OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I wonder what the voting breakdown here would be if we had a private poll that asked the question "should Trump be impeached if Ukraine story is true." I'd be willing to bet that the yes votes would be higher than expected since it would be setup as a private poll. People tend to be more honest and forthcoming if they can remain anonymous. I don't really want to be the one to start another political thread though. It would kind of make me look hypocritical after asking Billy if he could limit the political threads.

I doubt it. Trump supporters don’t care what he does. He sarcastically mocked a 16 year old girl with aspergers on twitter and his supporters defended it and even kept piling on more insults. “Trumpsim” or whatever you want to call it is a disease of the mind. This goes beyond political differences.
I doubt it. Trump supporters don’t care what he does. He sarcastically mocked a 16 year old girl with aspergers on twitter and his supporters defended it and even kept piling on more insults. “Trumpsim” or whatever you want to call it is a disease of the mind. This goes beyond political differences.
It would probably be low if you limited it to just the people in this thread, but I bet there are several posters who don't normally post in this thread, but post in other threads that would vote for yes. I'm not saying it would be the majority, but it would be more than just two or three. I can think of five people off the top of my head that would almost certainly vote for impeachment.
If the Ukraine stuff is true, then I think he should be impeached without much delay. It won't stick, but I think he deserves that stain on his record (our last President to be impeached had different kinds of stains).
It would probably be low if you limited it to just the people in this thread, but I bet there are several posters who don't normally post in this thread, but post in other threads that would vote for yes. I'm not saying it would be the majority, but it would be more than just two or three. I can think of five people off the top of my head that would almost certainly vote for impeachment.

Well I’m pulling for you to be right. You’ve got more confidence in those poasters than I have in the Republicans in the senate that would actually have to convict him.
Well I’m pulling for you to be right. You’ve got more confidence in those poasters than I have in the Republicans in the senate that would actually have to convict him.
Well, there is you and @strummingram that I am sure would vote yes. @dadika13 and I would vote yes if the Ukraine stuff is true. So you've got four right there. I'm sure the ultra liberal @carolinablue34 would vote yes. That's 5. There is another two that I would bet money on, but I won't tag them since they usually stay out of this kind of stuff. I think we have more than seven die hard Trump voters on here, so the no vote would still probably win by a few votes.
Different topic but kind of the same...

What the f is up with Joe Biden touching people in super creepy ways? His latest video shows him gripping some woman's hands and oddly holding them tight because she asked him a question.
Different topic but kind of the same...

What the f is up with Joe Biden touching people in super creepy ways? His latest video shows him gripping some woman's hands and oddly holding them tight because she asked him a question.
I think he has some kind of fetish and at his age, he just doesn't care about hiding things like that. Biden really is a horrible candidate to run against Trump. They're more similar than they are different and it will limit what they can attack Trump on, because Biden has done something similar.
Well, there is you and @strummingram that I am sure would vote yes. @dadika13 and I would vote yes if the Ukraine stuff is true. So you've got four right there. I'm sure the ultra liberal @carolinablue34 would vote yes. That's 5. There is another two that I would bet money on, but I won't tag them since they usually stay out of this kind of stuff. I think we have more than seven die hard Trump voters on here, so the no vote would still probably win by a few votes.

It’s the no votes that are so concerning. The man is clearly unfit to be president, and that’s been clear since long before he took office.
Well, there is you and @strummingram that I am sure would vote yes. @dadika13 and I would vote yes if the Ukraine stuff is true. So you've got four right there. I'm sure the ultra liberal @carolinablue34 would vote yes. That's 5. There is another two that I would bet money on, but I won't tag them since they usually stay out of this kind of stuff. I think we have more than seven die hard Trump voters on here, so the no vote would still probably win by a few votes.
I'd be very careful about impeachment. They've been wanting to impeach him ever since he was elected. It makes it worse every time another party's candidate wins. These two parties, and the toxic system it's created, are just a complete mess. It seems more divisive than ever before.

No president has ever been removed from office because of impeachment. Nixon resigned. Johnson and Clinton remained in office. It just created a stronger resentment.
I'd be very careful about impeachment. They've been wanting to impeach him ever since he was elected. It makes it worse every time another party's candidate wins. These two parties, and the toxic system it's created, are just a complete mess. It seems more divisive than ever before.

No president has ever been removed from office because of impeachment. Nixon resigned. Johnson and Clinton remained in office. It just created a stronger resentment.
I don't disagree with anything you said, but I think this Ukraine thing, if true, gives the dems some cover and it wouldn't hurt them. It actually might hurt them more with their base if they don't do it. It could cause a lot of them to stay at home.

The smartest thing for them to do is start an inquiry, but don't draft any articles of impeachment until after the election.
I don't disagree with anything you said, but I think this Ukraine thing, if true, gives the dems some cover and it wouldn't hurt them. It actually might hurt them more with their base if they don't do it. It could cause a lot of them to stay at home.

The smartest thing for them to do is start an inquiry, but don't draft any articles of impeachment until after the election.
It might, yeah. But, if you're a Republican, and you see that it's true and don't vote for impeachment, then you're a hypocrite, too. If you're only going to call-out violations to the constitution when the "other side" gets caught doing it, then you're a part of the problem. This partisan-shit is such a farce. This idea that one is always better than the other is a crock of shit.
It might, yeah. But, if you're a Republican, and you see that it's true and don't vote for impeachment, then you're a hypocrite, too. If you're only going to call-out violations to the constitution when the "other side" gets caught doing it, then you're a part of the problem. This partisan-shit is such a farce. This idea that one is always better than the other is a crock of shit.
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Wait I’m a bit confused. You’d vote to impeach Trump? I thought you liked him.
I've said many times that I didn't vote for him. I've criticized him when I think he's done something wrong as well as given him credit when I think he's done something right. Pay attention you liberal fool.
I've said many times that I didn't vote for him. I've criticized him when I think he's done something wrong as well as given him credit when I think he's done something right. Pay attention you liberal fool.

lol gotcha.

Yes, I’d probably vote to impeach were I in Congress. But it won’t happen in my opinion.
White House will release a transcript of one call that doesn’t have anything in it. That will become the sole talking point of Fox News and the rest of the right. Then they’ll claim this was just another witch hunt of trump. Plenty of people already saw this coming.

Trump’s lawyer already admitted that he asked Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on Biden. It’s too late to try and clear trump’s name on this one. Obviously the trump administration isn’t going to release a transcript that incriminates him.

The White House releasing transcripts sounds a lot like dook investigating its own basketball program.
Anything to dodge the issue. First of all, that’s just silly. It’s clearly in our best interest to provide security and economic aid to our allies, especially in sensitive regions. Two responses from trump supporters and both deliberately ignored the issue of the president committing a treasonous act by asking a foreign country to interfere with our elections by digging up dirt on his opponent. He’s trying to use American tax dollars and military/security assets for his own personal/political gain. It’s truly astonishing that anyone would try to defend this...

Wait, no it isn’t. Trump supporters will defend literally anything he does. He could shoot someone in the middle of fifth avenue and you guys wouldn’t care. He mocked a disabled reporter, and despite the video evidence, people still pretended that wasn’t what was happening. No reason to be surprised that his supporters will defend this too.

This is so great. He's already guilty to you people, just like with Russia, just like with his supposed obstruction. Nothing has even come out yet and he's already guilty in your mind. TDS is the truth!
White House will release a transcript of one call that doesn’t have anything in it. That will become the sole talking point of Fox News and the rest of the right. Then they’ll claim this was just another witch hunt of trump. Plenty of people already saw this coming.

Trump’s lawyer already admitted that he asked Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on Biden. It’s too late to try and clear trump’s name on this one. Obviously the trump administration isn’t going to release a transcript that incriminates him.

The White House releasing transcripts sounds a lot like dook investigating its own basketball program.

I keep hearing this, but I haven't seen any stories on it, and I stare at all day long.
Of course. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Innocent under the law. OJ is innocent too remember?

Trump is a pure egotist who has no interest in actual governing and will do what he thinks is most convenient for himself in a given moment.

The difference between him and people like the Clinton’s is subtlety.
Innocent under the law. OJ is innocent too remember?

Trump is a pure egotist who has no interest in actual governing and will do what he thinks is most convenient for himself in a given moment.

The difference between him and people like the Clinton’s is subtlety.

Yup, OJ is innocent too, whether you like it or not. As for your comment about Trump being as evil as the Clintons...let's try to keep the conversation in the realm of sanity. I don't think Trump is a moral man by any counts, but the stuff the Clintons have done dwarfs anything Trump has ever done.
Yup, OJ is innocent too, whether you like it or not. As for your comment about Trump being as evil as the Clintons...let's try to keep the conversation in the realm of sanity. I don't think Trump is a moral man by any counts, but the stuff the Clintons have done dwarfs anything Trump has ever done.

I’m not even going there. Just saying there are a lot of corrupt politicians who get away with a lot of shit and the reason is they keep their mouths shut.
I’m not even going there. Just saying there are a lot of corrupt politicians who get away with a lot of shit and the reason is they keep their mouths shut.

The reason is because they're part of the establishment and the establishment don't eat their own, no matter which side of the isle they're on. Trump isn't part of this establishment which is what scares them half to death, and why they've put the full court press on him every chance they can, proof be damned. It's classic deflection. Why do you think Biden is screaming about impeachment all of a sudden? It's because he did exactly what they're accusing Trump of doing.
The reason is because they're part of the establishment and the establishment don't eat their own, no matter which side of the isle they're on. Trump isn't part of this establishment which is what scares them half to death, and why they've put the full court press on him every chance they can, proof be damned. It's classic deflection. Why do you think Biden is screaming about impeachment all of a sudden? It's because he did exactly what they're accusing Trump of doing.

It has nothing to do with this idealized notion of that Trump is some sort of noble rebel. The solution to better government isn’t to elect and support someone like him.

Even pretending to have integrity is better than blatantly having none at all.
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It has nothing to do with this idealized notion of that Trump is some sort of noble rebel. The solution to better government isn’t to elect and support someone like him.

Even pretending to have integrity is better than blatantly having none at all.

He's definitely a rebel, but I don't think there's anything noble about him. And the fact that you don't think he's a good solution is nothing but arbitrary reasoning. It's the same reasoning as someone who think he's the perfect solution.
This country's government is such a damned cesspool. Sheezus... it's a miracle this place is still intact. They all fvck each other over. They all resort to hypocrisy and, just, flat-out shameful behavior. It's literally like two crime families who are immersed in doing as much damage as possible to each other without destroying the game-board. And, people who constantly support one side or the other, for life, amaze me even more than the crooks who run the show. How pathetic it must be to convince yourself that one of them is always "better" than the other. I firmly believe that the ones who prosper from it- the corrupt leadership and all the way down- are thrilled at the legions of people who claim to be a democrat OR a republican.
He's definitely a rebel, but I don't think there's anything noble about him. And the fact that you don't think he's a good solution is nothing but arbitrary reasoning. It's the same reasoning as someone who think he's the perfect solution.

Arbitrary reasoning?

There are plenty of ways to measure it. Some insecure, fat dude in Alabama who has no sense of government or politics who thinks Trump is amazing isn’t much of an endorsement. Now obviously I’m using that as a broad example but it’s still important.

Hardcore liberals and hardcore conservatives both annoy me immensely but if we are speaking on the latter half, the same people who often claim to be the most patriotic are often the ones who don’t have a clue about politics, history, government, and institutions. It’s “Murica” and a flag that’s it.

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