OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You like a woman that is hated by both parties, who screams at police officers over parking spots, and who actually thinks it's a woman's fault for getting raped.

All because she will let you keep your gun.

Some would call your priorities off. I won't do it. But just know some people would.
You like a woman that is hated by both parties, who screams at police officers over parking spots, and who actually thinks it's a woman's fault for getting raped.

All because she will let you keep your MACHINE gun.

Some would call your priorities off. I won't do it. But just know some people would.
No, I like her because she’d oppose Governor Blackface, pushes back against the establishment and let’s us keep our guns.

But since there are some that might question my priorities, I might have to rethink my support. Good looking out.

I'm conflicted. I was in the boy scouts when I was younger and I enjoyed it. That being said, they were molesting people and covering it up, so maybe they aren't exactly worth any sympathy.

It's one of those were 99.9% of the scout leaders are good people but the shit the .1% do is too horribly shitty to ignore. And whoever covered it up should join the .1% in jail.
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You like a woman that is hated by both parties, who screams at police officers over parking spots, and who actually thinks it's a woman's fault for getting raped.

All because she will let you keep your gun.

Some would call your priorities off. I won't do it. But just know some people would.

Sounds like a candidate that @uncboy10 would support.
I'm conflicted. I was in the boy scouts when I was younger and I enjoyed it. That being said, they were molesting people and covering it up, so maybe they aren't exactly worth any sympathy.
Same with me. I never had any idea that such behavior was going on in the Scouts... not even rumor or guys joking around about the stereotype. It wasn't until I was well into adulthood that I started hearing about it being an issue. Mostly, it came from humor sources. I happened across an old National Lampoon magazine parody, and Canteen Boy on SNL.

It's a real shame.
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it Brought me lots of criticism from friends and family and pissed off my kids to no end but I never ever let them spend the night off anywhere, be it a friends or camp or church group, until they were teens. (Well except grand parents) And even then I had to personally know the adults in charge.
Let’s not forget about their dumbass decision to admit girls. I’d bet that’s partly to blame for their troubles.

Everyone needs to be included or it isn't fair. Boys, Girls, 9 year old Trans kids, 9 year old Queer kids, those 9 year olds that are still deciding what they want to be, those 9 year olds that are like 75% sure they are a boy but 25% undecided, etc. etc. Also, don't forget to give them their participation trophies.

It's 2020 and PC culturists are raising a bunch of pussies.
Let’s not forget about their dumbass decision to admit girls. I’d bet that’s partly to blame for their troubles.
That was done because boys weren't joining at the rate they needed to pay the bills. It wasn't some PC thing (cc: @dadika13). At the time I thought it was stupid, but then I saw how the girl scouts reacted and decided it was a great idea.
The candidates doing a flex on who is the most poor is some backwards stuff.

Making fun of someone for starting an incredibly successful company and getting rich is some real liberal voodoo shit.

Since when is that not the American dream?
trump is going to crush this crowd.

something extremely weird, like a war with mexico or him caging americans with coronavirus would have to happen...even then, he’d get half support for the cages.
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Bernie Sanders is the PERFECT old fart that yells constantly at kids to get off his front yard. Just a very nasty angry old geezer. I really Hope this Bolshevik gets the nomination

Yeah - not at all surprising.

The one thing I'll say - first terms for Presidents are usually a hell of a lot better/easier than the 2nd terms. If he loses the senate and keeps a Dem house, they are going to make his life an absolute hell for the next 4 years.

I'm very curious to see if America would want another Trump in 4 years time right after DJT. It's no coincidence that there were 2 Presidents in between John and Quincy and 1 in between H.W. and W.

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