OOTB's Political Thread . ..

one can never tell if a poster is being disingenuous, mistaken, or just plain stupid. But almost always, they fall back on the oldest trick in the argument handbook, and that is to argue a point that was never being made.

I have to assume your obnoxiously misplaced sarcasm is based on this...

"Then there are those things that are individual matters that don't affect the group as a whole, and those things are left to the individual to indulge in as his ability to do so dictates. That would be healthcare...."

"I don't understand how healthcare works!"

If you had half a brain, you could see that I'm not talking about being in a healthcare system, but rather one's own personal healthcare outlook. And if you read the entire post, you'd understand that I was pointing out that there are actions that must be taken to protect the entire population of the ship (like avoiding icebergs, which could cause the entire ship to sink), while other actions are left to the individual since what happens to an individual doesn't affect the entire ship.

So you decide that I must be talking about being in or out of a system, because that gives you an argument. Weak sauce. All I'm saying is that if Billy Bob takes a header from the observation deck to the main deck, the ship isn't going to sink. Therefor, there's no overriding reason to provide healthcare to Billy Bob and everyone else in case he decides to take that header. But as I clearly indicated, Billy Bob is certainly free to enter a risk pool if he so desires and has the money for the premium. Otherwise, good luck. If I'm in that same risk pool, I understand that the whole reason for being in the pool is to spread the risk so that the specter of shelling out $250,000 for a catastrophic medical episode is mitigated. I also understand that generally, the more people that are in the pool, the more my risk of financial catastrophe is lowered.

What I don't want, is to have people injected into the pool who aren't inputting the going premium, which causes my premium to go up. Furthermore, insurance is designed to be a reasonably priced hedge against financial disaster, and not a kiss every boo-boo deluxe safety net. That's why I opt for more out of pocket and higher deductibles. But obamacare wants every boo-boo kissed. Fvck obamacare.

And go fvck yourself, gasbag, you severely overate yourself..
This guy is totally killing it in the words per post competition.
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So true, healthcare costs shouldn't be related the employer I choose (IBM probably has a great plan, but being a self-employed doesn't).

This is a tangent but WTF is up with these Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and FSA plans which are tax-eligible? Health care is complicated enough, taxes are complicated enough, why add these things to the mix?
Not sure what your beef is with HSAs. I'm happy to have mine as a tax free way to pay for healthcare costs that are ever rising. Not that complicated at all.
Raising Heel isn't new
I didn’t quote RH... for someone who goes around insulting everyone’s intelligence, you aren’t very bright.
LOL, you didn't quote me either, genius. And I had to assume you couldn't have been talking about me because I've never told anyone here that I'm smarter than they are. In your case, you must have figured it out by yourself.
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LOL, you didn't quote me either, genius. And I had to assume you couldn't have been talking about me because I've never told anyone here that I'm smarter than they are. In your case, you must have figured it out by yourself.

Why would I need to quote you when talking about you to someone else? Lol you're a moron.
not compared to you, dummy. I'll never be the dumbest guy here as long as you're around. Please don't go anywhere.
You give yourself too much credit, you are the dumbest guy here. Don’t worry about him going anywhere, he’s been here a lot longer than you, Goober
You give yourself too much credit, you are the dumbest guy here. Don’t worry about him going anywhere, he’s been here a lot longer than you, Goober
coming from you, calling someone dumb is a compliment.
there is nothing I would consider too terrible to happen to these pieces of excrement, referring of course to the shooter and those who impeded the officers entry into the ER: and I might as well include the chanters because I hate them just as much. If they were publicly beaten to death, I'd cheer and hope that they weren't killed outright so that their death was slow and agonizing.

Good job, dems. Make sure you keep harping on white supremacists and Trump the imaginary racist, while remaining silent regarding your bottom-dwelling political progeny.
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and I might as well include the chanters because I hate them just as much. If they were publicly beaten to death, I'd cheer and hope that they weren't killed outright so that their death was slow and agonizing.

Imagine how shitty and stupid of a person that someone has to be to type something like that while simultaneously trying to claim the moral high ground.

Talk about a bottom dweller...
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2 LEOs were ambushed in Compton yesterday and then “peaceful protesters” blocked the entrance to the ER where they were rushed to.

This is the left. This is why Trump will win.
This is "the left?" This is why Trump will win? Will win what? Get reelected?

If Trump is reelected, this kind of thing will just continue, like it has been. And, probably be more and more frequent, maybe even more violent and drastic. It started under his wonderful leadership. He loves seeing the nation divided like this. It helps his personal ratings.

We have protests and counter-protests and upheaval all over the country. Is this representative of "So much winning?" What exactly is "the left", that it is responsible for these kinds of behaviors and attitudes? That's pretty simplistic.
If Trump is reelected, this kind of thing will just continue, like it has been. And, probably be more and more frequent, maybe even more violent and drastic. It started under his wonderful leadership.
Agreed. This country was a utopia ever since the Pilgrims were here. Everyone getting along, sharing in the wealth and happiness of the nation. Rainbows and lollipops for all. Then Trump comes along and the downfall of civilization starts.
This is "the left?" This is why Trump will win? Will win what? Get reelected?

If Trump is reelected, this kind of thing will just continue, like it has been. And, probably be more and more frequent, maybe even more violent and drastic. It started under his wonderful leadership. He loves seeing the nation divided like this. It helps his personal ratings.

We have protests and counter-protests and upheaval all over the country. Is this representative of "So much winning?" What exactly is "the left", that it is responsible for these kinds of behaviors and attitudes? That's pretty simplistic.
the left is the drummer that keeps up the steady drumbeat of racism and obstructionism and media negativity and bogus investigation and impeachment and rioting and destruction and all kinds of other backward crap. But of course it's Trump's fault.

Trump manages to bring Middle East opponents together in a way that hasn't been achieved before, causing him to be nominated for the Nobel Prize, and Nancy Pelosi says all he did was create a distraction from his handling of Covid. What exactly is 'the left'? THAT exactly is 'the left'.

I'll stand by and wait for 'Huh? What? What are you talking about?'
Agreed. This country was a utopia ever since the Pilgrims were here. Everyone getting along, sharing in the wealth and happiness of the nation. Rainbows and lollipops for all. Then Trump comes along and the downfall of civilization starts.
Thank you!
the left is the drummer that keeps up the steady drumbeat of racism and obstructionism and media negativity and bogus investigation and impeachment and rioting and destruction and all kinds of other backward crap. But of course it's Trump's fault.

Trump manages to bring Middle East opponents together in a way that hasn't been achieved before, causing him to be nominated for the Nobel Prize, and Nancy Pelosi says all he did was create a distraction from his handling of Covid. What exactly is 'the left'? THAT exactly is 'the left'.

I'll stand by and wait for 'Huh? What? What are you talking about?'
That was your best explanation of "the left?" I wasn't asking you, but I definitely appreciate your... effort. That doesn't really address what I asked.
Agreed. This country was a utopia ever since the Pilgrims were here. Everyone getting along, sharing in the wealth and happiness of the nation. Rainbows and lollipops for all. Then Trump comes along and the downfall of civilization starts.

No fallacy to see here.

That was your best explanation of "the left?" I wasn't asking you, but I definitely appreciate your... effort. That doesn't really address what I asked.
not my best in some other context, but entirely appropriate in this one. You asked "What exactly is "the left", that it is responsible for these kinds of behaviors and attitudes?". I answered that to the extent necessary to be appropriate, I believe.....since you already knew the answer.
Here is the left. Noone denouncing the mindless shooting of 2 LEOs for no reason. Noone denouncing protesters blocking a hospital entrance in an attempt to let them die. Just more redirection to its trumps fault. Had it been cops shooting someone and whites blocking a hospital entrance, shouting I hope they die, then LA would be smoldering embers today. The NBA would not play a game for the rest of the year, and we could print more cute slogans on their uniforms to continue the division. Broken country.
Here is the left. Noone denouncing the mindless shooting of 2 LEOs for no reason. Noone denouncing protesters blocking a hospital entrance in an attempt to let them die. Just more redirection to its trumps fault. Had it been cops shooting someone and whites blocking a hospital entrance, shouting I hope they die, then LA would be smoldering embers today. The NBA would not play a game for the rest of the year, and we could print more cute slogans on their uniforms to continue the division. Broken country.
I saw a tweet from Biden himself, condemning the murders (and murderers) of the police in their cars, offering prayers for the families and the recovery of the officers. He's not part of "the left", correct?
not my best in some other context, but entirely appropriate in this one. You asked "What exactly is "the left", that it is responsible for these kinds of behaviors and attitudes?". I answered that to the extent necessary to be appropriate, I believe.....since you already knew the answer.
Okay... I read that three times, and it still doesn't make any sense, other than the part where it seems like you were quoting me, my question.

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