OOTB's Political Thread . ..

This country's government is such a damned cesspool. Sheezus... it's a miracle this place is still intact. They all fvck each other over. They all resort to hypocrisy and, just, flat-out shameful behavior. It's literally like two crime families who are immersed in doing as much damage as possible to each other without destroying the game-board. And, people who constantly support one side or the other, for life, amaze me even more than the crooks who run the show. How pathetic it must be to convince yourself that one of them is always "better" than the other. I firmly believe that the ones who prosper from it- the corrupt leadership and all the way down- are thrilled at the legions of people who claim to be a democrat OR a republican.

The only thing that holds this country together is the same thing that both sides are trying to destroy...The Constitution.
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Arbitrary reasoning?

There are plenty of ways to measure it. Some insecure, fat dude in Alabama who has no sense of government or politics who thinks Trump is amazing isn’t much of an endorsement. Now obviously I’m using that as a broad example but it’s still important.

Hardcore liberals and hardcore conservatives both annoy me immensely but if we are speaking on the latter half, the same people who often claim to be the most patriotic are often the ones who don’t have a clue about politics, history, government, and institutions. It’s “Murica” and a flag that’s it.

I hate to break this to you, but unfortunately that's both sides. There are a lot of smart rednecks out there. Are there some uneducated ones? Sure. But there's a lot of uneducated people on the other side as well. It isn't a good thing, imo...but I have no control over it.
I hate to break this to you, but unfortunately that's both sides. There are a lot of smart rednecks out there. Are there some uneducated ones? Sure. But there's a lot of uneducated people on the other side as well. It isn't a good thing, imo...but I have no control over it.

You don’t have to break anything I agree.

The equivalent to an ignorant redneck is a smug, arrogant lefty who preaches but never actually does anything. The kind that tries to shove everything down your throat while calling you a bar person.

SJWs are the freaking worst.
You don’t have to break anything I agree.

The equivalent to an ignorant redneck is a smug, arrogant lefty who preaches but never actually does anything. The kind that tries to shove everything down your throat while calling you a bar person.

SJWs are the freaking worst.

The SJWs are the Evangelicals of the left. Sooner or later they're going to have to learn how to deal with them like the right did. In fact, you could argue that Trump is a direct result of the SJWs.
The statements Trump has made about his own daughter should have kept him from even running in the primaries the last election, let alone what he has done and said since then. The next election the litmus test for me will be if they support him or not. If they do they won’t get my vote, This will be my test from Dog catcher up.
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Oh it does. I'm also sure it's a fake transcript. And how dare he ask for help on the 2016 hacking? The gallows should be under construction in DC as we speak.
It specifically mentions Biden, it's not just about hacking. Like I said though, it doesn't seem impeachment worthy. Just seems shady since the military funding was being withheld at the same time. This is something that should have been handled through back channels. Trump should have kept it off the record. That's the difference between a smart politician and Trump. You have to know how to play the game.
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It specifically mentions Biden, it's not just about hacking. Like I said though, it doesn't seem impeachment worthy. Just seems shady since the military funding was being withheld at the same time. This is something that should have been handled through back channels. Trump should have keep it off the record. That's the difference between a smart politician and Trump. You have to know how to play the game.
I agree it definitely mentions Biden. Shady is the way in DC. And you are probably right this should have been handled through back channels but would that make it any less important? It's like running around on your wife and never getting caught, you still did it. I don't see an issue with them asking for an investigation into Biden. He was the VP and the time and the prosecutor was investigating his son. He openly admits to getting the guy fired and using military aid as leverage to do so. That's the very same thing the Dems accused Trump of doing. This will backfire on the Dems big time or Bigly if you will.
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It specifically mentions Biden, it's not just about hacking. Like I said though, it doesn't seem impeachment worthy. Just seems shady since the military funding was being withheld at the same time. This is something that should have been handled through back channels. Trump should have kept it off the record. That's the difference between a smart politician and Trump. You have to know how to play the game.

Yeah, what he said wasn't bad. It's the timing of everything that the Dems are going to harp on now. He's said that he withheld funding because he wanted Europe to help out more, and that would mesh with things he's said and done in the past concerning NATO. However, he had to know that these jackasses are throwing every piece of crap against the wall and hoping that something sticks at some point. This is just politicians trying to score political points, like the Republicans did with Benghazi.
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They actually released the transcript. It looks a little shady, but I'm not sure if it rises to the level of impeachment. It seems like it's just Trump making another dumb statement.

It’s not even a verbatim transcript.

The transcript released by the Justice Department is not, according to the administration, a verbatim transcript. The text, according to the document released by the administration, is the record of the notes and recollections of the officers and National Security Council policy staff "assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form."
It’s not even a verbatim transcript.

The transcript released by the Justice Department is not, according to the administration, a verbatim transcript. The text, according to the document released by the administration, is the record of the notes and recollections of the officers and National Security Council policy staff "assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form."
I'm sure something about Trump withholding $$$$ would be left out. That would just be minor details. The whole thing was probably written last night by Trump.
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It’s not even a verbatim transcript.

The transcript released by the Justice Department is not, according to the administration, a verbatim transcript. The text, according to the document released by the administration, is the record of the notes and recollections of the officers and National Security Council policy staff "assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form."

Oh, Jesus H. Christ... So, now the transcript isn't good enough. Well, that's all we've got to go on, brutha. I'm sure you'll stew in anger over this for the next couple of months before you jump on the next Dem hit piece, but that's your life to live.
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I don't think you have anything to worry about except 4 more years of Trump.

If its him vs warren or biden i will be keeping my vote to myself again. If he does win i will just have to accept the notion of sitting back and watching him make an even bigger jack ass of himself and more of a mockery of the office. Both of which seem impossible but i have confidence in him. Cant worry about what you cant control i guess.
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If its him vs warren or biden i will be keeping my vote to myself again. If he does win i will just have to accept the notion of sitting back and watching him make an even bigger jack ass of himself and more of a mockery of the office. Both of which seem impossible but i have confidence in him. Cant worry about what you cant control i guess.

This. That's the only thing you can do about stuff like that.
This may be the best argument anyone can have against impeachment. Someone should probably remind the dems that Pence would be next up.

I try to tell people the same thing. Regardless of his antics, Trump's policies have been good overall, imo. I haven't liked everything he's done, but overall I'd say he's done a good job. I get why people hate him for his insults, but that stuff doesn't really bother me. Hell, 99% of the people he insults are garbage human beings who deserve to be insulted.
So, here is the part concerning Biden if anyone cares.

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

"I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. I'm sure you will figure it out. I heard the
prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fair prosecutor so good luck with everything."
So, here is the part concerning Biden if anyone cares.

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

"I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. I'm sure you will figure it out. I heard the
prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fair prosecutor so good luck with everything."
Serious question @tarheel0910 , @dadika13 and @heelmanwilm , is your dislike of Pence because of his religious views or something else? I know very little about him other than he is deeply religious.

Religious views. He has been quoted as saying his religion takes top priority in his decisions making.

“I am a christian, conservative, and a republican, in that order”

That instantly makes him disqualified to be president imo. Wonder where the constitution falls in his priorities?
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Religious views. He has been quoted as saying his religion takes top priority in his decisions making.

“I am a christian, conservative, and a republican, in that order”

That instantly makes him disqualified to be president imo. Wonder where the constitution falls in his priorities?
Thanks for answering my question.
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I'm sure something about Trump withholding $$$$ would be left out. That would just be minor details. The whole thing was probably written last night by Trump.

I bet you thought dook investigating itself was legit too.

You can go back and read my previous posts. Plenty of people saw this coming. We knew they would release a “transcript” of one call and that would become the talking point for trump defenders. Even that transcript shows him asking a foreign state to investigate his political opponent. And I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that it happened a few days after he decided to withold aid to the Ukraine
I bet you thought dook investigating itself was legit too.

You can go back and read my previous posts. Plenty of people saw this coming. We knew they would release a “transcript” of one call and that would become the talking point for trump defenders. Even that transcript shows him asking a foreign state to investigate his political opponent. And I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that it happened a few days after he decided to withold aid to the Ukraine
Are you still wearing your tin foil hat?
Nope but I'm also not out protesting and claiming the world will end in 10 years either.

Lol climate scientists aren’t claiming the world will end in ten years. The talking points you guys come up with never fail to amuse me though.