OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I will guarantee you right now in front of anyone watching that if trump loses the election he or someone or some entity acting on his behalf will take legal action of some sort whether on a state or federal level to challenge the results in that state or nationally. Care to make a wager?
why in God's name would I bet against that? If there's reason to legally challenge, why wouldn't he do so? Anything frivolous wouldn't be worth the trouble and embarrassment, but if he has reasonable grounds, he should go for it and I would be behind him 100%. The thought of Biden being President is not only disheartening, it nearly makes my skin crawl at the notion of that empty toadstool being at the helm.

Of course, I haven't discounted the likelihood that you too are one who hasn't been up to comprehending what I have said on the subject. When I mention his continuing on, I refer to my previous statement in my OP on this subject...."and then take casual exaggerations by Trump to mean that he is poised to declare martial law and maybe set himself up as a dictator,...".

That's a far cry from a legal challenge.
In all of my interactions, none of them were offended.
But it doesn't matter whether people are actually offended or not. All that matters is whether it can be concocted that someone might almost sort of a little bit kinda be offended if they took it a certain way. If it is - CANCELLED!

Them's the rules. Abide by them, or get cancelled yourself.
the only thing Raising Heel has laid to waste is his own mind. You can join him in being too stupid to understand that the 22nd amendment doesn't apply to anything I said, when I was talking about liberal dillweeds who thought there might be some way that obama could manage some sort of end around. I mentioned you indirectly in my reply to him, as being one of those who have to manufacture circumstances to argue against, since you don't have the mentality to argue what was actually posited.

The online world could also use one less fruitcake, but in the spirit of inclusivity I invite you to stay. Besides, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun without you to thump.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Some people are so far behind in the race they actually think they’re leading haha.
But it doesn't matter whether people are actually offended or not. All that matters is whether it can be concocted that someone might almost sort of a little bit kinda be offended if they took it a certain way. If it is - CANCELLED!

Them's the rules. Abide by them, or get cancelled yourself.
Former Blackfeet tribal chairman and past president of the National Congress of American Indians, Walter "Blackie" Wetzel, is credited as the driving force behind the creation of the Washington Redskins' team logo.

2 Guns White Calf >


As of September 2014, the Blackfeet Tribe has received tens of thousands of dollars of donations from the foundation, including school supplies, school football equipment and a passenger van. The foundation also has promised an additional contribution of playground equipment at some point in the future.

"To me, it's a great blessing to be working with them," Little Dog said of the Redskins Original Americans Foundation. "I have no problem with the name, I never have. I'm actually proud to see a Native American on a helmet. The name doesn't' mean anything to me. If they're here to help the people, then why not? We've all been called worse names."

Little Dog's observations summarize a common criticism over the amount of attention and resources being dedicated to changing the Redskins name. Native Americans both on and off reservations face many serious challenges. The name of a distant East Coast sports franchise is the least of these."

I think I’m actually a rational person as opposed to a crazy right wing nutjob. Too bad they don’t give medals for those. You’d be front page news.

uh oh, here come the labels. Somebody's shortcomings are showing. A dismissive label like the above means the subject has gotten under the labeler's skin and the labeler has no answer for that. It's just a way to deflect from the failure of the labeler to come up with cogent responses.

Nice try. Won't work though. Just admit it, you can't keep up.
Saw the n another board

“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling more and more as if we’re all trapped on the Titanic — except that this time around the captain is a madman who insists on steering straight for the iceberg. And his crew is too cowardly to contradict him, let alone mutiny to save the passengers,”
Saw the n another board

“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling more and more as if we’re all trapped on the Titanic — except that this time around the captain is a madman who insists on steering straight for the iceberg. And his crew is too cowardly to contradict him, let alone mutiny to save the passengers,”

It's actually widely believed that if the Titanic had hit the iceberg straight on, it would have survived the impact. It sank because in trying to steer away from the iceberg it ripped open too much of its side.
It's actually widely believed that if the Titanic had hit the iceberg straight on, it would have survived the impact. It sank because in trying to steer away from the iceberg it ripped open too much of its side.
Yep... it would have kept the water in the front hold, and out of the others.
Well, then, they're taking my statue down, or my flag, and I'm merely choosing to not support the team anymore, should that happen.

If my personal experiences, and interactions with the people who are allegedly being maligned had revealed that "Yes, we are offended", then I wouldn't be as stubborn, I guess. In all of my interactions, none of them were offended. And, most of them pulled for the team. So, if that's my flag, or my statue, I'm good with it... even if it comes down, which it is going to come down. Everyone is happy!
Well, it's nice to know that you are good with being prejudice against a whole race of people. You fit in perfectly with all those Trump supporters that you always bash. It's not surprising based on your past comments though.
Well, it's nice to know that you are good with being prejudice against a whole race of people. You fit in perfectly with all those Trump supporters that you always bash. It's not surprising based on your past comments though.
Good with it? I'm not prejudiced against a whole race of people.
The most likely reason would be if Biden picks a VP that the country at large would like to see as the President two days after inauguration.

Yea at this point that’s the best chance he has imo. Find someone “presidential” that appeals to independents and swing voters. God Only knows who that might be. Tulsi gabbard?
Cot damn, I love a rank ‘em.

But you left out one option - US nonintelligence. That’s anyone that would vote for Joe Biden, or any democrat for that matter.

honestly I don’t see many degrees of separation between the two. But do you automatically dismiss a candidate based on party?
Yea at this point that’s the best chance he has imo. Find someone “presidential” that appeals to independents and swing voters. God Only knows who that might be. Tulsi gabbard?
Buttigieg would get him my vote. Gabbard and Yang would make me strongly consider it. The only good thing about him picking Warren would be that she'd no longer be a senator from MA. I'd be 100% out on Harris. I would actively protest if it was Abrams.
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Buttigieg would get him my vote. Gabbard and Yang would make me strongly consider it. The only good thing about him picking Warren would be that she'd no longer be a senator from MA. I'd be 100% out on Harris. I would actively protest if it was Abrams.

seemingly he’s under a lot of pressure to pick a woman. Totally agree on Warren and Harris. Not familiar with abrams or yang but I’ll google.
I will not vote for a republican just because he's a republican. But I will never vote for a democrat because he's a democrat. I'm less tied to a party except for the fact I'm very against one particular party. Make sense?

that kind of reasoning makes me wanna pull my hair out...not that you gaf I know...but i realize it’s where probably most voters are with party loyalty or party hate and it ain’t gonna change any time soon. I think a lot of dems didn’t vote for pres last election cause they didn’t like Clinton but refused to vote for a repub.
Abrams is the Governor of GA. Just ask her supporters. They legit call her "Governor Abrams".

oh okay I remember her. Came real close to being the first black female governor in the us....of georgia no less. Pretty impressive. But no I have no interest in seeing her be president based on her policies.
Yea at this point that’s the best chance he has imo. Find someone “presidential” that appeals to independents and swing voters. God Only knows who that might be. Tulsi gabbard?
I don't think Gabbard is ready to be president, but if she were on the ticket I would vote for her solely based on her telling Clinton to go **** herself.
I don't think Gabbard is ready to be president, but if she were on the ticket I would vote for her solely based on her telling Clinton to go **** herself.

She'll never have the DNC behind her because of that. They immediately smeared her by calling her an Assad supporter at every opportunity after that. She'll get the Bernie treatment for the rest of her career.
She'll never have the DNC behind her because of that. They immediately smeared her by calling her an Assad supporter at every opportunity after that. She'll get the Bernie treatment for the rest of her career.
Yep... gotta talk the party line or get ostracized.