OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Buttigieg would get him my vote. Gabbard and Yang would make me strongly consider it. The only good thing about him picking Warren would be that she'd no longer be a senator from MA. I'd be 100% out on Harris. I would actively protest if it was Abrams.
Can’t see Willie Brown’s fuk doll or the ogre from Atlanta being viable choices.
The next VP:

Or Obama’s Secretary of made up shit.
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that kind of reasoning makes me wanna pull my hair out...not that you gaf I know...but i realize it’s where probably most voters are with party loyalty or party hate and it ain’t gonna change any time soon. I think a lot of dems didn’t vote for pres last election cause they didn’t like Clinton but refused to vote for a repub.
you do realize, don't you, that there are reasons why some are dems and some are pubs? Does it occur to you that one might completely shun a particular party for those reasons and not out of some irrational us-vs-them hatred, while accordingly picking and choosing from the party one most closely aligns with politically and philosophically?

I'm in lock step with TB on this one, and I choose based on who I prefer to lead the country...and that just happens to NO WAY be a democrat, i.e. someone representing the party that wants to flirt its balls off with socialism, and to snub all the things that made us the world leader. But it just so happens I do hate them. Not because they aren't the party of my choice, but because they are pretty much without exception disgusting pig-dogs who can't think beyond their shadows and want to mold me into their childishly unrealistic little fairy-tale world.

The reasoning you seem to be exhibiting is a lack of reason. Choices don't have to be all about emotion. But you can still be emotional about your choices and the reason you make them.

I rest my case. Unless you don't.
you do realize, don't you, that there are reasons why some are dems and some are pubs? Does it occur to you that one might completely shun a particular party for those reasons and not out of some irrational us-vs-them hatred, while accordingly picking and choosing from the party one most closely aligns with politically and philosophically?

I'm in lock step with TB on this one, and I choose based on who I prefer to lead the country...and that just happens to NO WAY be a democrat, i.e. someone representing the party that wants to flirt its balls off with socialism, and to snub all the things that made us the world leader. But it just so happens I do hate them. Not because they aren't the party of my choice, but because they are pretty much without exception disgusting pig-dogs who can't think beyond their shadows and want to mold me into their childishly unrealistic little fairy-tale world.

The reasoning you seem to be exhibiting is a lack of reason. Choices don't have to be all about emotion. But you can still be emotional about your choices and the reason you make them.

I rest my case. Unless you don't.

Lol you lecture your ass off about reason yet there is nothing reasonable in any of the conclusions you just came to. You’re about as stable as a see-saw when it comes to this stuff. And it’s not because your more conservative, it’s that you a) see the other side not just as an ideological opponent but an enemy and b) allow yourself to be duped into thinking so.
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So the White House releases a pic of trump promoting Goya products sitting at the resolute desk. For reasons I’m sure some of you won’t understand this is the rock bottom low for his presidency. Forget Ukraine, the wall, Russia, a brand name as president just shits on what the office stands for. What a clown show.
Lol you lecture your ass off about reason yet there is nothing reasonable in any of the conclusions you just came to. You’re about as stable as a see-saw when it comes to this stuff. And it’s not because your more conservative, it’s that you a) see the other side not just as an ideological opponent but an enemy and b) allow yourself to be duped into thinking so.
LOL well yeah, I guess...or then, maybe you're just a fvcking maroon who doesn't know his ass from Canada. I'm going with that 'conclusion'.

How many IQ points does it take to understand that an opponent IS an enemy of sorts in a real manner of speaking. Animosity should be expected but not necessarily assumed. Outright hate is another thing altogether.

The two parties don't represent so much of a continuum or spectrum anymore, but have become more polarized. Have you heard that term before? Do you have any idea what it means? It means they have become near opposites, and that isn't because each has achieved some level of animosity or hate toward each other; the animosity comes from each having such differing views of what America is supposed to be about that one can't abide the stance that the other side has taken and wants to subject the other side to. You must be a complete nitwit to not understand that simple reality.

Furthermore, I'm LMAO at you calling me 'duped'. It's like Hillary and Joe and obama and Nancy all have a hand up your ass. And for you to rag me for any amount of hate I exhibit is the height of cluelessness, given the irrational hatred your ilk is currently acting out. Know-nothing stooge.

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LOL well yeah, I guess...or then, maybe you're just a fvcking maroon who doesn't know his ass from Canada. I'm going with that 'conclusion'.

How many IQ points does it take to understand that an opponent IS an enemy of sorts in a real manner of speaking. Animosity should be expected but not necessarily assumed. Outright hate is another thing altogether.

The two parties don't represent so much of a continuum or spectrum anymore, but have become more polarized. Have you heard that term before? Do you have any idea what it means? It means they have become near opposites, and that isn't because each has achieved some level of animosity or hate toward each other; the animosity comes from each having such differing views of what America is supposed to be about that one can't abide the stance that the other side has taken and wants to subject the other side to. You must be a complete nitwit to not understand that simple reality.

Furthermore, I'm LMAO at you calling me 'duped'. It's like Hillary and Joe and obama and Nancy all have a hand up your ass. And for you to rag me for any amount of hate I exhibit is the height of cluelessness, given the irrational hatred your ilk is currently acting out. Know-nothing stooge.


The fact that you think left wing crazies are “my ilk” shows how utterly clueless you are. I’m a centrist/moderate not a blind worshipper or any party or person. The sad fact is, we could probably have a conversation if you weren’t such a combative, raging asshole.
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Question for Trump. supporters,

What is Trump doing for you that is worth the price the country is paying by him being in office and what do you expect of him if he wins re-election? TIA
The fact that you think left wing crazies are “my ilk” shows how utterly clueless you are. I’m a centrist/moderate not a blind worshipper or any party or person. The sad fact is, we could probably have a conversation if you weren’t such a combative, raging asshole.

or if you weren't such a clueless dipshit. Turds like you always you did in this case....and then cry like a little girl when the favor is returned. We could have a decent conversation if stupidity wasn't your most outstanding quality. Try not being a raging, combative asshole yourself sometimes. And grow up.
Question for Trump. supporters,

What is Trump doing for you that is worth the price the country is paying by him being in office and what do you expect of him if he wins re-election? TIA
can you delineate that price the country is paying? If I was him, I would have rolled out the tanks and water canons long ago. And what I expect if he is re-elected is a continuation of lefty dirtbags and the media obstructing every move he tries to make.
or if you weren't such a clueless dipshit. Turds like you always you did in this case....and then cry like a little girl when the favor is returned. We could have a decent conversation if stupidity wasn't your most outstanding quality. Try not being a raging, combative asshole yourself sometimes. And grow up.

Lol who’s crying here? Not me. All you do is call people left wing crazies if they don’t like Trump. It’s like your job to be a giant crabapple. It’s like Gran Torino without any of the redeeming qualities haha. Maybe take a step back yourself and grow up a little.
Lol who’s crying here? Not me. All you do is call people left wing crazies if they don’t like Trump. It’s like your job to be a giant crabapple. It’s like Gran Torino without any of the redeeming qualities haha. Maybe take a step back yourself and grow up a little.
nothing you say has any substance or intelligent consideration. I'm going to grow up and stop listening to you whine and make your baseless proclamations just because you DON'T like Trump. You don't like Trump, so anyone who supports HIS PRESIDENCY is a Trump devotee. You're a simpleton. I support Trump's presidency because he's trying to do many of the things I believe should be done. I am not some fifth-grader who can only see his personality quirks and who doesn't care what he accomplishes. You are that fifth grade kid.

You still can't grasp that you attacked me and all I did was fire back. Whine away, little girl.
Lol who’s crying here? Not me. All you do is call people left wing crazies if they don’t like Trump. It’s like your job to be a giant crabapple. It’s like Gran Torino without any of the redeeming qualities haha. Maybe take a step back yourself and grow up a little.

people believing one party is more immoral or dishonest or “unamerican” than the other can’t be fixed. The stoopid is too strong.
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people believing one party is more immoral or dishonest or “unamerican” than the other can’t be fixed. The stoopid is too strong.
this is where you practically ask to become a punching calling someone stupid while exhibiting that very trait yourself. Nowhere did I say either party was 'immoral or dishonest or un-American'. Regarding the parties in general, I only said that there was a polarization between what the two sides envision for America, and that that was the reason for the animosity. I then commented that the individuals representing the dems are dirtbags, and I challenge you to prove me wrong. At other points in history, that might not be true. I don't like a lot of what Jimmy Carter did, for example, but he is a genuinely decent person who happened to begin the process that bankrupted the Soviets. I don't like his political views but I respect him as a person.

If toadstools like you would learn to read and not fire off preconceived crap at every opportunity, genuine discussion could result.
can you delineate that price the country is paying? If I was him, I would have rolled out the tanks and water canons long ago. And what I expect if he is re-elected is a continuation of lefty dirtbags and the media obstructing every move he tries to make.
We pay a price for everyone we elect. Some are worth the price, some not.
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Both parties are corrupt. Every politician that's won any seat of any significance is shady. They wouldn't have won if they weren't. Therefore, I will choose the corrupt party that suits my lifestyle more. And you, when you vote, will do the same.

Weird. I thought everyone already knew this is how it works.

It really is this simple. Been this way in America since the day after Washington said he's not seeking a 3rd term.

I will say I think there are different levels of corrupt. Nixon, Andrew Jax, Chet Arthur...pretty corrupt. Eisenhower and Monroe, not as much.
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We pay a price for everyone we elect. Some are worth the price, some not.

i ridicule trump a lot. And it’s true he represents most everything in a human being I find detestable. But as a president I pretty much felt it was a wash related to cost/results having him as president going into this year. Then came covid and I felt he took appropriate actions and said right things (albeit a little late) and I felt the pendulum swung to his advantage. But since then he’s gone full retard with politicizing the science and refusing to lead by example and panicking over the idea he’s gonna get blamed for the economy as if we’re too stupid to understand how it works in a shut down. Now he sees the polls dipping and he’s struggling to appease his base and keep the independents he won over last election. But then there’s Biden....what a fuking dumpster fire of an election. It’s not a matter of picking the lesser of two evils. It’s a matter of choosing the method you want to be tortured by.
It really is this simple. Been this way in America since the day after Washington said he's not seeking a 3rd term.

I will say I think there are different levels of corrupt. Nixon, Andrew Jax, Chet Arthur...pretty corrupt. Eisenhower and Monroe, not as much.
I often think we should go back to the original plan of whoever gets the second most electoral votes is the vice president.
I often think we should go back to the original plan of whoever gets the second most electoral votes is the vice president.

This is an outstanding read. It's part of the reason why Lincoln is #1 on my list. During the time when America was most fractured, he chose to include some of his biggest political rivals in his cabinet so he could hear both sides of every issue.
I think this division and hate over the idiotic lie that one party is better than the other is gonna eventually reach critical mass and one of two things happens

someone amazing steps up to unite Americans and they in turn start rejecting the “party first” politicians (some of course will call him/her the anti christ)

anarchy and martial law as elections become filled with fraud as both sides dig in insisting they’re right and the others are evil and the ends justifies the means if it keeps the evil ones out of power
i wasn’t talking to or about you you FLAMING DUMB****. The fact you felt it did apply to you speaks volumes though

the fact that you're too stupid to understand that you made a direct reply to one who was responding to me, and that your reply to him concerned his response to me, speaks volumes about your severe mental limitations.
The fact that you think left wing crazies are “my ilk” shows how utterly clueless you are. I’m a centrist/moderate not a blind worshipper or any party or person. The sad fact is, we could probably have a conversation if you weren’t such a combative, raging asshole.

dude is a male “Karen”. Needs to speak to the manager! Hasn’t had a rational conversation since he got here. Lol “karentoe” yea that’s it.
dude is a male “Karen”. Needs to speak to the manager! Hasn’t had a rational conversation since he got here. Lol “karentoe” yea that’s it.
...he said, his pvssy starting to ache because someone got the better of him. His pvssy always hurt when someone didn't agree with him, and now it was on fire.
dude is a male “Karen”. Needs to speak to the manager! Hasn’t had a rational conversation since he got here. Lol “karentoe” yea that’s it.
You're so stupid. The fact that you're such an idiot shows how utterly useless and pointless you and your ilk are to the strength of our once-great Republic. You have nothing intelligent to offer. All you offer is insipid, inane comments that make you look like the total moron that you are, and will remain. You have stupid-plants growing out of your retarded ears.
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You're so stupid. The fact that you're such an idiot shows how utterly useless and pointless you and your ilk are to the strength of our once-great Republic. You have nothing intelligent to offer. All you offer is insipid, inane comments that make you look like the total moron that you are, and will remain. You have stupid-plants growing out of your retarded ears.

unless I become republican then Jesus turns me into a patriotic ‘merica lovin hand of god!
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I often think we should go back to the original plan of whoever gets the second most electoral votes is the vice president.

I think that's a great idea. Would definitely give more prominence to the role. Instead of just being a mostly behind the scenes parrot of the Prez, they would be much more vocal and visible if they had different policies to the Prez.

Would probably have the unintended consequence of having a lot more presidential assassinations though.
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