OOTB's Political Thread . ..

First of all, lol, that's racist as ****. Second of all, I would bet my bottom dollar that the amount of illegals voting in the elections under the current rules is greater than the amount of citizens unable to vote if an ID was required (and easily available and free beforehand). Third of all, you don't need to know English to recognize the letter "D" in front of every name and just hammer down the ballot checking those off.

Well what evidence is there that illegal immigrants are voting en mass for Democrats? That theory has been peddled time and time again and I've never seen anything definitive that's a real issue.

Really? So those people don't have a job or a bank account? They have never bought alcohol or cigarettes? Don't have a mortgage or don't pay rent? All of those things require ID.

I'm just paraphrasing what I read in the article. Probably not doing it justice either. I'm not even saying I agree with their assertion that it's a form of discrimination, but it's not as if there isn't a history in the south of trying to disenfranchise black voters.
You asked what was legislation was needed. Are you actually disagreeing that these changes are needed or just being a contrarian?
I agree about immigration reform, but liberals probably wouldn't agree with my stance on it. Health care, I'd rather the government stay out of my health care and campaign finance reform, I could care less.
Well what evidence is there that illegal immigrants are voting en mass for Democrats? That theory has been peddled time and time again and I've never seen anything definitive that's a real issue.
Not sure if a study has been done, but I'd be more than willing to bet that a sizable majority of illegal immigrants would vote for democrats.

I'm just paraphrasing what I read in the article. Probably not doing it justice either. I'm not even saying I agree with their assertion that it's a form of discrimination, but it's not as if there isn't a history in the south of trying to disenfranchise black voters.
So you are just parroting some nonsense that you read? Also, if these people can't manage to make it from their house to the DMV, how do they manage to make it to a polling place?
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Not sure if a study has been done, but I'd be more than willing to bet that a sizable majority of illegal immigrants would vote for democrats.

So you are just parroting some nonsense that you read? Also, if these people can't manage to make it from their house to the DMV, how do they manage to make it to a polling place?

It wasn't nonsense it was a legitimate article that I thought made some good points. Do you remember everything you read in exact detail?

And yeah that's sort of the point the liberal side was making- they can't go to the DMV so if someone drives them there to vote or attempts to they won't be able to cast a ballot.
Election Day should be a federal holiday. If people didn’t have to work then almost everyone would have the opportunity to make it to the polls. Same day registration should also be passed at the federal level. Polling stations should be federally regulated to ensure that party politics don’t play a role in which stations get closed down, which has been an issue before.

There’s probably a better way to do all of this with modern technology. Maybe we aren’t quite there yet, but facial recognition software and finger print scanners on people’s phones could probably make it possible to vote online. I’ve got no issue with people confirming their identity, but I also see no reason why it shouldn’t be easier to vote. But republicans know that if young people could vote on their phones they would never win another election.
It wasn't nonsense it was a legitimate article that I thought made some good points. Do you remember everything you read in exact detail?
If the points aren't backed up by logic, then it's nonsense to me.

And yeah that's sort of the point the liberal side was making- they can't go to the DMV so if someone drives them there to vote or attempts to they won't be able to cast a ballot.
You're missing the point. The point is that if they can find a way to the polling place, then they can easily find a way to the DMV. Of course, pretty much every person that is of high school age and older has some form of ID. It's really a dumb argument to say people don't have an ID or can't get one. I think you know that.
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If the points aren't backed up by logic, then it's nonsense to me.

You're missing the point. The point is that if they can find a way to the polling place, then they can easily find a way to the DMV. Of course, pretty much every person that is of high school age and older has some form of ID. It's really a dumb argument to say people don't have an ID or can't get one. I think you know that.

This explains it better than I could, though it doesn't get into specifics as much. Sounds like the new version of the 2013 law that was struck down is fine to me.
Election Day should be a federal holiday. If people didn’t have to work then almost everyone would have the opportunity to make it to the polls. Same day registration should also be passed at the federal level. Polling stations should be federally regulated to ensure that party politics don’t play a role in which stations get closed down, which has been an issue before.

There’s probably a better way to do all of this with modern technology. Maybe we aren’t quite there yet, but facial recognition software and finger print scanners on people’s phones could probably make it possible to vote online. I’ve got no issue with people confirming their identity, but I also see no reason why it shouldn’t be easier to vote. But republicans know that if young people could vote on their phones they would never win another election.

Completely agree with the first paragraph. Partially agree with the second paragraph. It should be easier to vote, however I do think there is some value in requiring some sort of effort to be put in. I think we want to make sure that all informed citizens are easily able to vote. I don't think raising the uninformed vote is good. You don't need to be able to recite every past office held and every single campaign platform for every candidate - but we also don't need half the electorate picking whichever name sounds cooler because they have no clue who the people are or what they stand for. Agree 100% that if voting could be done on cell phones and required no initiative to learn the issues/candidates and make it to a polling location that the Democrats would sweep everything.
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I don't think raising the uninformed vote is good. You don't need to be able to recite every past office held and every single campaign platform for every candidate - but we also don't need half the electorate picking whichever name sounds cooler because they have no clue who the people are or what they stand for.
I've said this before, but this is the reason names should be taken off of ballots and replaced with policy positions. Force people to learn about the candidate.
I've said this before, but this is the reason names should be taken off of ballots and replaced with policy positions. Force people to learn about the candidate.
While you're at it, let's remove the candidate's party. Just tell me what candidate A stands for, B, C , etc. stand for and I can decide. I never have pulled a straight ticket and never will.
Also, if these people can't manage to make it from their house to the DMV, how do they manage to make it to a polling place?
Voting all happens on the same day. Trips to the DMV vary depending on when people need to renew their licenses and registration. It's far easier to arrange transportation to polling places, which does in fact happen and I have no problem with it.
I agree about immigration reform, but liberals probably wouldn't agree with my stance on it.
I'm sure not. And I'm sure you wouldn't agree with most liberals' stance on it. This is the reason the legislature exists, to find reasonable compromises on complex issues.

Health care, I'd rather the government stay out of my health care....
So do you want to defund Medicare and Medicaid? Are you also opposed to improvements in clinical quality and payment reform? What you probably don't realize is that governmental organizations are some of the most important innovators in the healthcare industry. I'll chalk this one up to a blind distrust of government.

...campaign finance reform, I could care less.
*couldn't. So you don't care that your representatives are beholden to special interests rather than the constituents that elect them? Weird flex, bro.
Completely agree with the first paragraph. Partially agree with the second paragraph. It should be easier to vote, however I do think there is some value in requiring some sort of effort to be put in. I think we want to make sure that all informed citizens are easily able to vote. I don't think raising the uninformed vote is good. You don't need to be able to recite every past office held and every single campaign platform for every candidate - but we also don't need half the electorate picking whichever name sounds cooler because they have no clue who the people are or what they stand for. Agree 100% that if voting could be done on cell phones and required no initiative to learn the issues/candidates and make it to a polling location that the Democrats would sweep everything.

The vast majority of people aren’t going to pick a candidate based on who’s name sounds cooler. Especially nowadays since everyone has a political opinion on every issue.

Not being informed or motivated has nothing to do with it. Polling has repeatedly shown that young voters are mostly liberal, and less likely to vote. The numbers are large enough that if they voted at the same rate as 60+ year old voters then republicans would get hammered. You can agree or disagree with their politics but those are quantitative facts.

Young people should vote more. That’s on the young voters who don’t show up. But it’s also silly for people to stand around in lines for hours to vote if it’s not necessary. And it’s a lot easier to get a fake ID than it is to fool a retina scanner or finger print scanner.

The solution to uninformed voters is information, not making it harder to vote. Making it easier to vote actually provides an incentive for people to get informed.
Voting all happens on the same day. Trips to the DMV vary depending on when people need to renew their licenses and registration. It's far easier to arrange transportation to polling places, which does in fact happen and I have no problem with it.
How would it be easier when you only have one day? DMV is open 6 days a week here. It's very easy to find one day once every 5-10 years.

ETA: I'd be ok with making it easier though. How about free ID's just for voting purposes that you never have to renew and you can order a new one free of charge when you move.

2ETA: But like I said earlier, you can't get through life without an ID. Very few don't have one and even fewer can't get one.

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