OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I don't care if he asked why the prosecutor was taken off his son's case. There's nothing wrong or immoral about that. Face it. Policy wise, Trump has been leaps and bounds better than the two degenerates who came before him.

He used a foreign government (or tried to) to gain dirt on an opponent how is that not wrong or illegal?
Liking “a” cause “b” hates him is about the most fuking ignorant shit possible and the reason the nation is divided and nothing is done in dc. Partisan bullshit politics. Thanks for the example.

You are certainly welcome. Your response proves the delusional hatred part. It is too bad you hate the man, that's on you and your ilk. You put forth radical left wing ideas and candidates backed up with your beloved Saul Alinsky rules for radicals and expect people on the right to passively accept those concepts. You and your minions put on masks and attack people when you have the majority with your antifa crowd and expect me not to interpret your hurt feelings as a joke? Some of us see through your controlled media, how you turn blacks against whites, male against female, straights against gays. Your party, the democratic party will get what you are seeking, you just are going to have to be patient and wait another 20 years or so. Most of you are seeing the reality of four more years of Trump and are beside of yourself with anger and resentment that your endgame of socialism will have to wait a little longer, and you were sooooo close...partisan bullshit politics yes that is exactly where we are today and you have created your own prison with: not my president, russia investigation, stormy daniels and now ukraine phone calls. The nation is divided because it is the Saul Alinsky way.
You are certainly welcome. Your response proves the delusional hatred part. It is too bad you hate the man, that's on you and your ilk. You put forth radical left wing ideas and candidates backed up with your beloved Saul Alinsky rules for radicals and expect people on the right to passively accept those concepts. You and your minions put on masks and attack people when you have the majority with your antifa crowd and expect me not to interpret your hurt feelings as a joke? Some of us see through your controlled media, how you turn blacks against whites, male against female, straights against gays. Your party, the democratic party will get what you are seeking, you just are going to have to be patient and wait another 20 years or so. Most of you are seeing the reality of four more years of Trump and are beside of yourself with anger and resentment that your endgame of socialism will have to wait a little longer, and you were sooooo close...partisan bullshit politics yes that is exactly where we are today and you have created your own prison with: not my president, russia investigation, stormy daniels and now ukraine phone calls. The nation is divided because it is the Saul Alinsky way.
@heelmanwilm is pretty much down the middle, so you just wasted a lot of time typing out a bunch of nonsense. Also, paragraphs are your friend.
It's not in NC. I give them my name. They look me up on the voter registration log and confirm my address. Then I sign a form saying I'm not double-voting or whatever and away I go.
That may have been the case. This was in 1996, that I'm talking about.
I'm sure not. And I'm sure you wouldn't agree with most liberals' stance on it. This is the reason the legislature exists, to find reasonable compromises on complex issues.

So do you want to defund Medicare and Medicaid? Are you also opposed to improvements in clinical quality and payment reform? What you probably don't realize is that governmental organizations are some of the most important innovators in the healthcare industry. I'll chalk this one up to a blind distrust of government.

*couldn't. So you don't care that your representatives are beholden to special interests rather than the constituents that elect them? Weird flex, bro.
Compromise is just watering down good ideas with sh!tty ideas.
You are certainly welcome. Your response proves the delusional hatred part. It is too bad you hate the man, that's on you and your ilk. You put forth radical left wing ideas and candidates backed up with your beloved Saul Alinsky rules for radicals and expect people on the right to passively accept those concepts. You and your minions put on masks and attack people when you have the majority with your antifa crowd and expect me not to interpret your hurt feelings as a joke? Some of us see through your controlled media, how you turn blacks against whites, male against female, straights against gays. Your party, the democratic party will get what you are seeking, you just are going to have to be patient and wait another 20 years or so. Most of you are seeing the reality of four more years of Trump and are beside of yourself with anger and resentment that your endgame of socialism will have to wait a little longer, and you were sooooo close...partisan bullshit politics yes that is exactly where we are today and you have created your own prison with: not my president, russia investigation, stormy daniels and now ukraine phone calls. The nation is divided because it is the Saul Alinsky way.
Do you know who you're talking to?

And, secondly; Do you actually use the word "ilk" in normal, real-life conversation, or are you just cashing-in on it here? It always sounds sounds pretentious... unless you're mimicking C. Montgomery Burns.
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C'mon, dude. You made the claim that he was down the middle. I told you that you were wrong. Now you want me to explain why you're wrong without having to explain why you're right? Seriously?
Yes. You were the first to make a counterclaim. The first one to make a counterclaim is the one responsible to provide proof. Sorry, that's just how things work.
Yes. You were the first to make a counter claim. The first one to make a counter claim is the one responsible to provide proof. Sorry, that's just how things work.

Counter claim? I'm asking you for proof of the original claim, which is completely obvious to anyone with half a brain...that you don't have. You were caught, brah. You aren't stupid. Admit it and fight another battle.
Counter claim? I'm asking you for proof of the original claim, which is completely obvious to anyone with half a brain...that you don't have. You were caught, brah. You aren't stupid. Admit it and fight another battle.
No. Your first post said I was wrong. That means it's your responsibility to provide proof that I'm wrong. Sorry that you've lost this battle.
No. Your first post said I was wrong. That means it's your responsibility to provide proof that I'm wrong. Sorry that you've lost this battle.

So, you make some accusation, and I tell you that you're wrong, then the onus is on my to tell you why I'm wrong? I mean...I could probably do this, but I'm enjoying watching you squirm.

Tell us why he's down the middle, or wait till he logs on to tell us why he's down the middle. I'm just not going to waste my information without lulling you into my trap. You should have realize my MO by this point in time. I feast on ill-advised comments.
Great! So, explain it to us morons.

I believe in capitalism as the driving force behind economic growth and stability, while realizing that vulture capitalism and irresponsible banking need to be prevented.

I believe in the concept of free press, free speech, and freedom of religion, while also recognizing that the latter is best not taught in schools or in mainstream public education. I do not believe that 'hate speech' is a crime or that people should be fired for a tweet they posted 5 years ago.

I believe in the institutions of American government, knowing that each branch of government serves to prevent the other from becoming too powerful, especially the executive.

Above all, I believe in the rights of others to live as they choose and please as long as it doesn't hurt another person. I believe that the United States is exceptional and should be an example for the rest of the world.
I believe in capitalism as the driving force behind economic growth and stability, while realizing that vulture capitalism and irresponsible banking need to be prevented.

I believe in the concept of free press, free speech, and freedom of religion, while also recognizing that the latter is best not taught in schools or in mainstream public education. I do not believe that 'hate speech' is a crime or that people should be fired for a tweet they posted 5 years ago.

I believe in the institutions of American government, knowing that each branch of government serves to prevent the other from becoming too powerful, especially the executive.

Above all, I believe in the rights of others to live as they choose and please as long as it doesn't hurt another person. I believe that the United States is exceptional and should be an example for the rest of the world.

That sounds like you copy/pasted it off a website.

First question: How do you feel about Trump withdrawing troops from Syria?

Trust me, there will be more of these questions forthcoming.
So, you make some accusation, and I tell you that you're wrong, then the onus is on my to tell you why I'm wrong? I mean...I could probably do this, but I'm enjoying watching you squirm.

Tell us why he's down the middle, or wait till he logs on to tell us why he's down the middle. I'm just not going to waste my information without lulling you into my trap. You should have realize my MO by this point in time. I feast on ill-advised comments.
I didn't make any accusation. I made the comment that he was down the middle. You made the accusation, without proof, that I was wrong. I honestly didn't set out to Van Damn you, so I apologise for doing that and for hurting your feelings. Hopefully you can admit you were wrong and spare yourself from further embarrassment.
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