OOTB's Political Thread . ..

The Donald is no leader, he just tried to play one on TV.

I think he was afraid of how this might tarnish what he believed was a stunning presidential tenure. A virus won't believe his bullshit. "What to do? This could be bad!" So, instead of LEADING, and being honest with himself, first, and the nation, he decided to pretend it was no big deal. I'm sure he had people that were all-too-eager to help him justify that illusion. Of course, as divided as this country is... the man could have shit-out vaccines and people who oppose him would have bitched that the vaccine was the wrong color.

No matter what the damage ends up being, his cult following will always remain in their ranks. In a way, it's kinda cool to actually witness at least part of a civilized, developed nation, go full-blown cult on a leader. Making excuses, defending every mistake. In many cases, preferring the mistake!
no dumbass, the roads need to be healthy FOR the people. Do you practice being a dolt?
When I have free time, sure.

But, that's not the context here. That's not what this is about... at all. It helps having roads. It helps having paved roads. You are basically saying that roads are a priority over the actual health of the PEOPLE who are the source of this entire experience. Without HEALTHY PEOPLE, the roads are just scenery for the next dominant species.
It's like a giant ship on the ocean with all U.S. citizens as passengers. There are those things that must be attended to, in order to keep the ship afloat for all concerned as a group. If the ship goes down, we all go down kind of thing, so everybody participates in providing those essential things. Then there are those things that are individual matters that don't affect the group as a whole, and those things are left to the individual to indulge in as his ability to do so dictates. That would be healthcare and other commodities and services of choice.
Knowing what we know about cruise-ships and illness outbreaks, i'm not sure this is the best example to discuss tax-payer funded healthcare vs healthcare that only the wealthy can afford. What if there is a viral pandemic that turns someone into a zombie but the vaccines aren't affordable. You want to be on that boat?

More seriously, the boat captain get's paid well and can afford his fam's insurance, but what if one of the engine mechanic's fam gets sick, has trouble paying the bills, becomes destitute and commits suicide by blowing a hole in the hull?

One of the guys that operates the lifeboats and is supposed to wait around for women & children when the ship is sinking - what if he also is destitute due to health bills and is super unhappy?

In these cases "free" healthcare seems essential if you don't want to cling to driftwood. Or you could try to make it affordable rather than "free", but no good progress is occurring on this front.
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Knowing what we know about cruise-ships and illness outbreaks, i'm not sure this is the best example to discuss tax-payer funded healthcare vs healthcare that only the wealthy can afford. What if there is a viral pandemic that turns someone into a zombie but the vaccines aren't affordable. You want to be on that boat?

More seriously, the boat captain get's paid well and can afford his fam's insurance, but what if one of the engine mechanic's fam gets sick, has trouble paying the bills, becomes destitute and commits suicide by blowing a hole in the hull?

One of the guys that operates the lifeboats and is supposed to wait around for women & children when the ship is sinking - what if he also is destitute due to health bills and is super unhappy?

In these cases affordable healthcare seems essential if you don't want to cling to driftwood.
Everything needs everything else.
The Donald is no leader, he just tried to play one on TV.

I think he was afraid of how this might tarnish what he believed was a stunning presidential tenure. A virus won't believe his bullshit. "What to do? This could be bad!" So, instead of LEADING, and being honest with himself, first, and the nation, he decided to pretend it was no big deal. I'm sure he had people that were all-too-eager to help him justify that illusion. Of course, as divided as this country is... the man could have shit-out vaccines and people who oppose him would have bitched that the vaccine was the wrong color.

No matter what the damage ends up being, his cult following will always remain in their ranks. In a way, it's kinda cool to actually witness at least part of a civilized, developed nation, go full-blown cult on a leader. Making excuses, defending every mistake. In many cases, preferring the mistake!
isn't it you people stick by Trump in spite of your deep desire to be taken seriously in your inordinate Trump-hate? Maybe you should stop to consider that the problem might not be with the 'cult' which supports him, but rather with the anxious, overly-wrought haters whose irrational hate isn't getting the traction you think it should.

When I have free time, sure.

But, that's not the context here. That's not what this is about... at all. It helps having roads. It helps having paved roads. You are basically saying that roads are a priority over the actual health of the PEOPLE who are the source of this entire experience. Without HEALTHY PEOPLE, the roads are just scenery for the next dominant species.

well, you apparently have a lot of free time. Maybe you should use some of that free time to get a grip on reality. Or is everyone you know sick or otherwise unhealthy? Just to keep you up to snuff on the subject, most people around most of us aren't dying left and right, even in the middle of this pandemic.

So when you suggest that anyone believes that roads are a priority over the health of the people, rather than an aid to allowing them access to healthcare when they need it and food and work and all sorts of other necessities and beneficial things, you might actually be slipping into a pathologically unstable mindset.

Maybe get on the road and get some help.
One of the guys that operates the lifeboats and is supposed to wait around for women & children when the ship is sinking - what if he also is destitute due to health bills and is super unhappy?

More likely is that the people he's charged with saving have demanded that his pay be decreased and now he can't afford the health insurance that he had.
Is education a right? Fire dept services?
What types of things are "a right"? What type of commodity OR service is rightfully mine as a citizen?
Is a local police force a right? Or national defense, border walls, etc?

When the police come out at curfew-time and suppresses the angry protesters, does corner drugstore have to pay a co-pay because the police kept the drugstore from getting looted?
Pardon me if this has been mentioned, all those examples are basically government funded entities. When did uncle Sam start owning insurance companies?
Knowing what we know about cruise-ships and illness outbreaks, i'm not sure this is the best example to discuss tax-payer funded healthcare vs healthcare that only the wealthy can afford. What if there is a viral pandemic that turns someone into a zombie but the vaccines aren't affordable. You want to be on that boat?

More seriously, the boat captain get's paid well and can afford his fam's insurance, but what if one of the engine mechanic's fam gets sick, has trouble paying the bills, becomes destitute and commits suicide by blowing a hole in the hull?

One of the guys that operates the lifeboats and is supposed to wait around for women & children when the ship is sinking - what if he also is destitute due to health bills and is super unhappy?

In these cases "free" healthcare seems essential if you don't want to cling to driftwood. Or you could try to make it affordable rather than "free", but no good progress is occurring on this front.
LOL, this is incredibly lame; I'm not even sure you think this should be taken seriously. But if you do, I'll help you as much as I think you're capable of being helped. The 'giant ship' analogy isn't to suggest that there might actually be a country in the form of a boat that one could blow a hole in the hull of. The idea was to establish that there are things that need to be done on behalf of everyone as a whole, and things that are more properly and practically and reasonably left up to the individual to take care of individually.

If that's all you've got at this point, I declare myself the winner by virtue of you throwing in the towel.
Instead of worrying over insurance, how about government employee doctors. Obviously it works great at the VA.
If my daughter doesn't work, they qualify for medicad. Everything medical is free for her and the kids. She works, has to pay insurance, and is still broke. She gets all the reductions from insurance, but has to meet a large deductible for her plan. She has diabetes, so it can get expensive quick. Pre Obama care, she paid nothing. Affordable health insurance isn't the best thing since sliced bread. Try paying the maximum for a family of 3 and have to meet that deductible. I still had to out of pocket for CT scans and MRIs . I had sinus surgery a few months ago. It would have been cheaper to pay out of pocket for the surgery than pay the premium all year
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isn't it you people stick by Trump in spite of your deep desire to be taken seriously in your inordinate Trump-hate? Maybe you should stop to consider that the problem might not be with the 'cult' which supports him, but rather with the anxious, overly-wrought haters whose irrational hate isn't getting the traction you think it should.

well, you apparently have a lot of free time. Maybe you should use some of that free time to get a grip on reality. Or is everyone you know sick or otherwise unhealthy? Just to keep you up to snuff on the subject, most people around most of us aren't dying left and right, even in the middle of this pandemic.

So when you suggest that anyone believes that roads are a priority over the health of the people, rather than an aid to allowing them access to healthcare when they need it and food and work and all sorts of other necessities and beneficial things, you might actually be slipping into a pathologically unstable mindset.

Maybe get on the road and get some help.
Well... you're arguing that the roads (and their maintenance) are a priority over the health of the people. I'm just going by what you wrote. If that's not what you mean, then don't type-it-out.
isn't it you people stick by Trump in spite of your deep desire to be taken seriously in your inordinate Trump-hate? Maybe you should stop to consider that the problem might not be with the 'cult' which supports him, but rather with the anxious, overly-wrought haters whose irrational hate isn't getting the traction you think it should.
No... it's the cult. Of that, I am absolutely certain. Being in it, you're incapable of seeing it. That's how cults work. "We're not wrong. Everyone else is doing it wrong, not us."
No... it's the cult. Of that, I am absolutely certain. Being in it, you're incapable of seeing it. That's how cults work. "We're not wrong. Everyone else is doing it wrong, not us."
actually, you just described one who hates so deeply that he has become completely irrational. You just described you. I really wish I knew how to pull you out of your psychosis, but I'm not a shrink. Good luck with the madness is all I can say to you at this point
Well... you're arguing that the roads (and their maintenance) are a priority over the health of the people. I'm just going by what you wrote. If that's not what you mean, then don't type-it-out.
I'm not arguing or even implying any such thing, and if you are stuck on believing this, consider that this might be akin to your being stuck on irrationally hating Donald Trump. Take the hint and run with it, or better yet drive to the nearest therapist.
Did they say he did’nt say it or they didn’t hear him say it? Big difference. I can’t see how anyone that wasn’t with him 24/7 could say for certain that he didn’t say it.
I say you no longer own a general store, you lost it in a bet. On here I'm anonymous, see how this works? It's hard for me to believe how you folks with such terrible TDS believe things when people won't go on the record. You think the "sources" were with him 24/7?
LOL, this is incredibly lame; I'm not even sure you think this should be taken seriously. But if you do, I'll help you as much as I think you're capable of being helped. The 'giant ship' analogy isn't to suggest that there might actually be a country in the form of a boat that one could blow a hole in the hull of. The idea was to establish that there are things that need to be done on behalf of everyone as a whole, and things that are more properly and practically and reasonably left up to the individual to take care of individually.

If that's all you've got at this point, I declare myself the winner by virtue of you throwing in the towel.
Your analogy was lame, you chose the boat, not me.

"The idea was to establish that there are things that need to be done on behalf of everyone as a whole"

It's probably a giant mental leap for you, but the "blow a whole in the hull" analogy is the idea that even "small" people play important roles in the overall functioning of a society.

If you want a nation "as a whole" to prosper long-term it is a good idea to have citizens that can afford decent healthcare without going broken.
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Why aren't military folks jumping up to support Trump on this "loser" stuff? - Cuz everyone knows it's true:
Maybe it’s you that’s in the Trump hating cult and you’re the one that can’t see it.

Yep. That’s it. I am absolutely certain.
I don't hate Trump. I just see him for what he is- a con artist. I don't make excuses for his mistakes, despite the objective reality of their existence.
Why aren't military folks jumping up to support Trump on this "loser" stuff? - Cuz everyone knows it's true:

That's because Trump is trying to kill the military by exposing them to the Rona. 6k dead already according to our next president.
Pardon me if this has been mentioned, all those examples are basically government funded entities. When did uncle Sam start owning insurance companies?
1. Medicare/Medicaid are basically an insurance company that uncle Sam funds, right?
2. If healthcare is free (tax funded) or affordable in the future then you're probably talking about a future where the insurance companies don't exist in the same way they do now.
something i thought about today that i needed to know the answer to immediately, the top 20 scotus replacements.

anyone know?
His irrational hatred kind of seems cult-like, wouldn’t you say?
definitely has that irrational-hatred cult kind of feel to it. Strum and blazers are hate-cultists also. I heard they eat razor blades and drown baby ducks to keep their hate focused irrationally.
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You want to lose your general store? If so, I'll bet you that after Trump wins and we start digging into the demographics, that Trump will have gotten the overwhelming majority of votes from active military and veterans. You in?

That's what idiot Trump haters don't get. Trump supporters are, by and large, happy to let you leftist idiots run your mouths while the majority of us just wait to have our voices heard at the polls. But you know as well as I, that your type doesn't bother to vote because y'all can't virtue signal behind the curtain.
Compared to the last election, or Bush or ANY other recent repub election, Trump is getting fewer of the active duty and vets. But don't blame those losers and suckers on election day.
1. Medicare/Medicaid are basically an insurance company that uncle Sam funds, right?
2. If healthcare is free (tax funded) or affordable in the future then you're probably talking about a future where the insurance companies don't exist in the same way they do now.
Who is this Uncle Sam that you speak of? Where does he get all his money?
I'm not arguing or even implying any such thing, and if you are stuck on believing this, consider that this might be akin to your being stuck on irrationally hating Donald Trump. Take the hint and run with it, or better yet drive to the nearest therapist.
Healthcare is not a "right." I agree with you there. There are no such thing as "rights", anyway.

However, we can, and should, make healthcare a priority and make it available just like Canada, and European countries. It would help a great deal.
definitely has that irrational-hatred cult kind of feel to it. Strum and blazers are hate-cultists also. I heard they eat razor blades and drown baby ducks to keep their hate focused irrationally.

Baby ducks are great to have around-ducklings help to get the little kids to come close so our next president can feel them up (the kids not the ducks. Although he will feel up a duck too if he wants to when he's the cotdang President of the US of A)
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Healthcare is not a "right." I agree with you there. There is no such thing as "rights", anyway.

However, we can, and should, make healthcare a priority and make it available just like Canada, and European countries. It would help a great deal.

Yep. Next time all those canadians come down to use our healthcare, we should run up there and take all their healthcare.

Problem solved.
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Well, do it before you're sick. Because from what I understand, you'd be dead before you got an appointment in Canada.

That only applies to the little people. They will put me and my homies at the front of the line. If not Corn Pop will bust a cap up in dat ass