-Semitic.
You need to read up on the BDS movement. It's more than just a regular boycott.
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You need to read up on the BDS movement. It's more than just a regular boycott.

Okay fair enough. I don’t really have strong views on the Israeli-Palestine conflict, other than condemnation of both sides. It sounds like the BDS movement is against Israeli sovereignty and promotes a one state solution by trying to prop up Palestine. Doesn’t sound like a very effective approach to me.

That being said, I find it odd that the same people who have no problem with trump calling Mexico a shithole country that sends us rapists, don’t even hesitate to call a proposed trade war with Israel anti-Semitic. Not talking about you, just speaking in general.

These are the exact kinds of dog whistles people have been trying to explain that trump uses. Suddenly the right relearned how to read between the lines again... how strange.
Okay fair enough. I don’t really have strong views on the Israeli-Palestine conflict, other than condemnation of both sides. It sounds like the BDS movement is against Israeli sovereignty and promotes a one state solution by trying to prop up Palestine. Doesn’t sound like a very effective approach to me.

That being said, I find it odd that the same people who have no problem with trump calling Mexico a shithole country that sends us rapists, don’t even hesitate to call a proposed trade war with Israel anti-Semitic. Not talking about you, just speaking in general.

These are the exact kinds of dog whistles people have been trying to explain that trump uses. Suddenly the right relearned how to read between the lines again... how strange.
Lol @tarheel0910 just handed you your ass and you go "dog whistle".