OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So what’s going on in here today?
A few hrs ago nobody was defending accusations that Trump says horrible things about military members, and still aren't. But that's old news. The new news is stuff from the Woodward book, like him admitting that coronavirus was 5x more deadly than the flu.

ETA to add. Woodward book is old news. Now the news is the DHS whistleblower stuff where Barr and others asked DHS people to adjust their reports:
to "modify" a threat assessment, particularly "the section on White Supremacy" to make "the threat appear less severe," and "include information on the prominence of violent 'left-wing' groups."
A few hrs ago nobody was defending accusations that Trump says horrible things about military members, and still aren't. But that's old news. The new news is stuff from the Woodward book, like him admitting that coronavirus was 5x more deadly than the flu.

ETA to add. Woodward book is old news. Now the news is the DHS whistleblower stuff where Barr and others asked DHS people to adjust their reports:
to "modify" a threat assessment, particularly "the section on White Supremacy" to make "the threat appear less severe," and "include information on the prominence of violent 'left-wing' groups."

Theres fine people on both sides
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^oh, and it's okay for taxes to pay for the fire dept, cops, education, road, but the idea of having healthy people in this country who can use the nice roads, helpful cops and be educated is bad for merica.
^oh, and it's okay for taxes to pay for the fire dept, cops, education, road, but the idea of having healthy people in this country who can use the nice roads, helpful cops and be educated is bad for merica.
Healthy people are a product of healthy lifestyles. You want to legislate that too? We could start with drug and alcohol tests for those on public assistance. Next maybe limit EBT cards to healthy foods.
Your analogy was lame, you chose the boat, not me.

"The idea was to establish that there are things that need to be done on behalf of everyone as a whole"

It's probably a giant mental leap for you, but the "blow a whole in the hull" analogy is the idea that even "small" people play important roles in the overall functioning of a society.

If you want a nation "as a whole" to prosper long-term it is a good idea to have citizens that can afford decent healthcare without going broken.
I know what you were trying to say, dummy. I in turn tried to explain to you that, unlike your understanding of the analogy, a deranged and resentful individual here and there isn't going to sink the country by blowing a hole in it. You have limitations, my friend. Try to understand them so you can do better.

And in case you haven't noticed, I HAVE a nation that has prospered by not providing everything to everybody all the time. I HAVE a nation that became great without making healthcare equally available financially to all. With the grace of God and Donald Trump (or whoever can keep the socialist tide at bay), I might still have it for a few more years.

So please tell me how this country became what it has become without providing 'free' healthcare to all. According to you, that apparently just wasn't possible. Yet it happened, so how does that indicate that somehow a change is necessary to sustain the success?
I know what you were trying to say, dummy. I in turn tried to explain to you that, unlike your understanding of the analogy, a deranged and resentful individual here and there isn't going to sink the country by blowing a hole in it. You have limitations, my friend. Try to understand them so you can do better.

And in case you haven't noticed, I HAVE a nation that has prospered by not providing everything to everybody all the time. I HAVE a nation that became great without making healthcare equally available financially to all. With the grace of God and Donald Trump (or whoever can keep the socialist tide at bay), I might still have it for a few more years.

So please tell me how this country became what it has become without providing 'free' healthcare to all. According to you, that apparently just wasn't possible. Yet it happened, so how does that indicate that somehow a change is necessary to sustain the success?
In worldwide comparison our nation's healthcare metrics are getting worse and worse. We're paying more money for worse healthcare outcomes. Our healthcare system is broken. You don't agree?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but it's broke.
In worldwide comparison our nation's healthcare metrics are getting worse and worse. We're paying more money for worse healthcare outcomes. Our healthcare system is broken. You don't agree?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but it's broke.
You're a communist/Marxist/Socialist bad guy person.
How about a show-of-hands for the Qanon devotees. You gotta be a certain level of cult status to get that prestigious association.
The last Mayor, the deadbeat that he is, promised the hookers and blow and failed to deliver. All we got from him was some feminine talk and him quitting on the job because his poor little feelings got hurt. F*ck that guy. But I bring that up to say that our new Mayor - a Mayor of the people - @bluetoe , promised no such thing. He simply promised to take out the agitators. He's working on it but give him time.
LOL. If nominated I will not run, and if elected I will not serve. But I'll tell you where to send the checks. And the hookers and the blow leftover from the last mayoralty.
In worldwide comparison our nation's healthcare metrics are getting worse and worse. We're paying more money for worse healthcare outcomes. Our healthcare system is broken. You don't agree?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but it's broke.
we're paying more money principally for one major and demand. We are spending money on healthcare for things that were previously ignored or that there were fewer solutions to. That we spend so much on healthcare is the greatest sign of our success that I can think of. If it ain't broke don't fix it by breaking it is right.
we're paying more money principally for one major and demand. We are spending money on healthcare for things that were previously ignored or that there were fewer solutions to. That we spend so much on healthcare is the greatest sign of our success that I can think of. If it ain't broke don't fix it by breaking it is right.
Holy shit, lemme put it another way - other countries achieve better health outcomes for less money.
Holy shit, lemme put it another way - other countries achieve better health outcomes for less money.
that might in some ways be true, but that also might be at least in part because our system is relatively unrestricted.
I say you no longer own a general store, you lost it in a bet. On here I'm anonymous, see how this works? It's hard for me to believe how you folks with such terrible TDS believe things when people won't go on the record. You think the "sources" were with him 24/7?
They didn’t have to be with him 24/7 to hear him say it
They would have to be to say that he never said it. God, you people....
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we're paying more money principally for one major and demand. We are spending money on healthcare for things that were previously ignored or that there were fewer solutions to. That we spend so much on healthcare is the greatest sign of our success that I can think of.
This is jibber-jabber and you haven't even hit the bourbon yet.

- supply and demand is the reason we're spending so much? 'Splain that? Are you saying the demand for healthcare is high, but we are in low supply of healthcare? Do other countries just have less demand and more supply then?
- And do other countries not have newer/more healthcare solutions or are other countries still ignoring things?
- Spending "so much" is a sign of success? Only if you are getting massive returns, which we aren't. What school of business did you go to?

I think you have zero clue why healthcare is so expensive in the US.

that might in some ways be true, but that also might be at least in part because our system is relatively unrestricted.
Huh? What does "relatively unrestricted" have to do with the fact that you can get better overall healthcare outcomes via less spending in other countries?
we're paying more money principally for one major and demand. We are spending money on healthcare for things that were previously ignored or that there were fewer solutions to. That we spend so much on healthcare is the greatest sign of our success that I can think of. If it ain't broke don't fix it by breaking it is right.
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we're paying more money principally for one major and demand. We are spending money on healthcare for things that were previously ignored or that there were fewer solutions to. That we spend so much on healthcare is the greatest sign of our success that I can think of. If it ain't broke don't fix it by breaking it is right.
I think this one fails worse than your cruise ship analogy.
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So we're invoking Manson when talking about Trump now? I guess that's slightly better than your comparison to Hitler.
What's wrong with comparing individuals, especially in circumstances like this, to Hitler and Manson. They're ideal comparisons. Hell, that is one thing their presence in history actually serves to HELP. You could argue that their whole existence was to set a precedent to make sure people never mimic again. Neither cult started out with murder and genocide.