OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I saw a tweet from Biden himself, condemning the murders (and murderers) of the police in their cars, offering prayers for the families and the recovery of the officers. He's not part of "the left", correct?
It would be insane for him not to. I'm sure he feels bad for the victims, but its obvious its not a hot enough topic to cash in votes. Still noone here left or the right denouncing this act of violence and hate.
Did you get banned with your old user name?

Did who get banned for what? I have no idea who that guy is.

I'm just lurking this thread waiting for you to tell me you are ready to bet a grand that Biden beats Trump. You are getting even odds- this should be easier for you than scrubbing the meat cooler after a power failure.
And I quote, Black activists protested that the action of a few hotheaded young men should not be used to stigmatize righteous protests. "Hey guys, 4 idiots standing outside a hospital while a couple of them yell "We hope they die" isn't a black lives matter protest. But if you want to blame an entire group for the actions of a few people, I have plenty of videos of unarmed black people being murdered by police," one activist tweeted.

See, this is why people get fed up with these movements. Another example of deflecting. Nothing to see here.
Leos as a who are blamed for a few hate crimes my cops, but when its the other way around, it doesn't count. There is a major issue in this country, its division.
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Okay... I read that three times, and it still doesn't make any sense, other than the part where it seems like you were quoting me, my question.
It seems like I was quoting you? You mean because of the quotation marks around the actual words of yours that I included? Good job, Sherlock, can't get much past you I guess.

I'm sure you're just fvcking with me, but I'll play. I think your question was rhetorical, because you know damn well what the answer is and who 'the left' is that is being referred to. Obviously, you're trying a weak-ass redirect to lay some more shit at Trump's feet that belongs elsewhere.
It seems like I was quoting you? You mean because of the quotation marks around the actual words of yours that I included? Good job, Sherlock, can't get much past you I guess.

I'm sure you're just fvcking with me, but I'll play. I think your question was rhetorical, because you know damn well what the answer is and who 'the left' is that is being referred to. Obviously, you're trying a weak-ass redirect to lay some more shit at Trump's feet that belongs elsewhere.
Don't be so sure. You're clearly unsure.
Biden and Trump have both denounced the shooting of the deputies, but Trump's was heartfelt and purposeful and in keeping with his continuing stance on the unwarranted hate and the violence it creates. Biden's was perfunctory and politically motivated.
It would be insane for him not to. I'm sure he feels bad for the victims, but its obvious its not a hot enough topic to cash in votes. Still noone here left or the right denouncing this act of violence and hate.
It was a cold-blooded act of violence, compounded by a terrible gesture of hoping for the death of the officers who were shot. It's not going to help the BLM movement gain much favor.
Did who get banned for what? I have no idea who that guy is.

I'm just lurking this thread waiting for you to tell me you are ready to bet a grand that Biden beats Trump. You are getting even odds- this should be easier for you than scrubbing the meat cooler after a power failure.
are you, or are you notUNC71-00
Well, now that he's been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, it can no longer be tolerated and has had calls to just do away with the whole thing.

TBH, it probably should have already been laughed into oblivion after obama got one for being black. But now The Atlantic, that rag that prlyles says is much venerated and honored and honorable, says they should do away with the whole shebang because Trump was nominated for......fostering peace, of all things. Twice.

But he tweets mean stuff and tells little lies.
I'm pretty sure you are @bluetoe and I know this because it says so just to the left of the message box.

Are you or are you not @bluetoe?
yes of course I am, but if there was a notbluetoe I could be that as well. I could be both. I could be and not to be at the same time.

But as it so happens, I am not notbluetoe because there is nonesuch.
Not according to those "on the left", he's not.
It's so arbitrary and indistinct, and yet people base their entire world view on it.

I see smartphone videos tweeted where people are doing all manner of hateful, violent acts, and I don't understand it. I can barely understand what they're even saying, much less the activity. I don't understand the motivation for it, nor the decision to act on it they way they do. Does having that opinion, or reaction, place me on some left/right spectrum for perpetuity? I don't see how.

And, I don't recall seeing this kind of social division, and mass public demonstration and violence, all over the country, since the Vietnam era, @tarheel0910 . Maybe being a toddler at the time has clouded my memory.
But he tweets mean stuff and tells little lies.
So, there are little lies and big lies. Is that like venial and mortal sins? Was lying about the severity of Covid-19 a little lie?

People get to make up the severity of things as they go so they can justify doing what they claim is "wrong", and not feel bad about it. Aren't we just the most clever and versatile species ever?
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Now, I watch this and think "Why is this evidence that 'the President has no moral compass?'" He decided to withdraw American troops from South Korea, Syria and Afghanistan and that makes him a monster? This is probably why I see Bill Kristol piling-on with his Trump-hating tweets right next to Democrats and other establishment Republicans who love to send US troops everywhere. This kind of action endears me to Donald Trump!
And I quote, Black activists protested that the action of a few hotheaded young men should not be used to stigmatize righteous protests. "Hey guys, 4 idiots standing outside a hospital while a couple of them yell "We hope they die" isn't a black lives matter protest. But if you want to blame an entire group for the actions of a few people, I have plenty of videos of unarmed black people being murdered by police," one activist tweeted.

See, this is why people get fed up with these movements. Another example of deflecting. Nothing to see here.
Leos as a who are blamed for a few hate crimes my cops, but when its the other way around, it doesn't count. There is a major issue in this country, its division.

“One activist tweeted”

And yet it was enough to get you riled up, and to make you form an opinion of a massive group of people.

I’m pretty sure right wingers didn’t want to all be painted with the same brush either after that psycho ran a girl down in his car at an alt-right protest.

You don’t like deflection? We’ve heard nothing but deflection anytime trump gets criticized. “But muh 401k is bigger...”

You’ve got right wingers on this board hoping that “chanters” die a slow painful death FFS. People need to get the hell off of social media and step out of their echo chambers for long enough to realize they’re being played. This polarization and radicalization is not getting us anywhere. If you’ve been convicted that “the left” is cool with killing cops then you are completely out of touch with reality. Same goes for people who think everyone on the right is a racist, sexist, etc. When it gets to the point that people start wanting to see their political opponents killed, we have reached a critical mass.
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Here is the left. Noone denouncing the mindless shooting of 2 LEOs for no reason. Noone denouncing protesters blocking a hospital entrance in an attempt to let them die. Just more redirection to its trumps fault.
Gov Newsome denounced it, Biden denounced it, and I think the Mayor who is also democrat denounced it. The dem senators from Cali denounced it.
Seems like the whole chain is denouncing the shootings.

As for denouncing the blocking - was there really blocking? Someone said that "protestors" tried to get into the hosp, two were arrested, but one of the two was a press-badge-wearing journalist.

Is there any evidence of a blocking aside from that tweet?

The shooting has nothing to do with "the left" or BLM. No more than Timothy McVeigh was related to George Bush.
I see smartphone videos tweeted where people are doing all manner of hateful, violent acts, and I don't understand it. I can barely understand what they're even saying, much less the activity. I don't understand the motivation for it, nor the decision to act on it they way they do. Does having that opinion, or reaction, place me on some left/right spectrum for perpetuity? I don't see how.

And, I don't recall seeing this kind of social division, and mass public demonstration and violence, all over the country, since the Vietnam era, @tarheel0910 . Maybe being a toddler at the time has clouded my memory.
You're right. You never saw anything on cable news or social media back then.
So, there are little lies and big lies. Is that like venial and mortal sins? Was lying about the severity of Covid-19 a little lie?

People get to make up the severity of things as they go so they can justify doing what they claim is "wrong", and not feel bad about it. Aren't we just the most clever and versatile species ever?

Look at strum, he just discovered the concept of rationalization. Good for you, you crayon-eating window-licker.

I love how you have no idea that your unwitting smug ass just described yourself. People who rationalize magnifying the severity of things (that would be you) in order to further some agenda are just as bad as those who minimize them.

As for me, I was smart enough to get away from the venial/mortal church dogma before it warped my thinking as it has yours.
Look at strum, he just discovered the concept of rationalization. Good for you, you crayon-eating window-licker.

I love how you have no idea that your unwitting smug ass just described yourself. People who rationalize magnifying the severity of things (that would be you) in order to further some agenda are just as bad as those who minimize them.

As for me, I was smart enough to get away from the venial/mortal church dogma before it warped my thinking as it has yours.
That's MISTER Crayon-Eating Window-licker, bud.

The rest was more gibberish-y than usual, by the way.
You're right. You never saw anything on cable news or social media back then.
But, the demonstrations were captured for posterity. What we're seeing now, under Donald's tenure, is pretty bad. He blamed Obama for everything that happened under his watch... so, the same holds true for Trump. Maybe it was just time for it to come to a head.
“One activist tweeted”

And yet it was enough to get you riled up, and to make you form an opinion of a massive group of people.

I’m pretty sure right wingers didn’t want to all be painted with the same brush either after that psycho ran a girl down in his car at an alt-right protest.

You don’t like deflection? We’ve heard nothing but deflection anytime trump gets criticized. “But muh 401k is bigger...”

You’ve got right wingers on this board hoping that “chanters” die a slow painful death FFS. People need to get the hell off of social media and step out of their echo chambers for long enough to realize they’re being played. This polarization and radicalization is not getting us anywhere. If you’ve been convicted that “the left” is cool with killing cops then you are completely out of touch with reality. Same goes for people who think everyone on the right is a racist, sexist, etc. When it gets to the point that people start wanting to see their political opponents killed, we have reached a critical mass.
you're an idiot. When people block the way to the ER when someone is critically injured, you can't pass that off as some political shenanigan, moron. Doing this clearly could contribute to someone's death. I don't condemn them as leftists, but as murderous thugs. Did I mention that you're an idiot? And I'm supposed to have empathy for those chanting that they hoped the officers died? Let me're an idiot and I hope the chanters walk out in front of a speeding bus.

Those who perpetrated this vile action were unquestionably lefties. Gee, how could that contribute to polarization? But you can resolve things by sagely pointing out that this radicalization is getting us nowhere. You must have put many wakeless nights of thought into that one. I must have missed the part where you recommend to lefties to just not be a murderer. I did see where you admonished the right wing guy. Hmmmm.
“One activist tweeted”

And yet it was enough to get you riled up, and to make you form an opinion of a massive group of people.

I’m pretty sure right wingers didn’t want to all be painted with the same brush either after that psycho ran a girl down in his car at an alt-right protest.

You don’t like deflection? We’ve heard nothing but deflection anytime trump gets criticized. “But muh 401k is bigger...”

You’ve got right wingers on this board hoping that “chanters” die a slow painful death FFS. People need to get the hell off of social media and step out of their echo chambers for long enough to realize they’re being played. This polarization and radicalization is not getting us anywhere. If you’ve been convicted that “the left” is cool with killing cops then you are completely out of touch with reality. Same goes for people who think everyone on the right is a racist, sexist, etc. When it gets to the point that people start wanting to see their political opponents killed, we have reached a critical mass.
I cant speak for anyone who wants anyone to die. I can speak to the hypocrisy of the poast i gave and how they deflected back to, i can furnish video of cops killing blacks. I am quiet certain that cops can furnish video of blacks shooting cops as well. I would have more respect for the protest if morons didnt pull these stunts. Chanting they hope they die is lowest level scum.
I cant speak for anyone who wants anyone to die. I can speak to the hypocrisy of the poast i gave and how they deflected back to, i can furnish video of cops killing blacks. I am quiet certain that cops can furnish video of blacks shooting cops as well. I would have more respect for the protest if morons didnt pull these stunts. Chanting they hope they die is lowest level scum.

You’re in no way responsible for an idiot right winger on this board saying he wishes protesters would die a slow painful death. Just like I’m in no way shape or form responsible for idiots trying to block the entrance to hospital, or ambushing cops.

I would encourage you to step back and try to stop associating the entire protest and message with a few idiots. That association has been engineered into your brain by social media. It fuels outrage which fuels traffic. We’ve got to stop this.
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That's MISTER Crayon-Eating Window-licker, bud.

The rest was more gibberish-y than usual, by the way.
maybe get some third-grader to explain it to you on a level you can grasp. Meanwhile, I'll try to find a way to bridge the cognitive gap between us. Like I told you before, everything you say is gibberish to your dog. By the same token....
You’re in no way responsible for an idiot right winger on this board saying he wishes protesters would die a slow painful death. Just like I’m in no way shape or form responsible for idiots trying to block the entrance to hospital, or ambushing cops.

I would encourage you to step back and try to stop associating the entire protest and message with a few idiots. That association has been engineered into your brain by social media. It fuels outrage which fuels traffic. We’ve got to stop this.
we're just so glad YOU haven't been indoctrinated, LOL. 'Protesters' my ass.
At 1:10... "... most child molesters love'em!" This coming from a woman who is the bullseye for the Covid-19 virus! She's worried about child molesters! Ironical irony.

She probably got sucked up into that whole "q-anon" child trafficking conspiracy theory. Probably still thinks the democrats are selling children out of a pizza parlor and that Trump was sent by god to stop this evil ring of cannibalistic, child raping, deep state democrats.

She's smoking the good stuff.
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