OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I think he probably looks at other things too like:
  • new trade deals
  • getting out of Bush-Obama wars
  • appointing judges
  • increasing wages and employment, especially for minorities
  • and many others which even benefits people who would cut off their noses to spite their faces
YOU see those extras. HE is obsessing about the stock market tanking... guaranteed!
@heelmanwilm just making sure you saw this, since you are so concerned about facts and people lying and all that.

let me guess. You’re gonna claim that someone that believes in the literal biblical creation account (as you admit pence does) doesn’t necessarily believe the earth is 5000 yrs old. Well thats bullshit. Either they do believe it to be 5000 ish years old or they do not believe the literal creation account since it plainly depicts a time period of around 5000 yrs. But I can’t prove it except to link bible studies which you would of course claim falls short.
I've always said that if I could have a super power, I would choose the ability to heal anyone's sickness with a touch of my hand. Awesome right? I would charge $5 for every person I healed. And then I'd become a billionaire within a month. And then I'd use my billions to support other services people need. So saying you'd give everything away for free is shortsighted.
Or, start a religion and get the same outcome. That doesn't require any super powers at all. It just requires the incentive/condition you placed on having your super power.
I don't get the whole "he thinks the earth is only 5000 years old" thing. I've heard that line used when criticizing others too, not just Pence. I mean, that would be pretty stupid to believe that but honestly, who gives a shit? Is it just material to use against someone you already don't like?

I would say the "Pence believes the earth is 5000 years old" is akin to "Obama is a muslim". Both probably aren't true and even if they were, is that big of a deal?
Not to me but @heelmanwilm brought it up and he is very concerned with people telling the truth. I'm just waiting for him to point us to the link which shows Mike Pence claiming the Earth is 5000 years old because if he doesn't do that, then he would be lying and he hates when people lie so that doesn't make any sense.
let me guess. You’re gonna claim that someone that believes in the literal biblical creation account (as you admit pence does) doesn’t necessarily believe the earth is 5000 yrs old. Well thats bullshit. Either they do believe it to be 5000 ish years old or they do not believe the literal creation account since it plainly depicts a time period of around 5000 yrs. But I can’t prove it except to link bible studies which you would of course claim falls short.

So you were lying then when you said:

Well no need to worry about the coronavirus response. A guy with no medical or science background, who was governor of Indiana during the worst hiv outbreak in the states history, who questions the link between cigarettes and lung cancer, and who claims the earth is 5000 yrs in charge.

I thought you didn't like Trump because he lies?
you’re ignorant of what creationists believe and what the Bible says. I can’t help you. Nor would I.

Well, I believe the Earth was created by a higher power and I think the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Are you sure Pence doesn't think the same? Because you explicitly said that Mike Pence thinks the Earth is 5000 years old.

Or were you lying when you said that?
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Well here you are commenting about politics and you obviously don't know a thing about those.

Yeah but the consequences of him BS-ing on a message board vs. Pence not knowing science are pretty different. Not sure why that's the comparison.

How about this guy Cassidy? He seems knowledgeable.

We already showed that he's pretty bias toward Trump. And @UNC71-00 saying we had to like dig into his beliefs...dude I clicked his twitter handle and it was right there. I'm not saying he's wrong, just saying other doctors disagree with him, specifically those who don't support Trump. I think Cassidy is being politician first, doctor second in this case.

Tell you what @heelman. I will bet you $100 right now that you can't produce a single piece of proof that shows that Mike Pence thinks the Earth is 5000 years old. Please note that quotes from a speech in 2002 claiming that the God created the Earth do not show that Pence believes the Earth is 5000 years old.

"Show me he said something but don't use the quotes that show he said something" is basically what you're saying. He said he believes in a theory and that theory is that the Earth is roughly 5,000 years old.

Pence is a wackjob dude. You're doing what you do and supporting anyone who supports Trump no matter who that person actually is behind that support. Both sides do it, it's shit.
Pence is a wackjob dude. You're doing what you do and supporting anyone who supports Trump no matter who that person actually is behind that support. Both sides do it, it's shit.

Of course both sides do it- I agree. But @heelmanwilm has been on his high horse recently about despising people who lie, then he turns around and lies. So excuse me if I continue to remind him of this for some time to come, or at least until he admits he was lying.

And what you guys take for me supporting anyone who supports Trump is actually just me fukking with people who think that everything Trump does is bad. You and I have recently had this conversation, remember?
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Of course both sides do it- I agree. But @heelmanwilm has been on his high horse recently about despising people who lie, then he turns around and lies. So excuse me if I continue to remind him of this for some time to come, or at least until he admits he was lying.

Won't argue with you there.
Well, I believe the Earth was created by a higher power and I think the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Are you sure Pence doesn't think the same? Because you explicitly said that Mike Pence thinks the Earth is 5000 years old.

Or were you lying when you said that?

either he does or he’s a liar about believing the literal biblical account of creation. Take your pick.
Big pharma getting close to treatment getting FDA approval. You know, the big pharma companies that Bernie thinks are the devil. Took them 30 days of innovation for a drug that will potentially nip this thing right away. Who knows how many lives this will save.

But yeah, these guys are evil.

Pump the brakes. Pharmaceutical companies don’t have to price gouge the market to have an incentive to innovate. If you make 10 billion off of a drug instead of 20 or 30 billion are you really going to just pass on that opportunity? Bernie is proposing the government negotiate with drug companies to lower prices, not put them out of business. They’ll still be incredibly profitable.

A company could make a vaccine and only give it to themselves if they wanted to. So they'd be ok. But if YOU want it, you'll have to pay them for it, since you didn't make it. Makes sense, doesn't it?

I'm sure you don't give the guitars you make away for free. And if you do, you're a pretty shitty buisnessman.

Good thing nobody is asking the drug companies to give their products away for free then.
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Pump the brakes. Pharmaceutical companies don’t have to price gouge the market to have an incentive to innovate. If you make 10 billion off of a drug instead of 20 or 30 billion are you really going to just pass on that opportunity? Bernie is proposing the government negotiate with drug companies to lower prices, not put them out of business. They’ll still be incredibly profitable.

Who gives a shit what money they make when they save lives? Seriously, what is a more noble cause to make money?

I want my doctors/surgeons/drug engineers in freaking mansions. I want the smartest people in the world incentivized to go into healthcare so they can use their brilliance to save future lives.

For the life of me I don't get why we're trying to take even a penny away from people and companies that save lives.
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you but tell me what the consequences of Pence "not knowing science" are. I mean, what's going to happen?

It was more of a point that message board fodder means absolutely nothing and comparing it to something that means more than absolutely nothing (even if it's just 99.99% nothing) isn't really right.

I'm guessing Pence isn't controlling anything. He's going to sit at the head of the table on the discussion on this from hopefully actual experts and shake his head yes then move on. So I hope. I do think it's bad optics when Pence is criticized for his, let's call it traditional, way of looking at science.
Please point me to the place in the Bible where it says the Earth was created 5000 years ago.

Admit it- you lied.

Dude I was raised a creationist. Lived as a creationist. Taught creationism. You don’t know what the fuk you’re talking about and are in wayyyyy over your head if u wanna challenge my biblical knowledge. But thats par for the course.

anyway here’s the condensed version

the Bible specifically lists the generations by name and age from Adam. It lists them in a way that there’s no gaps in time or any wiggle room to add billions or millions or thousands of years. People smarter than you can assign a time span to what constitutes a generation. Maybe 40 yrs maybe 100yrs hell maybe 500 yrs and guess what? You ready for this...... it’s about 5000 yrs. So pence either believes the earth is 5000 yrs old or he’s lying about believing the Bible. Take your pick.

I own you on this. Admit it
Dude I was raised a creationist. Lived as a creationist. Taught creationism. You don’t know what the fuk you’re talking about and are in wayyyyy over your head if u wanna challenge my biblical knowledge. But thats par for the course.

anyway here’s the condensed version

the Bible specifically lists the generations by name and age from Adam. It lists them in a way that there’s no gaps in time or any wiggle room to add billions or millions or thousands of years. People smarter than you can assign a time span to what constitutes a generation. Maybe 40 yrs maybe 100yrs hell maybe 500 yrs and guess what? You ready for this...... it’s about 5000 yrs. So pence either believes the earth is 5000 yrs old or he’s lying about believing the Bible. Take your pick.

I own you on this. Admit it

So there is no where in the Bible that says the Earth is 5000 years old. Got it. And there is nowhere to be found that shows Pence stating the Earth is 5000 years old. Got that too.

Any more lies from you or was this lie about Pence a one time deal?
Ya, I sure as hell hope Pence isn't leading the science behind this whole thing. But as everyone knows, he's not. I also wouldn't want a pure scientist heading up an organization if their expertise was in science, not leadership.

I realize it's a good chance for people who don't like Trump's administration to try to score some political points by trying to give the impression that Pence will be the brains behind the cure. In reality, the capable people at the CDC, NIH, DHS, etc. will be the brains behind the operation, and Pence will be organizing the effort and making sure they work together and have what they need.
And I say this without trying to be argumentative, but to whose optics will it look bad? More importantly, why would any of us care what it looks like to another insignificant figurehead?

We just see the world differently there, which is fine. I care that my President cares about how things look to people who don't necessarily agree with him. Trump obviously doesn't and most of his supporters don't either.

At the same time - no matter what Trump did, even if it was the right thing, would ever get applauded by the other side so I don't really blame him for not giving a shit about appeasing them cuz they won't ever agree with him.

It's all mostly a cluster****.
So there is no where in the Bible that says the Earth is 5000 years old. Got it. And there is nowhere to be found that shows Pence stating the Earth is 5000 years old. Got that too.

Any more lies from you or was this lie about Pence a one time deal?

That’s weak even for trolling.
Got it?

but I’ll give you this then you can have the last troll as I’ve grown weary of laughing at your mental gymnastics.

my claim that pence believes the earth is 5000 yrs old is based on the assumption that he’s telling the truth when he says he believes the Bible to be the literal word of God. So yes there’s always the possibility he’s lying about that and that in turn would make me a liar. Is that better? But know this, Try as much as you want with your lack of biblical knowledge but someone who does believe the Bible to be literal word of God as pence claims does in fact and without question believe the earth to be around 5000 years old. You can’t have one without the either Now go ahead and channel your inner 12 yr old logic with a response then run along and wank to your trump poster.
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So you need a doctor's note is what you are saying.
Uhhh... yeah. Before I invest my time, efforts and resources, I need to be sure there's a legitimate threat and loss of life, and not just people trying to scam me. I'm a shitty businessman, but not a total sucker. I'm willing to cure it for free if there's something within my power to do that. I'd rather be Jonas Salk than some chemist/virologist at Burroughs Wellcome waiting to patent it and charge as much as possible. In that sense, I'm a total sucker.
That’s weak even for trolling.
Got it?

Lemme get this straight.
  1. You preach and preach about people lying.
  2. You yourself tell a lie
  3. You get called out on it and are too scared (although also too smart) to make a bet on your lie
  4. Go off on some tangent about growing up in church
  5. Get called out again on your lie
  6. Now want to worry about trolling when it actually, in this instance isn't occurring because you are doing just fine making yourself look foolish
Do I have this right? What am I missing here?
Uhhh... yeah. Before I invest my time, efforts and resources, I need to be sure there's a legitimate threat and loss of life, and not just people trying to scam me. I'm a shitty businessman, but not a total sucker. I'm willing to cure it for free if there's something within my power to do that. I'd rather be Jonas Salk than some chemist/virologist at Burroughs Wellcome waiting to patent it and charge as much as possible.

You missed one hell of an opportunity to join a commune or a monastery.
Lemme get this straight.
  1. You preach and preach about people lying.
  2. You yourself tell a lie
  3. You get called out on it and are too scared (although also too smart) to make a bet on your lie
  4. Go off on some tangent about growing up in church
  5. Get called out again on your lie
  6. Now want to worry about trolling when it actually, in this instance isn't occurring because you are doing just fine making yourself look foolish
Do I have this right? What am I missing here?

too much to list
Well, I believe the Earth was created by a higher power and I think the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Are you sure Pence doesn't think the same? Because you explicitly said that Mike Pence thinks the Earth is 5000 years old.

Or were you lying when you said that?
He’s lying or misinformed. @heelmanwilm get your facts straight. Pence said the world is 5026 years old.
Who gives a shit what money they make when they save lives? Seriously, what is a more noble cause to make money?

I want my doctors/surgeons/drug engineers in freaking mansions. I want the smartest people in the world incentivized to go into healthcare so they can use their brilliance to save future lives.

For the life of me I don't get why we're trying to take even a penny away from people and companies that save lives.

They aren’t going to lose their mansions. Good grief. Just because they won’t be able to charge 1000 bucks for an epi pen doesn’t mean they’re going to be out on the street. Lowering prescription drug prices means more people can afford the drugs that save their lives.

Again, they would still be heavily incentivized. There’s middle ground between price gouging and there being no reason to develop new medicines.
Why has the choice in politics boiled down to someone who believes the Bible as a literal account of history, and that gays aren't natural, and maybe that minorities are subhuman vs.someone who believes no one should ever make any money, everything should be free, and minorities and women need to be given more than whites and men because they can't do it on their own?
Why has the choice in politics boiled down to someone who believes the Bible as a literal account of history, and that gays aren't natural, and maybe that minorities are subhuman vs.someone who believes no one should ever make any money, everything should be free, and minorities and women need to be given more than whites and men because they can't do it on their own?

tell me about it. There’s like 200 million voters and we have to pigeon hole ourselves into one or the other of two sets of idiots.
Why has the choice in politics boiled down to someone who believes the Bible as a literal account of history, and that gays aren't natural, and maybe that minorities are subhuman vs.someone who believes no one should ever make any money, everything should be free, and minorities and women need to be given more than whites and men because they can't do it on their own?

Lol. Guess we’ll have to send you to the gulags comrade