OOTB's Political Thread . ..

it boggles the mind how candidates think they have to pander to their bases like this. The base is gonna vote for them if they choose a collander for vp. Why can’t they try and appeal to the moderates and independents for Chrissakes.

Normally, I'm 1000% on this.

I think this election may be a bit different because of how Trump has alienated so many people and Covid/economy have cost him a ton of independent votes.

I think Biden needs to focus on getting dems to a voting booth, not necessarily searching for independents because I don't think many of them were voting for Trump no matter who he chose. He needs to rally dems. If they vote - he'll win.
The most interesting question of this election is, when will we know who won? With all the potential mail in votes, it might take a day or two.
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The problem with Democrats just trying to address their base, is that they don’t have a clear one. The old school, moderate Democrats are a slowly dying breed, and the way the DNC operates is pretty much a perfect example of what the next generation of progressives are opposed to. Corporate money controls the party and it has become a cesspool of cronyism and blatant corruption.

Instead of taking on real issues like campaign finance reform, climate change, marijuana legalization, etc. the DNC has just paid lip service to the wokeism twitter crowd. That strategy is basically the worst of both worlds. It attaches the party to the ridiculous green haired screechers, and it fails to speak to more reasonable progressives who want to bring about real change.

Some people may disagree with this, but truly moderate Democrats would have showed up to vote for Bernie or Tulsi just to make sure Trump doesn’t win. Whether they are right or wrong, progressives have already proven they won’t do the same. They can continue to hold the DNC hostage if they choose. Each election cycle they will become a larger portion of the electorate.

The opposition is a bunch of fanatic, science denying, evangelicals. The Democrats should be dominating every level of government but they have screwed up at pretty much every possible opportunity.
“In this country we have no place for hyphenated Americans.”


I agree 100%. I'm sure there are a few damp tampons that won't agree but that's fine. Just call yourself American. Why does anyone need something to set them apart from others?
anyone think it’s possible there will be no debates, at least in traditional form?

not really with an audience i mean, but just getting them together with masks on, etc?...and then trump and pence not wearing a mask, lol.
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Because if they don't foster division, they can't campaign on the back of it. Sad, really.

I get your point but just to be clear tr wasn’t referring to people calling themselves hyphenated names he was referring to people insulting others by using them. In particular the Irish whom he was addressing when he made the statement at an Irish catholic gathering.
I'm sure Trump will be blaming Democrats for not having college football.
More importantly, consider all the Democrats, Independents, and even some Republicans who will be blaming Trump for no college football this season. And rightly so.
anyone think it’s possible there will be no debates, at least in traditional form?

not really with an audience i mean, but just getting them together with masks on, etc?...and then trump and pence not wearing a mask, lol.
I think there will be some type of debate, but Biden should try his best to get out of it.
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anyone think it’s possible there will be no debates, at least in traditional form?
I think it's very possible. Biden's camp doesn't want him to have to do any debating. They'll gauge the public outcry of him ducking the debates, and if it's not bad amongst undecided voters, they'll do it.

Harris will likely work Pence, but I don't see there being a VP debate without the standard 3 presidential debates happening.
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I think there will be some type of debate, but Biden should try his best to get out of it.
I have to laugh at everyone who actually thinks Donald Trump has the intellect to defeat anyone in a debate, much less Joe Biden. Of course this is the same voter ignorance that put Trump in the White House to begin with.
More importantly, consider all the Democrats, Independents, and even some Republicans who will be blaming Trump for no college football this season. And rightly so.
How many moderates or republicans are going to be so pissed about CFB delays that they flip their vote? I'm guessing not many.

Things are so highly polarized, I wonder how many independents or undecideds are even left? And if you don't have your mind made up by now, is finger-pointing over CFB going to really be a swaying factor?
I think there will be some type of debate, but Biden should try his best to get out of it.
Biden just has to stand there, stick to a few brief talking points then let Trump self-buffoon. There was much more pressure to talk or show-up during the primary.

You're going to hear Biden often say "you're lying, go to the factchecker".

Axios interview and many other interviews show how easy it is to let Trump walk himself into a corner.
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I have to laugh at everyone who actually thinks Donald Trump has the intellect to defeat anyone in a debate, much less Joe Biden. Of course this is the same voter ignorance that put Trump in the White House to begin with.
Agreed. It's a losing proposition for Trump. When he embarrasses Biden in a debate, it'll become an accusation of elder abuse and Trump will get ripped for picking on someone with dementia. Biden could actually be thinking next level (well, Biden's campaign team since Joe himself probably doesn't do much thinking at all anymore unfortunately) if he opts to not duck the debates.
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I have to laugh at everyone who actually thinks Donald Trump has the intellect to defeat anyone in a debate, much less Joe Biden. Of course this is the same voter ignorance that put Trump in the White House to begin with.
Your problem is you think you need intellect to win these debates. A debate is all about showmanship. Biden is known as an average debater, at best. Trump knows how to put on a show. That's all anyone will remember.
Biden just has to stand there, stick to a few brief talking points then let Trump self-buffoon. There was much more pressure to talk or show-up during the primary.

You're going to hear Biden often say "you're lying, go to the factchecker".

Axios interview and many other interviews show how easy it is to let Trump walk himself into a corner.
Right, Biden's best move is to ignore Trump and take away Trump's ability to make it all about Trump.
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Your problem is you think you need intellect to win these debates. A debate is all about showmanship. Biden is known as an average debater, at best. Trump knows how to put on a show. That's all anyone will remember.

Biden struggling to put 5 words together and not knowing even the state he is in will be a huge advantage for Trump. Hard to debate when you studder through even a simple Q & A if he can't read it!

I have noticed Biden does pretty good reading a speech while sounding confused off the cuff. Trump on the other hand sounds robotic while reading, but flows very well if off the cuff even if what he says is stupid or you don't agree with it!
Your problem is you think you need intellect to win these debates. A debate is all about showmanship. Biden is known as an average debater, at best. Trump knows how to put on a show. That's all anyone will remember.
Once he's on the stage, the opponent is at a huge disadvantage. And, it's not about revealing who is better or worse, or more or less qualified. Trump is a better bullshitter. If you like being bullshitted, Trump is your guy!
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Biden must insist that debate rules be followed otherwise Trump will turn it into a shit show.
Nixon sweating, Reagan's line about his opponent being too young, Trump saying wrong into the microphone. Those moments are what people remember. Nobody remembers what was said about positions on Medicare or middle east policy.
Nixon sweating, Reagan's line about his opponent being too young, Trump saying wrong into the microphone. Those moments are what people remember. Nobody remembers what was said about positions on Medicare or middle east policy.
A debate is all about showmanship. Trump knows how to put on a show.
That is only true if you are one of the last remaining Trumpanzees. Even for the diehard members of his cult, I would say his "showmanship" is wearing pretty thin these days. Meanwhile, there are plenty of us who prefer intelligence over clownish behavior in our presidential debates.

Try again.
That is only true if you are one of the last remaining Trumpanzees. Even for the diehard members of his cult, I would say his "showmanship" is wearing pretty thin these days. Meanwhile, there are plenty of us who prefer intelligence over clownish behavior in our presidential debates.

Try again.
And, what you WOULD say would be totally false. I dunno what bubble you live in, but it's not reality. In the upstate of SC and east GA? The man reigns supreme.
That is only true if you are one of the last remaining Trumpanzees. Even for the diehard members of his cult, I would say his "showmanship" is wearing pretty thin these days. Meanwhile, there are plenty of us who prefer intelligence over clownish behavior in our presidential debates.

Try again.
Everyone here seems to agree with me, so maybe you should try again.
In the upstate of SC and east GA? The man reigns supreme.
Upstate South Carolina and eastern Georgia? You couldn't have chosen an area of the country more conservative. But that's cool, maybe I am giving them too much credit. After all, these are the same brainless idiots who listen to their Trump-Republican governors and refuse to wear face coverings or take other precautions in public.
Upstate South Carolina and eastern Georgia? You couldn't have chosen an area of the country more conservative. But that's cool, maybe I am giving them too much credit. After all, these are the same brainless idiots who listen to their Trump-Republican governors and refuse to wear face coverings or take other precautions in public.
I'm just telling you what my bubble looks like.

The Democrats had a golden opportunity to pummel this clown of a president. And, this bowl of shit they've pushed onto the table is about as bad as 2016, maybe worse. Harris has a horrible record as an AG. This woman blocked all kinds of DNA evidence and kept people in prison when they were innocent. And, it's public record! The Democrats seem to be content with tying their legs to their arms for a marathon run.
I'm just telling you what my bubble looks like.

The Democrats had a golden opportunity to pummel this clown of a president. And, this bowl of shit they've pushed onto the table is about as bad as 2016, maybe worse. Harris has a horrible record as an AG. This woman blocked all kinds of DNA evidence and kept people in prison when they were innocent. And, it's public record! The Democrats seem to be content with tying their legs to their arms for a marathon run.
She wasn't my first choice either, strum, but she will rip Mike Pence a new one come October 7. In the end, she will improve Biden's standing rather than detract from it.
Upstate South Carolina and eastern Georgia? You couldn't have chosen an area of the country more conservative. But that's cool, maybe I am giving them too much credit. After all, these are the same brainless idiots who listen to their Trump-Republican governors and refuse to wear face coverings or take other precautions in public.

Isn't Stacey Abrams governor of GA?