OOTB's Political Thread . ..

"he's not taking that lady's temperature...that little girl is raising her hand to go back to school...her brother and sister behind her are ready for college...panic, there's no reason to panic"

All gas, no substance, just as I said.
Then there are those things that are individual matters that don't affect the group as a whole, and those things are left to the individual to indulge in as his ability to do so dictates. That would be healthcare....
If an uninsured patient presents to the emergency room, who pays for his care?
"Then there are those things that are individual matters that don't affect the group as a whole, and those things are left to the individual to indulge in as his ability to do so dictates. That would be healthcare.... "

If an uninsured patient presents to the emergency room, who pays for his care?
what did Seema Verma say?
Lol uhhh yea you just might wanna google Selma Verma and then find out what raising heel does for a living before you engage him in a test of wits over healthcare. J/s
well so far, I know that Seema Verma is who gave a webinar that Raising Heel attended. I know all that because Raising Heel informed us of that in his last highly substantive post. The man is a virtual fountain of substance.
Lol uhhh yea you just might wanna google Selma Verma and then find out what raising heel does for a living before you engage him in a test of wits over healthcare. J/s
I googled Selma Verma. She's a housewife from Bent Weasel, Idaho. She wrote a locally famous recipe book of 800 ways to bake a potato. That webinar must have been fascinating.

Or did you mean Seema Verma?
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Can I play? The patient if they are able or tax payers?
You can play but you would be wrong. If the patient does’t pay , whether they can afford it or not, the cost is passed on to the people who do pay, making the cost of healthcare to go up.
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You can play but you would be wrong. If the patient does’t pay , whether they can afford it or not, the cost is passed on to the people who do pay, making the cost of healthcare to go up.
I didn't ask you, but since you piped up, that's lazy thinking and doesn't go on as much as you think. Most hospitals get tax money set aside for charitable care.
I didn't ask you, but since you piped up, that's lazy thinking and doesn't go on as much as you think. Most hospitals get tax money set aside for charitable care.
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to butt in, I thought you were asking a general question for the forum
You can play but you would be wrong. If the patient does’t pay , whether they can afford it or not, the cost is passed on to the people who do pay, making the cost of healthcare to go up.
no, that isn't right. The government pays, not us, according to your average liberal.

In actuality, the government does do some of what amounts to reimbursing, depending on the hospital and the circumstances...Selma Velma could tell you...and of course I know we are who takes it up the tailpipe in the long run.
I stand by my information.
It's not totally wrong. Some of that cost will be passed on to insured payers as the tax payments aren't always enough to cover the shortfall. You saying I'm wrong that tax payers won't pay for it is what makes your claim misinformation.
It's not totally wrong. Some of that cost will be passed on to insured payers as the tax payments aren't always enough to cover the shortfall. You saying I'm wrong that tax payers won't pay for it is what makes your claim misinformation.
The point is that the cost of people who don’t pay their hospital bill is passed on to the consumer. These people who don’t pay their bills are the very ones who oppose healthcare for all because they would have to pay for healthcare through taxes.
The point is that the cost of people who don’t pay their hospital bill is passed on to the consumer. These people who don’t pay their bills are the very ones who oppose healthcare for all because they would have to pay for healthcare through taxes.
A good portion of the people who don't pay their hospital bill don't pay income taxes either...
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what did Seema Verma say?
We discussed making permanent the COVID-19 telehealth waiver for physician visits, reducing regulatory burdens like pay-for-reporting measures, and CMMI's continued work on Alternative Payment Models as mandated by the ACA (Obamacare, oh noes!). It was an open, good-faith discussion among people who are experts in their field. Basically the opposite of OOTB. Also, she read your poast and said you're a cotton headed ninny muggins.
The point is that the cost of people who don’t pay their hospital bill is passed on to the consumer.

I literally made that point in my first poast.

These people who don’t pay their bills are the very ones who oppose healthcare for all because they would have to pay for healthcare through taxes.
You realize poor people who don't pay taxes are quite a few of these people you describe?
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well so far, I know that Seema Verma is who gave a webinar that Raising Heel attended. I know all that because Raising Heel informed us of that in his last highly substantive post. The man is a virtual fountain of substance.
You're relatively new here so I'll give you a mulligan. Most of the regulars know that if you'd like to have an earnest discussion about the U.S. healthcare system, I'm usually happy to oblige. You can see examples here and here and here. But if you're going to act like a pompous know-it-all who actually doesn't know jack squat, I'm not going to waste my time. Your call.
If the patient does’t pay , whether they can afford it or not, the cost is passed on to the people who do pay, making the cost of healthcare to go up.
This is essentially correct.
I didn't ask you, but since you piped up, that's lazy thinking and doesn't go on as much as you think. Most hospitals get tax money set aside for charitable care.
This is incorrect.
no, that isn't right. The government pays, not us, according to your average liberal.

In actuality, the government does do some of what amounts to reimbursing, depending on the hospital and the circumstances...Selma Velma could tell you...and of course I know we are who takes it up the tailpipe in the long run.
This is also incorrect.
We discussed making permanent the COVID-19 telehealth waiver for physician visits, reducing regulatory burdens like pay-for-reporting measures, and CMMI's continued work on Alternative Payment Models as mandated by the ACA (Obamacare, oh noes!). It was an open, good-faith discussion among people who are experts in their field. Basically the opposite of OOTB. Also, she read your poast and said you're a cotton headed ninny muggins.
but she can't demonstrate that anything I said was wrong, or that I don't know 'how healthcare works' (that still cracks me up), so you are the ninny muggins.

How did she like my ship analogy? Don't lie, I know she dug it and she'll probably borrow it. Tell her I said she can help herself.
I literally made that point in my first poast.

You realize poor people who don't pay taxes are quite a few of these people you describe?
What has that got to do with how the cost is passed on to the consumer? It makes no difference if the people who don’t pay their bill are poor or not, it makes no difference if these people are taxpayers or not. The cost is still passes on.
You're relatively new here so I'll give you a mulligan. Most of the regulars know that if you'd like to have an earnest discussion about the U.S. healthcare system, I'm usually happy to oblige. You can see examples here and here and here. But if you're going to act like a pompous know-it-all who actually doesn't know jack squat, I'm not going to waste my time. Your call.
just because you're up to your eyeballs in bureaucratic bullshit doesn't mean I know nothing about 'how healthcare works', you pompous gonad. Stick the mulligan up your ass. And I have been speaking hypothetically about how it should be, and not how it actually is. Anyone with an ounce of comprehension not trying to be the board superprick would have recognized that.

When you decide to not come on like a complete jerkoff, I'll give YOU a mulligan, you arrogant asshole.
What has that got to do with how the cost is passed on to the consumer? It makes no difference if the people who don’t pay their bill are poor or not, it makes no difference if these people are taxpayers or not. The cost is still passes on.
You're confused. I told you how it was passed on already. I've even provided a link. You said it's the folks who don't pay who don't want healthcare for all. That's incorrect.
"Hospitals also receive federal funding to offset some of the costs of treating the poor."

I'll give you partial credit. They're referring to Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH, pronounced "dish") payments, which are for hospitals that serve a disproportionate number of Medicaid beneficiaries and uninsured patients.

The point remains that our fates as consumers of healthcare are inextricable. Whether through premiums or taxes, we end up paying (much higher) rates because so many people in this country lack health insurance.

Ask yourself this simple question: would you rather incur medical expenses of a $100 office visit and $5 generic blood thinner, or a $50,000 ambulance transport, ER visit, and inpatient stay because somebody couldn't get preventative care and had a heart attack?
If an uninsured patient presents to the emergency room, who pays for his care?
Should be the doctor that treats the person
You were absolutely wrong. "Individual matters...don't affect the group as a whole" is complete bullocks in healthcare finance.
Well that’s fukked up! And here I am thinking for the last 10 years that my healthcare was between me and my provider. Turns out I was covering blm, antifa, illegals, homeless, the pregnant 15 year old down the street, and gang war casualties. What a letdown!

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