OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I didn't hear anyone say that you fellated them, but given the pinko tendencies you exhibit here, I know of no one who could credibly deny that you did.

If sleazy libs like you couldn't resort to character assassination by innuendo and insinuation, you'd have nothing at all to say. Turns my stomach.
character assassination? What character (if any) Trump had was long gone before he became POTUS. Hell even Fox News had to admit the pos said it.
I worked in a telemarketing office in Tampa during the 90s. When we would get irrate people who cussed us for calling, we would conference call them with others and listen to them cuss each other
sheer brilliance
character assassination? What character (if any) Trump had was long gone before he became POTUS. Hell even Fox News had to admit the pos said it.
did Fox News mention his nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize, based on something he actually accomplished toward fostering peace in the most difficult and contentious circumstance in modern history, and not on his uh, tan? We need that POS for four more years, don't you agree?

And is this the Fox News that you lefties always squeal about as being thoroughly pro-right in their reporting? Hmmm, Sum-Ting-Wong.
There's no such thing as free healthcare.

ETA: it's already available to anyone though.
Most roads are free, elementary thru HS are free, tons of things that our governments pay for are free - all covered by taxes.
How is free healthcare available to me, and can I get reimbursed for the ER fees I had to pay recently since they weren't free (and since my insurance didn't cover much)?
Most roads are free, elementary thru HS are free, tons of things that our governments pay for are free - all covered by taxes.
How is free healthcare available to me, and can I get reimbursed for the ER fees I had to pay recently since they weren't free (and since my insurance didn't cover much)?
If you pay taxes for it, then it isn't free. If you want "free" healthcare, then you're going to be paying significantly more in taxes.
If you pay taxes for it, then it isn't free. If you want "free" healthcare, then you're going to be paying significantly more in taxes.
Sorry I wasn't explicit. Nothing is truly free anymore. Clear air is barely free.
So should healthcare be free in the same way that public education and most roads are free?
Funny how no one is mentioning all the folks ON THE RECORD saying Trump never said what the anonymous sources claimed he said about the soldiers.
So should healthcare be free in the same way that public education and most roads are free?

Sure, as long as "in the saw way that public education and most roads are free" means that if you don't have money and live in a shitty area, you go to a shitty school system and have pot-hole ridden roads that don't get fixed for years. Then everyone that does have money can get good healthcare, a good school system, and roads fixed when needed.
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Sure, as long as "in the saw way that public education and most roads are free" means that if you don't have money and live in a shitty area, you go to a shitty school system and have pot-hole ridden roads that don't get fixed for years. Then everyone that does have money can get good healthcare, a good school system, and roads fixed when needed.
Makes sense, I think we agree on this. If your government can't afford a nice fire department, then the "free" fire department might only be so-so. But at least I won't get charged if my neighbor's house-fire creeps onto my property.
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Should healthcare be free? Or should it only be available to people who can afford it?

the notion that healthcare is a right is probably at the top of the very large scrapheap of liberal notions that make no sense. Healthcare is a commodity and a service, created and provided by other humans. It didn't even exist in anything like its present state until relatively recently...and now it's a right? GTFO. If I'm going to provide the less wealthy with equal availability of a right, I'm going to fix the justice system and give everybnody the same shot at justice, as much as is possible.
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Who are these people?
Former National Security Official Michael Anton and John Bolton for starters. And notice they are named, not anonymous.

Real clear politics
the notion that healthcare is a right is probably at the top of the very large scrapheap of liberal notions that make no sense. Healthcare is a commodity and a service, created and provided by other humans. It didn't even exist in anything like its present state until relatively recently...and now it's a right? GTFO. If I'm going to provide the less wealthy with equal availability of a right, I'm going to fix the justice system and give everybnody the same shot at justice, as much as is possible.
Is education a right? Fire dept services?
What types of things are "a right"? What type of commodity OR service is rightfully mine as a citizen?
Is a local police force a right? Or national defense, border walls, etc?

When the police come out at curfew-time and suppresses the angry protesters, does corner drugstore have to pay a co-pay because the police kept the drugstore from getting looted?
Most roads are free, elementary thru HS are free, tons of things that our governments pay for are free - all covered by taxes.
How is free healthcare available to me, and can I get reimbursed for the ER fees I had to pay recently since they weren't free (and since my insurance didn't cover much)?
why should healthcare be free? Education is necessary for the competitive health of the nation as a whole, as is infrastructure and defense, etc. Healthcare is an individual concern, and mine isn't your business and yours isn't mine.

It's like a giant ship on the ocean with all U.S. citizens as passengers. There are those things that must be attended to, in order to keep the ship afloat for all concerned as a group. If the ship goes down, we all go down kind of thing, so everybody participates in providing those essential things. Then there are those things that are individual matters that don't affect the group as a whole, and those things are left to the individual to indulge in as his ability to do so dictates. That would be healthcare and other commodities and services of choice.

We really need the roads for the wealth and health of the country, but it isn't practical for each individual to take on his share of whatever roadbuilding is available, for example, except by paying taxes to have it done through government for the benefit of all.

Then there's justice, a true right that every citizen should expect to have available to him all the time, whether it's needed or not. Everybody participates whether the system is called on or not, because it's always available (such as it is) for everyone.

But healthcare is like cigars; some can afford Cohibas, and some can't afford cigars at all. Others like prlyles are happy to smoke an occasional White Owl, if you know what I mean.
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why should healthcare be free? Education is necessary for the competitive health of the nation as a whole, as is infrastructure and defense, etc. Healthcare is an individual concern, and mine isn't your business and yours isn't mine.

It's like a giant ship on the ocean with all U.S. citizens as passengers. There are those things that must be attended to, in order to keep the ship afloat for all concerned as a group. If the ship goes down, we all go down kind of thing, so everybody participates in providing those essential things. Then there are those things that are individual matters that don't affect the group as a whole, and those things are left to the individual to indulge in as his ability to do so dictates. That would be healthcare and other commodities and services of choice.

We really need the roads for the wealth and health of the country, but it isn't practical for each individual to take on his share of whatever roadbuilding is available, for example, except by paying taxes to have it done through government for the benefit of all.

Then there's justice, a true right that every citizen should expect to have available to him all the time, whether it's needed or not. Everybody participates whether the system is called on or not, because it's always available (such as it is) for everyone.

But healthcare is like cigars; some can afford Cohibas, and some can't afford cigars at all. Others like prlyles are happy to smoke an occasional White Owl, if you know what I mean.
Soooo... the ROADS need to be healthy, but fvck the people?